7 research outputs found

    Esperienze creative e collaborative con il teatro d’ombre

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    Storytelling is a very common educational practice that is used in every level of education. It has a positive impact in children’s learning and creativity. Often the educational use of storytelling is based on national storytelling traditions such as Shadow Theater which is very popular in many countries including Greece. Inthis research we present eShadow, a storytelling tool inspired by the Greek traditional shadow theater and how it has been used in a number of Adult Learning Pilot Programmes (ALPPs) implemented within the context of the ALICE project in Greece.In these ALPPs, intra-family communication scenarios were investigated as well as scenarios related to enabling children develop their own digital stories using eShadow. Furthermore, eShadow was used in a live interactive performance event combining Music and Digital Shadow Theatre. The evidence gathered during the implementation of these ALPPs confirms that such kind of approaches can indeed enhance intergenerational bonding and create an engaging learning space for children to develop important key skills. Our findings illustrate that eShadowis very easy to use, attracts the interest of both children and teachers and has a positive impact on the development of children’s creativity.Lo storytelling è una pratica molto comune in ambito formative ed educativo, utilizzata ad ogni livello di istruzione. Ha un impatto positivo sull’apprendimento e la creatività dei bambini. Spesso l’uso didattico dello storytelling si basa su espressioni narrative ben conosciute a livello nazionale, qual è il caso del teatrodelle ombre, molto popolare in molti paesi tra cui la Grecia. In questa ricerca presentiamo i risultati dell’implementazione di uno strumento digitale, “eShadow”, ispirato al tradizionale teatro delle ombre greco, nel contesto di un certo numero di attività pilota per la formazione degli adulti (Adult Learning Pilot Programmes,ALPPS) attuate nel contesto del progetto ALICE, in Grecia.In questi ALPPS, gli scenari di comunicazione intra-familiari sono stati studiati così come scenari che consentono ai bambini di sviluppare le proprie abilità per il lavoro con lo strumento digitale eShadow. Inoltre, eShadow è stato utilizzato in evento interattivo che univa presentazioni di Musica e Teatro con la presenzadi teatro delle ombre “digitale”. Le prove raccolte nel corso di questi ALPPS conferma l’ipotesi degli autori che questo tipo di approcci può infatti migliorare i legami intergenerazionali e consente di sviluppare importanti competenze chiave sia negli adulti che nei bambini. I nostri risultati mostrano che eShadow è molto facile da usare, attira l’interesse di bambini e insegnanti e ha un positivoimpatto sullo sviluppo della creatività dei bambini

    When eShadow met Alice & Akritans

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    Summarization: eShadow is a storytelling tool that can be used from both adults and children in order to create, record, share and watch digital shadow theater plays. It is based on the traditional Greek Shadow Theatre, which has a long history of usage in entertainment and education, particularly pre-school and primary school education. We present our experience from the use of eShadow in the ALICE ALPPs conducted in Greece as well as its use in an implementation of the “Let Us Share The Music” learning scenario addressing remote connection of schools to prepare and present musical events. Using eShadow teachers and their students developed their own scenarios, virtual puppets and digital stories. Teachers gave positive feedback about the potential of the approach and the use of this tool to promote children’s collaboration skills and learning in a creativity and playful manner.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: Adults learning for intergenerational creative experiences, ALICE International Conference, Bucharest, October 201

    EShadow a tool for digital storytelling based on traditional greek shadow theatre

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    Summarization: Storytelling is a very common educational practice that is used in every level of education. In particular the use of storytelling in children education can have beneficiary results in the learning and creativity process of children. In this Note we present a storytelling tool inspired by the Greek traditional shadow theater. EShadow is a storytelling tool that can be used from both adults and children in order to create, record, share and watch digital shadow theater plays. It provides alternative methods for controlling the virtual puppets either through mouse or through a motion sensing controller. We present our findings from the use of eShadow in a children’s creativity exhibition and a field trial of eShadow in two elementary schools in Greece. Our findings illustrate that eShadow is very easy to use, attracts the interest of both children and teachers and has a positive impact on the development of children’s creativity.Presented on

    Using new media arts to enable project-based learning in technological education

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    Summarization: New Media Arts offer opportunities to establish an inclusive educational framework that enables teachers to design and implement project-based learning scenarios where students can engage in deep learning through the preparation, production and refinement of digital artworks resulting in the creation of animated digital stories. The paper presents a combination of New Media Arts with traditional media via eShadow, a dramatized digital storytelling platform inspired by the rich tradition of shadow theatre that enables game-like interventions combining several digital tools for the production of digital stories covering all five phases of filmmaking: scenario development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. eShadow can be used (a) to create digital shadow puppets, and (b) to set up, perform and record the scenes of the digital story (production phase). This way, digital story creation is wrapped around interesting game-like decisions, playful improvisations and creative learning. Using eShadow, an intensive project-based learning intervention was undertaken at the Professional Lyceum of Eleftherios Venizelos in Chania for the students of the specialization in 'Systems, Applications and Networks' of the Informatics sector where several courses related to the technical background of New Media Arts production are taught: Multimedia Applications, Graphical Programming, Structured Programming and Principles of Digital Technologies.Presented on

