23 research outputs found

    Suinteresuotųjų požiūrio į e. sveikatos elementus kokybinė diagnostika

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    The methodology is based on semi-structural interviews. The authors of the research completed 41 individual and 3 group interviews with employees (heads of administrations, medical staff and ICT specialists) from different eHealth system institutions (hospitals, primary healthcare organizations, ministry of health, IT companies and other) from 10 Lithuanian cities. Preliminary results of qualitative research revealed that eHealth stakeholders acknowledge the importance of all eHealth elements. However, the focus of attention was put on the elements related to inter-institutional cooperation among the institutions of eHealth system and on interaction within healthcare institutions installing eHealth solutions. The respondents agreed that participation of employees from all the organizational structures (doctors and nurses, administration, IT specialists) plays a crucial role for the success of system development. However, the research evidences that cooperation that is more active is demonstrated within organizations. Interaction among different institutions concerning eHealth policy design, planning and implementation of eHealth solutions remains fragmented, based on individual communication but not on systemic stakeholders’ participation and matching of interests. The interviews evidenced several basic challenges on the interviewees’ opinions creating the majority of problems in eHealth development. Among those are the following: balancing eHealth system development top down and bottom up; compatibility of diverse information systems; stakeholders’ involvement and cooperation; budgeting of eHealth system creation, implementation and maintenance.Daugelis šalių susiduria su įvairias iššūkiais projektuojant, kuriant ir diegiant sveikatos sektoriuje inovatyvias informacines ir komunikacines technologijas, kurių visuma žinoma kaip e. sveikata. Vieni iš sudėtingiausių ir svarbiausių iššūkių yra artimo bendradarbiavimo, nuoseklaus suinteresuotųjų pusių įtraukimo į sprendimų priėmimą ir interesų derinimo užtikrinimas. Todėl norint įvertinti ir / ar prognozuoti tolesnę e. sveikatos plėtros eigą, tikslinga tirti įvairių suinteresuotųjų e. sveikata į(si)traukimo į IT sistemų kūrimo ir diegimo procesus ypatumus, jų požiūrius į e. sveikatos elementus, suinteresuotųjų pasitenkinimą dalyvavimu šiuose procesuose bei jų rezultatais. Tyrimo tikslas – parengti ir išbandyti suinteresuotųjų e. sveikata požiūrio į e. sveikatos elementus kokybinio tyrimo metodiką. Siekiant tikslo identifikuojami e. sveikatos elementai, dėl kurių svarbi suinteresuotųjų nuomonė; parengta kokybinio tyrimo metodika, leidžianti gauti duomenis apie suinteresuotųjų nuostatas dėl šių elementų; išbandoma metodika atliekant interviu su suinteresuotaisiais e. sveikata; pateikiami apibendrinti suinteresuotųjų požiūrio į e. sveikatos elementus rezultatai. Tyrimui atlikti suformuota kokybinio tyrimo metodika, kurios pagrindas – pusiau struktūrizuoti interviu. Atliktas 41 individualus interviu ir 3 grupiniai interviu su suinteresuotaisiais e. sveikata iš įvairių sveikatos sektoriaus institucijų bei informacines sistemas kuriančių ir diegiančių verslo organizacijų, šiose institucijose einančiais įvairias pareigas. Iš viso kokybiniame tyrime dalyvavo 58 respondentai iš 8 tipų organizacijų, veikiančių 10 Lietuvos miestų. Preliminarūs kokybinio tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė, kad suinteresuotiesiems e. sveikata aktualūs visi e. sveikatos elementai. Tačiau daugiausia dėmesio sutelkiama į tuos elementus, kurie susiję su tarpinstituciniais ryšiais ir su įvairių sričių darbuotojų sąveika institucijoje kuriant ir diegiant e. sveikatos sistemas. Respondentai pritaria, kad būtinas visų lygmenų darbuotojų dalyvavimas – turi būti įtraukti administratoriai, gydytojai, slaugytojai, IT specialistai. Tačiau tyrimas rodo, kad kol kas toks bendradarbiavimas dažniausiai pasireiškia tik organizacijos viduje. Tuo tarpu sąveika tarp institucijų dėl e. sveikatos politikos formavimo, e. sveikatos sprendimų kūrimo ir įgyvendinimo išlikusi fragmentiška, paremta daugiau asmenine komunikacija, o ne sistemišku žinių perdavimu ir interesų derinimu. Interviu atskleidė keletą pagrindinių iššūkių, respondentų požiūriu, sukuriančių daugiausia problemų e. sveikatos sistemos plėtrai: sistemos kūrimo iš viršaus į apačią ir iš apačios į viršų balansas; sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų ir e. sveikatos sistemų suderinimas; suinteresuotųjų pusių bendradarbiavimas ir dalyvavimas; biudžetas e. sveikatos sistemos kūrimui, diegimui ir palaikymui

    Savivaldybių intereso atstovavimas vyriausybės lygiu: bendradarbiavimo tinklų analizė Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijoje.

