268 research outputs found

    Fluoride Release from Two High-Viscosity Glass Ionomers after Exposure to Fluoride Slurry and Varnish

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    The effect of brushing with different fluoride slurries on the fluoride release (FR) of different high-viscosity glass ionomer cements (GICs) was investigated. Fifty-eight discs were fabricated from two high-viscosity GICs (GC Fuji IX (F9) and 3M ESPE Ketac-fil (KF)). Five specimens from each brand were used to measure Vickers microhardness and the remaining were randomly assigned to one of four groups (n = 6) based on two-factor combinations: (1) fluoride concentration in the abrasive slurry (275 or 1250 ppm fluoride as NaF) and (2) immersion in a 22,500 ppm fluoride-containing solution. Specimens were brushed for a total of 20,000 strokes over 4 days with daily FR measurement. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and Bonferroni tests (α = 0.05). Baseline FR and microhardness values were different between the two tested material brands. Exposure to a 22,500 ppm solution was associated with higher FR but not the exposure to 1250 ppm slurries. Brushing and immersion of glass ionomer cements in a 22,500 ppm F solution led to higher FR that was more sustained for KF. Type of the glass ionomer, progressive brushing, and fluoride varnish affected FR but not the fluoride content in the abrasive slurry

    How pharmacoepidemiology networks can manage distributed analyses to improve replicability and transparency and minimize bias

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    Several pharmacoepidemiology networks have been developed over the past decade that use a distributed approach, implementing the same analysis at multiple data sites, to preserve privacy and minimize data sharing. Distributed networks are efficient, by interrogating data on very large populations. The structure of these networks can also be leveraged to improve replicability, increase transparency, and reduce bias. We describe some features of distributed networks using, as examples, the Canadian Network for Observational Drug Effect Studies, the Sentinel System in the USA, and the European Research Network of Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology. Common protocols, analysis plans, and data models, with policies on amendments and protocol violations, are key features. These tools ensure that studies can be audited and repeated as necessary. Blinding and strict conflict of interest policies reduce the potential for bias in analyses and interpretation. These developments should improve the timeliness and accuracy of information used to support both clinical and regulatory decisions

    Microtensile Bond Strength and Microleakage of HEMA-Free One-Step Self-Etch Adhesive

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    poster abstractThis study evaluated the microtensile dentin bond strength (μ-TBS) and microleakage of a one-step HEMA-free self-etch adhesive (G-aenial Bond-GB) compared to a 2-step self-etch (Clearfil SE-SE) and a 3-step etch and rinse (OptiBond FL-OB) adhesive with and without pre-etching with phosphoric acid. Human molars were divided randomly into 5 groups (n=15), GB and SE (without pre-etching), GB+ and SE+ (with pre-etching), and OB. Eight beams were obtained from each tooth and half of the beams were subjected to μ-TBS testing after 2d. The remaining beams were thermocycled (2,500 cycles), aged for 40d and subjected to μ-TBS testing using a universal testing machine. Failures were analyzed using light microscopy and SEM. Similar groups were used for the microleakage test (n=11). Class V cavities were prepared on the buccal and lingual surfaces of each molar. Teeth were thermocycled (2,500 cycles), aged for 40d, soaked in 1% methylene blue dye for 24h, and sectioned longitudinally from the facial to lingual surface. The dye penetration was scored using light microscopy and an ordinal scale from 0-3. Data was analyzed using Weibull, GEE, and Wilcoxon Rank Sum tests (α=0.05). Phosphoric acid pre-etching significantly increased dentin bond strength. After 40d, the mean bond strength ranged from 28.6-45.7 MPa with a statistical significance of GB, SE<GB+, SE+ & OB. The Weibull Characteristic Strength ranged from 31.5-51.0 MPa and the Weibull Modulus ranged from 2.3-4.1. Cohesive failure ranged from 16%-57% with a statistical significance of GB<SE+ & OB, but GB+ & SE<OB. Phosphoric acid preetching had no significant effect on microleakage. However, significant differences were found between coronal and gingival surfaces for all groups except GB. Pre-etching with phosphoric acid significantly increased dentin bond strength of GB and SE and had no significant effect on microleakage. Materials supplied by GC America and Ultradent

    Bioactivity of Dental Restorative Materials: FDI Policy Statement.

