133 research outputs found

    Legalistyczna neutralizacja nauki o czynach wewnętrznie złych i absolutnych zakazach moralnych w adhortacji Amoris laetitia

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    The Catholic Church’s traditional teaching on intrinsically evil acts and absolute moral prohibitions is clearly problematic for the pastoral and disciplinary solutions proposed in the eighth chapter of Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia. Yet this teaching is a part of the moral doctrine of the Church, and it is impossible to contradict this teaching without coming into conflict with that doctrine. This article thus discusses major elements of the strategy of argument that seems to be applied in the Exhortation, in order to neutralize and relativize the traditional doctrine without causing evident contradictions within it. One of these strategic efforts consists of making use of the traditional concept of mitigating circumstances that lessen the negative moral evaluation of a human act. However, this traditional concept seems to be used in the Exhortation to promote a legalistic approach to morality. A so-called ‘laxist’ variant of legalism makes use of a certain interpretation of moral norms in order to defend people against the charge of their infringement. This approach does not take into account the influence that human acts have on the realization of the true human good, which is the goal of morality and the reason that norms exist. Legalism, therefore, does not help people to achieve their true end, which is fulfilment and happiness, but leads them into harmful moral minimalism. Another way to neutralize the teaching on intrinsically evil acts and absolute moral prohibitions consists in a legalistic reinterpretation of the law of gradualness, which is the concept taught by John Paul II. In order to carry out this reinterpretation, the binding norm of the indissolubility of marriage is substituted in the Exhortation Amoris laetitia with the ideal of indissolubility, which by its very nature is supererogatory (i.e., something ‘above the call of duty’). Yet another strategic method of neutralizing the traditional teaching on intrinsically evil acts and exceptionless moral prohibitions is a certain skepticism concerning the very possibility of the application of general norms to certain particular cases. The text makes an impression that these cases may be unique to such an extent that general norms cannot apply absolutely to them. Yet this skepticism consequently denies to the human mind the ability to uncover moral essence of some human acts, or even situates these acts wholly outside the domain of morality. In support of this skepticism, the Exhortation employs a statement of Saint Thomas Aquinas that has been taken out of context, skipping over the places where Saint Thomas explicitly teaches that there are absolutely morally forbidden acts that are deemed so because of their objective intrinsic disorderedness. Finally, the article looks at the concept of mercy, which is attenuated in the Exhortation probably in order to make possible this legalistic neutralization of the teaching on intrinsically evil acts and absolute moral prohibitions. In the Exhortation, mercy seems to be deprived of its status as a virtue and appears instead to be reduced to something akin to pity, which is a purely emotional reaction that has no relationship to the broader horizon of objective human good. Apparently following this strategy of argument, Pope Francis seems to demonstrate that the pastoral and disciplinary solutions he presents are coherent with traditional doctrine. Yet, while invoking certain elements of moral doctrine, he invents for these elements new meanings that explicitly differ from those they had until now.Nauka o czynach wewnętrznie złych i absolutnych zakazach moralnych jest ewidentnie niewygodna dla rozwiązań duszpasterskich i dyscyplinarnych proponowanych w ósmym rozdziale adhortacji apostolskiej Amoris laetitia papieża Franciszka. Nauka ta jest jednak częścią moralnej doktryny Kościoła katolickiego, dlatego nie sposób jej zaprzeczyć bez wchodzenia w otwarty konflikt z doktryną. W związku z tym w artykule omówiono główne elementy strategii, która zdaje się być zastosowana w tekście adhortacji, aby zneutralizować i zrelatywizować tę tradycyjną naukę bez generowania jawnych sprzeczności z doktryną. Jeden z takich zabiegów strategicznych polega na odwołaniu się do tradycyjnej koncepcji okolicznościach łagodzących, które zmniejszają negatywną ocenę moralną czynu ludzkiego. Jednak ta koncepcja wydaje się być wykorzystana w tekście adhortacji, jako wyraz legalistycznego podejścia do moralności. Jedna z odmian legalizmu, która może być określona jako „laksystyczna”, służy jedynie pewnemu interpretowaniu norm moralnych, aby wybronić ludzi przed zarzutem ich naruszania. Taka postawa nie bierze pod uwagę wpływu ludzkich czynów na urzeczywistnianie prawdziwego dobra osoby ludzkiej, które jest celem moralności i racją istnienia norm. Tym samym legalizm nie pomaga ludziom osiągnąć celu, jakim jest spełnienie i szczęście, lecz wiedzie ich do szkodliwego minimalizmu moralnego. Inny sposób neutralizacji nauki o czynach wewnętrznie złych i absolutnych zakazach moralnych polega na legalistycznej reinterpretacji prawa stopniowości, o którym uczył Jan Paweł II. Aby dokonać tej reinterpretacji w tekście adhortacji zamieniono zobowiązującą normę nierozerwalności małżeństwa na ideał nierozerwalności, który ze swej natury jest nadobowiązkowy. Kolejnym strategicznym środkiem neutralizacji nauki o czynach wewnętrznie złych i bezwyjątkowych zakazach moralnych, który wydaje się być obecny w adhortacji, jest pewien sceptycyzm dotyczący możliwości zastosowania norm ogólnych do niektórych szczegółowych przypadków, które rzekomo mogą być do tego stopnia unikalne, że normy ogólne nie mogą ich objąć. W konsekwencji jednak taki sceptycyzm odmawia ludzkiemu rozumowi zdolności poznania moralnej istoty pewnych czynów ludzkich, a nawet sytuuje je poza dziedziną moralności. Na poparcie tego sceptycyzmu w tekście adhortacji posłużono się wyrwaną z kontekstu wypowiedzią św. Tomasza z Akwinu, pomijając zupełnie te fragmenty, gdzie Tomasz wyraźnie uczy o czynach bezwzględnie moralnie zakazanych, ze względu na ich obiektywny, wewnętrzny nieporządek. W końcu artykuł omawia koncepcję miłosierdzia, która została zubożona w adhortacji, aby najprawdopodobniej umożliwić legalistyczną neutralizację nauki o czynach wewnętrznie złych i absolutnych zakazach moralnych. W adhortacji bowiem miłosierdzie wydaje się być pozbawione statusu cnoty i sprowadzone do litości, która jest reakcją emocjonalną, bez związku z szerszym horyzontem obiektywnego dobra człowieka. W wyniku strategii, którą zadaje się stosować papież w adhortacji, usiłuje on wykazać spójność proponowanych przez siebie rozwiązań z doktryną. Jednak powołując się na różne elementy doktryny moralnej, wynajduje dla nich znaczenia wyraźnie odmienne od tych, jakie miały one dotychczas

