41 research outputs found

    Mediation Effect of Age Category on the Relationship between Body Composition and the Physical Fitness Profile in Youth Handball Players

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    The aims of the present study were (1) to determine the differences in body composition and the physical and physiological profile of handball youths across age categories, and (2) to analyze the mediation effect of different categories on the relationship between lean mass or fat mass and specific physical handball capacities. Fifty-four young handball players aged 13 to 18 were assigned to U14 (13- and 14-year-olds), U16 (15- and 16-year-olds), and U18 (17- and 18-year-olds). Body composition was measured using multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance (Inbody®, 230). Handball physical fitness was assessed using handgrip force, jumping tests (squat jump, countermovement jump, countermovement jump with aimed arms), a 30-m sprint, a change-of-direction test (T-half agility test and modified Illinois test), and a Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1. Simple mediation analysis was performed to analyze whether the category mediated the relationship between lean mass or fat mass and physical capacities. No significant differences were observed according to category for the majority of the measured parameters, except for height, lean body mass, and arm span. Lean body mass increased significantly as player category increased (p < 0.05; ∆ = 4.66–9.38; effect size (ES) = 0.96–1.92). The increase in handball category enhanced the majority of the physical capacities evaluated; however, these differences were reduced between the U16 vs. U18 categories. The indirect mediation effect suggests that handball category mediated the relationship between lean mass and upper and lower strength, velocity, agility, and cardiorespiratory fitness. In contrast, an indirect effect suggests that category mediated the relationship between fat mass only in agility and cardiorespiratory fitness. We conclude that U18s showed better body composition parameters, as well as better physical performance scores. Handball category clearly mediated the relationship between body composition through lean mass and fat mass and the physiological profile in handball youth, but lean mass proved to be more relevant when mediating physical performance

    Effect of 8-week of dietary micronutrient supplementation on gene expression in elite handball athletes

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    Purpose A study was made of the changes in gene expression in elite handball athletes, comparing gene modulation before, after and in the absence of an 8-week nutritional intervention with multivitamin/mineral supplements. Methods Thirteen elite handball athletes (aged 22.9 ± 2.7 years) and 13 sedentary controls (aged 20.9 ± 2.8 years) were included. Three timepoints were established: T0 (baseline conditions); T8 (after 8 weeks of supplementation with a multivitamin/mineral complex); and T16 (after 8 weeks in the absence of supplementation). The expressions of a total 112 of genes were evaluated by RT-qPCR analysis with the QuantStudioTM 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System. Results The analysis revealed different gene regulation profiles of genes implicated in cell communication, cell energy metabolism, inflammation and the immune system, oxidative stress and muscle function in athletes compared to sedentary controls under resting conditions (upregulated genes: effect size = large, η2 = 1.011 to 1.398, p < 0.05; downregulated genes: effect size = large, η2 = 0.846 and 1.070, p < 0.05, respectively). The nutritional intervention encouraged gene upregulation in elite athletes (p < 0.05). In a follow-up investigation, the IRAK1, CD81, ITGB1, ACADS PDHA2 and GPX1 genes were downregulated in athletes, with a moderate main effect for time-by-group interaction (ηP2 = 0.099 to 0.133; p < 0.05). Additionally, nutritional genes such as MTHFR and THTPA revealed a moderate effect over all the timepoints and group interaction in the study (ηP2 = 0.070 to 0.092; p < 0.05). Conclusions Elite handball athletes showed a different expression profile in reference to key genes implicated in several sports performance-related functions compared to the sedentary controls, in addition to modulation of gene expression after multivitamin/mineral supplementation.J.M.L was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (grant number AP2009- 3701) and E.P was supported by the FIS Project PI10/1993 form the Carlos III Health Institute

