2,179 research outputs found
Listening In on the Past: What Can Otolith ÎŽ18O Values Really Tell Us about the Environmental History of Fishes?
Oxygen isotope ratios from fish otoliths are used to discriminate marine stocks and reconstruct past climate, assuming that variations in otolith ÎŽ18O values closely reflect differences in temperature history of fish when accounting for salinity induced variability in water ÎŽ18O. To investigate this, we exploited the environmental and migratory data gathered from a decade using archival tags to study the behaviour of adult plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the North Sea. Based on the tag-derived monthly distributions of the fish and corresponding temperature and salinity estimates modelled across three consecutive years, we first predicted annual otolith ÎŽ18O values for three geographically discrete offshore sub-stocks, using three alternative plausible scenarios for otolith growth. Comparison of predicted vs. measured annual ÎŽ18O values demonstrated >96% correct prediction of sub-stock membership, irrespective of the otolith growth scenario. Pronounced inter-stock differences in ÎŽ18O values, notably in summer, provide a robust marker for reconstructing broad-scale plaice distribution in the North Sea. However, although largely congruent, measured and predicted annual ÎŽ18O values of did not fully match. Small, but consistent, offsets were also observed between individual high-resolution otolith ÎŽ18O values measured during tag recording time and corresponding ÎŽ18O predictions using concomitant tag-recorded temperatures and location-specific salinity estimates. The nature of the shifts differed among sub-stocks, suggesting specific vital effects linked to variation in physiological response to temperature. Therefore, although otolith ÎŽ18O in free-ranging fish largely reflects environmental temperature and salinity, we counsel prudence when interpreting otolith ÎŽ18O data for stock discrimination or temperature reconstruction until the mechanisms underpinning otolith ÎŽ18O signature acquisition, and associated variation, are clarified
Reasoning About a Simulated Printer Case Investigation with Forensic Lucid
In this work we model the ACME (a fictitious company name) "printer case
incident" and make its specification in Forensic Lucid, a Lucid- and
intensional-logic-based programming language for cyberforensic analysis and
event reconstruction specification. The printer case involves a dispute between
two parties that was previously solved using the finite-state automata (FSA)
approach, and is now re-done in a more usable way in Forensic Lucid. Our
simulation is based on the said case modeling by encoding concepts like
evidence and the related witness accounts as an evidential statement context in
a Forensic Lucid program, which is an input to the transition function that
models the possible deductions in the case. We then invoke the transition
function (actually its reverse) with the evidential statement context to see if
the evidence we encoded agrees with one's claims and then attempt to
reconstruct the sequence of events that may explain the claim or disprove it.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, 7 listings, TOC, index; this article closely
relates to arXiv:0906.0049 and arXiv:0904.3789 but to remain stand-alone
repeats some of the background and introductory content; abstract presented
at HSC'09 and the full updated paper at ICDF2C'11. This is an updated/edited
version after ICDF2C proceedings with more references and correction
Discard sampling of the Dutch beam trawl fleet in 2008
Resultaten van het discardbemonsteringsprogramma van de Nederlandse boomkorvisserij in de Noordzee in 2008. In 2008 zijn tien reizen op de Nederlandse boomkorschepen met een motorvermogen groter dan 300 PK vissend met een maaswijdte van 80 mm bemonsterd. De discards en aanlandingen werden geteld en gemeten en vervolgens opgewerkt tot vangsten per vis uur, per reis, per kwartaal en per jaar. Andere commercial bodem trawlers zijn niet bemonsterd binnen dit project
Output Substitution in Multi-Species Trawl Fisheries: Implications for Quota Setting
In most multi-species fisheries managed through output controls, total allowable catches (TACs) are set primarily on the basis of biological considerations, usually on a species by species basis. An implicit assumption of management is that fishers are able to adjust their product mix in line with these quotas. If this is not the case, then over-quota catch occurs, leading to either illegal landings or discards. In either case, the effectiveness of the TAC in conserving the resource is reduced. In this paper we show that in the case of multi-species fisheries that exhibit jointness in production, setting TACs on an individual speciesâ basis is inappropriate. In particular, we quantify technical interactions through the estimation of a multi-output distance function for the UK North Sea beam and otter trawl fisheries, and find that in most cases, the potential of substitutability between the main and alternative species is relatively small. We argue that failure to quantify and integrate these technical interactions in the construction of management instruments for fisheries regulation, may result in increased discarding, illegal fishing and potentially lower than expected future yields.Multi-output fishery, Multi-output distance function, Elasticities of substitution, Efficiency
Development and selection of operational management strategies to achieve policy objectives
