13 research outputs found

    Psychological factors not strength deficits are associated with severity of gluteal tendinopathy: a cross-sectional study

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    Gluteal tendinopathy is the most common lower limb tendinopathy presenting to general practice. It has a high prevalence amongst middle-aged women and impacts on daily activities, work participation and quality of life. The aim was to compare physical and psychological characteristics between subgroups of severity of pain and disability.A multicentre cross-sectional cohort of 204 participants (mean age 55\ua0years, 82% female) who had a clinical diagnosis of gluteal tendinopathy with magnetic resonance imaging confirmation were assessed. A range of physical and psychosocial characteristics were recorded. Pain and disability were measured with the VISA-G questionnaire. A cluster analysis was used to identify mild, moderate and severe subgroups based on total VISA-G scores. Between-group differences were then evaluated with a MANCOVA, including sex and study site as covariates, followed by a Bonferroni post hoc test. Significance was set at 0.05.There were significantly higher pain catastrophizing and depression scores in the more severe subgroups. Lower pain self-efficacy scores were found in the severe group compared to the moderate and mild groups. Greater waist girth and body mass index (BMI), lower activity levels and poorer quality of life were reported in the severe group compared to the mild group. Hip abductor muscle strength and hip circumference did not differ between subgroups of severity.Individuals with severe gluteal tendinopathy present with psychological distress, poorer quality of life, greater BMI and waist girth. Given these features, the consideration of psychological factors in more severe patients may be important to optimize patient outcomes and reduce healthcare utilization.Patients with severe gluteal tendinopathy exhibit greater psychological distress, poorer quality of life and greater waist girth and BMI when compared to less severe cases. This implies that clinicians ought to consider psychological factors in the management of more severe gluteal tendinopathy

    Local hyperalgesia, normal endogenous modulation with pain report beyond its origin: a pilot study prompting further exploration into plantar fasciopathy

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    Background and aims Persistent tendinopathies were previously considered solely as peripheral conditions affecting the local tendinous tissue until quantitative sensory testing identified involvement of altered pain processing. In similar fashion, pain in patients with persistent plantar fasciopathy may also involve more than local tissue. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate potential differences in conditioned pain modulation and pressure and thermal pain thresholds, between individuals with PF and healthy pain-free controls, as a precursor to a larger-scale study. Methods We assessed 16 individuals with plantar fasciopathy and 11 pain-free controls. Plantar fasciopathy diagnosis was: palpation pain of the medial calcaneal tubercle or the proximal plantar fascia, duration ≥3 months, pain intensity ≥2/10, and ultrasound-measured plantar fascia thickness ≥4 mm. Quantitative sensory tests were performed locally at the plantar heel and remotely on the ipsilateral elbow. Assessments included pain thresholds for pressure, heat and cold, and conditioned pain modulation measured as change in local resting pressure pain threshold with cold water hand immersion. Participants rated pain intensity at pain threshold. Additionally, the area and distribution of plantar fasciopathy pain was drawn on a digital body chart of the lower limbs. Descriptive analyses were performed and between-group differences/effects expressed as standardised mean differences (d). Results There was no conditioned pain modulation difference between participants with plantar fasciopathy and controls (d = 0.1). Largest effects were on local pressure pain threshold and reported pain intensity on pressure pain threshold (d > 1.8) followed by pain intensity for heat and cold pain thresholds (d = 0.3-1.5). According to the digital body chart, pain area extended beyond the plantar heel. Conclusions The unlikelihood of a difference in conditioned pain modulation yet a pain area extending beyond the plantar heel provide a basis for exploring altered pain processing in a larger-scale study. Implications This was the first study to investigate the presence of altered pain processing in individuals with plantar fasciopathy using a conditioned pain modulation paradigm and thermal pain thresholds. We found no indication of an altered pain processing based on these measures, however, patients rated pain higher on thresholds compared to controls which may be important to clinical practice and warrants further exploration in the future

    Do Patient-Reported Upper-Body Symptoms Predict Breast Cancer-Related Lymphoedema: Results from a Population-Based, Longitudinal Breast Cancer Cohort Study