    The evidence-based teaching: 4 courses ECTS pilot

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    La docencia universitaria, dentro del sistema europeo, plantea problemas a la hora de planificar las clases de teoría, las prácticas, los seminarios, las tutorías, los exámenes y las presentaciones de temas, debido a la densidad de materia a impartir durante limitados periodos de tiempo y a la variabilidad de metodologías a emplear para que toda la información llegue al alumno y al profesor mediante mecanismos de autoaprendizaje y de feedback. Normalmente, los alumnos realizan las actividades de una manera coordinada siempre dentro de las clases teóricas, pero descoordinada en cuanto a orden temático en el resto de las actividades, generándose la necesidad de volver a explicar o al menos recordar temas que se explicaron hace meses cuando se abordan las clases prácticas y las presentaciones de temas. Durante los 4 cursos (2006/7-2009/10) de experiencia piloto en la asignatura de Fisiología de la titulación de Logopedia dentro del nuevo plan docente del Sistema Europeo que ya se implanta de manera definitiva en el curso próximo, se han adquirido estrategias y destrezas por parte del alumno y del profesor, para poder facilitar y mejorar tanto la tarea docente como la de aprendizaje. Ello ha consistido en ir introduciendo innovaciones metodológicas idóneas para el buen funcionamiento del sistema, que curso tras curso han ido favoreciendo la tarea complicada de coordinar las diferentes actividades, mediante un diseño cronológico por bloques o módulos temáticos, siempre enfocado hacia la optimización de la enseñanza basada en el aprendizaje del alumno como objetivo principal.University teaching, within the European system, creates problems in planning the lectures, internships, seminars, tutorials, reviews and presentations of issues, because the density of matter to provide for limited periods time and variability of methodologies used for all the information reach the student and teacher through self-learning mechanisms and feedback. Normally, students engaging in activities in a coordinated manner provided in the lectures, but uncoordinated in terms of thematic order in the rest of the activities, generating the need to re-explain or at least issues that were explained to remember months ago when addresses the practical sessions and presentations of topics. During the four courses (2006/7-2009/10) pilot experience in the subject of Physiology, Speech Pathology degree under the new syllabus European System already implemented definitively in the coming academic year, we have acquired strategies and skills by the student and teacher to facilitate and improve the teaching task as learning. This has consisted in introducing innovations in methodology suitable for the proper functioning of the system, course after course has been encouraging the complicated task of coordinating the various activities, with a design chronological thematic blocks or modules, always focused on the optimization of education based on student learning as its main objective

    Logopedia: conectando ciencia y profesión. Exposición de fondos bibliográficos de interés en logopedia

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    Catálogo de la exposición bibliográfica con motivo del XXXI Congreso Internacional AELFA-IF (Asociación Española de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología e Iberoamericana de Fonoaudiología) del 27 del junio al 22 de julio de 2018 en la Biblioteca del Hospital RealHistóricamente, la sordera y la educación de mudos o sordomudos ha sido el tema sobre el que más tinta se ha vertido y de esta forma queda reflejado en el fondo bibliográfico de la Universidad de Granada, tanto desde la vertiente oralista como la de la comunicación mímica, gestual y signada . No obstante, hemos encontrado documentación sobre tartamudos, trastornos del lenguaje en niños y en adultos, así como bastante documentación sobre la voz, su cuidado y sus alteraciones . Estudios de fonética, de sintaxis, de psicología del lenguaje, de educación, de neurología y de audiología contribuyen también con gran fuerza a esta panorámica histórico - bibliográfica de la Logopedia . Contamos, además con una larga serie de discursos y conferencias magistrales (Aguilera Garrido, Francisco Silvela, Alcalá Galiano, José Lambrea , por solo citar algunas)Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Biblioteca UniversitariaVicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria. Secretariado de Bienes Culturales y Secretariado de Conservación y Restauración.Parque de las Ciencias. Granada

    Oral Function and Eating Habit Problems in People with Down Syndrome

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    Background: Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder in which there is an increased risk of developing clinical comorbidities that require regular attention: health problems, alterations in maxillomandibular development, chewing and swallowing problems, as well as dietary habits that may influence diet and nutritional status. This study will analyze the frequency of occurrence of these factors with increasing age in this population. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with 18 participants aged 30–45 years. The condition of orofacial structures, chewing and swallowing function and oral and eating habits were assessed to observe the frequency of occurrence of these problems with increasing age. Results: A high frequency of digestive problems was observed. There was also a presence of problems in the introduction of new tastes and consistencies. In addition, unilateral chewing was reported in 100% of the participants, severe anatomical dysfunction of the mandible/maxilla and high hypotonicity reflected in tongue movements. Conclusions: it is necessary to educate, through specific intervention protocols, the younger generations with DS, as well as their environment, as harmful habits are developed in childhood and consolidated throughout life

