247 research outputs found

    Kontrola uporabe tvari s anabolickim ucinkom u proizvodnji mesa

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    U ovom radu dan je pregled rezultata pretraživanja uzoraka biološkog materijala na prisutnost tvari s anabolickim ucinkom. Tijekom 2008. godine u okviru Državnog programa monitoringa rezidua u svim županijama Republike Hrvatske uzorkovani su uzorci urina, jetre, krvi i mišica razlicitih životinjskih vrsta i to na farmama tijekom tova životinja te na klaonici. Na istima su provedena ispitivanja tvari iz skupine stilbena, prirodnih i sintetskih steroida, laktona rezorciklicne kiseline i beta-agonista. U analizama su primjenjene validirane kvantitativne metode: imunoenzimska metoda (ELISA) kao screening metoda te tekucinska kromatografija (LC/MS/MS) ili plinska kromatografija (GC/MS/MS) u kombinaciji sa masenom spektrometrijom kao potvrdne metode. Temeljem saznanja o iz- razitoj toksicnosti tvari s anabolickim ucinkom, njihovoj kumulaciji te mogucoj prisutnosti u proizvodima životinjskog podrijetla, ukazano je na važnost provo&enja sustavnog nadzora i kontrole ostataka ovih tvari u svim fazama proizvodnje hrane animalnog podrijetla uz primjenu propisanih zakonskih odrednica i suvremenih analitickih metoda u njihovoj detekciji

    Quality of Fermented, Semi-dry and Pasteurised Sausages on Croatian Market

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    U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja kemijskog sastava trajnih, polutrajnih i obarenih kobasica proizvedenih tijekom 2009. godine od strane više mesnih industrija. U cilju ispitivanja kakvoće, u uzorcima kobasica određena je količina bjelančevina mesa, sirovih masti, vode te aditiva natrijevog nitrita i polifosfata, uz uporabu standardnih analitičkih metoda. Usporedbom rezultata analiza trajnih kobasica s minimalnim uvjetima, koje za navedenu kategoriju proizvoda definiraju pravilnici, utvrđeno je da svi ispitani proizvodi u pogledu kemijskog sastava udovoljavaju propisanim uvjetima. U tri uzorka polutrajnih kobasica (šunkarica) utvrđen je manji udjel bjelančevina mesa u odnosu na propisano, u trinaest uzoraka polutrajnih kobasica određen je sadržaj polifosfata iznad najveće dopuštene količine te je u jednom uzorku određena povišena razina natrijevog nitrita (tirolska kobasica). Svi uzorci obarenih kobasica udovoljavali su zahtjevima pravilnika, a u pogledu razine aditiva prosječno su sadržavali veću količinu u odnosu na trajne kobasice, osobito u pogledu razine natrijevog nitrita. Rezultati ovog ispitivanja govore i da su trajne kobasice, s obzirom na utvrđene vrijednosti parametara kakvoće, najkvalitetniji kobasičarski proizvod na našem tržištu.This paper presents results of chemical composition testing of fermented, semi-dry and pasteurised sausages produced during 2009 by several meat industries. Quality control testing, in sausage samples, included determination of meat protein, crude fat, moisture, sodium nitrate and polyphosphates content, by mean of standard analytical methods. In comparison of fermented sausages analyses results, with minimum requirements that are set forth in regulations for that product category it was affirmed that all analyzed samples meet a requirements. In three semi-dry sausage samples, lower meat protein content was determined, in thirteen semi-dry sausage samples, higher content of polyphosphates was determined and in one sample a higher content of sodium nitrite was determined. All pasteurised sausage samples met the requirements, and towards additives content they had a higher values than fermented sausages. Results of this investigation have shown that fermented sausages are, according to quality control parameters, most quality sausage product on our market

    Određivanje klenbuterola u svinjskoj jetri nakon dužeg davanja doze koja pospješuje rast

