41 research outputs found

    Monozygotic twins and macro-entanglement

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    For at least two centuries, there has been speculation that there is something “special” about how twins communicate, notably monozygotic (MZ) or “identical” ones, but also though less frequently if they are dizygotic (DZ) – fraternal or non-identical. (All twins mentioned here are either MZ or assumed to be, except where otherwise stated). “Are twins telepathic?” is a regularly asked question to which attempts to give a convincing answer have only recently begun to be made. One may also formulate this question in other ways, using the language of 21st century science, e.g. “Do twins demonstrate what we might call, if only by way of an analogy, macro-entanglement?” There is now instrumentally recorded evidence suggesting that some do, but not all of them, and only under certain very specific conditions. Theoretical physicist Sir Roger Penrose has even suggested that consciousness is an effect of quantum entanglement, “which might have implications for the twin bond and the nature of shared consciousness between twins”. The possibility of such implications needs further study

    Dancing with death. A historical perspective on coping with covid-19

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    In this paper, we address the question on how societies coped with pandemic crises, how they tried to control or adapt to the disease, or even managed to overcome the death trap in history. On the basis of historical research, we describe how societies in the western world accommodated to or exited hardship and restrictive measures over the course of the last four centuries. In particular, we are interested in how historically embedded citizens' resources were directed towards living with and to a certain extent accepting the virus. Such an approach of “applied history” to the management of crises and public hazards, we believe, helps address today's pressing question of what adaptive strategies can be adopted to return to a normalized life, including living with socially acceptable medical, hygienic and other pandemic‐related measures

    Erster Bericht ĂŒber die zur Dampfschiffahrt geeigneten Steinkohlen Englands

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    von Henry de la Beche und Lyon PlaifairAuf Veranlassung der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, aus den "Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain" , vol. 2, part 2 ĂŒbersetzt und von ihr herausgegebe