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    Since the main policy outlining the arena proceeds at the level of governmental organisations, the operational level of policy governance needs to be aligned with the demands of wider participation. Namely at this level, representation of local government interests together with public opinions concerning the relevant problems, methods for their solution and their relevance to wider needs are required. This paper is designed to investigate participation of local government in the decisionmaking process initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science and to evaluate the impact of interest representation in the formation of public policy. The research methodology of mixed methods was employed (document analysis and interviews with the members officially nominated to resolve problems, decision-making groups, councils and commissions operating from 2007 to 2010 at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania). Formal participatory instruments were applied 162 times involving 985 actors in affiliate associations, service providers, regulators, service supporters, funding offices and independent experts. The research has revealed occasional tendencies of local government participation in the participatory instruments for public policy formation. On the contrary, empirical studies of the group characteristics exhibit a rather low level of interest representation.Nors valstybės reguliavimas pabrėžia, kad savivaldybės gali dalyvauti rengiant teisės aktus, tačiau toks aiškumas yra tik tam tikrų teisės aktų rengimo srityje. Todėl tyrimo tikslas buvo ištirti konkrečioje valstybės viešojo administravimo funkcijas vykdančioje organizacijoje (Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijoje) susiklosčiusią savivaldos įtraukimo į sprendimų priėmimo procesą praktiką bei įvertinti viešosios politikos kūrimo procesą savivaldos dalyvavimo ir teisėtų interesų raiškos prasme. Tyrimas atliktas taikant mišriąja metodų derinimo metodologiją, derinant kokybinį ir kiekybinį tyrimų metodus. Tyrimas vienareikšmiškai parodė, kad universitetų ir mokslo institutų atstovai į darbo grupes yra kviečiami aktyviausiai. Tai leidžia teigti, kad darbo grupės veikia pirmiausia kaip ekspertinės nuomonės pažinimo instrumentas. Tuo tarpu savivaldos dalyvavimas yra gan fragmentiškas. Toks dalyvavimo supratimas mažina galimybes efektyviai atstovauti bei nesuteikia galimybės pasidalinti sukauptomis proceso metu žiniomis

    The importance of collective intelligence implementing the ‘third mission’ of universities

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    Purpose – transformation of regular traditional university is a natural going process, which was affected not only by attractive theoretical or practical meaning of entrepreneurial university, but by the necessity of economic and social changes, as well. According to that, university is an important member of “Triple Helix” (University-Industry-State) model importance of collective intelligence for the implementation and development of “Third Mission” of university hybrid. “Triple Helix” model’s expansion is being proven in the upshot of analysis of scientific literature. Design/Methodology/Approach – analysis of scientific literature. Findings – after literature analysis, the following findings are presented: Concept of “Third Mission”; The importance of entrepreneurial university for “Third Mission’s” implementation is investigated; The importance of collective intelligence for “Third Mission’s” implementation is highlighted. Practical usage – according to the necessity of fast changes for Lithuanian and for East European universities in common, it is being expected that proven importance of collective intelligence for the implementation of “Third Mission” of university will affect the research of unique interdisciplinary solutions. Originality/Value – the main concept of collective intelligence is not really new, but the article explains its value for entrepreneurial university and for implementation of “Third Mission”. The development of hybrid “Triple Helix” model has not been investigated properly yet. Because of this, it is expected that the article will affect the start of new discussions and research of new solutions.Tikslas – tradicinio universiteto transformacija – natūralus procesas, kurį suponuoja ne tik teorinis ar praktinis verslaus universiteto sąvokos patrauklumas, bet ir ekonominių ir socialinių pokyčių būtinybė. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad universitetai yra svarbūs „trigubos spiralės“ modelio (universitetas–verslas–valstybė) veikėjai, straipsnyje remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize grindžiama kolektyvinio intelekto svarba įgyvendinant universitetų „trečiosios misijos“ hibridinio „trigubos spiralės“ modelio plėtrą. Metodologija – mokslinės literatūros analizė. Rezultatai – atlikus mokslinės literatūros analizę pateikiamos teorinės įžvalgos, kurios vėliau bus tikrinamos empiriniais tyrimais. – Pateikiama universitetų „trečiosios misijos“ samprata. – Išskirtas verslaus universiteto vaidmuo įgyvendinant „trečiąją misiją“. – Pabrėžta kolektyvinio intelekto svarba įgyvendinant universitetų „trečiąją misiją“. Praktinė reikšmė – atsižvelgiant į sparčių pokyčių būtinybę Lietuvos ir apskritai Rytų Europos šalių universitetuose straipsnyje pabrėžta kolektyvinio intelekto svarba įgyvendinant „trečiąją misiją“. Tikimasi, kad tarpdisciplininės diskusijos paskatins unikalių sprendimų paiešką. Orginalumas / Vertingumas – pati kolektyvinio intelekto sąvoka nėra nauja, tačiau straipsnyje iškelta kolektyvinio intelekto svarba įgyvendinant „trečiąją misiją“ versliuose universitetuose bei hibridinio „trigubos spiralės“ modelio plėtrai nėra išsamiai tyrinėta, todėl tikimasi paskatins tolesnius tyrimus analizuojama tematika