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    The term bioactivity is being increasingly used in medicine and dentistry. Due to its positive connotation, it is frequently utilised for advertising dental restorative materials. However, there is confusion about what the term means, and concerns have been raised about its potential overuse. Therefore, FDI decided to publish a Policy Statement about the bioactivity of dental restorative materials to clarify the term and provide some caveats for its use in advertising. Background information for this Policy Statement was taken from the current literature, mainly from the PubMed database and the internet. Bioactive restorative materials should have beneficial/desired effects. These effects should be local, intended, and nontoxic and should not interfere with a material's principal purpose, namely dental tissue replacement. Three mechanisms for the bioactivity of such materials have been identified: purely biological, mixed biological/chemical, or strictly chemical. Therefore, when the term bioactivity is used in an advertisement or in a description of a dental restorative material, scientific evidence (in vitro or in situ, and preferably in clinical studies) should be provided describing the mechanism of action, the duration of the effect (especially for materials releasing antibacterial substances), and the lack of significant adverse biological side effects (including the development and spread of antimicrobial resistance). Finally, it should be documented that the prime purpose, for instance, to be used to rebuild the form and function of lost tooth substance or lost teeth, is not impaired, as demonstrated by data from in vitro and clinical studies. The use of the term bioactive dental restorative material in material advertisement/information should be restricted to materials that fulfil all the requirements as described in the FDI Policy Statement

    Effect of different endodontic regeneration protocols on wettability, roughness and chemical composition of surface dentin

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    Introduction We investigated the changes in physiochemical properties of dentin surfaces after performing different endodontic regeneration protocols. Methods Human dentin slices were randomized into 4 treatment groups and 1 untreated control group (n = 10). One treatment group was irrigated with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 5 minutes followed by EDTA for 10 minutes. The other 3 treatment groups were irrigated with NaOCl; treated for 4 weeks with triple antibiotic paste (TAP), diluted triple antibiotic paste (DTAP), or calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2); and then irrigated with EDTA. After treatment, contact angles between a blood analog and dentin surfaces were evaluated. Surface roughness and chemical composition were characterized using optical profilometry and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, respectively. One-way analysis of variance followed by Fisher least significant difference tests were used for statistical analyses. Results All treatment groups showed a significant reduction in wettability and a significant increase in surface roughness when compared with untreated dentin. Dentin treated with Ca(OH)2 had significantly lower wettability compared with all other groups. No significant difference in wettability was found between dentin treated with DTAP and TAP protocols. Dentin treated with TAP had significantly higher surface roughness compared with all other groups. Untreated dentin and NaOCl + EDTA–treated dentin had significantly higher calcium and phosphorus as well as significantly lower carbon compared with dentin treated with Ca(OH)2, DTAP, and TAP. Conclusions Endodontic regeneration protocols had a significant effect on wettability, surface roughness, and chemical composition of surface dentin. The Ca(OH)2 protocol caused a significant reduction in dentin wettability compared with TAP or DTAP protocols

    Fracture Resistance and Microleakage of Endocrowns Utilizing Three CAD-CAM Blocks

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    This study assessed marginal leakage and fracture resistance of computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) fabricated ceramic crowns with intracoronal extensions into the pulp chambers of endodontically treated teeth (endocrowns) using either feldspathic porcelain (CEREC Blocks [CB], Sirona Dental Systems GmbH, Bensheim, Germany), lithium disilicate (e.max [EX], Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein), or resin nanoceramic (Lava Ultimate [LU], 3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA).). Thirty extracted human permanent maxillary molars were endodontically treated. Standardized preparations were done with 2-mm intracoronal extensions of the endocrowns into the pulp chamber. Teeth were divided into three groups (n=10); each group was restored with standardized CAD/CAM fabricated endocrowns using one of the three tested materials. After cementation with resin cement, specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for one week, subjected to thermocycling, and immersed in a 5% methylene-blue dye solution for 24 hours. A compressive load was applied at 35 degrees to long axis of the teeth using a universal testing machine until failure. Failure load was recorded, and specimens were examined under a stereomicroscope for modes of failure and microleakage. Results were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc multiple comparison tests (α=0.05). LU showed significantly (p<0.05) higher fracture resistance and more favorable fracture mode (ie, fracture of the endocrown without fracture of tooth) as well as higher dye penetration than CB and EX. In conclusion, although using resin nanoceramic blocks for fabrication of endocrowns may result in better fracture resistance and a more favorable fracture mode than other investigated ceramic blocks, more microleakage may be expected with this material

