32 research outputs found

    Bakar u pitkoj vodi kućanstava grada Zagreba

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    Copper concentration was estimated in tap water samples obtained from 70 households in Zagreb, serviced by a public water supply system. First-draw and flushed samples of tap water were collected in the morning and total copper concentration was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman-effect background correction. We also estimated the contribution of plumbing material to copper concentrations in tap water. In households with copper pipes, median and range copper values were 310 μg L-1 [(27 to 632) μg L-1] in first-draw samples and 16 μg L-1 [(5 to 52) μg L-1] in flushed samples. Corresponding values for households with galvanised pipes were 140 μg L-1 [(11 to 289) μg L-1] and 8 μg L-1 [(1 to 42) μg L-1], respectively. Copper concentrations in household tap water in Zagreb were far below the proposed safe limits set by the Croatian and WHO regulations and EPA standards, and drinking water in Zagreb is not a significant source of copper exposure.Koncentracija bakra u pitkoj vodi određena je u 70 kućanstava grada Zagreba koja su priključena na gradski vodovod. U svakom kućanstvu uzeta su po dva uzorka pitke vode: uzorak vode uzet iz slavine odmah ujutro nakon stajanja vode u vodovodnoj cijevi tijekom noći, tj. najmanje šest sati, te uzorak vode uzet iz iste slavine nakon što je voda puštena da teče dvije minute. Ukupna koncentracija bakra određena je elektrotermičkom atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom uz Zeemanovu korekciju nespecifi čne apsorpcije. Osim toga, ispitan je utjecaj materijala od kojeg su izrađene vodovodne cijevi na koncentraciju bakra u pitkoj vodi. U kućanstvima s bakrenim cijevima, vrijednosti medijana i raspona bakra bile su 310 μg L-1 [(27 do 632) μg L-1] u uzorcima pitke vode koja je stajala u cijevima tijekom noći, te 16 μg L-1 [(5 do 52) μg L-1] u uzorcima vode uzetim nakon isplahnjivanja cijevi. Odgovarajuće vrijednosti bakra dobivene u kućanstvima s galvaniziranim cijevima bile su 140 μg L-1 [(11 do 289) μg L-1], odnosno 8 μg L-1 [(1 do 42) μg L-1]. Rezultati pokazuju da su koncentracije bakra izmjerene u pitkoj vodi kućanstava grada Zagreba znatno niže od predloženih graničnih vrijednosti propisanih hrvatskim, WHO i EPA-standardima. Bakar u pitkoj vodi grada Zagreba nije značajan izvor izloženosti bakru

    Oksidacijski stres u toksičnosti triazinskih pesticida - pregled glavnih biomarkera

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    This review article provides a summary of the studies relying on oxidative stress biomarkers (lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes in particular) to investigate the effects of atrazine and terbuthylazine exposure in experimental animals and humans published since 2010. In general, experimental animals showed that atrazine and terbuthylazine exposure mostly affected their antioxidant defences and, to a lesser extent, lipid peroxidation, but the effects varied by the species, sex, age, herbicide concentration, and duration of exposure. Most of the studies involved aquatic organisms as useful and sensitive bio-indicators of environmental pollution and important part of the food chain. In laboratory mice and rats changes in oxidative stress markers were visible only with exposure to high doses of atrazine. Recently, our group reported that low-dose terbuthylazine could also induce oxidative stress in Wistar rats. It is evident that any experimental assessment of pesticide toxic effects should take into account a combination of several oxidative stress and antioxidant defence biomarkers in various tissues and cell compartments. The identified effects in experimental models should then be complemented and validated by epidemiological studies. This is important if we wish to understand the impact of pesticides on human health and to establish safe limits.Ovaj pregledni članak daje sažetak studija objavljenih od 2010. godine o djelovanju atrazina i terbutilazina na parametre oksidacijskog stresa (osobito lipidnu peroksidaciju i antioksidacijske enzime) u eksperimentalnih životinja i ljudi. Općenito je utvrđeno da izloženost eksperimentalnih životinja atrazinu i terbutilazinu najviše utječe na njihovu antioksidacijsku obranu i u manjoj mjeri na lipidnu peroksidaciju, ali učinci variraju ovisno o vrsti, spolu, dobi, koncentraciji herbicida i trajanju izlaganja. Većina studija uključivala je vodene organizme kao korisne i osjetljive bio-pokazatelje onečišćenja okoliša i važan dio prehrambenog lanca. U laboratorijskih miševa i štakora promjene u markerima oksidacijskog stresa bile su vidljive samo nakon izloženosti visokim dozama atrazina. U svojem smo nedavnom izvješću iznijeli podatak da niske doze terbutilazina također mogu inducirati oksidacijski stres u Wistar štakora. Očigledno je da pri svakoj eksperimentalnoj procjeni toksičnih učinaka pesticida treba uzeti u obzir kombinaciju nekoliko biomarkera oksidacijskog stresa i antioksidacijske obrane u različitim tkivima i stanicama. Učinci identificirani u eksperimentalnim modelima trebaju se nadopunjavati i potvrditi epidemiološkim istraživanjima. To je važno ako želimo razumjeti utjecaj pesticida na ljudsko zdravlje i uspostaviti sigurnu granicu izloženosti