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    Liver concentrations of clenbuterol, a β2-adrenergic agonist, were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 12 female pigs on days 0, 7, 14 and 21 after prolonged administration of a growth-promoting dose of clenbuterol. The analytical procedure showed good recovery (>80 %), while intra-assay results showed acceptable variation in individual measurements for all samples to which 0.5, 2 or 5 ng/g clenbuterol were added (RSD 80 % clenbuterol depletion in pig liver occurred during the first 7 days after cessation of administration, however, more than 14 days were required for the clenbuterol concentration to fall below the maximal residual level of 0.5 ng/g. On day 21 of clenbuterol discontinuation, residues of the drug were detectable in pig liver (0.22 ng/g), suggesting that clenbuterol residues persist in liver as an edible tissue and may induce a risk for consumer health.U jetri krmača izmjerena je koncentracija klenbuterola, β2 adrenergičkog agonista, 0., 7., 14. i 21. dana nakon što im se prestala davati doza klenbuterola. Za određivanje klenbuterola primijenjena je imunoenzimska metoda (ELISA). Točnost je metode ve}a od 80 %, dok su vrijednosti relativne standardne devijacije (RSD) manje od 10 % za svako pojedinačno mjerenje uzorka kojemu je dodano 0,5, 2 ili 5 ng/g klenbuterola. Rezultati upućuju na to da se više od 80 % klenbuterola u jetri razgrađuje tijekom prvih 7 dana nakon prestanka davanja. Potrebno je više od 14 dana da bi koncentracija klenbuterola pala ispod maksimalno dopuštene razine od 0,5 ng/g. Maseni udjel klenbuterola u jetri (0,22 ng/g), izmjerena 21. dana nakon prestanka davanja, još je uvijek na razini koja se može odrediti, što pokazuje perzistentnost ostataka klenbuterola u jetri kao jestivom tkivu i može predstavljati rizik za zdravlje potrošača

    Sustainable aquaculture from students’ perspectives

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    Due to its nutritional value and health benefits, regular consumption of fish should be encouraged at all stages of life. Considering the fact that the majority of the world’s marine fish stocks are being exploited, aquaculture is the only way to ensure an adequate supply. Aquaculture production should be sustainable and it should integrate environmental, social, and economic dimensions. Students, as a valuable segment of consumers, are future decision-makers in society and can contribute to sustainable development as agents of change. In this study, 224 students from the University of Rijeka (68 males and 156 females) with an average age of 21.5±1.4 years were included. The aim of this study was to obtain information about the most important aspects of sustainable aquaculture from their point of view. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse the sample characteristics, while statistical significance difference between males and females was computed using an independent t-test and Pearson’s chi-square test. The obtained results confirmed that the most important features of sustainable aquaculture were: minimal use of hormones and drugs, no environmental pollution, and production close to nature. Female participants consider more important protection of endangered species (p=0.04) and respect for fish welfare (p=0.01), while male participants are much more aware of supporting rural areas (p=0.04) and low technical level in production (p=0.04). Quality also emerged as an important component in an open-ended question, together with environmental factors. Furthermore, there is an opportunity to enhance students’ interest in eco-labels, since it did not receive very high importance among this student group (3.60 ± 1.20 and 3.82 ± 0.90). In the future, nutrition education provided by institutions could be an important tool in preparing future generations for sustainable society

    The Incidence of T-2 and HT-2 Toxins in Cereals and Methods of their Reduction Practice by the Food Industry

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    T-2 toxin and its major metabolite HT-2 toxin are type A trichothecene mycotoxins produced by the Fusarium moulds, present mainly in cereals and cereal-based products. The studies quoted under this chapter bring data on the incidence of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in unprocessed cereals (n = 285) harvested in Croatia during a two-year period. They also demonstrate the influence of certain thermal food processing methods on the reduction of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in naturally contaminated cereals. In analysed cereals, the highest percentage of T-2- and HT-2-positive samples was determined in oat samples (56.9%), followed by triticale (34.5%), maize (32.1%) and barley samples (22.7%), whereas the highest mean (94.8 ± 63.7 μg/kg) and maximal concentration (420 μg/kg) of the toxins in reference were determined in maize. The summary T-2/HT-2 concentrations found in one maize and one triticale sample were higher than the indicative levels, necessitating further sampling and investigations of conditions under which the production of these toxins takes place. Thermal food processing in terms of roasting (which enabled 28.8–54.4%-toxin reduction) and especially extrusion (which enabled 73.0–92.5%-toxin reduction) efficiently reduces T-2/HT-2 levels, whereas cooking does not significantly aid in their reduction (< 10%-toxin reduction achieved)

