20 research outputs found

    A case of telescoping of bowel during sailing

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    Intussusceptions as an entity is more common in children than adults in whom it is almost always secondary to some associated pathology. Moreover, the presentation is subacute or chronic in nature and all classical features of intussusceptions are rarely present together that makes the diagnosis more challenging. Here we presented a case of ileo-ileal intussusception in an adult male. Obligation of early diagnosis, initial management is unique in such cases. It also focuses on importance of availability of the imaging facilities in management of acute abdomen so as to assist in timely diagnosis as well as the definitive management of intussusceptions.

    Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: an overview of current thinking and treatment

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPV) infection in benign laryngeal papillomas is well established. The vast majority of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis lesions are due to HPV types 6 and 11. Human papillomaviruses are small non-enveloped viruses (>8 kb), that replicate within the nuclei of infected host cells. Infected host basal cell keratinocytes and papillomas arise from the disordered proliferation of these differentiating keratinocytes. Surgical debulking of papillomas is currently the treatment of choice; newer surgical approaches utilizing microdebriders are replacing laser ablation. Surgery aims to secure an adequate airway and improve and maintain an acceptable quality of voice. Adjuvant treatments currently used include cidofovir, indole-3-carbinol, ribavirin, mumps vaccine, and photodynamic therapy. The recent licensing of prophylactic HPV vaccines is a most interesting development. The low incidence of RRP does pose significant problems in recruitment of sufficient numbers to show statistical significance. Large multi-centre collaborative clinical trials are therefore required. Even so, sufficient clinical follow-up data would take several years

    Ruxolitinib Associated Tuberculosis Presenting as a Neck Lump

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    Tuberculosis is an opportunistic infection with protean clinical manifestations. We describe a case of Ruxolitinib induced miliary tuberculosis presenting as a neck lump. A 78-year-old female presented with a two-month history of right-sided neck lump associated with fever, night sweats, and significant weight loss. She had a past medical history that included myelofibrosis, being treated with Ruxolitinib. Examination demonstrated 4 × 4 cm right-sided cervical lymphadenopathy. A chest radiograph showed extensive shadowing in both lungs. CT scan demonstrated perilymphatic nodes in addition to the cervical mass. An ultrasound-guided biopsy of a cervical lymph node demonstrated confirmed Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. It was hypothesized that use of Ruxolitinib through its selective inhibition of Janus-activated kinases 1 and 2 resulted in immunosuppression and miliary tuberculosis in this patient. The medication was stopped and a 12-month regime of antituberculosis therapy commenced. She remained well at one-year follow-up with resolution of lung involvement. Clinicians should consider tuberculosis as a differential diagnosis for patients presenting with a neck lump, particularly in those taking immunosuppressant medication such as Ruxolitinib. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to promptly treat the tuberculosis and consider discontinuation of Ruxolitinib

    Case Report Ruxolitinib Associated Tuberculosis Presenting as a Neck Lump

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    Tuberculosis is an opportunistic infection with protean clinical manifestations. We describe a case of Ruxolitinib induced miliary tuberculosis presenting as a neck lump. A 78-year-old female presented with a two-month history of right-sided neck lump associated with fever, night sweats, and significant weight loss. She had a past medical history that included myelofibrosis, being treated with Ruxolitinib. Examination demonstrated 4 × 4 cm right-sided cervical lymphadenopathy. A chest radiograph showed extensive shadowing in both lungs. CT scan demonstrated perilymphatic nodes in addition to the cervical mass. An ultrasoundguided biopsy of a cervical lymph node demonstrated confirmed Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. It was hypothesized that use of Ruxolitinib through its selective inhibition of Janus-activated kinases 1 and 2 resulted in immunosuppression and miliary tuberculosis in this patient. The medication was stopped and a 12-month regime of antituberculosis therapy commenced. She remained well at one-year follow-up with resolution of lung involvement. Clinicians should consider tuberculosis as a differential diagnosis for patients presenting with a neck lump, particularly in those taking immunosuppressant medication such as Ruxolitinib. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to promptly treat the tuberculosis and consider discontinuation of Ruxolitinib