    Evolution of Vitamin D Status and Vitamin D Receptor Gene Expression Among Professional Handball Athletes During a Competitive Period. Relationship with Body Composition, Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorous

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    Introduction: A generalized risk of vitamin D deficiency exists worldwide affecting also professional and elite athletes. This study assesses the evolution of vitamin D status and vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene expression and their relationship with body composition, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorous (P) among professional handball athletes during a competitive period. Methods: A total of 26 male subjects were recruited: 13 professional handball athletes and 13 non-athlete controls. An observational follow-up study was conducted in 2 time points over a 16-week period. Nutritional intake, body composition, and routinary biochemical parameters were measured via 24-hours recall, bioimpedance and enzyme immunoassay, respectively. Ca and Mg were measured by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry and P was determined with the colorimetric method of Fiske-Subbarow. 25-hydroxyvitamin-D (25(OH)D) levels and its forms (i.e., 25(OH)D3 and 25(OH)D2) were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), whereas VDR gene expression was measured by quantitative real time-polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Results: A total of 54% of the athletes showed deficient vitamin D status. Moreover, a prevalence of insufficient vitamin D status in handball players affected 46% at baseline, reaching 61% after 16 weeks. Vitamin D showed no evolution during the competitive period and no differences between groups were observed (all p ≥ 0.05). Handball players increased the VDR expression, enhanced body composition, Ca and Mg levels at 16-weeks follow-up (all p < 0.05). VDR gene expression was positively related with body mass and body mass index at follow-up in athletes (all p ≤ 0.038; r ≥ 0.579) and with Ca at baseline in controls (p = 0.026; r = 0.648). Finally, 25(OH)D2 form was directly associated with P in athletes at 16 weeks of study (p = 0.034; r = 0.588). Conclusion: Players of indoor team sports such as handball would be a population at risk of vitamin D deficiency. The 16-weeks competition improved VDR gene expression, body composition, Ca and Mg levels. The associations observed between VDR gene expression and the variables of the study evidenced the importance of this receptor as a marker involved in health status in handball athletes despite vitamin D − although in a deficient status −, Ca, Mg and P showed no remarkable changes during the competition period.Spanish Ministry of Education (grant number AP2009-3701)FIS Project PI10/1993 from the Carlos III Health Institute (Spain)FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Formation with grant reference FPU18/03655 and FPU18/03702Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBU


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    La deficiencia de magnesio se encuentra relacionada con un gran número de alteraciones neurológicas, cardiovasculares, renales, gastrointestinales y musculares. Igualmente, está descrito que los signos y síntomas de dicha deficiencia se encuentran relacionados con complejas alteraciones electrolíticas secundarias al déficit del catión. Además de todo ello, existen estudios epidemiológicos que demuestran que la ingesta de magnesio está por debajo de las Ingestas Diarias Recomendadas en un 30% aproximadamente, en un elevado porcentaje de la población en países industrializados (15-20%), lo cual unido a hábitos inadecuados en la alimentación, pueden traer como consecuencia numerosos estados de enfermedad. El presente trabajo muestra una revisión general de los resultados experimentales obtenidos en la investigación que a cerca de la deficiencia de magnesio lleva realizando nuestro equipo desde 1987.Magnesium deficiency is known to be linked with cardiovascular alterations and many renal, gastrointestinal, neurological and muscular disorders. The symptoms and signs of Mg deficiency have been traced, in large part, to complex electrolytic alterations secondary to the mineral deficit. In addition to these findings there is evidence from epidemiological studies that Mg intake in a large proportion (from 15 to 20%) of the population in industrialized countries is approximately 30% below the Recommended Daily Allowances, and that Mg deficiency, together with inadequate dietary habits, can lead to many disease states. The present study shows a general review of experimental results obtained by our research team about magnesium deficiency since 1987

