5 research outputs found

    Bruk av nye medier i markedsføring av Kystriksveien

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    Kystriksveien Reiseliv er et markedsføringsselskap for strekningen Steinkjer – Bodø. Selskapet jobber med 170 reiselivsbedrifter, 25 kommuner fordelt på to fylkeskommuner. Markedsføring av opplevelser og aktiviteter langs veien er et strategisk satsningsområde. Kystriksveien Reiseliv opplever at det kreves større kompetanse for å markedsføre deres produkt gjennom nye medier og på nye plattformer og ønsket derfor å gjennomføre et kompetansehevningsprosjekt i samarbeid med Høgskolen i Nord- Trøndelag. Prosjektet har tatt utgangspunkt i et praktisk case hvor Trygve Pløhn over en periode på 17 dager fra 8. juni til 24. juni 2010 syklet Kystriksveien fra Bodø til Steinkjer. Med på turen fulgte Kindergarten Media. I løpet av turen ble det produsert en rikholdig turdagbok / blogg med bilder, tekst og daglige Web-TV sendinger. Det ble også benyttes sosiale medier som Twitter og Facebook for å formidle opplevelsen det var å sykle Kystriksveien.Prosjektet var et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, VRITrøndelag, Kystriksveien Reiseliv og Kindergarten Media. Prosjektet ble finansiert av Kystriksveien Reiseliv og VRI-Trøndela

    Nuclear mayhem learning and dynamic pervasive storytelling

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    Notitie benchmarking van huisvestingskosten

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    A pervasive game blends gaming with the real world and makes the experience pervasive according to the players’ everyday life. Pervasive games typically last for days or weeks and have successfully been used within advertising and social relationship building. A pervasive learning game intentionally removes the walls of the classroom and makes learning something that happens everywhere at all times. However, lessons learned in previous research on long-lasting pervasive learning games have shown that not all players/students participate enough in the game to achieve the desired learning outcome. The-Last-Shall-Be-The-First (TLSBTF) is a method to overcome this problem by rewarding players that activate passive players. Activated players also receive special bonus that – given that they from this point on actively participate in the game – gives them the opportunity to get ahead and even win the game. The method has shown promising results in experimental long-lasting pervasive learning games. In this paper, the method is refined and presented as mathematical formulas. Formulas make it easier to integrate the method into similar types of games. Another important contribution is the clarification of the elements of the model behind the method that makes it easier to conduct research on the effect of the individual parameters in relation to increased player participation in long lasting pervasive learning games. Furthermore, the mathematical formulas presented in this paper, provide a good platform for further development of the TLSBTF method. The main contribution of this paper is the presentation and description of the mathematical model that make up the dynamic TLSBTF bonus system method

    Dynamic pervasive storytelling in long lasting learning games

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    Pervasive gaming is a reality‑based gaming genre originating from alternative theatrical forms in which the performance becomes a part of the players⠒ everyday life. In recent years much research has been done on pervasive gaming (Benford et al. 2005, Cheok et al. 2006, Jegers and Wiberg 2006) and its potential applications towards specific domains. Pervasive games have been effective with regards to advertising (VG 2009), education (Pløhn 2013) and social relationship building (Pløhn and Aalberg 2013). In pervasive games that take place over a long period of time, i.e. days or weeks, an important success criterion is to provide features that support in‑game awareness and increases the pervasiveness of the game according to the playe rs⠒ everyday life. However, given the nature of pervasive games, they also pose challenges when compared to more traditional gaming approaches, namely; 1) How can one make the game pervasive according to the players⠒ everyday life? and 2) How can on e support in‑game awareness?. This paper presents a Dynamic Pervasive Storytelling (DPS) approach and describes the design of the pervasive game Nuclear Mayhem (NM), a pervasive game designed to support a Web‑games development course at the Nord‑Trøn delag University College, Norway. NM ran parallel with the course and lasted for nine weeks and needed specific features both to become a part of the players⠒ everyday life and to remind the players about the ongoing game. DPS, as a model, is oriented t owards increasing the pervasiveness of the game and supporting a continuous level of player in‑game awareness through the use of real life events (RLE). DPS uses RLE as building blocks both to create the overall game story prior to the start of the game by incorporating elements of current affairs in its design and during the unfolding of the game as a mean to increase the pervasiveness and in‑game awareness of the experience. The paper concludes that DPS is a promising approach for creating a game stor y which increases the pervasiveness of the game and supports Keywords: Keywords: pervasive games, game based learning, in-game awareness, interactive storytelling, media analysis, game masterin

    Bruk av nye medier i markedsføring av Kystriksveien

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    Kystriksveien Reiseliv er et markedsføringsselskap for strekningen Steinkjer – Bodø. Selskapet jobber med 170 reiselivsbedrifter, 25 kommuner fordelt på to fylkeskommuner. Markedsføring av opplevelser og aktiviteter langs veien er et strategisk satsningsområde. Kystriksveien Reiseliv opplever at det kreves større kompetanse for å markedsføre deres produkt gjennom nye medier og på nye plattformer og ønsket derfor å gjennomføre et kompetansehevningsprosjekt i samarbeid med Høgskolen i Nord- Trøndelag. Prosjektet har tatt utgangspunkt i et praktisk case hvor Trygve Pløhn over en periode på 17 dager fra 8. juni til 24. juni 2010 syklet Kystriksveien fra Bodø til Steinkjer. Med på turen fulgte Kindergarten Media. I løpet av turen ble det produsert en rikholdig turdagbok / blogg med bilder, tekst og daglige Web-TV sendinger. Det ble også benyttes sosiale medier som Twitter og Facebook for å formidle opplevelsen det var å sykle Kystriksveien.Prosjektet var et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, VRITrøndelag, Kystriksveien Reiseliv og Kindergarten Media. Prosjektet ble finansiert av Kystriksveien Reiseliv og VRI-Trøndela