    Plus and minus logarithms and Amice transform

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    We give a new description of Pollack's plus and minus pp-adic logarithms logp±\log_p^\pm in terms of distributions. In particular, if μ±\mu_\pm denote the pre-images of logp±\log_p^\pm under the Amice transform, we give explicit formulae for the values μ±(a+pnZp)\mu_\pm(a+p^n\mathbb{Z}_p) for all aZpa\in \mathbb{Z}_p and all integers n1n\ge1. Our formulae imply that the distribution μ\mu_- agrees with a distribution studied by Koblitz in 1977. Furthermore, we show that a similar description exists for Loeffler's two-variable analogues of these plus and minus logarithms.Comment: 9 page

    The economic burden of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and the impact of poor inhalation technique with commonly prescribed dry powder inhalers in three European countries

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    Contains fulltext : 171713.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are common chronic inflammatory respiratory diseases, which impose a substantial burden on healthcare systems and society. Fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and long-acting beta2 agonists (LABA), often administered using dry powder inhalers (DPIs), are frequently prescribed to control persistent asthma and COPD. Use of DPIs has been associated with poor inhalation technique, which can lead to increased healthcare resource use and costs. METHODS: A model was developed to estimate the healthcare resource use and costs associated with asthma and COPD management in people using commonly prescribed DPIs (budesonide + formoterol Turbuhaler((R)) or fluticasone + salmeterol Accuhaler((R))) over 1 year in Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom (UK). The model considered direct costs (inhaler acquisition costs and scheduled and unscheduled healthcare costs), indirect costs (productive days lost), and estimated the contribution of poor inhalation technique to the burden of illness. RESULTS: The direct cost burden of managing asthma and COPD for people using budesonide + formoterol Turbuhaler((R)) or fluticasone + salmeterol Accuhaler((R)) in 2015 was estimated at euro813 million, euro560 million, and euro774 million for Spain, Sweden and the UK, respectively. Poor inhalation technique comprised 2.2-7.7 % of direct costs, totalling euro105 million across the three countries. When lost productivity costs were included, total expenditure increased to euro1.4 billion, euro1.7 billion and euro3.3 billion in Spain, Sweden and the UK, respectively, with euro782 million attributable to poor inhalation technique across the three countries. Sensitivity analyses showed that the model results were most sensitive to changes in the proportion of patients prescribed ICS and LABA FDCs, and least sensitive to differences in the number of antimicrobials and oral corticosteroids prescribed. CONCLUSIONS: The cost of managing asthma and COPD using commonly prescribed DPIs is considerable. A substantial, and avoidable, contributor to this burden is poor inhalation technique. Measures that can improve inhalation technique with current DPIs, such as easier-to-use inhalers or better patient training, could offer benefits to patients and healthcare providers through improving disease outcomes and lowering costs

    Insights into the expression of DNA (de)methylation genes responsive to nitric oxide signaling in potato resistance to late blight disease

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    Our previous study concerning the pathogen-induced biphasic pattern of nitric oxide (NO) burst revealed that the decline phase and a low level of NO, due to S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) activity, might be decisive in the upregulation of stress-sensitive genes via histone H3/H4 methylation in potato leaves inoculated with avr P. infestans. The present study refers to the NO-related impact on genes regulating DNA (de)methylation, being in dialog with histone methylation. The excessive amounts of NO after the pathogen or GSNO treatment forced the transient upregulation of histone SUVH4 methylation and DNA hypermethylation. Then the diminished NO bioavailability reduced the SUVH4-mediated suppressive H3K9me2 mark on the R3a gene promoter and enhanced its transcription. However, we found that the R3a gene is likely to be controlled by the RdDM methylation pathway. The data revealed the time-dependent downregulation of the DCL3, AGO4, and miR482e genes, exerting upregulation of the targeted R3a gene correlated with ROS1 overexpression. Based on these results, we postulate that the biphasic waves of NO burst in response to the pathogen appear crucial in establishing potato resistance to late blight through the RdDM pathway controlling R gene expression