    Clinical Practice Guidelines for Recall and Maintenance of Patients with Tooth-Borne and Implant-Borne Dental Restorations

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    Purpose To provide guidelines for patient recall regimen, professional maintenance regimen, and at-home maintenance regimen for patients with tooth-borne and implant-borne removable and fixed restorations. Materials and Methods The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) convened a scientific panel of experts appointed by the ACP, American Dental Association (ADA), Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), and American Dental Hygienists Association (ADHA) who critically evaluated and debated recently published findings from two systematic reviews on this topic. The major outcomes and consequences considered during formulation of the clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) were risk for failure of tooth- and implant-borne restorations. The panel conducted a round table discussion of the proposed guidelines, which were debated in detail. Feedback was used to supplement and refine the proposed guidelines, and consensus was attained. Results A set of CPGs was developed for tooth-borne restorations and implant-borne restorations. Each CPG comprised (1) patient recall, (2) professional maintenance, and (3) at-home maintenance. For tooth-borne restorations, the professional maintenance and at-home maintenance CPGs were subdivided for removable and fixed restorations. For implant-borne restorations, the professional maintenance CPGs were subdivided for removable and fixed restorations and further divided into biological maintenance and mechanical maintenance for each type of restoration. The at-home maintenance CPGs were subdivided for removable and fixed restorations. Conclusions The clinical practice guidelines presented in this document were initially developed using the two systematic reviews. Additional guidelines were developed using expert opinion and consensus, which included discussion of the best clinical practices, clinical feasibility, and risk-benefit ratio to the patient. To the authors’ knowledge, these are the first CPGs addressing patient recall regimen, professional maintenance regimen, and at-home maintenance regimen for patients with tooth-borne and implant-borne restorations. This document serves as a baseline with the expectation of future modifications when additional evidence becomes available

    A Systematic Review of Recall Regimen and Maintenance Regimen of Patients with Dental Restorations. Part 2: Implant-Borne Restorations

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    Purpose To evaluate the current scientific evidence on patient recall and maintenance of implant-supported restorations, to standardize patient care regimens and improve maintenance of oral health. An additional purpose was to examine areas of deficiency in the current scientific literature and provide recommendations for future studies. Materials and Methods An electronic search for articles in the English language literature from the past 10 years was performed independently by multiple investigators using a systematic search process. After application of predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final list of articles was reviewed to meet the objectives of this review. Results The initial electronic search resulted in 2816 titles. The systematic application of inclusion and exclusion criteria resulted in 14 articles that satisfied the study objectives. An additional 6 articles were added through a supplemental search process for a total of 20 studies. Of these, 11 were randomized controlled clinical trials, and 9 were observational studies. The majority of the studies (15 out of 20) were conducted in the past 5 years and most studies were conducted in Europe (15), followed by Asia (2), South America (1), the United States (1), and the Middle East (1). Results from the qualitative data on a combined 1088 patients indicated that outcome improvements in recall and maintenance regimen were related to (1) patient/treatment characteristic (type of prosthesis, type of prosthetic components, and type of restorative materials); (2) specific oral topical agents or oral hygiene aids (electric toothbrush, interdental brush, chlorhexidine, triclosan, water flossers) and (3) professional intervention (oral hygiene maintenance, and maintenance of the prosthesis). Conclusions There is minimal evidence related to recall regimens in patients with implant-borne removable and fixed restorations; however, a considerable body of evidence indicates that patients with implant-borne removable and fixed restorations require lifelong professional recall regimens to provide biological and mechanical maintenance, customized for each patient. Current evidence also demonstrates that the use of specific oral topical agents and oral hygiene aids can improve professional and at-home maintenance of implant-borne restorations. There is evidence to demonstrate differences in mechanical and biological maintenance needs due to differences in prosthetic materials and designs. Deficiencies in existing evidence compel the forethought of creating clinical practice guidelines for recall and maintenance of patients with implant-borne dental restorations

