6 research outputs found

    Gamma-oryzanol, a main component of rice bran oil: <i>in vitro</i> studies of its antioxidant properties

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    Since investigations so far carried out provided an unclear picture of the mechanism of the antioxidant action of gamma-oryzanol, the aim of the present work has been the contribution to the elucidation of its the molecular mechanisms by using in vitro, previously well-characterized, experimental models (such as scavenging of DPPH° ROS scavenging, Fe and azocompound triggered lipoperoxidation) that allow us to study the reactions involved in the complex process of lipoperoxidation

    Indagine preliminare sull'attivitĂ  depigmentante <i>in vitro</i> di estratti di piante del genere <i>Rumex</i>

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    La richiesta di prodotti cosmetici in grado di ridurre e controllare il fenomeno dell'iperpigmentazione cutanea è in continuo aumento. In quest’ottica, e nell’ambito di una serie di ricerche volte a valorizzare le piante officinali della Sardegna, è stata svolta un’indagine sulle proprietà depigmentanti di estratti di tre specie del genere Rumex (fam. Poligonacee): R. obtusifolium L., R. pulcher L. e R. thyrsoides Desf

    Potential <i>in vitro</i> synergistic interaction between chitosan and the antifungal <i>Melaleuca alternifolia</i> (tea tree) essential oil

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    The overall objective of our investigation was to investigate the anticandidal in vitro activity of chitosan and tea tree oil, both separately and together, and to verify if there is between these compounds a synergistic interaction potentially useful in topic antifungal formulations

    Azione di estratti polifenolici naturali sul ceppo probiotico <i>Lactobacillus casei</i> ATCC 12116

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    La presente indagine ha lo scopo di studiare il comportamento del ceppo probiotico Lactobacillus casei ATCC 12116 in presenza di estratti naturali ricchi di polifenoli. Gli estratti sono stati preparati a partire sia da mieli sardi di diversa origine botanica che da droghe essiccate reperite attraverso i canali commerciali, e in essi sono stati determinati i polifenoli presenti. Attualmente, utilizzando tecniche microbiologiche standard, si stanno valutando la vitalitĂ  e la crescita del microrganismo in presenza di varie concentrazioni di questi estratti e in varie condizioni sperimentali. Sul poster saranno discussi in dettaglio i risultati ottenuti

    In vitro study on the anticandidal activity of <i>Melaleuca alternifolia</i> (tea tree) essential oil combined with chitosan

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    The in vitro activities of commercial Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil (tea tree oil; TTO) and chitosan were investigated against Candida albicans, both alone and in combination, to assess their potential synergistic action; their anticandidal properties were assessed using standard microbiological techniques, such as MIC evaluation and a time-kill test. Our results demonstrated that both TTO and chitosan possess remarkable activity against Candida: TTO inhibited C. albicans at 0.5 % v/v and was able to kill yeast cells in 120 min at 1% and in 300 min at 0.5-0.25%; as far as chitosan was concerned, 0.5 mg/ml were required to inhibit Candida growth in liquid medium, whereas 0.5-2 mg/ml chitosan required 24 h to kill them in the time-kill test; this effect was pH-dependent, being present at pH 5.0 and disappearing at pH 2.0. When TTO and chitosan were tested together, the polymer reduced the MIC of TTO but did not enhance the activity of the oil as evaluated in the "time-kill" test