    FABP 2 gene polymorphism and metabolic syndrome in elderly people of Croatian descent

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    Introduction: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a multifactorial disorder in which dyslipidemia plays an important role. Fatty acid-binding protein 2 (FABP 2) is responsible for transport of free fatty acids in the intestinal endothelium cells. FABP2-genetic variants might affect plasma lipid concentrations and intracellular lipid transport. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between FABP2 Ala54Thr genetic polymorphism and metabolic syndrome and some biochemical and anthropological parameters in elderly subjects. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study included 140 men and 176 women older than 70 years. Fasting serum concentration of glucose, lipid parameters, total proteins and C-reactive protein were determined by standardized methods. Presence (MetS(+)) or absence (MetS(-)) of MetS was determined according to criteria of the International Diabetes Federation. FABP2 genetic polymorphism Ala54Thr (rs1799883) was genotyped with PCR-RFPL. Results: The genotype frequencies for Ala/Ala, Ala/Thr and Thr/Thr genotype were 60, 36 and 6 in MetS(-), and 131, 70 and 13 in MetS(+), respectively, without statistical significance (P = 0.567). A-la/Ala genotype was a subgroup of non-carriers, while Ala/Thr and Thr/Thr genotypes were Thr54-carriers. Median triglyceride concentration was significantly lower in carriers then in non-carriers for whole MetS(+) group (P = 0.050); there were no significant difference between men with MetS (P = 0.144), but there was a difference between women with MetS (P = 0.020). T-test showed that mean HDL cholesterol concentrations in MetS(+) group for Thr54-carriers was significantly higher in whole group (P = 0.001), and for both genders (men P = 0.039; women P = 0.004) as compared to non-carriers. Conclusions: FABP2 genetic polymorphism is associated with lower triglyceride and higher HDL-cholesterol concentrations in elderly subjects with MetS. This genetic variation might be a useful mar-ker for understanding dyslipidemia in MetS

    Određivanje olova u hrvatskim vinima elektrotermičkom atomskom apsorpcijskom spektrometrijom

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    A method has been developed for direct determination of lead in wine by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) with Zeeman-effect background correction. The thermal behaviour of Pb during pyrolysis and atomisation stages was investigated without matrix modifi er and in the presence of Pd(NO3)2, Pd(NO3)2 + Mg(NO3)2 x 6H2O, and NH4H2PO4 + Mg(NO3)2 x 6H2O as matrix modifiers. A simple 1:1 dilution of wine samples with Pd(NO3)2 as a matrix modifier proved optimal for accurate determination of Pb in wine. Mean recoveries were 106 % for red and 114 % for white wine, and the detection limit was 3 μg L-1. Within-run precision of measurements for red and white wine was 2.1 % and 1.8 %, respectively. The proposed method was applied for analysis of 23 Croatian wines. Median Pb concentrations were 33 μg L-1, range (16 to 49) μg L-1 in commercially available wines and 46 μg L-1, range (14 to 559) μg L-1 in home-made wines. There were no statistically significant differences (P<0.05) in Pb concentration between commercial and home-made wines or between red and white wines.Razvijena je metoda za izravno određivanje olova u vinu primjenom elektrotermičke atomske apsorpcijske spektrometrije (ETAAS) uz Zeemanovu korekciju nespecifi čne apsorpcije. Termalno ponašanje Pb za vrijeme pirolize i atomizacije uzorka ispitano je bez primjene modifi katora matrice te u prisutnosti modifi katora Pd(NO3)2, Pd(NO3)2 + Mg(NO3)2 x 6H2O i NH4H2PO4 + Mg(NO3)2 x 6H2O . Pokazalo se kako je jednostavno razrjeđenje uzoraka (1:1), uz Pd(NO3)2 kao modifi kator, optimalno za točno određivanje Pb u vinima. Srednje vrijednosti analitičkih povrata bile su 106 % za crno i 114 % za bijelo vino, dok je granica detekcije mjerenja iznosila 3 μg L-1. Preciznost mjerenja unutar istog dana iznosila je 2,1 % za crno vino te 1,8 % za bijelo vino. Metoda je primijenjena za analizu 23-ju uzoraka vina hrvatskog podrijetla. Koncentracije Pb bile su u rasponu od 16 μg L-1 do 49 μg L-1 (medijan 33 μg L-1) u komercijalnim vinima te od 14 μg L-1 do 559 μg L-1 (medijan 46 μg L-1) u vinima domaće proizvodnje. Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika između koncentracije Pb u komercijalnim i domaćim vinima, kao ni razlika između crnih i bijelih vina

    Does the Serum Metallothionein Level Reflect the Stage of Testicular Germ Cell Tumor?