    Enhancing societal resilience against disasters: engaging the public VIA social technologies

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    Purpose – The research aims to discuss the importance of introduction of ICTs in the concept of societal resilience building and analyze e-tools engaging the public in safety enhancement. Methodology – The authors of this paper analyzed scientific literature to identify the main elements of societal resilience building, to distinguish the areas in which social technologies could be applied for the purposes of enhancing resilience. Empirical study was focused on the search and content analysis of global, EU, Lithuanian national and local e-tools created to inform the public about imminent and/or actual disasters and emergencies, communicate data among civil protection authorities, and collect from and disseminate among society disaster related information. Findings – Contemporary disaster management is increasingly orienting on preventive activities based on inclusion of society. Evolving the concept of societal resilience focuses on enhancing abilities of communities or society to resist, absorb, accommodate and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner. Consequently, resilience moves from a passive technical concept, relevant to resistance of infrastructures, to a socially active process, supporting the phase of risk prevention. Therefore, it should be present in all phases, from risk prevention to emergency management. In the Internet enabled society, information and communication technologies (ICTs) could foster building of the capacity of resilience in urban and regional complex systems by informing, warning and directing people for correct actions in case of disasters. There is a number of e-tools designed for exchange of information at different levels (global, EU, national, local, organizational), serving for different tasks of pre-, during or/and post-disaster management. Those could be grouped by their purposes to the following ones: e-tools for warning of communities at risk, based on broadcasting; WebGIS-based crowdsourcing platforms to collect and update user generated content; Open-source ICT platforms Oriented on Public awareness on natural disasters; ICTs for civil protection planning, decision making for response, recovery and allocation of resources in case of disasters. The most oriented on public engagement are broadcasting and crowdsourcing based ICT tools. However, the empirical research revealed that use of such kind of social technologies by Lithuanians remains relatively vague in terms of public activity: crowdsourcing platforms are mostly uploaded with small-scale problems of everyday life character, and use of the broadcasting services among citizens is not popular enough yet, and some organizational and technological barriers worsen situation even more. This could point to an assumption that Lithuanian society does not percept disasters as real threats for their lives, health, property or environment. Research limitations – The current research is not sophisticated with the comparative analysis of experiences of foreign countries in application of broadcasting and crowdsourcing based technologies for increasing societal resilience. Such analysis could be useful for development of effective means for enhancing public awareness on disasters, consequently – for building safety culture in Lithuania by application of social technologies. Therefore, investigation of good praxis could be considered as a relevant topic for further research. [...

    Interesų raiška viešojo valdymo institucijose: švietimo ir sveikatos sektorių darbo grupių veiklos palyginamoji analizė

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    Mokslinėje studijoje pristatomas suinteresuotųjų šalių dalyvavimu grįstas sprendimų priėmimo modelis, paremtas abipusiu socialiniu supratimu ir visapusiška dalyvių interesų raiška bei skatinantis realius viešosios politikos pokyčius. Modelis sukurtas dviejų socialiai jautrių sektorių - sveikatos politikos ir švietimo ir mokslinių tyrimo politikos - darbo grupių pavyzdžiu. Dėl tam tikrų struktūrinių skirtumų juose susiformavusi iš dalies skirtinga visuomenės dalyvavimo, priimant viešuosius sprendimus, praktika. Šie skirtumai leidžia atlikti lyginamąją analizę

    Įtrauktis: ką geba Lietuvos asociacijos?