    Ractopamina – promotor del crecimiento en la carne y productos cárnicos

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    Raktopamin je tvar iz skupine β-adrenergičkih agonista, ksenobiotik novog vremena sa dokazanim djelovanjem promotora rasta u farmskih životinja. Primjena raktopamina na svinjama u završnim fazama tova rezultira povećanjem tjelesne težine i količine krtog svinjskoga mesa te smanjenjem količine masti, ubrzavajući pri tom metabolizam životinja i brzinu njihova tova. Farmakološki i toksikološki učinak raktopamina u ljudi još uvijek nije u potpunosti poznat, međutim neki podaci govore da konzumacija mesa i mesnih proizvoda podrijetlom od životinja na kojima je korišten raktopamin može ishoditi kliničkim učincima i štetnim posljedicama po zdravlje ljudi. Primjena raktopamina na farmskim životinjama rezultira kumulacijom rezidua u unutarnjim organima i pigmentiranim tkivima. Iako je uporaba ove tvari u anaboličke svrhe dozvoljena u brojnim zemljama svijeta, u Europskoj uniji je na snazi zabrana primjene svih tvari s anaboličkim učinkom na farmskim životinjama, a time i raktopamina. Stoga se, u cilju provedbe što učinkovitije kontrole zlouporabe tvari koje ostvaruju anabolički učinak, putem godišnjih planova propisanim od strane nadležnih tijela kontinuirano provodi monitoring rezidua ovih tvari, uzorkovanjem različitih bioloških materijala životinja na poljoprivrednim gospodarstvima i u klaonicama, te korištenjem osjetljivih i selektivnih analitičkih tehnika u njihovoj detekciji.Ractopamine is the substance from the group of β-adrenergic agonists, xenobiotic of new generation with evidenced activity as growth promoter in farm animals. Application of ractopamine in pigs in the final stages of fattening resulted in increased body weight and lean meat, reduced amount of fat, accelerating the metabolism of animals and the speed of their fattening. The pharmacological and toxicological effects of ractopamine in humans are still not fully known, but some data suggest that consumption of meat and meat products derived from animals to which ractopamine was applied can resulted with clinical effects and adverse consequences on human health. Application of ractopamine on farm animals results with accumulation of its residues in the internal organs and pigmented tissues. Although the use of substances with anabolic effect is permitted in many countries of the world, the European Union prohibited the application of substances with anabolic effect on farm animals, and also of ractopamine. Therefore, through the annual plans prescribed by the competent authorities continued the monitoring of residues of these substances, by sampling of various animals biological materials on farms and in slaughterhouses, and using sensitive and selective analytical techniques for their detection, with the aim of carrying out a more effective control of abuse of substances that achieve an anabolic effect.Raktopamin ist ein Stoff aus der Gruppe der β-adrenergischen Agonisten, Xenobiotik (xenobiotic) der neueren Zeit mit bewiesener Wirkung als Wuchspromotor bei den Farmtieren. Die Anwendung von Raktopamin bei Schweinen in der Mastendphase resulitert mit einer Vergrößerung des Körpergewichtes und des mageren Schweinefleisches, sowie der Verminderung der Fettmenge, indem es dabei den Metabolismus der Tiere und die Schnelligkeit deren Wachstums beschleunigt. Die pharmakologische und toxikologische Wirkung von Raktopamin ist bei den Menschen nicht ganz bekannt, aber einige Angaben sprechen dafür, dass die Konsumation von Fleisch und Fleischerzeugnissen stammend von Tieren, bei denen Raktopamin verwendet wurde, klinische Wirkungen und schädliche Folgen für Menschengesundheit haben könnten. Die Anwendung von Raktopamin bei Farmtieren resultiert mit der Kumulation von Residuum in inneren Organen und pigmentierten Geweben. Obwohl die Anwednung tieser Stoffe zu anabolischen Zwecken in