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    Increased levels of metallothionein (MT) have recently been found in the blood serum of men with newly diagnosed testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT). In light of previously published results, the aim of this study was to investigate the difference in serum MT levels among patients with different stages of TGCT and compare MT with commonly used markers (α- fetoprotein, β-human chorionic gonadotropin and lactate dehydrogenase). The concentration of total MT was determined in the serum of 25 men with TGCT (seminoma or non-seminoma) by differential pulse voltammetry. Serum samples were obtained prior to chemotherapy, after two cycles of chemotherapy and 1 year after chemotherapy. A statistically significant difference in MT levels in patients with different stages of TGCT was observed in the serum of patients with non-seminoma obtained before chemotherapy. Although not significant, an increase in serum MT levels commensurate with the disease stage increase was also observed in patients with seminomatous TGCT. The results indicate that, in combination with the existing markers, MT could be useful for the identification of the histological type of tumor and stage of the disease before biopsy diagnosis

    Primjena mezo-2,3-dimerkaptojantarne kiseline u radnika profesionalno izloženih olovu

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of (DMSA) meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid treatment in workers with increased lead absorption and no overt symptoms of lead poisoning. Seven occupationally lead exposed male workers with blood lead concentrations (PbB) exceeding 50 µg/100 ml and a positive (EDTA) calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate lead mobilization test were treated with DMSA for 19 days. Individual doses were 700 mg DMSA, three times a day from day one to five, and twice a day from day six to 19. The treatment intensified urinary lead excretion, most rapidly during the first five days. The increased elimination was followed by a decline of mean PbB to 15% of the pretreatment values. However, 15 days after the treatment, the PbB concentrations rebounded, yet kept below the baseline values and did not exceed 40 µg/100 ml. After repeated EDTA lead mobilization test, urine lead was 23–68% of that before DMSA treatment. It can be concluded that DMSA can effectively reduce chelatable lead in occupationally exposed workers.Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je ustanoviti učinkovitost mezo-2,3-dimerkaptojantarne kiseline (DMSA) u tretiranju radnika s povećanom apsorpcijom olova, a bez znakova trovanja olovom. Danas se DMSA smatra jednim od najboljih kelatirajućih sredstava, koje se pokazalo učinkovitim posebno u djece otrovane olovom. U Hrvatskoj, međutim, do sada još nije bilo primjenjivano. Sedam radnika profesionalno izloženih olovu bilo je tretirano s DMSA. Radnici nisu imali kliničkih simptoma otrovanja olovom, koncentracija olova u krvi bila je viša od 50 µg/100 ml, a mobilizacijski test s kalcij dinatrij etilendiamintetraacetatom (EDTA) bio je pozitivan. Postupak je trajao 19 dana u pojedinačnim dozama od 700 mg DMSA tri puta na dan od prvog do petog dana i dva puta na dan od šestog do devetnaestog dana. Rezultati su pokazali da je izlučivanje olova urinom za vrijeme primjene DMSA bilo povišeno, i to najviše prvih pet dana. Nakon toga se smanjilo do 15% od početne vrijednosti. Koncentracije olova u krvi, međutim, povisile su se 15 dana nakon završetka tretmana, ali nisu premašile vrijednost od 40 µg/100 ml. Nakon ponovljenog testa mobilizacije EDTA-om, olovo u urinu iznosilo je 23–68% od one vrijednosti koja je dobivena prije primjene DMSA. Izlučivanje cinka i bakra urinom bilo je za vrijeme terapije povišeno 2–3 puta, a nije bilo promjena u izlučivanju željeza, kalcija i magnezija. Može se zaključiti da DMSA učinkovito smanjuje koncentracije olova u radnika profesionalno izloženih tom toksičnom metalu

    Environmental Exposure to Metals, Parameters of Oxidative Stress in Blood and Prostate Cancer: Results from Two Cohorts