Since the reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy in 2002, effort has been devoted to addressing the governance, scientific, social and economic issues required to introduce an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM) in Europe. Fisheries management needs to support the three pillars of sustainability (ecological, social and economic) and Fisheries Ecosystem Plans (FEPs) have been developed as a tool to assist managers considering the ecological, social and economic implications of their decision. Building upon previous studies (e.g. the FP5-funded European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan project), the core concept of the Making the European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan Operational (MEFEPO) project is to deliver operational frameworks (FEPs) for three regional seas. The project focus is on how best to make current institutional frameworks responsive to an EAFM at regional and pan-European levels in accordance with the principles of good governance. The regional seas selected for the project are the North Sea (NS), North Western Waters (NWW) and South Western Waters (SWW) RAC regions. The aim of this work package (WP5) was to develop operational objectives to achieve the ecological objectives identified for the 3 regional seas in WP2. This report describes the development and implementation of a transparent and formal process that should lead to identification of the âbestâ operational management strategies for an EAFM, based on sound scientific information and stakeholder involvement (e.g. regional industry groups, citizen groups, managers and other interest groups)
An extensible approach to high-quality multilingual typesetting
International audienceWe propose to create and study a new model for the micro-typography part of automated multilingual typesetting. This new model will support quality typesetting for a number of modern and ancient scripts. The major innovations in the proposal are: the process is refined into four phases, each dependent on a multidimensional tree-structured context summarizing the current linguistic and cultural environment. The four phases are: preparing the input stream for typesetting; segmenting the stream into clusters (words); typesetting these clusters; and then recombining the clusters into a typeset text stream. The context is pervasive throughout the process; the algorithms used in each phase are context-dependent, as are the meanings of fundamental entities such as language, script, font and character
Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of Multi-Unit, Sequential, Oral, Ascending-Price Auctions With Asymmetric Bidders
Within the independent private-values paradigm, we derive the data-generating process of the winning bid for the last unit sold at multi-unit sequential English auctions when bidder valuations are draws from different distributions; i.e., in the presence of asymmetries. When the identity of the winner as well as the number of units won by each bidder in previous stages of the auction are observed, we demonstrate nonparametric identification and then propose two estimation strategies, one based on the empirical distribution function of winning bids for the last unit sold and the other based on approximation methods using orthogonal polynomials. We apply our methods to daily data from fish auctions held in GrenÄ, Denmark. For single-unit supply, we use our estimates to compare the revenues a seller could expect to earn were a Dutch auction employed instead.Asymmetric, Multi-unit, Sequential, Oral, Ascending-price fish auctions, Dutch auctions, Nonparametric identification and estimation
The Design and Use of a Multiple-Alphabet Font with Ω
International audienceThe Ω project aims to offer open and flexible means for typesetting different scripts. By working at several different levels, it is possible to offer natural support for different languages and scripts, and strictly respect typographical traditions for each of them. This is illustrated with a large PostScript Type 1 font for the commonly used left-to-right non-cursive alphabets, called omlgc (Ω Latin-Greek-Cyrillic). This font, which more than covers the Unicode sections pertaining to those alphabets, as well as those of IPA, Armenian, Georgian and Tifinagh (Berber), is built-virtually-out of smaller glyph banks. The Ω typesetting engine, based on that of TeX, is used to print documents using this font. The characters can be accessed either directly, or through the use of filters, called Ω Type-setting Processes (ΩTPs), which are applied to the input stream
The LaTeX project: A case study of open-source software
This is a case study of TeX, a typesetting software that was developed by Donald E. Knuth in the late 70's. Released with an open source license, it has become a reference in scientific publishing. TeX is now used to typeset and publish much of the world's scientific literature in physics and mathematics. This case study is part of a wider effort by academics to understand the open-source phenomenon. That development model is similar to the organization of the production of knowledge in academia; there is no set organization with a hierarchy, but free collaboration that is coordinated spontaneously and winds up generating complex products that are the property of all who can understand its functioning. The case study was led by gathering qualitative data via interviews with TeX developers and quantitative data on the TeX community -- the program's code, the software that is part of the TeX distribution, the newsgroups dedicated to the software, and many other indicators of the evolution and activity in that open-source project. The case study is aimed at economists who want to develop models to understand and analyze the open-source phenomenon. It is also geared towards policy-makers who would like to encourage or regulate open- source, and towards open-source developers who wonder what are the efficient strategies to make an open-source project successful.TeX, LaTeX, case study, open source, software, innovation, organisational structure, economic history, knowledge production, knowledge diffusion.
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