3 research outputs found

    Adsorption of reactive remazol red RB dye of aqueous solution using zeolite of the coal ash and evaluation of acute toxicity with Daphnia similis

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    No presente estudo, a capacidade da zeólita sintetizada a partir de cinzas de carvão na remoção do corante remazol vermelho RB de solução aquosa foi investigada por meio de processo descontínuo. O equilíbrio foi alcançado após 360 min de tempo de contato. A velocidade de adsorção seguiu o modelo cinético de pseudo-segunda-ordem. Os dados de equilíbrio obtidos se ajustaram à isoterma de adsorção de Langmuir apresentando capacidade de adsorção máxima de 1,20 mg g-1. A eficiência de adsorção estava entre 75 a 91 % no tempo de equilíbrio. Visando obter as melhores condições de remoção do corante, verificou-se a influência dos seguintes parâmetros: concentração inicial do corante, pH da solução aquosa, dose do adsorvente e temperatura. Os parâmetros termodinâmicos foram avaliados indicando que o processo de adsorção do remazol vermelho sobre a zeólita é de natureza espontânea. Experimentos adicionando-se NaCl e Na2SO4 foram realizados com o objetivo de simular as reais condições dos efluentes de banhos de tingimento e avaliar a influência destes compostos quimicos no fenômeno de adsorção. Os dados de equilíbrio de adsorção do remazol vermelho sobre a zeólita foram alcançados em um tempo menor na presença de concentrações crescentes dos sais em solução e houve um aumento na capacidade de adsorção. A eficiência do estudo como tratamento foi avaliada quanto à toxicidade aguda utilizando o microcrustáceo Daphnia similis.In this study, the capacity of zeolite synthesized from coal ash in the removal of Remazol Red dye aqueous solution was investigated by batch mode operation. The equilibrium was attained after 360 min of contact time. The adsorption rate followed the kinetic model of pseudo-second-order. The equilibrium data obtained fitted to Langmuir adsorption isotherm showing the adsorption capacity of up to 1.20mg g-1. The efficiency of adsorption was between 75 to 91% in the equilibrium time. In order to obtain the best conditions for removal of this dye, the influence of the following parameters was: initial concentration of the dye, pH of the aqueous solution, dose of adsorbent and temperature. The thermodynamic parameters were evaluated showing that the adsorption of Remazol red on the zeolite is of a spontaneous nature. Experiments by adding NaCl and Na2SO4 were carried out to simulate the real conditions of the effluents from the dyeing bath and to evaluate the influence of these chemical compounds in the phenomenon of adsorption. The equilibrium data of adsorption of Remazol red on the zeolite was achieved in a shorter time in the presence of increasing concentrations of salts in solution and an increase in adsorption capacity. The efficiency of the study was evaluated as a treatment for acute toxicity using Daphnia similis microcrustacean

    Synthesis of zeolites coal ash in surfactant modified in application and removal of orange 8 acid solution: study in batch, fixed bed column and evaluation ecotoxicological

