2 research outputs found

    Les relacions interpersonals en l'educaci贸 f铆sica a l'ESO : an脿lisi de dos casos

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    Curs 2011-2012Les relacions interpersonals en l鈥橢ducaci贸 F铆sica a l鈥橢ducaci贸 Secund脿ria Obligat貌ria constitueixen l鈥檕bjecte d鈥檈studi d鈥檃questa recerca qualitativa i transversal. Un proc茅s d鈥檌nvestigaci贸 que pret茅n descriure, analitzar i interpretar els principals trets caracter铆stics d鈥檃quest marc relacional en l鈥櫭爉bit de l鈥橢ducaci贸 F铆sica; una mat猫ria que presenta difer猫ncies estructurals i organitzatives significatives respecte la resta d鈥櫭爎ees curriculars. Professor, alumne i grup-classe esdevenen els tres actors protagonistes d鈥檃questa xarxa interactiva; on l鈥檃tenci贸 es focalitza en l鈥檃n脿lisi de dues tipologies de relacions: professor-alumne i alumne-alumne. A trav茅s de l鈥檈studi de dos casos reals s鈥檃nalitzen tres factors fonamentals i determinants en el proc茅s relacional: estil d鈥檈nsenyament, rol adoptat i disponibilitat cap a les tasques; aix铆 com el factor resultant: l鈥檃mbient o clima d鈥檃prenentatge.Interpersonal relations in Physical Education in Secondary Education are the subject of this qualitative and cross-sectional research study. A research process that seeks to describe, analyse and interpret the main features of the relational framework in the field of Physical Education, a subject that has significant structural and organizational differences regarding other curricular areas. Teacher, student and class group become the three main actors in this interactive network, where attention is focused on the analysis of two types of relationships: teacher-student and student-student. Through the study of two real cases we analyse three key factors in determining the relational process: teaching style, role and availability taken into tasks, and the resulting factor: the environment or climate of learning