2 research outputs found

    Virtual organizations : a case study of the Polish agricultural sector

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to diagnose the activity of virtual organizations in Polish agriculture and to determine the importance of trust in their formation and development.DESIGN/APPROACH/METHODOLOGY: An approach based on Gioia methodology was applied. Five organizations created by farmers to sell their products directly to consumers were deliberately selected. In each case, the farmers collaborated to build the foundations of a virtual organization. The study involved the method of a diagnostic survey and an interview questionnaire as a research instrument.FINDINGS: Modern information and communications technologies allow for the effective shortening of the distance between organizations potentially interested in cooperation. The empirical research involving Polish organizations of farmers operating in the virtual space shows that the crucial element determining their success is building consumer trust through providing high-quality products and delivering them on time.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: It has been found that for buyers of food products quality is the highest value. Confidence in the quality of products resulting from the previous experience or the experience of friends was a decisive motive for placing orders.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: Identification of the factors determining the functioning of virtual organizations in the agribusiness sector in Poland.peer-reviewe

    Specyfika i ewolucja grupy subkulturowej metalowc贸w we wsp贸艂czesnym spo艂ecze艅stwie polskim

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: This article is a part of the "Subculture group of metalheads as a phenomenon in contemporary Polish society" project. I've presented in my work a picture of the most enormous subculture group in Poland, which is, without any doubts, the metalheads group. In this article I've decided to pay more attention to the constant transformations, which occur inside this very diverse group and I've tried to show the essential elements of its members' activities