159 research outputs found

    Genes, chromosomes and development

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    Procura-se mostrar, no presente artigo, que nenhuma teoria micromerista consegue explicar os fenômenos genéticos, por não ser possível conferir a partículas a independência funcional relacionada com o trabalho que devem exercer de maneira específica no organismo. O fato dos gens se encontrarem em tôdas as células do organismo em desenvolvimento, mostra que essas entidades desenvolvem distintas atividades em diferentes tecidos. Mas acontece, que nem a microscopia eletrônica, nem a bioquímica, consegue descobrir nos cormossômios algo que possa corresponder ao conceito de gen-conta-de rosário da genética clássica. Entretanto, o cromossômio considerado como um todo pode com vantagem substituir os gens no seu papel de determinar os caracteres do organismo. Admitindo-se que os cromossômios se determinam com as células de que fazem parte, uns para trabalhar nos esboços de asas, outros nos de olhos, patas ou outras estruturas, compreende-se fàcilmente, que, por intermédio de distintos membros do clone que se inicia com a primeira divisão do ovo, uma dada sorte de cromossômio, funcionando como um todo especializado, pode exercer as atividades específicas que lhe são atribuídas. E isso, de pleno acôrdo com a embriologia experimental

    Provas cruciais da dicentricidade dos cromossômios dos hemipteros

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    Studying the meiosis of two Hemiptera, mamely, Lybindus dichrous (Coreidae) and Euryophthalmus humilis (Pyrrhocoridae), the author has found new proofs in favor of the existence of a centromere at each end of the chromosomes of the insects belonging to that order. Following the behaviour of a pair of large autosomes of Lybindus, he was able to verify that in the first division of the spermatocytes, the tetrad they form divides transversely by the middle, giving rise to two V-shaped anaphase chromosomes that go to the poles with the vertex pointing forwardly. From the end of the first division till the metaphase of the second one, the centromeres occupying the vertex of the V go apart from one another, making the chiasmata existing there slip to the opposite extremities, what changes the V into an X. When the chiasmata reach the acentric ends, the X is again converted into a V. The V of the secondary metaphase, therefore, differs from the V of the primary anaphase, in being inverted that is, in having the centromeres in the extremity of its arms, and no longer in the vertex as in the latter. The opening out of the chromosomes starting at the centric extremities in order to recuperate the dumbbell shape they show in the secondary anaphase, just in the manner postulated by PIZA, is thus demonstrated. In Euryophthalmus humilis it was verified once more, that the heterochromosome, in the secondary spermatocytes, orients parallelly to the spindle axis, accompanying with its ends the anaphase plates as they move to the poles. The author is in disagreement with NORONHA-WAGNER & DUARTE DE CASTRO's interpretation of the behaviour of the chromosomes in meiosis of Luzula nemorosa

    Novos Phaneropteridae do Brasil

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    Nota sôbre cromossômios de alguns Ortópteros do Brasil

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    A short, report on the chromosomes of three species of Brasilian Orthoptera is given in the present paper. Meroncidius intermedins Brunner, belonging to the Pseu-dophyllidae, differs from the species already studied in the Family in having 30 instead of 34 autosomes and a metacentric sex chromosome. "Of the autosomes, 4 showed to be metacentric. The author believes that the present species may be originated from one having 34 acrocentric autosomes by means of centric fusions. The origin of ths metacentricity of the X is not discussed. Oxyprora flavicornis Redtb.,belonging to the Copiphori-dae, has spermatogonia with 29 chromosomes. Of the autosomes, 4 seemed to be metacentric. The X has the form of a V of subae-qual arms. Neoconocephálus injuscatus (Scudd.), also belonging to the Copiphoridae, is provided with secondary spermatocytes of 13 -j- X and 13 chromosomes. The heterochromosome is metacentric. In the spermatogonia, whose chromosome number has not been counted, there are a lot of metacentric elements. In the opinion of the present writer species provided with 31, 33 and 35 chromosomes should exist in the Copiphoridae

    Stern-Gerlach Entanglement in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    Entanglement of spin and position variables produced by spatially inhomogeneous magnetic fields of Stern-Gerlach type acting on spinor Bose-Einstein condensates may lead to interference effects at the level of one-boson densities. A model is worked out for these effects which is amenable to analytical calculation for gaussian shaped condensates. The resulting interference effects are sensitive to the spin polarization properties of the condensate.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
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