374 research outputs found

    L’examen histopathologique appliqué à l’inspection des viandes

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    Pitre Jean. L’examen histopathologique appliqué à l’inspection des viandes. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 105 n°3, 1952. pp. 105-111

    Méthode de recherche et de titrage par diffusion en gélose des antibiotiques dans les viandes et les abats des animaux de boucherie. Résultats et conséquences

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    La recherche des antibiotiques dans la viande et les organes des animaux de boucherie provenant soit d’une intervention thérapeu tique avant leur abattage d’urgence, soit de leur emploi comme conservateurs, telle que proposée est simple, rapide et efficace. Nos recherches en cours préciseront les conditions dans lesquelles on peut, en employant d’autres germes-test, l’utiliser aussi pour la recherche des antiseptiques, thérapeutiques ou adjoints comme conservateurs ; nous pensons même pouvoir ainsi caractériser les substances par groupes

    Les rickettsioses des bovidés et équidés dans le département du Calvados

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    The Relationship Between Compensation, Motivation, And Earnings Management

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    Regulators and investors remain concerned with earnings management and its effect on the reliability of accounting information. Agency literature suggests that a lack of compensation incentives (i.e., bonus payments) can decrease—but not completely eliminate--earnings management behavior, while theory from psychology suggests that individuals may be motivated to manage earnings, regardless of compensation. Consequently, we examine how compensation incentives and motivation (intrinsic versus extrinsic) affect earnings management behavior. We hypothesize and find that when compensation is linked to firm performance, managers make income increasing (decreasing) decisions when current earnings are below (above) analysts’ forecasts. We find that in the absence of compensation incentives, managers make earnings increasing decisions when current earnings are below analysts’ forecasts, but they do not make earnings decreasing decisions when current earnings are above analysts’ forecasts. Finally and most importantly we show that managers who possess strong extrinsic motivation are more likely to manage earnings upwards to reach targets – in the absence of compensation – possibly because it helps satisfy their competitive spirit and need for recognition. However when current earnings are above the target (analysts’ forecasts), managers are not compelled to manage earnings as this drive has already been satisfied

    Accroissement de la sensibilité de la méthode des disques par imprégnations répétées pour la détection et le titrage des antibiotiques présents dans le lait, les viandes et les aliments du bétail

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    Pitre Jean, Obaton J. Accroissement de la sensibilité de la méthode des disques par imprégnations répétées pour la détection et le titrage des antibiotiques présents dans le lait, les viandes et les aliments du bétail. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 117 n°1, 1964. pp. 63-69

    Pâtés en conserve contaminés par une espèce thermophile anaérobie nouvelle : Cillobacterium thermophilum

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    Pitre Jean, Bressou M. Pâtés en conserve contaminés par une espèce thermophile anaérobie nouvelle : Cillobacterium thermophilum.. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Vétérinaire de France tome 107 n°6, 1954. pp. 305-308

    Validation du « Hunt Squash Accuracy Test » pour évaluer la performance des joueurs dans l'exécution de leurs coups

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    This study examined the validity of the Hunt Squash Accuracy Test (HSAT) for predicting within-game shot performance and tournament rank. Shots from eight male junior squash players performing the HSAT and tournament match-play were analysed. A typical-error analysis from repeated trials showed the HSAT to be very reliable (1.82%). HSAT rank had significant correlations (p < 0.05) to tournament rank (r = 0.98) and tournament shot success (r = 0.95). HSAT score showed significant correlations to the percentage of winning shots during match-play (r = 0.88). HSAT shots with significant correlations to successful match-play shots were backhand-drive (r = 0.92) and backhand-volley (r = 0.97). These results suggest the HSAT is a valid method of assessing the accuracy and performance of junior squash players. It could potentially be used to track shot improvements and predict match-play performance


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    The purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the Hunt Squash Accuracy Test (HSAT) for predicting within-game performance on specific shot types. A correlation analysis compared the accuracy of specific shots during tournament match-play to the accuracy of the corresponding shot type in the HSAT. The correlation of the overall HSAT score against tournament rank was significantly large (0.95), as were the total % shot accuracy (0.90), total % backhand (BH) accuracy (0.94) and total % forehand (FH) accuracy (0.77) correlations. The only specific HSAT shot types with significantly large correlations to the corresponding match-play shots were; BH straight drive (0.92) and BH straight volley (0.97). The remaining shot types; boast, volley-drop and drops all showed non-significant correlations on both the BH and FH sides
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