29 research outputs found

    Sertoli cell number defines and predicts germ and Leydig cell population sizes in the adult mouse testis

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    Sertoli cells regulate differentiation and development of the testis and are essential for maintaining adult testis function. To model the effects of dysregulating Sertoli cell number during development or aging, we have used acute diphtheria toxin−mediated cell ablation to reduce Sertoli cell population size. Results show that the size of the Sertoli cell population that forms during development determines the number of germ cells and Leydig cells that will be present in the adult testis. Similarly, the number of germ cells and Leydig cells that can be maintained in the adult depends directly on the size of the adult Sertoli cell population. Finally, we have used linear modeling to generate predictive models of testis cell composition during development and in the adult based on the size of the Sertoli cell population. This study shows that at all ages the size of the Sertoli cell population is predictive of resulting testicular cell composition. A reduction in Sertoli cell number/proliferation at any age will therefore lead to a proportional decrease in germ cell and Leydig cell numbers, with likely consequential effects on fertility and health

    The insulin signaling pathway is required for adreno-gonadal development

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    Adrenals and gonads both emerge from a common embryonic structure referred to as the adreno-gonadal primordium (AGP). Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) provide essential signals for the control of embryonic development. We showed that the in vivo deletion of both Insr and Igf1r is sufficient to induce a complete XY male-to-female sex reversal phenotype due to a failure of upregulating Sry and the subsequent testicular genetic program. In XX and XY mutant gonads, we observed a delay in ovarian differentiation and germ cell entry into meiosis as well as a complete absence of adrenal gland. Later, Sertoli cells (SCs), the only somatic constituents of the seminiferous epithelium are mainly committed to sustain spermatogenesis. Importantly, the final testis size, the number of germ cell in the adult testis and the sperm output are directly linked to the total number of Sertoli cells. We also demonstrated that mice lacking both Insr and Igf1r specifically in Sertoli cells display a reduction of testicular weight, Sertoli cell number, tubule's length and sperm output by over 70%, probably due to a massive apoptotic wave during the period of perinatal proliferation (P5)

    Genetic programs that regulate testicular and ovarian development

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    The gonadal primordium is the only tissue in mammals that has two divergent developmental fates leading ultimately to the formation of either a testis or an ovary. The goal of this review is to summarize the major characteristics of the male and female transcriptional programs triggered in the developing mouse gonads during the critical time window of sex determination. Expression profiling studies reveal that both male and female genetic programs are initiated as early as embryonic day (E) 11.5. By E13.5, more than 1000 genes are overexpressed either in developing ovaries or testes. A large fraction of these have so far no known roles during gonadal differentiation, yet interestingly some of their human orthologues map to chromosomal loci associated with sexual disorders. Identifying the functional roles for these candidate genes will improve our understanding of sex determination and provide new insights into the causes of gonadal dysgenesis and reproductive disorders

    Dcp1-Bodies in Mouse Oocytes

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    Processing bodies (P-bodies) are cytoplasmic granules involved in the storage and degradation of mRNAs. In somatic cells, their formation involves miRNA-mediated mRNA silencing. Many P-body protein components are also found in germ cell granules, such as in mammalian spermatocytes. In fully grown mammalian oocytes, where changes in gene expression depend entirely on translational control, RNA granules have not as yet been characterized. Here we show the presence of P-body-like foci in mouse oocytes, as revealed by the presence of Dcp1a and the colocalization of RNA-associated protein 55 (RAP55) and the DEAD box RNA helicase Rck/p54, two proteins associated with P-bodies and translational control. These P-body-like structures have been called Dcp1-bodies and in meiotically arrested primary oocytes, two types can be distinguished based on their size. They also have different protein partners and sensitivities to the depletion of endogenous siRNA/miRNA and translational inhibitors. However, both type progressively disappear during in vitro meiotic maturation and are virtually absent in metaphase II–arrested secondary oocytes. Moreover, this disassembly of hDcp1a-bodies is concomitant with the posttranslational modification of EGFP-hDcp1a

    DNA Methylation Profiling of the Fibrinogen Gene Landscape in Human Cells and during Mouse and Zebrafish Development