    Cross-curricular approaches for digital storytelling with eShadow

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    Summarization: Digital storytelling is a powerful educational tool offering to children the possibility to design, create and present their own stories and develop many skills including literacy, presentation and communication skills as well as inquiry-based learning and digital skills. In this paper we present a new way of digital storytelling, a form of dramatized storytelling inspired by the rich tradition of shadow theater. This form of storytelling combines a number of FOSS tools for the production of the digital stories covering all five phases of film making: scenario development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. In each phase, FOSS tools are used to enable word processing, image processing, audio processing and video processing. These tools are complemented by special software for (a) the creation of digital shadow figures, and (b) the organization and recording of the scenes of the digital story.Περίληψη: Η ψηφιακή αφήγηση είναι ένα ισχυρό εκπαιδευτικό εργαλείο καθώς προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα στους μαθητές να σχεδιάζουν, να δημιουργούν και να παρουσιάζουν ιστορίες αναπτύσσοντας μια σειρά από δεξιότητες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων του γραπτού και προφορικού λόγου, της παρουσίασης, της οργάνωσης, της έρευνας, καθώς και διαπροσωπικές και τεχνολογικές δεξιότητες. Στην εργασία αυτή παρουσιάζουμε μια νέα μορφή ψηφιακής αφήγησης και ειδικότερα μια μορφή δραματοποιημένης ψηφιακής αφήγησης η οποία εμπνέεται από την πλούσια παράδοση του θεάτρου σκιών. Συνδυάζει μια σειρά εργαλείων ανοικτού λογισμικού για την παραγωγή ψηφιακών παραστάσεων και καλύπτει πέντε διακριτά στάδια: Σενάριο, προ-παραγωγή, γυρίσματα, μετά-παραγωγή και διανομή. Σε κάθε στάδιο περιλαμβάνονται εργασίες που αξιοποιούν τα ανάλογα εργαλεία (επεξεργασίας κειμένου, επεξεργασίας εικόνας, επεξεργασίας ήχου, επεξεργασίας video) τα οποία μπορούν να επιλεγούν από ένα ευρύ φάσμα εργαλείων ΕΛΛΑΚ. Τα εργαλεία αυτά συνδυάζονται με ένα εξειδικευμένο λογισμικό δημιουργίας φιγουρών του ψηφιακού θεάτρου σκιών καθώς και λογισμικό για την οργάνωση και καταγραφή των σκηνών της ψηφιακής παράστασης.Presented on

    Creative collaborative experiences with interactive shadow theater

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    Summarization: Storytelling is a very common educational practice that is used in every level of education. It has a positive impact in children’s learning and creativity. Often the educational use of storytelling is based on national storytelling traditions such as Shadow Theater which is very popular in many countries including Greece. In this research we present eShadow, a storytelling tool inspired by the Greek traditional shadow theater and how it has been used in a number of Adult Learning Pilot Programmes (ALPPs) implemented within the context of the ALICE project in Greece. In these ALPPs, intra-family communication scenarios were investigated as well as scenarios related to enabling children develop their own digital stories using eShadow. Furthermore, eShadow was used in a live interactive performance event combining Music and Digital Shadow Theatre. The evidence gathered during the implementation of these ALPPs confirms that such kind of approaches can indeed enhance intergenerational bonding and create an engaging learning space for children to develop important key skills. Our findings illustrate that eShadow is very easy to use, attracts the interest of both children and teachers and has a positive impact on the development of children’s creativity.Presented on

    Playful creation of digital stories with eShadow

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    Summarization: eShadow promotes a new way of dramatized and personalized digital storytelling inspired by the rich tradition of shadow theatre. It enables game-like interventions combining several digital tools for the production of digital stories covering all five phases of filmmaking: scenario development, pre-production, production, post-production and distribution. eShadow can be used (a) to create digital shadow puppets, and (b) to set up, perform and record the scenes of the digital story (production phase). This way, digital story creation is wrapped around interesting game-like decisions, playful improvisations and creative learning. eShadow has been extensively used to support cross-curricular learning mainly in Greek schools. It is currently extended to support marionette-like interactions to promote its use in countries with relevant storytelling cultures.Παρουσιάστηκε στο: 11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalizatio