395 research outputs found

    Turning work into a refuge: job crafting as coping with personal, grief-inducing events

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    Building on an inductive, qualitative study of employees who experienced grief-inducing events such as bereavement or breakup, this paper explores how and with what consequences work becomes a refuge from grief-inducing experiences in people’s lives. Using the results of 68 in-depth interviews, I develop an inductive model that shows that grieving employees not only find refuge in work but can also turn their work into a refuge for themselves. In particular, the model explicates how people turn work into a refuge by engaging in job crafting behavior. I also show perceived consequences of this process that occur in both work and life domains. Such consequences tend to be positive, yet those who work significantly harder also experience negative consequences. This paper advances theorizing on grief in organizations and job crafting

    Theta Combinations in the Stichera of the Transfiguration: Case Study of the 10-13th Century Greek and Russian Manuscripts

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    Many stichera of the twelve Major Feasts contain complex notational fragments, which are generally referred to as melismatic. The main criterion for melismaticity in notation is the theta symbol. The combination of several consistent thetas is a rare and noteworthy phenomenon, on account of which fragments of a very particular sacred character are created in chants. The article attempts to study this theta combination in the oldest Greek and Russian manuscripts of the 10th-13th centuries on the basis of the stichera of the Feast of the Transfiguration. It was discovered that there exist only five theta combinations in five chants defining the main topoi - Sound and Light. A hypothetical reconstruction of the melos of the theta combination of the 10-11th centuries was performed on the basis of the records of the Middle Byzantine notation of the 12-13th centuries, where thetas are transntated in analytical notation. The conclusion are drawn that the beginning of a theta combination is an event and can be emphasized by a transition to another mode or by a registral contrast. In each studied theta combination, the second theta complex appears to be either musically brighter, or more prolonged, or contains a metabola (modulation)

    Electrostatic effects on funneled landscapes and structural diversity in denatured protein ensembles

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    The denatured state of proteins is heterogeneous and susceptible to general hydrophobic and electrostatic forces, but to what extent does the funneled nature of protein energy landscapes play a role in the unfolded ensemble? We simulate the denatured ensemble of cytochrome c using a series of models. The models pinpoint the efficacy of incorporating energetic funnels toward the native state in contrast with models having no native structure-seeking tendency. These models also contain varying strengths of electrostatic effects and hydrophobic collapse. The simulations based on these models are compared with experimental distributions for the distances between a fluorescent donor and the heme acceptor that were extracted from time-resolved fluorescence energy transfer experiments on cytochrome c. Comparing simulations to detailed experimental data on several labeling sites allows us to quantify the dominant forces in denatured protein ensembles

    Formation and development of the records management system in the USA: theoretical and legal aspects

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    Исследование посвящено актуальной проблеме современного документоведения – организации эффективной системы работы с документами. В качестве объекта исследования выбрана система управления документацией, сложившаяся в США. Рассматриваются исторические этапы становления и развития американской системы управления документацией, теоретические основы управления документацией, а также нормативно-правовая база. Особое внимание уделяется изучению деятельности Национального архива и управления документацией (NARA) – крупнейшему национальному центру, ведающему вопросами организации работы с документами.Research is devoted to the actual problem of modern records management – organization of an effective paperwork system. The object of investigation is a records management system that was developed in the USA. Historical stages of formation and development of the American system of records management, its theoretical footings, legal base are considered in the article. Special attention is devoted to the activities of the National archives and records administration (NARA) – the largest national center, investigating the issues of organization of work with documents.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.

    Языковая архаика революционной эпохи

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    Cette étude présente les changements de la langue littéraire russe durant la Révolution, en particulier l’émergence d’un nombre significatif de slavonismes autrefois absents de la langue. Ce phénomène peut s’expliquer par les particularités de la situation linguistique de la période pré-révolutionnaire : une partie considérable de la population avait l’habitude des textes religieux en slavon. Aussi l’Union du Peuple russe, le Parti de la liberté du peuple, les SR et les KD les utilisèrent-ils dans leurs tracts d’agitation. Il apparait qu’aussi bien les partis de droite que les Bolcheviks recoururent à la langue religieuse et au vocabulaire slavon afin de toucher un très large auditoire.The article is devoted to the changes that took place in the Russian literary language of the revolution era. The changes that occurred in the Russian language of that time include the emergence of a significant number of slavicisms, formerly absent from the language. This phenomenon can be explained by the peculiarities of the linguistic situation in the pre-revolutionary Russia. A considerable part of the country’s population were taught to read on Church Slavonic texts, therefore agitation literature used to actively appeal to popular writing and the Church Slavonic language. The article analyzes leaflets and other direct appeals to the people made on behalf of the Union of the Russian People, the People’s Freedom Party, socialist revolutionaries and social democrats. The analysis has shown that propaganda materials of different parties are to varying degrees oriented on Church Slavonic texts and church discourse. It turns out that both representatives of right-wing parties and the Bolsheviks used those means in the most active way