zahlreichen Ländern der Welt gestattet ist, ist in der EU die Anwednung aller Stoffe mit anabolischer Wirkung bei Farmtieren untersagt, somit gilt das für Raktopamin auch. Deshalb wird eine möglichst wirksame Kontrolle über den Missbrauch der Stoffe durchgeführt, die bei den Tieren eine anabolische Wirkung haben könnten, dies durch Jahrespläne vorgeschrieben seitens der zuständigen Behörden. Es wird kontinuierlich ein Monitoring von Residuum dieser Stoffe vorgenommen, uzw. sowohl durch Musterproben verschiedener biologischer Materialien von Tieren, die auf wirtschaftlichen Höfen und in den Schlachthöfen vorkommen, als auch durch die Anwedung von präzisen und selektiven analytischen Techniken bei deren Detektion.La ractopamina è una sostanza appartenente al gruppo dei beta-agonisti adrenergici, uno xenobiotico di nuova generazione con provate proprietà di promozione della crescita negli animali da produzione alimentare. L’impiego della ractopamina nei maiali nelle fasi finali dell’ingrasso determina l’incremento ponderale, l’aumento della quantità di carne suina magra e la riduzione della quantità dei grassi, con conseguente velocizzazione del metabolismo degli animali e del processo del loro ingrasso. Gli effetti farmacologici e tossicologici della ractopamina nell’organismo umano non sono ancora completamente noti. Tuttavia, alcuni dati ci dicono che la consumazione della carne e dei prodotti della carne nei quali è stata impiegata la ractopamina può comportare alcuni effetti clinici e conseguenze nocive per la salute umana. L’impiego della ractopamina negli animali da produzione comporta un accumulo di residui negli organi interni e nei tessuti pigmentati. Sebbene l’impiego di questa sostanza anabolizzante sia consentito in molti paesi del mondo, nell’Unione europea vige il divieto dell’uso di tutte le sostanze anabolizzanti sugli animali da produzione, e quindi anche della ractopamina. Pertanto, al fine di un più efficace controllo sull’abuso delle sostanze con effetto anabolizzante, attraverso i piani annuali previsti dalle autorità competenti si attua un monitoraggio continuo dei residui di queste sostanze sia mediante la campionatura di differenti materiali biologici animali nelle aziende zootecniche e nei macelli, sia mediante l’impiego di tecniche analitiche sensibili e selettive atte alla loro individuazione.Ractopamina es substancia del grupo de agonistas beta-adrenérgicos, xenobiótico de nueva era con la acción demostrada como el de promotor del crecimiento en los animales de granja. La aplicación del ractopamina a los cerdos en las fases finales del cebado tiene como la consecuencia el aumento del peso y de la cantidad de la carne magra, la cantidad de grasas disminuida, mientras acelera el metabolismo de los animales y la rapidez de su cebado. El efecto farmacológico y toxicológico del ractopamina sobre los humanos todavía no está enteramente conocido, sin embargo algunos datos muestran que el consumo de la carne y de los productos cárnicos de proveniencia de los animales de granja, los cuales consumaron ractopamina, puede resultar en efectos clínicos y consecuencias dañosas sobre la salud humana. El suministro del ractopamina a los animales de granja resulta en la cumulación de los residuos en los órganos interiores y la pigmentación de los tejidos. Aunque su uso con el fin anabólico está permitido en muchos países del mundo, en la UE está en vigor la prohibición total del uso de las substancias con el efecto anabólico para los animales de granja, incluyendo al ractopamina. Por eso y para un control eficaz contra el abuso de las substancias que ejercen un efecto anabólico, se lleva a cabo la supervisión continua de los residuos por los planes anuales proscritos por las autoridades. Se hace el muestreo de varios materiales biológicos de los animales en granjas familiares y en los mataderos, junto con las técnicas analíticas selectivas y sensibles para la detección

