19 research outputs found

    A Challenge to All: Raising the Participation and Success of Women and Minorities in Mathematics, Science, and Technlogy

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    This issue of our journal is the product of a Virginia Mathematics and Science Coalition (VMSC) conference titled, Programs That Work and held in March, 2000 on the issues of raising both the levels of success and the levels of participation of women and minorities in mathematics, science, and technology. Traditionally, these two groups have had low rates of participation in these subjects, and we believe this situation can and must be changed. The conference was to Coalition\u27s first direct assault on the problem

    On the Equality of Sharp and Germ - Fields for Gaussian Processes and Fields

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60G15, 60G60; secondary 31B15, 31B25, 60H15We investigate the relationship between the sigma-field and the infinitesimal or germ sigma-field

    Visual group theory

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    Scaling limits of Gaussian vector fields

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    For Gaussian vector fields {X(t) [set membership, variant] Rn:t [set membership, variant] Rd} we describe the covariance functions of all scaling limits Y(t) = lim[alpha][downwards arrow]0 B-1([alpha]) X([alpha]t) which can occur when B([alpha]) is a d - d matrix function with B([alpha]) --> 0. These matrix covariance functions r(t, s) = EY(t) Y*(s) are found to be homogeneous in the sense that for some matrix L and each [alpha] > 0, (*) r([alpha]t, [alpha]s) = [alpha]L*r(t, s) [alpha]L. Processes with stationary increments satisfying (*) are further analysed and are found to be natural generalizations of Lévy's multiparameter Brownian motion.Scale invariant Gaussian fields

    Stationary gaussian Markov fields on Rd with a deterministic component

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    Entire functions of exponential type stationary Gaussian fields Markov property

    Deterministic Gaussian Markov fields

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    stationary Gaussian fields Morkov property

    Deterministic Gaussian Markov fields

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    A one sided John-Nirenberg inequality for submartingales

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