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    No presente estudo, material zeolítico sintetizado a partir de cinzas de carvão e modificado por surfactante catiônico foi utilizado na remoção do corante ácido laranja 8 (AL8) por processo de adsorção utilizando leito móvel e coluna de leito fixo. As matérias primas e os adsorventes foram caracterizados por diferentes técnicas, tais como: difração de raios-x, fluorescência de raios-X, entre outras. A adsorção do AL8 foi realizada por leito móvel com o objetivo de otimizar os resultados quando lançados em leito fixo. Os efeitos na adsorção do AL8 sobre zeólita foram comparados: (1) efeito dos contra-íons Br- e Cl- do surfactante usado na modificação da zeólita; (2) efeito do tipo de cinzas de carvão usada como matéria prima na síntese das zeólitas (leve e pesada). Os seguintes adsorventes foram utilizados no estudo: zeólita leve e pesada modificada por surfactante brometo de hexadeciltrimetilamônio (ZLMS-Br e ZPMS-Br) e zeólita leve modificada por surfactante cloreto de hexadeciltrimetilamônio (ZLMS-Cl). A cinética de pseudo-segunda-ordem descreveu a adsorção do corante sobre todos os adsorventes. O tempo de equilíbrio alcançado foi 40, 60 e 120 min para ZLMS-Br, ZLMS-Cl e ZPMS-Br, respectivamente. O equilíbrio de adsorção foi analisado pelas equações dos modelos das isotermas lineares e não lineares de Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin e Dubinin-Radushkevivh (DR) e o critério de melhor ajuste foi avaliado usando as funções erros. O modelo DR ajustou-se melhor aos dados experimentais para o sistema AL8/ZLMS-Br, o modelo de Freundlich para AL8/ZLMS-Cl e Langmuir para AL8/ZPMS. Segundo Langmuir a capacidade máxima de adsorção foi 4,67 , 1,48 e 1,38 mg g-1 para ZLMS-Br, ZLMS-Cl e ZPMS-Br, nesta ordem. Nos estudos empregando-se colunas de leito fixo, os efeitos da concentração de entrada (20 - 30 mg L-1), vazão de alimentação (4,0 - 5,3 mL min-1) e a altura do leito (5,5 - 6,5 cm) sobre as características da curva de ruptura no sistema de adsorção foram determinados. Os modelos Bohart-Adams, Thomas, Yoon-Nelson foram aplicados aos dados experimentais para a previsão das curvas de ruptura e para a determinação dos parâmetros que caracterizam a coluna. Os modelos matemáticos de Thomas e Yoon-Nelson se ajustaram satisfatoriamenete aos dados das curvas de ruptura. A maior capacidade total de remoção do AL8 pela coluna de leito fixo apresentou o valor de 5,30 mg g-1 obtida com a concentração do corante de 30 mg L-1, altura do leito de 5,5 cm e uma vazão de alimentação de 5,3 mL min-1. Os ensaios de ecotoxicidade aguda utilizando o microcrustáceo Daphnia similis com o efluente bruto (AL8) e após tratamento com zeólita leve modificada com surfactante foram realizados com o propósito de avaliar evidências de uma possível contaminação quando lançados no corpo hídrico receptor. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo mostraram que as amostras do corante AL8 em solução aquosa não apresentou efeito tóxico e as amostras tratadas com ZLMS-Br apresentaram toxicidade.In this study, synthesized zeolitic material from coal ash and modified cationic surfactant was used for removing the acid dye Orange 8 (AL8) by adsorption process using moving bed and fixed-bed column. The raw material and adsorbents were characterized by different techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, among others. The adsorption of AL8 was performed by moving bed in order to optimize the results when they are launched in a fixed bed. The effects of adsorption on zeolite AL8 were compared: (1) Effect of counterions Br- and Cl- surfactant used in the modification of the zeolite; (2) effect of type of coal ash used as raw material in the synthesis of zeolites (fly and bottom). The following adsorbents were used in the study: fly and bottom zeolite modified by surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (ZLMS-Br-Br and ZPMS-Br) and fly zeolite modified by surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride (ZLMS-Cl). The pseudo-second-order kinetic described the adsorption of the dye on all adsorbents. The equilibrium time was reached 40, 60 and 120 min for ZLMS-Br, ZLMS-Cl and ZPMS-Br, respectively. The adsorption equilibrium was analyzed by the equations of the models of linear and nonlinear isotherms of Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin and Dubinin-Radushkevivh (DR) and the criterion of best fit was evaluated using the error functions.The DR model was adjusted better to the experimental data for the system AL8 / ZLMS-Br, the Freundlich model for AL8 / ZLMS-Cl and Langmuir for AL8 / ZPMS. According to the Langmuir maximum adsorption capacity was 4.67, 1.48 and 1.38 mg g-1 for ZLMS-Br, ZLMS-Cl and ZPMS-Br, in order. In studies employing fixed bed columns, the effects of inlet concentration (20-30 mg L-1), flow rate (4.0 -5.3 mL min-1) and the bed height (5, 5 - 6.5 cm) above the breakthrough curves characteristics in the adsorption system were determined. The Adams-Bohart, Thomas, Yoon-Nelson models were applied to experimental data to predict the breakthrough curves and to determine the parameters that characterize the column. The mathematical models of Thomas and Yoon-Nelson adjusted well to the data of breakthrough curves. The highest bed capacity of 5.3 mg g-1 was obtained using 30 mg L-1 inlet Acid Orange 8 concentration, 5.5 cm bed height and 5.3 mL min-1 flow rate. Acute ecotoxicity tests using Daphnia similis microcrustacean with wastewater (AL8) and after treatment with surfactant modified zeolite were carried out with the purpose of evaluating evidence of possible contamination when launched on the receiving water body. The results of this study showed that samples AL8 dye in aqueous solution does not show any toxic effect, and the treated samples showed toxicity with ZLMS-Br

    Cyclodextrin-modified Zeolite from fly ash: synthesis, characterization and adsorption properties.

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    Twenty-Eighth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management. Filadelfia, PA, USAThe global annual production of coal fly ash (CFA) is around 800 Mton and it is predicted to increase by the higher demand of electricity due to growing population and economic development. The recycling rate of CFA is only 15% posing important challenges in waste management. Recently, the synthesis of zeolites has produced an environmentally friendly and economically viable way of recycling CFA. Initial findings indicate that zeolite synthesized from fly ash (ZFA) has high adsorptive capacity for dyes, so far. Modified zeolite is being used to remove anions and organic pollutants. In this paper, a modified ZFA was prepared using β-cyclodextrin (β-CD), a cyclic polysaccharide consisting of D-glucose units connected via α(1→4) glycosidic bonds with an hydrophobic cavity. CDs are very accessible environmental friendly agents for remediation due to its biocompatibility and low-prices. Cd(II) is considered as an endocrine disruptor, and its removal from water resources is a UN priority. Thus, the modified ZFA was tested for adsorption of Cd at different pH values. Results showed that, at pH 7-8, modified ZFA yielded a higher adsorption of Cd than initial ZFA.N