    El ácido fólico y la vitamina B12 como biomarcadores de morbilidad y mortalidad en pacientes con shock séptico

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    Funding: financial support for the study was provided by Project FIS PI10/1993 from the Spanish Carlos III Health Institute and by the European Regional Development Fund. Lourdes Herrera-Quintana and Héctor Vázquez-Lorente are under a FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education.Introduction and objective: a study was made of the folic acid (Fol) and vitamin B12 (B12) serum concentrations in critical patients with septic shock upon admission and after three days of stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), with an analysis of their association to inflammatory parameters and patient morbidity-mortality. Methods: a prospective analytical study was made of 30 critically ill patients with septic shock. Demographic data, comorbidities, clinical information and severity scores were recorded. Data collected included serum Fol and B12 levels using the DxI® Autoanalyzer (Beckman Coulter) based on a competitive electrochemoluminescence immunoassay. Results: mean serum Fol was within the reference range stipulated by the laboratory on the first day. Nevertheless, a total of 21.4 % of the patients had high Fol levels, with 14.2 % being Fol deficient. An association was observed between Fol (p < 0.012) status and 28-day mortality, and the number of days of mechanical ventilation, fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2 ) and fibrinogen increased in patients with higher Fol levels (p < 0.05). In addition, 85.7 % of cases had B12 levels above the reference values, with a correlation being observed between B12 and Fol. Conclusions: this study proposes Fol as a novel morbidity-mortality biomarker in critical septic patients, and reinforces the usefulness of B12 as a morbidity biomarker. It is thus suggested that the measurement of Fol upon admission and over the first 72 hours of hospital stay could provide prognostic information about the clinical course and outcome of septic shock patients.Introducción y objetivo: se realizó un estudio de las concentraciones séricas de ácido fólico (Fol) y vitamina B12 (B12) en pacientes críticos con shock séptico al ingreso y después de tres días de estancia en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI), con un análisis de su asociación con los parámetros inflamatorios y la morbimortalidad de los pacientes. Método: se realizó un estudio analítico prospectivo de 30 pacientes críticos con shock séptico. Se registraron datos demográficos, comorbilidades, información clínica y puntuaciones de gravedad. Los datos recopilados incluyeron los niveles séricos de Fol y B12 utilizando el autoanalizador DxI® (Beckman Coulter) basado en un inmunoensayo de electroquimioluminiscencia competitivo. Resultados: la media de Fol sérico estuvo dentro del rango de referencia estipulado por el laboratorio el primer día. Sin embargo, el 21,4 % de los pacientes presentaban niveles altos de Fol y el 14,2 % presentaban deficiencia de Fol. Se observó una asociación entre el estado de Fol (p < 0,012) con la mortalidad a los 28 días, con el número de días de ventilación mecánica, con la fracción de oxígeno inspirado (FiO2 ) y con el fibrinógeno, que aumentaron en los pacientes con niveles de Fol más altos (p < 0,05). Además, el 85,7 % de los casos tenían niveles de B12 por encima de los valores de referencia, observándose una correlación entre B12 y Fol. Conclusiones: este estudio propone al Fol como nuevo biomarcador de morbimortalidad en los pacientes críticos con sepsis y refuerza la utilidad de la B12 como biomarcador de morbilidad. Por tanto, se sugiere que la medición de Fol al ingreso y durante las primeras 72 horas de estancia hospitalaria podría proporcionar información pronóstica sobre el curso clínico y el resultado de los pacientes con shock séptico.Spanish Carlos III Health InstituteMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteEuropean Regional Development Fun

    The university stage does not favor the healthy life style in women students from Granada