    Influence of Light Intensity on Surface Free Energy and Dentin Bond Strength of Core Build-up Resins

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    Objective: We examined the influence of light intensity on surface free energy characteristics and dentin bond strength of dual-cure direct core build-up resin systems. Methods: Two commercially available dual-cure direct core build-up resin systems, Clearfil DC Core Automix with Clearfil Bond SE One and UniFil Core EM with Self-Etching Bond, were studied. Bovine mandibular incisors were mounted in acrylic resin and the facial dentin surfaces were wet ground on 600-grit silicon carbide paper. Adhesives were applied to dentin surfaces and cured with light intensities of 0 (no irradiation), 200, 400, and 600 mW/cm2. The surface free energy of the adhesives (five samples per group) was determined by measuring the contact angles of three test liquids placed on the cured adhesives. To determine the strength of the dentin bond, the core build-up resin pastes were condensed into the mold on the adhesive-treated dentin surfaces according to the methods described for the surface free energy measurement. The resin pastes were cured with the same light intensities as those used for the adhesives. Ten specimens per group were stored in water maintained at 37°C for 24 hours, after which they were shear tested at a crosshead speed of 1.0 mm/minute in a universal testing machine. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a Tukey-Kramer test were performed, with the significance level set at 0.05. Results: The surface free energies of the adhesive-treated dentin surfaces decreased with an increase in the light intensity of the curing unit. Two-way ANOVA revealed that the type of core build-up system and the light intensity significantly influence the bond strength, although there was no significant interaction between the two factors. The highest bond strengths were achieved when the resin pastes were cured with the strongest light intensity for all the core build-up systems. When polymerized with a light intensity of 200 mW/cm2 or less, significantly lower bond strengths were observed. Conclusions: The data suggest that the dentin bond strength of core build-up systems are still affected by the light intensity of the curing unit, which is based on the surface free energy of the adhesives. On the basis of the results and limitations of the test conditions used in this study, it appears that a light intensity of >400 mW/cm2 may be required for achieving the optimal dentin bond strength

    Comparison of Internal Adaptation of Bulk-fill and Increment-fill Resin Composite Materials

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    Objectives: To evaluate 1) the internal adaptation of a light-activated incremental-fill and bulk-fill resin-based composite (RBC) materials by measuring the gap between the restorative material and the tooth structure and 2) the aging effect on internal adaptation. Methods and Materials: Seventy teeth with class I cavity preparations were randomly distributed into five groups; four groups were restored with bulk-fill RBCs: Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill (TEC), SonicFill (SF), QuiXX Posterior Restorative (QX), and X-tra fil (XF); the fifth group was restored with incremental-fill Filtek Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative (FSU). One-half of the specimens of each group were thermocycled. Each tooth was sectioned, digital images were recorded, and the dimensions of any existing gaps were measured. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (α=0.05). Results: FSU had the smallest gap measurement values compared with the bulk-fill materials except QX and TEC (p≤0.008). FSU had the smallest sum of all gap category values compared with the bulk-fill materials, except QX (p≤0.021). The highest gap incidence and size values were found at the composite/adhesive interface. All aged groups had greater gap values in regard to the gap measurement and the sum of all gap categories compared with non-aged groups. Significance: The incrementally placed material FSU had the highest internal adaptation to the cavity surface, while the four bulk-fill materials showed varied results. Thermocycling influenced the existing gap area magnitudes. The findings suggest that the incremental-fill technique produces better internal adaptation than the bulk-fill technique
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