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    Piliečių ir interesų grupių įtrauktis tampa demokratinio valdymo atskaitos tašku, kai gausiu piliečių dalyvavimu sukuriama individualizuota vertė, leidžianti piliečiui pasijusti viešojo valdymo rezultatų savininku. Produktyviai įtraukčiai realizuoti dalyvių institucionalizavimas yra būtina įtraukties sąlyga, kurią realizuoja interesų grupės. Monografijoje unikaliais tyrimais (interesų grupių kiekybinė apklausa, atvejų analize, kokybiniais interviu bei darbo grupių valstybės institucijose socialinių tinklų analize) tiriamos interesų grupių kolektyvinio veikimo praktikos ir valstybės institucijose suteikiamos įtraukties prieigos. Knygoje pasiūlomas interesų grupių pajėgumų modelis, grindžiamas penkiomis pajėgumų rūšimis: vidinio valdymo, operacinių ir analitinių, advokacijos, partnerystės ir gebėjimų spręsti visuomenės problemas. Interesų grupės tampa pasiruošusios dalyvauti viešųjų sprendimų procesuose, kai sukaupia tam tikrus ribinius pajėgumus, nuo kurių priklauso interesų grupės įgalinimas, tapatybės tolydumas, darnūs kolektyviniai veiksmai

    E. sveikatos plėtros integruotos transformacijos: suinteresuotųjų pusių tinklo perspektyva

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    E. sveikata yra vertintina kaip svarbiausia sveikatos sistemos valdymo inovacija, todėl susiduriama ne tik su techninėmis, bet ir su įvairiomis žmogiškojo faktoriaus problemomis, kurios būdingos diegiant naujoves. Monografijoje atskleidžiamas e. sveikatos plėtros mastas ir tendencijos iš suinteresuotųjų pusių tinklinės perspektyvos siekiant inovatyvumo ir tvaros sveikatos sistemoje. Pristatoma sukurta e. sveikatos suinteresuotųjų bendradarbiavimo platforma, kurioje sveikatos valdymo inovacijos ir socialinių technologijų galimybės sinergijoje su politinių, organizacinių ir vadybinių priemonių dinaminiu rinkiniu pateikia ir atnaujina politines organizacines ir vadybines priemones esamuoju laiku

    Enhancing societal resilience against disasters: engaging the public via social technologies

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    The research aims to discuss the importance of introduction of ICTs in the concept of societal resilience building and analyze e-tools engaging the public in safety enhancement. The authors of this paper analyzed scientific literature to identify the main elements of societal resilience building, to distinguish the areas in which social technologies could be applied for the purposes of enhancing resilience. Empirical study was focused on the search and content analysis of global, EU, Lithuanian national and local e-tools created to inform the public about imminent and/or actual disasters and emergencies, communicate data among civil protection authorities, and collect from and disseminate among society disaster related information. Contemporary disaster management is increasingly orienting on preventive activities based on inclusion of society. Evolving the concept of societal resilience focuses on enhancing abilities of communities or society to resist, absorb, accommodate and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner. Consequently, resilience moves from a passive technical concept, relevant to resistance of infrastructures, to a socially active process, supporting the phase of risk prevention. Therefore, it should be present in all phases, from risk prevention to emergency management. In the Internet enabled society, information and communication technologies (ICTs) could foster building of the capacity of resilience in urban and regional complex systems by informing, warning and directing people for correct actions in case of disasters. There is a number of e-tools designed for exchange of information at different levels (global, EU, national, local, organizational), serving for different tasks of pre-, during or/and post-disaster management. Those could be grouped by their purposes to the following ones: e-tools for warning of communities at risk, based on broadcasting;WebGIS-based crowdsourcing platforms to collect and update user generated content; Open-source ICT platforms Oriented on Public awareness on natural disasters; ICTs for civil protection planning, decision making for response, recovery and allocation of resources in case of disasters. The most oriented on public engagement are broadcasting and crowdsourcing based ICT tools. However, the empirical research revealed that use of such kind of social technologies by Lithuanians remains relatively vague in terms of public activity: crowdsourcing platforms are mostly uploaded with small-scale problems of everyday life character, and use of the broadcasting services among citizens is not popular enough yet, and some organizational and technological barriers worsen situation even more. This could point to an assumption that Lithuanian society does not percept disasters as real threats for their lives, health, property or environment. The current research is not sophisticated with the comparative analysis of experiences of foreign countries in application of broadcasting and crowdsourcing based technologies for increasing societal resilience. Such analysis could be useful for development of effective means for enhancing public awareness on disasters, consequently – for building safety culture in Lithuania by application of social technologies. Therefore, investigation of good praxis could be considered as a relevant topic for further research. The paper explores publically accessible ICT means that could serve for enhancing of information and education level of the public on disaster related content, and hence, for rising safety culture.The research reveals societal resilience as an active process, supporting the phase of risk prevention, not only disaster response and recovery. The paper assumes the triple role of citizens in all disaster management process. By application of social technologies, society acts as a safety information source (by application of crowdsourcing based e-tools); as information transmitters (when ICTs include information sharing functions); and as information receivers (WebGIS and cell broadcast based ICTs). Therefore, the research implies disaster management authorities to pay more attention for social technologies as potential tools for increasing pro-activity of disaster management and building up societal resilience

