136 research outputs found

    The radiative transfer for polarized radiation at second order in cosmological perturbations

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    This article investigates the full Boltzmann equation up to second order in the cosmological perturbations. Describing the distribution of polarized radiation by using a tensor valued distribution function, the second order Boltzmann equation, including polarization, is derived without relying on the Stokes parameters.Comment: 4 pages, no figure; replaced to match published versio

    General formulation of general-relativistic higher-order gauge-invariant perturbation theory

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    Gauge-invariant treatments of general-relativistic higher-order perturbations on generic background spacetime is proposed. After reviewing the general framework of the second-order gauge-invariant perturbation theory, we show the fact that the linear-order metric perturbation is decomposed into gauge-invariant and gauge-variant parts, which was the important premis of this general framework. This means that the development the higher-order gauge-invariant perturbation theory on generic background spacetime is possible. A remaining issue to be resolve is also disscussed.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. (v3) some explanations are added and a reference is adde

    On the non-Gaussianity from Recombination

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    The non-linear effects operating at the recombination epoch generate a non-Gaussian signal in the CMB anisotropies. Such a contribution is relevant because it represents a major part of the second-order radiation transfer function which must be determined in order to have a complete control of both the primordial and non-primordial part of non-Gaussianity in the CMB anisotropies. We provide an estimate of the level of non-Gaussianity in the CMB arising from the recombination epoch which shows up mainly in the equilateral configuration. We find that it causes a contamination to the possible measurement of the equilateral primordial bispectrum shifting the minimum detectable value of the non-Gaussian parameter f^equil_NL by Delta f^equil_NL= O(10) for an experiment like Planck.Comment: LaTeX file; 11 pages. v2: Typos corrected; references added; comments about the effective non-linearity parameter added in Sec. IV; comments added in the conclusions of Sec. IV. v3: References added; some clarifications added as footnotes 4 and 6, and in Sec. 3. Matches version accepted for publication in JCA

    The CMB bispectrum in the squeezed limit

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    The CMB bispectrum generated by second-order effects at recombination can be calculated analytically when one of the three modes has a wavelength much longer than the other two and is outside the horizon at recombination. This was pointed out in \cite{Creminelli:2004pv} and here we correct their results. We derive a simple formula for the bispectrum, fNLloc=(1/6+cos2θ)(11/2dln(lS2CS)/dlnlS)f_{NL}^{loc} = - (1/6+ \cos 2 \theta) \cdot (1- 1/2 \cdot d \ln (l_S^2 C_{S})/d \ln l_S), where CSC_S is the short scale spectrum and θ\theta the relative orientation between the long and the short modes. This formula is exact and takes into account all effects at recombination, including recombination-lensing, but neglects all late-time effects such as ISW-lensing. The induced bispectrum in the squeezed limit is small and will negligibly contaminate the Planck search for a local primordial signal: this will be biased only by fNLloc0.4f_{NL}^{loc}\approx-0.4. The above analytic formula includes the primordial non-Gaussianity of any single-field model. It also represents a consistency check for second-order Boltzmann codes: we find substantial agreement with the CMBquick code.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, corrected typos to match published version on JCA

    Non-Gaussianity in the Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies at Recombination in the Squeezed limit

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    We estimate analytically the second-order cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies at the recombination epoch in the squeezed limit and we deduce the contamination to the primordial local non-Gaussianity. We find that the level of contamination corresponds to f_NL^{con}=O(1) which is below the sensitivity of present experiments and smaller than the value O(5) recently claimed in the literature.Comment: LaTeX file; 15 pages. Slightly revised version. Main result unchange

    Aberration of gravitational waveforms by peculiar velocity

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    One key prediction of General Relativity is that gravitational waves areemitted with a pure spin-2 polarisation. Any extra polarisation mode, spin-1 orspin-0, is consequently considered a smoking gun for deviations from GeneralRelativity. In this paper, we show that the velocity of merging binaries withrespect to the observer gives rise to spin-1 polarisation in the observer frameeven in the context of General Relativity. These are pure projection effects,proportional to the plus and cross polarisations in the source frame, hencethey do not correspond to new degrees of freedom. We demonstrate that thespin-1 modes can always be rewritten as pure spin-2 modes coming from anaberrated direction. Since gravitational waves are not isotropically emittedaround binary systems, this aberration modifies the apparent orientation of thebinary system with respect to the observer: the system appears slightly rotateddue to the source velocity. Fortunately, this bias does not propagate to otherparameters of the system (and therefore does not spoil tests of GeneralRelativity), since the impact of the velocity can be fully reabsorbed into neworientation angles.<br

    Anisotropic Inflation from Charged Scalar Fields

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    We consider models of inflation with U(1) gauge fields and charged scalar fields including symmetry breaking potential, chaotic inflation and hybrid inflation. We show that there exist attractor solutions where the anisotropies produced during inflation becomes comparable to the slow-roll parameters. In the models where the inflaton field is a charged scalar field the gauge field becomes highly oscillatory at the end of inflation ending inflation quickly. Furthermore, in charged hybrid inflation the onset of waterfall phase transition at the end of inflation is affected significantly by the evolution of the background gauge field. Rapid oscillations of the gauge field and its coupling to inflaton can have interesting effects on preheating and non-Gaussianities.Comment: minor changes, references added, figures are modified, conforms JCAP published versio

    Primordial magnetic fields from second-order cosmological perturbations: Tight coupling approximation

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    We explore the possibility of generating large-scale magnetic fields from second-order cosmological perturbations during the pre-recombination era. The key process for this is Thomson scattering between the photons and the charged particles within the cosmic plasma. To tame the multi-component interacting fluid system, we employ the tight coupling approximation. It is shown that the source term for the magnetic field is given by the vorticity, which signals the intrinsically second-order quantities, and the product of the first order perturbations. The vorticity itself is sourced by the product of the first-order quantities in the vorticity evolution equation. The magnetic fields generated by this process are estimated to be 1029\sim 10^{-29} Gauss on the horizon scale at the recombination epoch. Although our rough estimate suggests that the current generation mechanism can work even on smaller scales, more careful investigation is needed to make clear whether it indeed works in a wide range of spatial scales.Comment: 10pages, minor corrections, accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Perturbations of generic Kasner spacetimes and their stability

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    This article investigates the stability of a generic Kasner spacetime to linear perturbations, both at late and early times. It demonstrates that the perturbation of the Weyl tensor diverges at late time in all cases but in the particular one in which the Kasner spacetime is the product of a two-dimensional Milne spacetime and a two-dimensional Euclidean space. At early times, the perturbation of the Weyl tensor also diverges unless one imposes a condition on the perturbations so as to avoid the most divergent modes to be excited.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure