2,303 research outputs found

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    The evolution of radiation towards thermal equilibrium: A soluble model which illustrates the foundations of Statistical Mechanics

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    In 1916 Einstein introduced the first rules for a quantum theory of electromagnetic radiation, and he applied them to a model of matter in thermal equilibrium with radiation to derive Planck's black-body formula. Einstein's treatment is extended here to time-dependent stochastic variables, which leads to a master equation for the probability distribution that describes the irreversible approach of Einstein's model towards thermal equilibrium, and elucidates aspects of the foundation of statistical mechanics. An analytic solution of this equation is obtained in the Fokker-Planck approximation which is in excellent agreement with numerical results. At equilibrium, it is shown that the probability distribution is proportional to the total number of microstates for a given configuration, in accordance with Boltzmann's fundamental postulate of equal a priori probabilities for these states. While the counting of these configurations depends on particle statistics- Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, or Fermi-Dirac - the corresponding probability is determined here by the dynamics which are embodied in the form of Einstein's quantum transition probabilities for the emission and absorption of radiation. In a special limit, it is shown that the photons in Einstein's model can act as a thermal bath for the evolution of the atoms towards the canonical equilibrium distribution of Gibbs. In this limit, the present model is mathematically equivalent to an extended version of the Ehrenfests' ``dog-flea'' model, which has been discussed recently by Ambegaokar and Clerk

    Bubble size statistics during reionization from 21-cm tomography

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    The upcoming SKA1-Low radio interferometer will be sensitive enough to produce tomographic imaging data of the redshifted 21-cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization. Due to the non-Gaussian distribution of the signal, a power spectrum analysis alone will not provide a complete description of its properties. Here, we consider an additional metric which could be derived from tomographic imaging data, namely the bubble size distribution of ionized regions. We study three methods that have previously been used to characterize bubble size distributions in simulation data for the hydrogen ionization fraction – the spherical-average (SPA), mean-free-path (MFP) and friends-of-friends (FOF) methods – and apply them to simulated 21-cm data cubes. Our simulated data cubes have the (sensitivity-dictated) resolution expected for the SKA1-Low reionization experiment and we study the impact of both the light-cone (LC) and redshift space distortion (RSD) effects. To identify ionized regions in the 21-cm data we introduce a new, self-adjusting thresholding approach based on the K-Means algorithm. We find that the fraction of ionized cells identified in this way consistently falls below the mean volume-averaged ionized fraction. From a comparison of the three bubble size methods, we conclude that all three methods are useful, but that the MFP method performs best in terms of tracking the progress of reionization and separating different reionization scenarios. The LC effect is found to affect data spanning more than about 10 MHz in frequency (Δz ∌ 0.5). We find that RSDs only marginally affect the bubble size distributions

    Irreducible decomposition of Gaussian distributions and the spectrum of black-body radiation

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    It is shown that the energy of a mode of a classical chaotic field, following the continuous exponential distribution as a classical random variable, can be uniquely decomposed into a sum of its fractional part and of its integer part. The integer part is a discrete random variable (we call it Planck variable) whose distribution is just the Bose distribution yielding the Planck law of black-body radiation. The fractional part is the dark part (we call is dark variable) with a continuous distribution, which is, of course, not observed in the experiments. It is proved that the Bose distribution is infinitely divisible, and the irreducible decomposition of it is given. The Planck variable can be decomposed into an infinite sum of independent binary random variables representing the binary photons (more accurately photo-molecules or photo-multiplets) of energies 2^s*h*nu with s=0,1,2... . These binary photons follow the Fermi statistics. Consequently, the black-body radiation can be viewed as a mixture of statistically and thermodynamically independent fermion gases consisting of binary photons. The binary photons give a natural tool for the dyadic expansion of arbitrary (but not coherent) ordinary photon excitations. It is shown that the binary photons have wave-particle fluctuations of fermions. These fluctuations combine to give the wave-particle fluctuations of the original bosonic photons expressed by the Einstein fluctuation formula.Comment: 29 page

    Thermodynamics and Fluctuation Theorems for a Strongly Coupled Open Quantum System: An Exactly Solvable Case