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    The fibrinogen genes FGA, FGB and FGG show coordinated expression in hepatocytes. Understanding the underlying transcriptional regulation may elucidate how their tissue-specific expression is maintained and explain the high variability in fibrinogen blood levels. DNA methylation of CpG-poor gene promoters is dynamic with low methylation correlating with tissue-specific gene expression but its direct effect on gene regulation as well as implications of non-promoter CpG methylation are not clear. Here we compared methylation of CpG sites throughout the fibrinogen gene cluster in human cells and mouse and zebrafish tissues. We observed low DNA methylation of the CpG-poor fibrinogen promoters and of additional regulatory elements (the liver enhancers CNC12 and PFE2) in fibrinogen-expressing samples. In a gene reporter assay, CpG-methylation in the FGA promoter reduced promoter activity, suggesting a repressive function for DNA methylation in the fibrinogen locus. In mouse and zebrafish livers we measured reductions in DNA methylation around fibrinogen genes during development that were preceded by increased fibrinogen expression and tri-methylation of Histone3 lysine4 (H3K4me3) in fibrinogen promoters. Our data support a model where changes in hepatic transcription factor expression and histone modification provide the switch for increased fibrinogen gene expression in the developing liver which is followed by reduction of CpG methylation

    Insulin receptor and IGF1R are not required for oocyte growth, differentiation, and maturation in mice

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    In mammals, insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs: IGF1 and IGF2) act through 2 structurally related receptors, the insulin receptor (INSR) and the type 1 IGF receptor (IGF1R), both of which are expressed in developing oocytes. IGF1 plays an important role in female reproduction, and female Igf1 knockout mice fail to ovulate and are infertile. On the other hand, little is known about the in vivo role of the insulin signaling pathway in oocytes during follicular development, although exposure to insulin or IGF1 in vitro improves oocyte maturation. To further address the significance of insulin/IGF signaling, we used conditional mutant mice and ablated the function of the genes encoding INSR, IGF1R, or both receptors specifically in developing mouse oocytes. Our genetic evidence showed unexpectedly that the female reproductive functions are not affected when Insr, Igf1r or both Insr;Igf1r are ablated in oocytes, as the female mice are fertile and exhibit normal estrous cyclicity, oocyte development and maturation, parturition frequency, and litter size. In view of these novel observations indicating that the insulin/IGF signaling is not essential in oocytes, the IGF1-dependent female fertility is re-evaluated and discussed

    FSH-stimulated PTEN activity accounts for the lack of FSH mitogenic effect in prepubertal rat Sertoli cells

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) controls the proliferation and differentiation of Sertoli cells of the testis. FSH binds a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) to stimulate downstream effectors of the phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K)-dependent pathway, without enhancing PI3K activity. To clarify this paradox, we explored the activity of phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted in chromosome 10 (PTEN), the PI3K major regulator, in primary cultures of rat Sertoli cells. We show that, within minutes, FSH increases PTEN neo-synthesis, requiring the proteasomal degradation of an unidentified intermediate, as well as PTEN enzymatic activity. Importantly, introducing an antisense cDNA of PTEN into differentiating Sertoli cells restores FSH-dependent cell proliferation. In conclusion, these results provide a new mechanism of PTEN regulation, which could serve to block entry into S phase of Sertoli cells, while they are proceeding through differentiation in prepubertal animals

    Insulin and IGF1 receptors are essential for XX and XY gonadal differentiation and adrenal development in mice

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    Mouse sex determination provides an attractive model to study how regulatory genetic networks and signaling pathways control cell specification and cell fate decisions. This study characterizes in detail the essential role played by the insulin receptor (INSR) and the IGF type I receptor (IGF1R) in adrenogenital development and primary sex determination. Constitutive ablation of insulin/IGF signaling pathway led to reduced proliferation rate of somatic progenitor cells in both XX and XY gonads prior to sex determination together with the downregulation of hundreds of genes associated with the adrenal, testicular, and ovarian genetic programs. These findings indicate that prior to sex determination somatic progenitors in Insr;Igf1r mutant gonads are not lineage primed and thus incapable of upregulating/repressing the male and female genetic programs required for cell fate restriction. In consequence, embryos lacking functional insulin/IGF signaling exhibit (i) complete agenesis of the adrenal cortex, (ii) embryonic XY gonadal sex reversal, with a delay of Sry upregulation and the subsequent failure of the testicular genetic program, and (iii) a delay in ovarian differentiation so that Insr;Igf1r mutant gonads, irrespective of genetic sex, remained in an extended undifferentiated state, before the ovarian differentiation program ultimately is initiated at around E16.5