25 research outputs found

    Climate-adapted companion cropping increases agricultural productivity in East Africa

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    AbstractProduction of cereals, the main staple and cash crops for millions of farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is severely constrained by parasitic striga weed Striga hermonthica, stemborers and poor soil fertility. A companion cropping system known as ‘push–pull’ overcomes these constraints while providing additional soil fertility and forage grass benefits to smallholder farmers. To ensure the technology's long-term sustainability in view of the current and further potential aridification as a consequence of climate change, drought-tolerant crops, Brachiaria cv mulato (border crop) and greenleaf desmodium (intercrop), have been identified and incorporated into a ‘climate-adapted push–pull’. The aims of the current study were to evaluate effectiveness of the new system (i) in integrated control of striga and stemborer pests and (ii) in improving maize grain yields, and to evaluate farmers’ perceptions of the technology to assess potential for further adoption. 395 farmers who had adopted the technology in drier areas of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania were randomly selected for the study. Each farmer had a set of two plots, a climate-adapted push–pull and a maize monocrop. Seasonal data were collected in each plot on the number of emerged striga plants, percentage of maize plants damaged by stemborers, plant height and grain yields. Similarly, farmers’ perceptions of the benefits of the technology were assessed using a semi-structured questionnaire. There were highly significant reductions in striga and stemborer damage to maize plants in the climate-adapted push–pull compared to the maize monocrop plots: striga levels were 18 times lower and stemborer levels were 6 times lower. Similarly, maize plant height and grain yields were significantly higher. Mean yields were 2.5 times higher in companion planting plots. Farmers rated the climate-adapted push–pull significantly superior in reducing striga infestation and stemborer damage rates, and in improving soil fertility and maize grain yields. These results demonstrate that the technology is effective in controlling both weeds and pests with concomitant yield increases under farmers’ conditions. It thus provides an opportunity to improve food security, stimulate economic growth, and alleviate poverty in the region while making agriculture more resilient to climate change

    Achieving food security for one million Sub-Saharan African poor through push-pull innovation by 2020

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    Food insecurity is a chronic problem in Africa and is likely to worsen with climate change and population growth. It is largely due to poor yields of the cereal crops caused by factors including stemborer pests, striga weeds and degraded soils. A platform technology, ‘push–pull’, based on locally available companion plants, effectively addresses these constraints resulting in substantial grain yield increases. It involves intercropping cereal crops with a forage legume, desmodium, and planting Napier grass as a border crop. Desmodium repels stemborer moths (push), and attracts their natural enemies, while Napier grass attracts them (pull). Desmodium is very effective in suppressing striga weed while improving soil fertility through nitrogen fixation and improved organic matter content. Both companion plants provide high-value animal fodder, facilitating milk production and diversifying farmers’ income sources. To extend these benefits to drier areas and ensure long-term sustainability of the technology in view of climate change, drought-tolerant trap and intercrop plants are being identified. Studies show that the locally commercial brachiaria cv mulato (trap crop) and greenleaf desmodium (intercrop) can tolerate long droughts. New on-farm field trials show that using these two companion crops in adapted push–pull technology provides effective control of stemborers and striga weeds, resulting in significant grain yield increases. Effective multi-level partnerships have been established with national agricultural research and extension systems, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders to enhance dissemination of the technology with a goal of reaching one million farm households in the region by 2020. These will be supported by an efficient desmodium seed production and distribution system in eastern Africa, relevant policies and stakeholder training and capacity development

    Bridging the gap in agricultural innovation research: a systematic review of push–pull biocontrol technology in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Biological control for sustainable plant protection in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is gaining attention due to low crop productivity caused by pests, increasing costs of agrochemicals, and their harmful impact on health and the environment. A valuable case is the Push–pull technology (PPT) developed by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE). However, evidence for the success of PPT in reducing pest prevalence has not translated from experimentation and demonstration to wider-scale on-farm uptake. A systematic review was conducted to explore the research gaps, benefits of PPT, adoption determinants, barriers to uptake, and how farmers choose to adopt and adapt the technology. The study found a large body of evidence on the biophysical benefits of PPT, which comes from a relatively narrow set of ICIPE-led or managed experiments in Western Kenya. Besides, evidence of its social and economic benefits is less robust. Documented barriers to adoption include initial establishment costs, labour intensiveness, risk averseness of farmers, socio-cultural rigidity, and inadequate access to information and inputs. The review highlights the need for qualitative research, an in-depth examination of the social dynamics of innovation and decision-making processes on farms, and institutions’ role in shaping innovation for sustainable agricultural development