    OJS Software Workshop Report

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    This report summarizes the achievements of the OJS community members from Germany and Switzerland in the OJS Workshop in Heidelberg University Library, Germany from February 20 and 21, 2020. Main goal of the workshop was to share knowledge and challenges, conceptualize and document problem solving suggestions and collectively develop software in and around OJS. Participants worked on a variety of subjects including data import/export plugins, search functionality, containerization, long-time archiving and XML workflows in and around OJS and OMP. The workshop is a continuation of fruitful meetings within the German OJS user and developer community under auspices of OJS-de.net networ

    Plant genetic resources and their use in organic agriculture

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    Organic agriculture and plant genetic resources are closely related topics, as organic farming relies on the conservation and use of diverse and adapted varieties of crops. Plant genetic resources are the raw materials that can help improve the productivity and quality of organic agriculture, as well as enhance its resilience to environmental stresses and pests. Organic agriculture also contributes to the in-situ conservation of plant genetic resources by maintaining and selecting local varieties that have a high degree of genetic variability. An important goal of the ECOBREED project is to identify genetic and phenotypic variations for morphological, abiotic/biotic tolerances/resistance and nutritional quality traits that can be used in organic breeding. The first step to achieve this goal was to make the inventory of available genotypes of four crops: wheat, potato, soybean, and buckwheat. For this purpose, we have examined genetic resources of four crops stored in gene banks, used in previous European and national research projects, and available through plant breeding programmes and seed companies. We have also used agronomic data on available and used varieties in organic farming, varieties characterized by good disease resistance and quality. Selected 200 wheat genotypes originate from 12 different European countries, 197 potato accessions were identified from several databases, the list contains 242 soybean accessions that originated all around the world and of buckwheat were identified through international databases. Much of the material represents cultivars that were released in the last two decades and are included in either the European list or national lists

    A review of the value of innovation in inhalers for COPD and asthma

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    Background: Appropriate use of inhaled therapies for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is critical to ensuring good patient outcomes, efficient use of healthcare resources and limiting the effects of high-morbidity. The appropriate choice of inhaler and active therapy, incorporating patient preferences, can help improve treatment adherence and long-term outcomes. Despite this, many current inhalers are non-intuitive to use, and require extensive training. Methods: In this review, an expert panel considers the evidence for the use of inhaler devices in management of COPD and asthma. The panel also evaluates the value of innovation in inhaler technologies, which optimise the use of existing molecules from a clinical, economic and societal perspective. Conclusions: The panel conclusion is that there remains a substantial unmet need in inhaler technology and that innovation in inhaler devices can provide real-world health benefits to patients. Furthermore, we recommend that these innovations should be supported by healthcare systems through appropriate pricing and reimbursement mechanisms. Keywords: Asthma; Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; innovation; patient preference; adherence; patient compliance; metered dose inhaler; dry powder inhaler; medication errors; valu

    Jet energy measurement with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV

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    The jet energy scale and its systematic uncertainty are determined for jets measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 7TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 38 pb-1. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-kt algorithm with distance parameters R=0. 4 or R=0. 6. Jet energy and angle corrections are determined from Monte Carlo simulations to calibrate jets with transverse momenta pT≥20 GeV and pseudorapidities {pipe}η{pipe}<4. 5. The jet energy systematic uncertainty is estimated using the single isolated hadron response measured in situ and in test-beams, exploiting the transverse momentum balance between central and forward jets in events with dijet topologies and studying systematic variations in Monte Carlo simulations. The jet energy uncertainty is less than 2. 5 % in the central calorimeter region ({pipe}η{pipe}<0. 8) for jets with 60≤pT<800 GeV, and is maximally 14 % for pT<30 GeV in the most forward region 3. 2≤{pipe}η{pipe}<4. 5. The jet energy is validated for jet transverse momenta up to 1 TeV to the level of a few percent using several in situ techniques by comparing a well-known reference such as the recoiling photon pT, the sum of the transverse momenta of tracks associated to the jet, or a system of low-pT jets recoiling against a high-pT jet. More sophisticated jet calibration schemes are presented based on calorimeter cell energy density weighting or hadronic properties of jets, aiming for an improved jet energy resolution and a reduced flavour dependence of the jet response. The systematic uncertainty of the jet energy determined from a combination of in situ techniques is consistent with the one derived from single hadron response measurements over a wide kinematic range. The nominal corrections and uncertainties are derived for isolated jets in an inclusive sample of high-pT jets. Special cases such as event topologies with close-by jets, or selections of samples with an enhanced content of jets originating from light quarks, heavy quarks or gluons are also discussed and the corresponding uncertainties are determined. © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration