173 research outputs found

    Quantum States Arising from the Pauli Groups, Symmetries and Paradoxes

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    We investigate multiple qubit Pauli groups and the quantum states/rays arising from their maximal bases. Remarkably, the real rays are carried by a Barnes-Wall lattice BWnBW_n (n=2mn=2^m). We focus on the smallest subsets of rays allowing a state proof of the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem (BKS). BKS theorem rules out realistic non-contextual theories by resorting to impossible assignments of rays among a selected set of maximal orthogonal bases. We investigate the geometrical structure of small BKS-proofs v−lv-l involving vv rays and ll 2n2n-dimensional bases of nn-qubits. Specifically, we look at the classes of parity proofs 18-9 with two qubits (A. Cabello, 1996), 36-11 with three qubits (M. Kernaghan & A. Peres, 1995) and related classes. One finds characteristic signatures of the distances among the bases, that carry various symmetries in their graphs.Comment: The XXIXth International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics, China (2012

    About the Dedekind psi function in Pauli graphs

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    We study the commutation structure within the Pauli groups built on all decompositions of a given Hilbert space dimension qq, containing a square, into its factors. The simplest illustrative examples are the quartit (q=4q=4) and two-qubit (q=22q=2^2) systems. It is shown how the sum of divisor function σ(q)\sigma(q) and the Dedekind psi function ψ(q)=q∏p∣q(1+1/p)\psi(q)=q \prod_{p|q} (1+1/p) enter into the theory for counting the number of maximal commuting sets of the qudit system. In the case of a multiple qudit system (with q=pmq=p^m and pp a prime), the arithmetical functions σ(p2n−1)\sigma(p^{2n-1}) and ψ(p2n−1)\psi(p^{2n-1}) count the cardinality of the symplectic polar space W2n−1(p)W_{2n-1}(p) that endows the commutation structure and its punctured counterpart, respectively. Symmetry properties of the Pauli graphs attached to these structures are investigated in detail and several illustrative examples are provided.Comment: Proceedings of Quantum Optics V, Cozumel to appear in Revista Mexicana de Fisic

    Pauli graphs when the Hilbert space dimension contains a square: why the Dedekind psi function ?

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    We study the commutation relations within the Pauli groups built on all decompositions of a given Hilbert space dimension qq, containing a square, into its factors. Illustrative low dimensional examples are the quartit (q=4q=4) and two-qubit (q=22q=2^2) systems, the octit (q=8q=8), qubit/quartit (q=2×4q=2\times 4) and three-qubit (q=23q=2^3) systems, and so on. In the single qudit case, e.g. q=4,8,12,...q=4,8,12,..., one defines a bijection between the σ(q)\sigma (q) maximal commuting sets [with σ[q)\sigma[q) the sum of divisors of qq] of Pauli observables and the maximal submodules of the modular ring Zq2\mathbb{Z}_q^2, that arrange into the projective line P1(Zq)P_1(\mathbb{Z}_q) and a independent set of size σ(q)−ψ(q)\sigma (q)-\psi(q) [with ψ(q)\psi(q) the Dedekind psi function]. In the multiple qudit case, e.g. q=22,23,32,...q=2^2, 2^3, 3^2,..., the Pauli graphs rely on symplectic polar spaces such as the generalized quadrangles GQ(2,2) (if q=22q=2^2) and GQ(3,3) (if q=32q=3^2). More precisely, in dimension pnp^n (pp a prime) of the Hilbert space, the observables of the Pauli group (modulo the center) are seen as the elements of the 2n2n-dimensional vector space over the field Fp\mathbb{F}_p. In this space, one makes use of the commutator to define a symplectic polar space W2n−1(p)W_{2n-1}(p) of cardinality σ(p2n−1)\sigma(p^{2n-1}), that encodes the maximal commuting sets of the Pauli group by its totally isotropic subspaces. Building blocks of W2n−1(p)W_{2n-1}(p) are punctured polar spaces (i.e. a observable and all maximum cliques passing to it are removed) of size given by the Dedekind psi function ψ(p2n−1)\psi(p^{2n-1}). For multiple qudit mixtures (e.g. qubit/quartit, qubit/octit and so on), one finds multiple copies of polar spaces, ponctured polar spaces, hypercube geometries and other intricate structures. Such structures play a role in the science of quantum information.Comment: 18 pages, version submiited to J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Abstract algebra, projective geometry and time encoding of quantum information

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    Algebraic geometrical concepts are playing an increasing role in quantum applications such as coding, cryptography, tomography and computing. We point out here the prominent role played by Galois fields viewed as cyclotomic extensions of the integers modulo a prime characteristic pp. They can be used to generate efficient cyclic encoding, for transmitting secrete quantum keys, for quantum state recovery and for error correction in quantum computing. Finite projective planes and their generalization are the geometric counterpart to cyclotomic concepts, their coordinatization involves Galois fields, and they have been used repetitively for enciphering and coding. Finally the characters over Galois fields are fundamental for generating complete sets of mutually unbiased bases, a generic concept of quantum information processing and quantum entanglement. Gauss sums over Galois fields ensure minimum uncertainty under such protocols. Some Galois rings which are cyclotomic extensions of the integers modulo 4 are also becoming fashionable for their role in time encoding and mutual unbiasedness.Comment: To appear in R. Buccheri, A.C. Elitzur and M. Saniga (eds.), "Endophysics, Time, Quantum and the Subjective," World Scientific, Singapore. 16 page

    Qudits of composite dimension, mutually unbiased bases and projective ring geometry

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    The d2d^2 Pauli operators attached to a composite qudit in dimension dd may be mapped to the vectors of the symplectic module Zd2\mathcal{Z}_d^{2} (Zd\mathcal{Z}_d the modular ring). As a result, perpendicular vectors correspond to commuting operators, a free cyclic submodule to a maximal commuting set, and disjoint such sets to mutually unbiased bases. For dimensions d=6, 10, 15, 12d=6,~10,~15,~12, and 18, the fine structure and the incidence between maximal commuting sets is found to reproduce the projective line over the rings Z6\mathcal{Z}_{6}, Z10\mathcal{Z}_{10}, Z15\mathcal{Z}_{15}, Z6×F4\mathcal{Z}_6 \times \mathbf{F}_4 and Z6×Z3\mathcal{Z}_6 \times \mathcal{Z}_3, respectively.Comment: 10 pages (Fast Track communication). Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical (2008) accepte

    Pauli graphs, Riemann hypothesis, Goldbach pairs

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    Let consider the Pauli group Pq=\mathcal{P}_q= with unitary quantum generators XX (shift) and ZZ (clock) acting on the vectors of the qq-dimensional Hilbert space via X∣s>=∣s+1>X|s> =|s+1> and Z∣s>=ωs∣s>Z|s> =\omega^s |s>, with ω=exp⁥(2iπ/q)\omega=\exp(2i\pi/q). It has been found that the number of maximal mutually commuting sets within Pq\mathcal{P}_q is controlled by the Dedekind psi function ψ(q)=q∏p∣q(1+1p)\psi(q)=q \prod_{p|q}(1+\frac{1}{p}) (with pp a prime) \cite{Planat2011} and that there exists a specific inequality ψ(q)q>eÎłlog⁥log⁥q\frac{\psi (q)}{q}>e^{\gamma}\log \log q, involving the Euler constant ÎłâˆŒ0.577\gamma \sim 0.577, that is only satisfied at specific low dimensions q∈A={2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,18,30}q \in \mathcal {A}=\{2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,18,30\}. The set A\mathcal{A} is closely related to the set AâˆȘ{1,24}\mathcal{A} \cup \{1,24\} of integers that are totally Goldbach, i.e. that consist of all primes p2p2) is equivalent to Riemann hypothesis. Introducing the Hardy-Littlewood function R(q)=2C2∏p∣np−1p−2R(q)=2 C_2 \prod_{p|n}\frac{p-1}{p-2} (with C2∌0.660C_2 \sim 0.660 the twin prime constant), that is used for estimating the number g(q)∌R(q)qln⁥2qg(q) \sim R(q) \frac{q}{\ln^2 q} of Goldbach pairs, one shows that the new inequality R(Nr)log⁥log⁥NrâȘ†eÎł\frac{R(N_r)}{\log \log N_r} \gtrapprox e^{\gamma} is also equivalent to Riemann hypothesis. In this paper, these number theoretical properties are discusssed in the context of the qudit commutation structure.Comment: 11 page

    Quantum Entanglement and Projective Ring Geometry

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    The paper explores the basic geometrical properties of the observables characterizing two-qubit systems by employing a novel projective ring geometric approach. After introducing the basic facts about quantum complementarity and maximal quantum entanglement in such systems, we demonstrate that the 15×\times15 multiplication table of the associated four-dimensional matrices exhibits a so-far-unnoticed geometrical structure that can be regarded as three pencils of lines in the projective plane of order two. In one of the pencils, which we call the kernel, the observables on two lines share a base of Bell states. In the complement of the kernel, the eight vertices/observables are joined by twelve lines which form the edges of a cube. A substantial part of the paper is devoted to showing that the nature of this geometry has much to do with the structure of the projective lines defined over the rings that are the direct product of nn copies of the Galois field GF(2), with nn = 2, 3 and 4.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures Fig. 3 improved, typos corrected; Version 4: Final Version Published in SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications) at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA

    Projective Ring Line of a Specific Qudit

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    A very particular connection between the commutation relations of the elements of the generalized Pauli group of a dd-dimensional qudit, dd being a product of distinct primes, and the structure of the projective line over the (modular) ring \bZ_{d} is established, where the integer exponents of the generating shift (XX) and clock (ZZ) operators are associated with submodules of \bZ^{2}_{d}. Under this correspondence, the set of operators commuting with a given one -- a perp-set -- represents a \bZ_{d}-submodule of \bZ^{2}_{d}. A crucial novel feature here is that the operators are also represented by {\it non}-admissible pairs of \bZ^{2}_{d}. This additional degree of freedom makes it possible to view any perp-set as a {\it set-theoretic} union of the corresponding points of the associated projective line

    On small proofs of Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem for two, three and four qubits

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    The Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem (BKS) theorem rules out realistic {\it non-contextual} theories by resorting to impossible assignments of rays among a selected set of maximal orthogonal bases. We investigate the geometrical structure of small v−lv-l BKS-proofs involving vv real rays and ll 2n2n-dimensional bases of nn-qubits (1<n<51< n < 5). Specifically, we look at the parity proof 18-9 with two qubits (A. Cabello, 1996), the parity proof 36-11 with three qubits (M. Kernaghan & A. Peres, 1995 \cite{Kernaghan1965}) and a newly discovered non-parity proof 80-21 with four qubits (that improves work of P. K Aravind's group in 2008). The rays in question arise as real eigenstates shared by some maximal commuting sets (bases) of operators in the nn-qubit Pauli group. One finds characteristic signatures of the distances between the bases, which carry various symmetries in their graphs.Comment: version to appear in European Physical Journal Plu