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    We illustrate recent results concerning the validity of the work fluctuation theorem in open quantum systems [M. Campisi, P. Talkner, and P. H\"{a}nggi, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 210401 (2009)], by applying them to a solvable model of an open quantum system. The central role played by the thermodynamic partition function of the open quantum system, -- a two level fluctuator with a strong quantum nondemolition coupling to a harmonic oscillator --, is elucidated. The corresponding quantum Hamiltonian of mean force is evaluated explicitly. We study the thermodynamic entropy and the corresponding specific heat of this open system as a function of temperature and coupling strength and show that both may assume negative values at nonzero low temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Interacting Bose and Fermi gases in low dimensions and the Riemann hypothesis

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    We apply the S-matrix based finite temperature formalism to non-relativistic Bose and Fermi gases in 1+1 and 2+1 dimensions. In the 2+1 dimensional case, the free energy is given in terms of Roger's dilogarithm in a way analagous to the relativistic 1+1 dimensional case. The 1d fermionic case with a quasi-periodic 2-body potential provides a physical framework for understanding the Riemann hypothesis.Comment: version 3: additional appendix explains how the Îœ\nu to 1−Μ1-\nu duality of Riemann's ζ(Îœ)\zeta (\nu) follows from a special modular transformation in a massless relativistic theor

    The ideal energy of classical lattice dynamics

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    We define, as local quantities, the least energy and momentum allowed by quantum mechanics and special relativity for physical realizations of some classical lattice dynamics. These definitions depend on local rates of finite-state change. In two example dynamics, we see that these rates evolve like classical mechanical energy and momentum.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, includes revised portion of arXiv:0805.335

    Towards a Stable Numerical Evolution of Strongly Gravitating Systems in General Relativity: The Conformal Treatments

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    We study the stability of three-dimensional numerical evolutions of the Einstein equations, comparing the standard ADM formulation to variations on a family of formulations that separate out the conformal and traceless parts of the system. We develop an implementation of the conformal-traceless (CT) approach that has improved stability properties in evolving weak and strong gravitational fields, and for both vacuum and spacetimes with active coupling to matter sources. Cases studied include weak and strong gravitational wave packets, black holes, boson stars and neutron stars. We show under what conditions the CT approach gives better results in 3D numerical evolutions compared to the ADM formulation. In particular, we show that our implementation of the CT approach gives more long term stable evolutions than ADM in all the cases studied, but is less accurate in the short term for the range of resolutions used in our 3D simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures. Small changes in the text, and a change in the list of authors. One new reference adde

    Dark gas in the solar neighnorhood from extinction data

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    When modeling infrared or gamma-ray data as a linear combination of observed gas tracers, excess emission has been detected compared to expectations from known neutral and atomic gas as traced by HI and CO measurements, respectively. This excess might correspond to an additional gas component. This so-called "dark gas" (DG) has been observed in our Galaxy, as well as the Magellanic Clouds. For the first time, we investigate the correlation between visible extinction (Av) data and gas tracers on large scales in the solar neighborhood. Our work focuses on both the solar neighborhood (|b|>10\degr), and the inner and outer Galaxy, as well as on four individual regions: Taurus, Orion, Cepheus-Polaris and Aquila-Ophiuchus. Thanks to the recent production of an all-sky Av map, we first perform the correlation between Av and both HI and CO emission over the most diffuse regions, to derive the optimal (Av/NH)^(ref) ratio. We then iterate the analysis over the entire regions to estimate the CO-to-H2 conversion factor as well as the DG mass fraction. The average extinction to gas column-density ratio in the solar neighborhood is found to be (Av/NH)^(ref)=6.53 10^(-22) mag. cm^2, with significant differences between the inner and outer Galaxy. We derive an average XCO value of 1.67 10^(20) H2 cm^(-2)/(K km s^(-1)). In the solar neighborhood, the gas mass in the dark component is found to be 19% relative to that in the atomic component and 164% relative to the one traced by CO. These results are compatible with the recent analysis using Planck data within the uncertainties of our measurements. We estimate the ratio of dark gas to total molecular gas to be 0.62 in the solar neighborhood. The HI-to-H2 and H2-to-CO transitions appear for Av ≃\simeq0.2 mag and Av≃1.5\simeq1.5 mag, respectively, in agreement with theoretical models of dark-H2 gas.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&A (in press