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    We studied the potential role of exposure to various metal(oid)s (As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, and Pb) in prostate cancer. Two cohorts were established: the Croatian cohort, consisting of 62 cases and 30 controls, and the Serbian cohort, consisting of 41 cases and 61 controls. Blood/serum samples were collected. Levels of investigated metal(oid)s, various parameters of oxidative stress, and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) were determined in collected samples. A comparison of the measured parameters between 103 prostate cancer patients and 91 control men from both Croatian and Serbian cohorts showed significantly higher blood Hg, SOD, and GPx levels and significantly lower serum SH levels in prostate cancer patients than in controls. Correlation analyses revealed the significant relationship between certain parameters of oxidative stress and the concentrations of the measured metal(loid)s, pointing to the possible role of metal(oid)-induced oxidative stress imbalance. Furthermore, a significant inverse relationship was found between the blood Pb and the serum PSA in prostate cancer patients, but when the model was adjusted for the impacts of remaining parameters, no significant association between the serum PSA and the measured parameters was found. The results of the overall study indicate a substantial contribution of the measured metal(loid)s to the imbalance of the oxidant/antioxidant system. Although somewhat conflicting, the results of the present study point to the possible role of investigated metal(oid)s in prostate cancer, especially for Hg, since the obtained relationship was observed for both cohorts, followed by the disturbances in oxidative stress status, which were found to be correlated with Hg levels. Nevertheless, further studies in larger cohorts are warranted to explain and confirm the obtained results

    Okratoksin A pospješuje nakupljanje citrinina u bubrezima i jetri štakora

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    Ochratoxin A (OTA) and citrinin (CTN) are nephrotoxic mycotoxins often found together in grain. The aim of this study was to measure their accumulation in the kidney and liver of adult male Wistar rats, see how it would be affected by combined treatment, and to determine if resveratrol (RSV) would decrease their levels in these organs. The rats received 125 or 250 mg/kg bw of OTA by gavage every day for 21 days and/or 20 mg/kg bw of CTN a day for two days. Two groups of rats treated with OTA+CTN were also receiving 20 mg/kg bw of RSV a day for 21 days. In animals receiving OTA alone, its accumulation in both organs was dose-dependent. OTA+CTN treatment resulted in lower OTA but higher CTN accumulation in both organs at both OTA doses. RSV treatment increased OTA levels in the kidney and liver and decreased CTN levels in the kidney. Our findings point to the competition between CTN and OTA for organic anion transporters 1 and 3.Okratoksin A(OTA) i citrinin (CTN) nefrotoksični su mikotoksini koji zajednički kontaminiraju žitarice. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je izmjeriti koncentraciju OTA-e i CTN-a u bubrezima i jetri štakora, tretiranih tim mikotoksinima, te provjeriti hoće li tretman resveratrolom (RSV) smanjiti koncentraciju mikotoksina u tkivima. Istraživanje je provedeno na mužjacima štakora soja Wistar, koji su 21 dan bili tretirani OTA-om (0,125 i 0,250 mg/kg t. m.), a dva dana CTN-om (20 mg/kg t. m.) ili kombinacijama tih mikotoksina. Dvije skupine štakora koje su tretirane mikotoksinima OTA+CTN dobivale su 21 dan RSV (20 mg/kg t. m.). Povećanje koncentracija OTA-e u bubrezima i jetri bio je u skladu s povećanjem doze. Tretman mikotoksinima OTA+CTN smanjio je nakupljanje OTA-e u bubrezima i jetri, a povećao je koncentraciju CTN-a. Tretman RSV-om povećao je koncentraciju OTA-e u bubrezima i jetri, ali je smanjio koncentraciju CTN-a u bubrezima tretiranih štakora. Koncentracija OTA-e značajno se smanjila u prisutnosti CTN-a, vjerojatno zbog kompeticije CTN-a i OTA-e za prijenosnike OAT1 i 3, koji služe za prijenos tih toksina kroz membrane u bubrezima

    DNA Damage and Glutathione Peroxidase Activity in Liver and Kidney Cells in Wistar Rats Exposed to Terbuthylazine (TERB) for 28 Consecutive Days

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    The potential of low doses of the chloro-triazine herbicide terbuthylazine to induce DNA damage and impair activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) was evaluated in kidney and parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cells of adult male rats. In a 28-day study, terbuthylazine was applied daily by oral gavage at doses: 0.004, 0.4 and 2.29 mg/kg bw/day. Tail Intensity (T Int) and Tail Length (TL) were used as descriptors of DNA damage. In the kidney, Tail Int was significantly different in all treated groups, while TL was different in 0.4 and 2.29 mg/kg bw/day groups, compared to controls. Significant differences in TL were recorded in parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cells of all treated groups. Tail Int was significantly different from controls in non-parenchymal liver cells at all applied doses and in parenchymal cells at terbuthylazine doses of 0.004 and 2.29 mg/kg bw/day. A significant increase in GPx activity was observed only in the kidney at doses 0.4 and 2.29 mg/kg bw/day compared to the controls indicating its possible role in the protection of kidney from free radicals. It appears that repeated exposure to low doses of terbuthylazine could cause DNA instability in kidney cells and in parenchymal and non-parenchymal liver cells in rats