    Utjecaj dodatka autohtone bakterijske starter kulture i šećera, te temperature na fermentaciju Slavonskog kulena

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    In this study, the effect of an isolated and well-characterised autochthonous starter culture, glucose and maltodextrin (w=0.8 %) and temperatures of 12 and 20 °C on fermentation and quality of Slavonian kulen produced using the traditional technology and recipe were investigated. Physicochemical and microbiological analyses were carried out after 20 days of fermentation. Upon the completion of the production process (90 days), a sensory analysis was carried out. Furthermore, pH value was continuously measured throughout the twenty-day fermentation period. The addition of an autochthonous starter culture and sugars and diff erent fermentation temperatures significantly (p<0.05) affected the instrumental colour and texture parameters of the Slavonian kulen. The fermentation was most intense in the samples with added autochthonous starter culture and 0.8 % glucose, and fermented at 20 °C. Microbiological analysis showed that samples with added autochthonous starter culture and fermented at higher temperature contained a higher number of lactic acid bacteria and coagulase-negative staphylococci and were safe. Sensory evaluation confirmed the outcomes of physicochemical and microbiological analyses and showed differences among samples fermented at two different temperatures and with added glucose or maltodextrin and an autochthonous starter culture.U ovom istraživanju ispitan je utjecaj dodatka autohtone bakterijske starter kulture i šećera (glukoze ili maltodekstrina u masenom udjelu od 0.8 %) te temperature (12 i 20 °C) na tijek fermentacije i kakvoću Slavonskog kulena proizvedenog tradicionalnim postupkom. Nakon 20 dana fermentacije provedene su fizikalno-kemijske i mikrobiološke analize kulena. Nakon završetka proizvodnog procesa (90. dan) provedena je i senzorska analiza kulena. Tijekom 20 dana fermentacije kontinuirano je praćena pH vrijednost proizvoda. Dodatak autohtone starter kulture i šećera te primjena različitih temperatura značajno su utjecali (p<0.05) na parametre boje i teksture uzoraka Slavonskog kulena. Fermentacija je bila najintenzivnija pri temperaturi od 20 °C uz dodatak starter kulture i 0.8 % glukoze. Mikrobiološkom je analizom utvrđeno da su uzorci kojima je dodana autohtona starter kultura pri višoj temperaturi fermentacije sadržavali veći broj bakterija mliječne kiseline i koagulazanegativnih stafilokoka, te da su bili zdravstveno ispravni. Senzorska procjena uzoraka potvrdila je rezultate fizikalno-kemijske i mikrobiološke analize. Naime, utvđeno je da postoje razlike između uzoraka fermentiranih pri različitim temperaturama, ovisno o dodatku glukoze ili maltodekstrina i autohtone bakterijske starter kulture

    Citrinin u hrani i hrani za životinje

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    Mikotoksini su česti onečišćivači hrane i hrane za životinje, primarno žitarica i proizvoda na bazi žitarica. Među njima citrinin predstavlja mikotoksin iz skupine poliketida kojeg sintetiziraju plijesni iz roda Penicillium (P. citrinum, P. viridicatum, P. expansum, P. notatum), Aspergillus i Monascus. P. citrinum kao najznačajniji producent citrinina je vrlo raširena i može se izolirati iz velikog broja namirnica i stočne hrane. Toksičnost citrinina nije detaljno proučena te nema dovoljno podataka koji ukazuju na toksične učinke u ljudi. Međutim, u pojedinih životinjskih vrsta dokazana je njegova nefrotoksičnost, embriotoksičnost, teratogenost i genotoksičnost. Zbog nedovoljnog broja dokaza Međunarodna agencija za istraživanje raka (IARC) uvrstila je citrinin u skupinu 3 kao spoj koji se ne može klasificirati kao ljudski karcinogen. S obzirom na nedostatnost podataka, nužna su daljnja istraživanja njegove toksičnosti, prisutnosti u hrani i hrani za životinje te perzistentnosti u tkivima ljudi i životinja kao posljedice izloženosti onečišćenoj hrani ili hrani za životinje. Budući je onečišćenje i ovim mikotoksinom neizbježno, potreban je sustavan nadzor sirovina i finalnih proizvoda namijenjenih ishrani ljudi odnosno hranidbi životinja, kao i definiranje najvećih dopuštenih količina za različite vrste proizvoda putem zakonodavstva.Mycotoxins are common contaminants of food and feed, primarily cereals and cereal-based products. Among them citrinin represents a mycotoxin from the group of polyketides synthesized by moulds of the genus Penicillium (P. citrinum, P. viridicatum, P. expansum, P. notatum), Aspergillus and Monascus. P. citrinum as a mould most characteristic for the production of the citrinin is very widespread and can be isolated from a large number of food and feed products. The toxicity of citrinin was not examined in detail, and there is not enough data to indicate toxic effects in humans. However, some animal species confirmed its nephrotoxicity, embryotoxicity, teratogenicity and genotoxicity. Due to insufficient evidence, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified the citrinin in group 3, as the compound that can not be classified as a human carcinogen. Given the scarcity of data, further research of its toxicity, bioavailability in food and feed, and persistence in the tissues of humans and animals as a result of exposure to contaminated food or feed, are required. Since the contamination also with this toxin is almost inevitable, that requires a systematic monitoring of raw materials and finished products intended for human consumption or animal feed production, as well as defining the maximum levels for different types of products through legislation