7 research outputs found

    Globalisation, Glocalisation and Community Uncertainties A Qualitative Research Study at Roşia Montană, Romania

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    The study examines Roşia Montană inhabitants' opinions, attitudes and the "mutations" of the representations generated by Roşia Montană Gold Corporations' retrenchment of economic activity. Our hypothesis is that the retrenchment of activities and the ensuing layoffs are the result of the wrong choice of globalisation strategy that the company attempted in 2013 rather than continuing the glocalisation strategy which proved successful up to that point. The study presents the main themes of a 2014 qualitative research survey namely: 1) the rift between the private and the public opinions on the merits of the mining project; 2) inhabitants' representations of the distinction between the classic (underground) mining methodology perceived as "true mining" and the modern open pit approach perceived as "fake mining"; 3) inhabitants' opinions on the sustainability v. jobs dichotomy; 4)representations on the need for temporary employment to fill the gap until the recommencement of mining activity; 5) the perceptions on the possibility of returning to previously owned properties should the project fail to ever launch again. The general conclusion is that a switchback to the glocalisation strategy would result in benefits for both the Roşia Montană Gold Corporation and for the local community which is at risk of becoming uncertain, already finding itself in a precarious quality-of-life situation

    Risk Scores for Prediction of Major Cardiovascular Events in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A No Man’s Land?

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    Over the past 100 years, cardiovascular disease (CVD) has become a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in developed countries, and similar trends have occurred for chronic liver disease. Subsequent research also indicated that people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) had a twofold increased risk of CV events and that this risk was doubled in those with liver fibrosis. However, no validated CVD risk score specific for NAFLD patients has yet been validated, as traditional risk scores tend to underestimate the CV risk in NAFLD patients. From a practical perspective, identifying NAFLD patients and assessing severity of liver fibrosis when concurrent atherosclerotic risk factors are already established may serve as an important criterion in new CV risk scores. The current review aims to assess current risk scores and their utility for the prediction of CV events among patients with NAFLD

    Replacing the Burden of the Gluten Free Diet: Then, Now, and the Future

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    Without a doubt, a majority of diseases are food-pattern-related. However, one disease stands out as an increasingly more common autoimmune-mediated enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten. Celiac disease (CD) is an old disease, with changing clinical patterns, affecting any age, including infancy and adolescence, and becoming more frequent among the elderly. The gluten-free diet (GFD) has been the sole provider of clinical, serological, and histological improvement for patients with CD for more than seven decades. Nowadays, complete avoidance of dietary gluten is rarely possible because of the wide availability of wheat and other processed foods that contain even more gluten, to the detriment of gluten-free products. Undeniably, there is a definite need for replacing the burdensome GFD. An add-on therapy that could control the dietary transgressions and inadvertent gluten consumption that can possibly lead to overt CD should be considered while on GFD. Nevertheless, future drugs should be able to provide patients some freedom to self-manage CD and increase food independence, while actively reducing exposure and mucosal damage and alleviating GI symptoms. Numerous clinical trials assessing different molecules have already been performed with favorable outcomes, and hopefully they will soon be available for patient use

    Is There a Time and a Place for the Gluten-Free Diet in Potential Celiac Disease?

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    Potential celiac disease (PCD) is characterized by the absence of villous atrophy on duodenal biopsies (Marsh 0 or 1) despite positive celiac serology and HLA DQ2 or DQ8 heterodimers. Recent epidemiological studies report that PCD represents one fifth of the total CD diagnoses. Compared to patients with CD, the majority of adult patients with PCD show lower rates of nutrient deficiencies and extraintestinal symptoms at diagnosis. Recommending a gluten-free diet (GFD) to PCD patients depends on whether they have symptoms or not. A significant clinical improvement is reported by symptomatic patients, but for asymptomatic PCD, diet implementation is still a matter of debate. Some questions remain to be answered: does PCD serve as an intermediary phase leading to the progression of true CD? Is it reasonable to hypothesize that PCD and active CD represent different manifestations of the same condition? Is there a potential for both underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis of CD in those who may have the condition? Additional research is required to address these inquiries and ascertain the specific subset of people with potential progression to overt CD, as well as to determine the potential advantages of early implementation of a GFD for these individuals. The investigation of risk factors in CD warrants examination of variables such as the timing of diagnosis, the genetic profile, the extent of gluten exposure, and the composition of the microbiome

    Chlorpheniramine Potentiates the Analgesic Effect in Migraine of Usual Caffeine, Acetaminophen, and Acetylsalicylic Acid Combination