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    Objetivo: La etapa universitaria conlleva una serie de cambios emocionales, fisiológicos y ambientales que van a determinar unas costumbres y hábitos de riesgoque en muchos casos serán mantenidos a lo largo de la vida y repercutirán en su estado de salud. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el estilo de vida (consumo de alcohol, tabaco y niveles de actividad física) de mujeres estudiantes de la Universidad de Granada. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio transversal/descriptivo y analítico en el que han participado 55 estudiantes de dos grupos de edad (18-24 y 25-31años). Se aplicó un cuestionario de estilo de vida evaluando el tipo de alcohol y frecuencia de consumo, cantidad de cigarrillos consumidos diariamente y niveles de actividad física (sedentaria, ligera, moderada e intensa). Resultados: El consumo de alcohol es mayor en el grupo de mayor edad, y con preferencia beben cerveza/vino, sin embargo el grupo más joven muestra un patrón de consumo centrado en los fines de semana siendo las bebidas destiladas las consumidas preferentemente. Una tercera parte de la población fuma con un incremento en el número de cigarros conforme aumenta la edad. Existe una correlación positiva entre tabaco y alcohol. El 88.9% del grupo de menor edad y el 52.7% del grupo de mayor edad tienen una actividad física sedentaria-ligera. Conclusión: Se sugiere la necesidad de concienciar a la población femenina universitaria sobre los beneficios del abandono del consumo de alcohol y tabaco y la práctica regular de ejercicio físico. Además, sería aconsejable desarrollar protocolos de intervención educativa en el ámbito universitario potenciando los hábitos de vida saludables.Objective: The university stage involves a series of emotional, physiological and environmental changes that will determine consumer patterns that, in many cases, will be maintained and will affect their health. The aim of this study is to analyze the lifestyle (alcohol and tobacco consumption, and levels of physical activity) of female students at the University of Granada. Several authors have noted that the student population is particularly vulnerable to develop risk customs and habits, since the period of university studies is often the time when students take first responsibility for determining their own styles and customs, which in many cases will be maintained throughout its entire life. Methodology: This is a cross / descriptive and analytical study in which 55 students participated in two age groups (18-24 and 25-31 years). A lifestyle-questionnaire was applied to evaluate the type and frequency of alcohol consumption, number of cigarettes smoked daily and physical activity levels (sedentary, light, moderate and severe). Results: Alcohol consumption is higher in the older group, and preferably drinks beer and wine; however the younger group shows a pattern of consumption centered on the weekends being preferably consumed distilled beverages. A third of the population smokes with an increase in the number of cigarettes as age increases. There is a positive correlation between snuff and alcohol. A direct positive correlation between tobacco and alcohol was observed. The 88.9% of lesser age group and 52.7% of higher age group show a sedentary-low physical activity. Conclusion: The need to sensitize the college female population on the benefits of no-consumption of alcohol and snuff, and regular physical exercise is suggested. It would also be advisable to develop protocols of educational intervention in universities promoting healthy living habits

    Analyses of mineral compositions in habitually consumed pre-cooked frozen foods

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    La realización del presente estudio analítico ha tenido como principal objetivo ampliar y mejorar los datos que actualmente vienen reflejados en las tablas de composición de alimentos españoles, aportando datos que, además de propios, corresponden a alimentos ampliamente distribuidos en el mercado español y son consumidos de forma habitual en nuestro país. El análisis de los diferentes minerales se ha realizado en 28 alimentos precocinados congelados, previamente seleccionados, entre los que se incluyen pastas, pizzas, arroces y fritos de mayor consumo. Este tipo de alimentos son susceptibles de sufrir pérdidas en minerales debido a los procesos de elaboración, congelación y pretratamiento culinario a que son sometidos antes de su consumo, por lo que es de gran interés el conocimiento de su composición mineral, dando respuesta a las exigencias de un amplio grupo de profesionales y consumidores que requieren de esta información nutricional.The objective of the present study was to extend and improve existing information on the composition of common food products currently consumed in Spain, as well as to engender new data concerning their mineral composition. The mineral analyses from a selection of 28 different frozen pre-cooked food products (including such products as pastas, pizzas, rice and other fried food products) showed that these kinds of products are highly susceptible to mineral loss, due to the different preparation processes involved in pre-cooking and freezing, before consumption. Thus, it is of great interest to know mineral composition of this kind of products, answering nutritional questions of professionals and consumers