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    The objectives of this work were to (i) describe upper-body symptoms post-breast cancer; (ii) explore the relationship between symptoms and upper-body function, breast cancer-related lymphoedema (BCRL), physical activity levels, and quality of life; and (iii) determine whether the presence of upper-body symptoms predicts BCRL. Nine symptoms, upper-body function, lymphoedema, physical activity, and quality of life were assessed in women with invasive breast cancer at baseline (2- to 9-months post-diagnosis; n = 2442), and at 2- and 7-years post-diagnosis. Mann–Whitney tests, unpaired t-tests, and chi-squared analyses were used to assess cross-sectional relationships, while regression analyses were used to assess the predictive relationships between symptoms at baseline, and BCRL at 2- and 7-years post-diagnosis. Symptoms are common post-breast cancer and persist at 2- and 7-years post-diagnosis. Approximately two in three women, and one in three women, reported >2 symptoms of at least mild severity, and of at least moderate severity, respectively. The presence of symptoms is associated with poorer upper-body function, and lower physical activity levels and quality of life. One or more symptoms of at least moderate severity increases the odds of developing BCRL by 2- and 7-years post-diagnosis (p < 0.05). Consequently, improved monitoring and management of symptoms following breast cancer have the potential to improve health outcomes

    Patellar and Achilles tendinopathies are predominantly peripheral pain states: A blinded case control study of somatosensory and psychological profiles

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    study design Case–control design. background Tendinopathy is characterised by pain on tendon loading. In persistent cases of upper limb tendinopathy, it is frequently associated with central nervous system sensitisation, whereas less commonly linked in the case of persistent lower limb tendinopathies. Objectives Compare somatosensory and psychological profiles of participants with persistent patellar (PT) and Achilles tendinopathies (AT) with pain free controls. Methods A comprehensive battery of Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) was assessed at standardised sites of the affected tendon and remotely (lateral elbow) by a blinded assessor. Participants completed the Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment, a health-related quality of life questionnaire, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and the Active Australia Questionnaire. Independent t-test and analysis of covariance (sex-adjusted and age-adjusted) were performed to compare groups. results Participants with PT and AT did not exhibit differences from controls for the QST at the remote site, but there were differences at the affected tendon site. Compared with controls, participants with PT displayed significantly lower pressure pain threshold locally at the tendon (p=0.012) and fewer single limb decline squats before pain onset, whereas participants with AT only displayed fewer single heel raises before pain onset, but this pain was of a higher intensity. Conclusion PT and AT appear to be predominantly local not widespread pain states related to loading of tendons without significant features of central sensitisation. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2018. All rights reserved

    Which Psychological and Psychosocial Constructs Are Important to Measure in Future Tendinopathy Clinical Trials?:A Modified International Delphi Study With Expert Clinician/Researchers and People With Tendinopathy

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    t OBJECTIVE: To identify which psychological and psychosocial constructs to include in a core outcome set to guide future clinical trials in the tendinopathy field. t DESIGN: Modified International Delphi study. t METHODS: In 3 online Delphi rounds, we presented 35 psychological and psychosocial constructs to an international panel of 38 clinician/ researchers and people with tendinopathy. Using a 9-point Likert scale (1 = not important to include, 9 = critical to include), consensus for construct inclusion required ≥70% of respondents rating “extremely critical to include” (score ≥7) and ≤15% rating “not important to include” (score ≤3). Consensus for exclusion required ≥70% of respondents rating “not important to include” (score ≤3) and ≤15% of rating “critical to include” (score ≥7). t RESULTS: Thirty-six participants (95% of 38) completed round 1, 90% (n = 34) completed round 2, and 87% (n = 33) completed round 3. Four constructs were deemed important to include as part of a core outcome set: kinesiophobia (82%, median: 8, interquartile range [IQR]: 1.0), pain beliefs (76%, median: −7, IQR: 1.0), pain-related self-efficacy (71%, median: 7, IQR: 2.0), and fear-avoidance beliefs (73%, median: −7, IQR: 1.0). Six constructs were deemed not important to include: perceived injustice (82%), individual attitudes of family members (74%), social isolation and loneliness (73%), job satisfaction (73%), coping (70%), and educational attainment (70%). Clinician/researchers and people with tendinopathy reached consensus that kinesiophobia, pain beliefs, pain self-efficacy, and fear-avoidance beliefs were important psychological constructs to measure in tendinopathy clinical trials.</p