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    Previous studies indicated that addition of the antihistaminic chlorpheniramine to the usual combination of acetylsalicylic acid, acetaminophen, and caffeine further increases their synergism both in terms of anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The present non-interventional study tested the superiority of two Algopirin® tablets, containing a total of 250 mg acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), 150 mg acetaminophen (paracetamol, PAR), 30 mg caffeine (CAF) and 4 mg chlorpheniramine (CLF) vs. a combination containing 250 mg ASA, 250 mg PAR, and 65 mg CAF recognized as “safe and effective” by FDA in treating migraine. Patients evaluated their pain intensity on the Visual Analog Scale—VAS(PI) before and 30, 60, 120, 180, and 240 min after drug intake. Interpretation of the pain curves as “survival pain curves” was considered as a method for direct comparison of the pain curves. This interpretation permitted the application of the log rank test for comparison of pain hazards. The results of the applied parametric and non-parametric statistical tests indicated significant differences between the main endpoints: both Areas Under Pain Curves and time to decrease of the pain intensity to less than 50% of the initial value comparisons highlighted that Algopirin® was more efficient in spite of smaller doses of PAR and CAF. Comparison of “survival of pain” led to the same conclusion concerning the superiority of Algopririn. Consequently, the addition of CLF permitted decreasing of ASA, PAR, and CAF doses as well as their potential side effects, without a loss of analgesic effect

    A Study of Psychometric Instruments and Constructs of Work-Related Stress among Seafarers: A Qualitative Approach

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    Due to unpredictable and demanding working circumstances and the significant potential for dangers and accidents, seafaring has been characterised as one of the world’s riskiest and stressful vocations that lead to physical and mental health problems. However, very few instruments measure work-related stress, particularly in a seafaring context. None of the instruments are psychometrically sound. Therefore, a valid and reliable instrument to measure seafaring work-related stress is indispensable. This study aims to review work-related stress instruments and to explore the work-related stress construct among seafarers in Malaysia. This study uses a systematic review and semi-structured interviews across two phases. In Phase 1, we conducted a systematic review of several databases: Academic Search Ultimate, Emerald Journal Premier, Journal Storage (JSTOR), ScienceDirect, Springer Link, Taylor and Francis Online, and Wiley Online Library based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses (PRISMA). In 8975 articles, only 4 (four) studies used psychological instruments and 5 (five) studies used survey questionnaires to measure work-related stress. In Phase 2, we conducted a semi-structured interview with 25 (twenty-five) seafarers, online due to COVID-19 restrictions. The semi-structured interview indicated 6 (six) themes, namely, physical stress, personal issues, social living onboard, technostress, work factors, and the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. In conclusion, the present study has identified three psychometric instruments for measuring work-related stress among seafarers: The Psychological General Well-Being Index, Perceived Stress Scale, and Job Content Questionnaire. We also found psychometric elements in some of the instruments are questionable, such as theoretical basis, construct development, and inadequate internal consistency value. In addition, this study also found that work-related stress is a multidimensional construct that needs to be studied based on work contexts. The findings of this study can contribute to the body of knowledge of a work-related stress construct in a seafaring context and could help to inform policy makers in the maritime industry. This study suggests a psychological instrument to measure work-related stress among seafarers in future studies

    The Renin-Angiotensin System: The Challenge behind Autoimmune Dermatological Diseases

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    Autoimmune dermatological diseases (AIDD) encompass a diverse group of disorders characterized by aberrant immune responses targeting the skin and its associated structures. In recent years, emerging evidence suggests a potential involvement of the renin–angiotensin system (RAS) in the pathogenesis and progression of these conditions. RAS is a multicomponent cascade, primarily known for its role in regulating blood pressure and fluid balance. All of the RAS components play an important role in controlling inflammation and other immune responses. Angiotensin II, the main effector, acts on two essential receptors: Angiotensin Receptor 1 and 2 (AT1R and AT2R). A disturbance in the axis can lead to many pathological processes, including autoimmune (AI) diseases. AT1R activation triggers diverse signaling cascades involved in inflammation, fibrosis and tissue remodeling. Experimental studies have demonstrated the presence of AT1R in various cutaneous cells and immune cells, further emphasizing its potential contribution to the AI processes in the skin. Furthermore, recent investigations have highlighted the role of other RAS components, beyond angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and Ang II, that may contribute to the pathophysiology of AIDD. Alternative pathways involving ACE2, Ang receptors and Ang-(1-7) have been implicated in regulating immune responses and tissue homeostasis within the skin microenvironment. Understanding the intricate involvement of the RAS in AIDD may provide novel therapeutic opportunities. Targeting specific components of the RAS, such as angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), ACE inhibitors (ACEIs) or alternative RAS pathway modulators, could potentially ameliorate inflammatory responses, reduce tissue damage and lessen disease manifestations. Further research is warranted to outline the exact mechanisms underlying RAS-mediated immune dysregulation in AIDD. This abstract aims to provide a concise overview of the intricate interplay between the RAS and AIDD. Therefore, we elaborate a systematic review of the potential challenge of RAS in the AIDD, including psoriasis, systemic sclerosis, vitiligo, lupus erythematosus and many more