    Inverted papilloma of lacrimal sac invading into the orbit: Case report and review of literature

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    Inverted papilloma (IP) is a sinonasal tumor of benign etiology with local invasion and malignant potential. IP arising in lacrimal sac invading the orbit is extremely rare with only one case reported so far. The presented case appears to be the second such case reported in the literature. A 60-year-old Caucasian male presented with a medial canthal mass and epiphora. Incisional biopsy confirmed a transitional neoplasm. The lesion was completely excised enbloc with clear margins by using a Weber-Ferguson incision; orbital clearance and nasolacrimalfossa clearance was achieved via a medial maxillectomy. Enbloc resection of orbital and nasolacrimal parts of the tumor with clear margins is recommended

    Вплив загартування на механічні властивості монокристала In2Se2.7Sb0.3

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    Напівпровідникові сполуки III-VI є цікавими матеріалами для виготовлення таких приладів як детектори іонізуючого випромінювання, твердотільні електроди, іонні акумулятори, а також фоточутливі гетероструктури та сонячні елементи. Структурна складність сімейства In-Se спонукала нас до дослідження невивченого складу In2Se3 та його властивостей із легуванням сурмою (Sb). Метою даної роботи є вивчення впливу сурми на нову конфігурацію In2Se3. Потрійні напівпровідникові сполуки у вигляді монокристалів або тонких плівок викликають значний інтерес через свої структурні, оптичні та електричні властивості, які дозволяють їх широко використовувати в багатьох електронних і оптоелектронних пристроях. Оскільки світовий енергетичний ринок шукає застосування, які пропонують більш ефективні електронні системи, монокристали In2Se2.7Sb0.3, синтезовані за модифікованою вертикальною технікою Бріджмена, відкривають шлях для захоплюючих інновацій у твердотільних фотоелектричних системах та секторах чистої енергії. Ми виростили монокристал In2Se2.7Sb0.3 за методикою Бріджмена-Стокбаргера. Температурний градієнт системи підтримували на рівні 60 °С/см зі швидкістю росту 0,35 см/год. Випробування твердості має важливе значення для інтерпретації механічної поведінки матеріалів і корелює з іншими фізичними властивостями. Твердість до деформації вирощених кристалів залежить від міцності зчеплення та досконалості структури. Вимірювання мікротвердості розщеплених і загартованих зразків проводили за допомогою проекційного мікроскопа Віккерса. У статті результати досліджень обговорені та докладно викладені.III-VI semiconductor compounds are interesting materials for the fabrication of such devices as ionizing radiation detectors, solid-state electrodes, ion batteries, as well as photosensitive heterostructures and solar cells. The structural complexity of In-Se family has motivated us to examine an unexplored composition (In2Se3) and its properties with antimony doping (Sb). The purpose of the present work is to study the influence of antimony on the novel configuration In2Se3. Ternary semiconductor compounds in the form of single crystals or thin films have attracted considerable interest because of their structural, optical and electrical properties, which allow them to be widely used in many electronic and optoelectronic devices. As the global energy market seeks applications that offer more efficient electronic systems, In2Se2.7Sb0.3 single crystals synthesized by the modified vertical Bridgeman technique pave the way for exciting innovations in solid-state photovoltaic systems and clean energy sectors. We have grown In2Se2.7Sb0.3 single crystal using the Bridgman-Stockbarger technique. The temperature gradient of the system was kept at 60 °C/cm with a growth rate of 0.35 cm/h. Hardness testing is of significant importance in interpreting the mechanical behavior of materials and correlates with other physical properties. Hardness to deformation of as-grown crystals depends on the bond strength and structural perfection. The microhardness measurements of ascleaved and quenched samples were made by using a Vickers projection microscope. In this paper, the results have been discussed and reported in detail