35 research outputs found

    Theoretical investigations of a highly mismatched interface: the case of SiC/Si(001)

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    Using first principles, classical potentials, and elasticity theory, we investigated the structure of a semiconductor/semiconductor interface with a high lattice mismatch, SiC/Si(001). Among several tested possible configurations, a heterostructure with (i) a misfit dislocation network pinned at the interface and (ii) reconstructed dislocation cores with a carbon substoichiometry is found to be the most stable one. The importance of the slab approximation in first-principles calculations is discussed and estimated by combining classical potential techniques and elasticity theory. For the most stable configuration, an estimate of the interface energy is given. Finally, the electronic structure is investigated and discussed in relation with the dislocation array structure. Interface states, localized in the heterostructure gap and located on dislocation cores, are identified

    Proof of sum rules for double parton distributions in QCD

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    Double hard scattering can play an important role for producing multiparticle final states in hadron-hadron collisions. The associated cross sections depend on double parton distributions, which at present are only weakly constrained by theory or measurements. A set of sum rules for these distributions has been proposed by Gaunt and Stirling some time ago. We give a proof for these sum rules at all orders in perturbation theory, including a detailed analysis of the renormalisation of ultraviolet divergences. As a by-product of our study, we obtain the form of the inhomogeneous evolution equation for double parton distributions at arbitrary perturbative order

    Der Einfluss des zirkadianen Rhythmus auf die Beantwortung der Epworth-Schläfrigkeits-Skala

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    The influence of the circadian rhythm on the completion of the Epworth Sleepiness Scale

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    Sum rule improved double parton distributions in position space

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    Models for double parton distributions that are realistic and consistent with theoretical constraints are crucial for a reliable description of double parton scattering. We show how an ansatz that has the correct behaviour in the limit of small transverse distance between the partons can be improved step by step, such as to fulfil the sum rules for double parton distributions with an accuracy around 10%