    L’orthographe soviétique : prémices, programmes, mise en œuvre

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    L’article est consacré à la réforme orthographique de 1917-1918 et au contexte historico-culturel de sa préparation. Du règne d’Alexandre II à la révolution de 1917, la société russe est traversée par des discussions concernant un cercle large de réformes. C’est dans ce contexte qu’il faut situer la question de la réforme orthographique. La nécessité de simplifier l’orthographe a d’abord été réclamée par les instituteurs, qui déploraient le temps que prenait son apprentissage. Au cours des discussions qui ont suivi, se sont formées les positions des partisans et des adversaires de la réforme. Ensuite se sont mises en place des structures sociales et académiques chargées de préparer un projet de réforme. Les projets d’orthographe simplifiée issus de ces travaux revenaient dans la pratique à se rapprocher de l’orthographe «populaire ». Dans les premières années qui ont suivis la révolution de 1917, furent mis en application beaucoup de projets débattus auparavant, dont la réforme orthographique. La nouvelle norme était plus rigide que la précédente et ne tolérait pas d’exception.The article is devoted to the orthographic reform of 1917-1918 and the cultural and historical context in which it was prepared. The era between the reign of Alexander II and the revolution is characterized by a broad public debate about a wide range of reforms. During these decades, a mass of various reform projects appeared. It is in this context that projects of simplification of Russian orthography should also be considered. The issue of simplification of orthography was first raised by the teachers, complaining that teaching children orthographic rules took almost the entire academic time. In the course of this discussion, positions of both reform advocates and their opponents were formed. Then public and academic institutions developing the reform project began to arise. The projects of “simplified” orthography, which resulted from the reform”, in practice meant its approach to a variety of “national” orthography systems. In the first years after the revolution, many of the projects discussed before the revolution were realized. The orthographic reform was among them. The new norm was much more rigid and brooked no exceptions, unlike the pre-reform one

    О происхождении лубочного текста “Реестр о дамах и прекрасных девицах”

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    This article is devoted to the attempts to identify the prototype and the sources of The Register of Dames and Handsome Maidens, which was part of the lubok tradition of the 17th–18th centuries. This text is a list of female proper names provided with humorous commentaries. The satirical texts of the 17th century frequently replicate the structure of the documents and literary texts of those times. Some satirical texts represent the structure of church services, an alphabet prayer, a petition, etc. Among the manuscript and lubok texts of the 17th–18th centuries, there is a significant number of texts which include lists of names with humorous characteristics. These texts may be dated back to the Old Russian dictionaries of proper names, e.g., the Commentaries on the Names in Alphabetical Order by Maximus the Greek. Unlike the other texts organized as lists of names, The Register of Dames is related to the wedding ritual, and its probable source can be identified as the register of potential brides for Tsar Alexey Mikhailovich, which was compiled in 1669-1670, when Tsar Alexey was planning to marry for a second time. The text of the Register includes all but two of the names that appear in the probable prototype, including rather rare names. Furthermore, the name Natalia—that is, the tsar’s future wife—is particularly emphasized.Статья посвящена установлению прототипа и источников “Реестра о дамах и прекрасных девицах”, бытующего в лубочной традиции древнерусского текста рубежа XVII–XVIII вв. Этот текст представляет собой перечень женских имен с юмористическими толкованиями. Сатирические тексты XѴII в. очень часто композиционно воспроизводят документы и литературные формы, хорошо знакомые современникам. Известны сатирические тексты, воспроизводящие структуру церковной службы, азбучной молитвы, челобитной и т. д. В рукописной и лубочной литературе XѴII–XѴIII вв. имеется значительное количество текстов, включающих в себя списки имен, каждое из которых сопровождено юмористической характеристикой. Эти тексты по форме и композиции опираются на древнерусские словари-ономастиконы, в частности, на сочинение Максима Грека “Толкование именам по алфавиту”. В отличие от других текстов, организованных в виде списка имен, “Реестр о дамах” связан со свадебным обрядом и имеет достаточно четкую историческую привязку. Возможным источником этого текста является реестр царских невест, который велся в 1669–1670 гг. в связи с намерением Алексея Михайловича вступить во второй брак. В тексте “Реестра о дамах” встречаются практически все имена (за исключением двух), имеющиеся в прототипе, в том числе и имена достаточно редкие. К тому же в “Реестре” особо выделено имя Наталья, что соотносится с именем царской избранницы Натальи Нарышкиной

    Management solutions complex for the cost evaluation of residential cultural heritage objects

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    With the development of technology mankind seeks to know its past, to preserve all that remains of the ancestors. In all countries of the world there are so-called objects of cultural heritage (hereinafter - OCH), which are valuable from the point of view of history, architecture, culture, and art. In some of them, people still live. As with other housing owners of OCH make transactions, conclude contracts of sale. But one of the most controversial topics, is the question of assessing the value of such housing. The apartment in a monument house cannot cost the same as in a modern house. The question of market value of such objects is voluminous, as it requires considering several factors: maintenance and restoration costs. There is no unified methodology of valuation of houses which are recognized as OCH. But there is no a database for simple search for similar objects. Undoubtedly there are open data of the objects of analogues, but it's not always possible to find the necessary one. As an object of exploitation, OCN has a peculiarity - it does not presuppose demolition. According to the international standards all OCH in the "ideal" representation should be preserved forever. This is the peculiarity of assessment and work with OCH, inside which there is residential real estate. In this regard, special approaches to solving these problems are required. The article offers mechanisms and managerial solutions to create a methodology for the valuation of such objects