    Farmers' knowledge and perceptions of the stunting disease of Napier grass in Western Kenya

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    Production of Napier grass, Pennisetum purpureum, the most important livestock fodder in Western Kenya, is severely constrained by Napier stunt (Ns) disease. Understanding farmers' knowledge, perceptions and practices is a prerequisite to establishing an effective disease management approach. Using a random sample of 150 farmers drawn from Bungoma, Busia and Teso districts of Western Kenya, this study sought to: (i) assess farmers' perceptions and knowledge of Ns disease, including its effects on the smallholder dairy industry; (ii) record farmers' current practices in managing Ns disease; and (iii) identify Ns disease management challenges and intervention opportunities in order to develop an efficient integrated disease management approach. The majority (867%) of the farmers were aware of Ns disease and observed that it was spreading rapidly in the region, which was perfectly predicted by farmers' access to agricultural information (marginal effect=0164), indicating a need for extension platforms for knowledge sharing among the industry stakeholders. The disease had affected Napier grass yields so most farmers could not feed their livestock on the amounts they produced, and they were buying Napier grass. Those who relied on income from selling Napier grass received less due to loss in productivity. Milk production had reduced by over 35%. The cause of the disease was unknown to the farmers, with no effective disease management strategy available to them. An integrated disease management approach needs to be developed to fit within the mixed farming systems, supported by simple decision aids

    Biological control interventions reduce pest abundance and crop damage while maintaining natural enemies in sub-Saharan Africa: a meta-analysis

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    Insect pests are a major challenge to smallholder crop production in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where access to synthetic pesticides, which are linked to environmental and health risks, is often limited. Biological control interventions could offer a sustainable solution, yet an understanding of their effectiveness is lacking. We used a meta-analysis approach to investigate the effectiveness of commonly used biocontrol interventions and botanical pesticides on pest abundance (PA), crop damage (CD), crop yield (Y) and natural enemy abundance (NEA) when compared with controls with no biocontrol and with synthetic pesticides. We also evaluated whether the magnitude of biocontrol effectiveness was affected by type of biocontrol intervention, crop type, pest taxon, farm type and landscape configuration. Overall, from 99 studies on 31 crops, we found that compared to no biocontrol, biocontrol interventions reduced PA by 63%, CD by over 50% and increased Y by over 60%. Compared to synthetic pesticides, biocontrol resulted in comparable PA and Y, while NEA was 43% greater. Our results also highlighted that the potential for biocontrol to be modulated by landscape configuration is a critical knowledge gap in SSA. We show that biocontrol represents an effective tool for smallholder farmers, which can maintain yields without associated negative pesticide effects. Furthermore, the evidence presented here advocates strongly for including biocontrol practices in national and regional agricultural policies

    Climate-smart push-pull: a conservation agriculture technology for food security and environmental sustainability in Africa

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    This chapter describes the push-pull technological innovation developed by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) in the UK and partners in East Africa, which addresses smallholder agricultural constraints, food insecurity, and environmental degradation and has the potential to equip farmers with the resilience and adaptability they need to deal with climate change. The push-pull technology fits conservation agriculture (CA) principles of minimum soil disturbance in its minimum soil tillage agronomic management, continuous soil cover with a perennial cover crop and plant residue, as well as a diversified cereal-legume-fodder intercropping strategy. The perennial intercrop provides live mulching, thus improving above-ground and below-ground arthropod abundance, agrobiodiveristy and the food web of natural enemies of stem borers, thus effectively controlling major insect pests of cereals. The field implementation of this technological innovation in Africa is discussed, as well as its various benefits

    Climate-smart push-pull: a conservation agriculture technology for food security and environmental sustainability in Africa

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    This chapter describes the push-pull technological innovation developed by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) in the UK and partners in East Africa, which addresses smallholder agricultural constraints, food insecurity, and environmental degradation and has the potential to equip farmers with the resilience and adaptability they need to deal with climate change. The push-pull technology fits conservation agriculture (CA) principles of minimum soil disturbance in its minimum soil tillage agronomic management, continuous soil cover with a perennial cover crop and plant residue, as well as a diversified cereal-legume-fodder intercropping strategy. The perennial intercrop provides live mulching, thus improving above-ground and below-ground arthropod abundance, agrobiodiveristy and the food web of natural enemies of stem borers, thus effectively controlling major insect pests of cereals. The field implementation of this technological innovation in Africa is discussed, as well as its various benefits