    Qualitative method approach to stakeholders, attitudes towards e-health elements

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    Many countries encounter different problems that are being experienced during the process of design, implementation and development of innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) in healthcare, known as eHealth solutions. Some of these problems are more challenging and influential than others. One of those is ensuring coherent stakeholders’ involvement in all the stages of eHealth development, matching of stakeholders’ interests and maintaining close cooperation. Therefore, in order to evaluate or prognosticate further development of eHealth, it is expedient to research stakeholders’ involvement, their attitudes towards diverse elements of eHealth and satisfaction with both eHealth development process and results. An increasing number of research evidences demonstrate the necessity to pursuit eHealth actors’ abilities to discuss demands and expectations, and negotiate changes of performance. The present research aims to investigate eHealth stakeholders’ attitudes towards eHealth elements through applying qualitative method approach. The paper identifies eHealth elements, develops the methodology allowing collecting data on eHealth stakeholders’ perceptions of these elements, tests the methodology and discusses generalized results of qualitative research. The methodology is based on semi-structural interviews. The authors of the research completed 41 individual and 3 group interviews with employees (heads of administrations, medical staff and ICT specialists) from different eHealth system institutions (hospitals, primary healthcare organizations, ministry of health, IT companies and other) from 10 Lithuanian cities.Preliminary results of qualitative research revealed that eHealth stakeholders acknowledge the importance of all eHealth elements. However, the focus of attention was put on the elements related to inter-institutional cooperation among the institutions of eHealth system and on interaction within healthcare institutions installing eHealth solutions. The respondents agreed that participation of employees from all the organizational structures (doctors and nurses, administration, IT specialists) plays a crucial role for the success of system development. However, the research evidences that cooperation that is more active is demonstrated within organizations. Interaction among different institutions concerning eHealth policy design, planning and implementation of eHealth solutions remains fragmented, based on individual communication but not on systemic stakeholders’ participation and matching of interests. The interviews evidenced several basic challenges on the interviewees’ opinions creating the majority of problems in eHealth development. Among those are the following: balancing eHealth system development top down and bottom up; compatibility of diverse information systems; stakeholders’ involvement and cooperation; budgeting of eHealth system creation, implementation and maintenance

    Bridging Political, Managerial and Legislative Components of Sustainability Strategy with Business Demands

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    AbstractThe present study explores features of policy, management and legislation (PML) that may facilitate country's sustainable development with the account of business demands in national governance. The paper discusses former attempts to measure PML related aspects from the perspective of sustainability at different levels. In order to get business strategies function in harmony with sector and national strategies in a sustainable manner, a framework interconnecting PML and business is required. There are numbers of methodologies, including sophisticated criteria systems, elaborated to measure PML in terms of sustainability. However, none of these methodologies correspond to linkages among PML sustainability and business demands. Therefore, the paper aims to construct conceptual framework requirements for sustainable governance and explain effects of such requirements on business.Results of research indicate the hierarchy of measurable and aggregated overlapping criteria for evaluation of PML domains of sustainable strategy of a country. Among the most significant parameters are political, managerial and legitimate inclusion, level of corruption, balance of evidence based policy practice, process transparency, balance of interests, open process monitoring system, etc. These criteria represent principles of public in general and business in particular inclusion, rule of law and integrated solidarity based management that should be achieved for strategically driven sustainable development. Business motivation and engagement, stable and favorable political, procedural and legal environment, long-term strategy support via regulation, and other features of PML could secure sustainability of business strategy