2,129 research outputs found

    Optimal tariff period determination

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    We separated the problem into two simpler problems. The first problem is to choose the seasonal tariff periods, and the second problem is to choose the daily tariff periods. During the study group, we mainly considered the first problem, which is simpler because there are just two seasonal tariff periods, peak and off-peak. In the second problem, we can have a maximum of four daily tariff periods

    Determination of characteristic muon precession and relaxation signals in FeAs and FeAs2, possible impurity phases in pnictide superconductors

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    We report muon-spin relaxation measurements of highly homogeneous samples of FeAs and FeAs2, both previously found as impurity phases in some samples of recently synthesized pnictide superconductors. We observe well defined muon precession in the FeAs sample with two precession frequencies of 38.2(3) and 22.7(9) MHz at 7.5 K, with the majority of the amplitude corresponding to the lower frequency component. In FeAs2 we confirm previous measurements showing that no long-ranged magnetic order occurs above 2 K and measure the muon spin relaxation rate, which increases on cooling. Our results exclude the possibility that previous muon-spin relaxation measurements of pnictide superconductors have been measuring the effect of these possible impurities.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, corrected Figure

    Pressure shift of the superconducting T_c of LiFeAs

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    The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the superconductivity in LiFeAs is investigated up to 1.8 GPa. The superconducting transition temperature, T_c, decreases linearly with pressure at a rate of 1.5 K/GPa. The negative pressure coefficient of T_c and the high ambient pressure T_c indicate that LiFeAs is the high-pressure analogue of the isoelectronic SrFe_2As_2 and BaFe_2As_2.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Charge carrier localization induced by excess Fe in the Fe1+y(Te,Se) superconductor system

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    We have investigated the effect of Fe nonstoichiometry on properties of the Fe1+y(Te, Se) superconductor system by means of resistivity, Hall coefficient, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat measurements. We find that the excess Fe at interstitial sites of the (Te, Se) layers not only suppresses superconductivity, but also results in a weakly localized electronic state. We argue that these effects originate from the magnetic coupling between the excess Fe and the adjacent Fe square planar sheets, which favors a short-range magnetic order.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures accepted for publication in PR

    A new 111 type iron pnictide superconductor LiFeP

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    A new iron pnictide LiFeP superconductor was found. The compound crystallizes into a Cu2Sb structure containing an FeP layer showing superconductivity with maximum Tc of 6K. This is the first 111 type iron pnictide superconductor containing no arsenic. The new superconductor is featured with itinerant behavior at normal state that could helpful to understand the novel superconducting mechanism of iron pnictide compounds.Comment: 3 figures + 1 tabl

    Biological surrogacy in tropical seabed assemblages fails

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    Surrogate taxa are used widely to represent attributes of other taxa for which data are sparse or absent. Because surveying and monitoring marine biodiversity is resource intensive, our understanding and management of marine systems will need to rely on the "availability of effective surrogates. The ability of any marine taxon to adequately, represent another, however, is largely unknown because there are rarely sufficient data for multiple taxa in the same region(s). Here, we defined a taxonomic group to be a surrogate for another taxonomic group if they possessed similar assemblage patterns. We investigated effects on surrogate performance of (1) grouping species by taxon at various levels of resolution, (2) selective removal of rare species from analysis, and (3) the number of clusters used to define assemblages, using samples for 11 phyla distributed across 1189 sites sampled from the seabed of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. This spatially and taxonomically comprehensive data set provided an opportunity for extensive testing of surrogate performance in a tropical marine system using these three approaches. for the first time, as resource and data constraints were previously limiting. We measured surrogate performance as to how similarly sampling sites were divided into assemblages between taxa. For each taxonomic group independently, we grouped sites into assemblages using. He linger distances and medoid clustering. We then used a similarity index to quantify the concordance of assemblages between all pairs Of taxonomic groups. Surrogates performed better when taxa were grouped at a phylum level, compared to taxa grouped at a finer taxonomic resolution, and were unaffected by the exclusion of spatially rare species. Mean surrogate performance increased as the number of clusters decreased. Moreover, no taxonomic group was a particularly good surrogate for any other, suggesting that the use of any one (or few) group(s) for mapping seabed biodiversity patterns is imprudent; sampling several taxonomic groups appears to be essential for understanding tropical/subtropical seabed communities. Consequently, where resource constraints do not allow complete surveying of biodiversity, it may be preferable to exclude rare species to allow investment in a broader range of taxonomic groups

    Iatrogenic pneumatosis intestinalis and pneumatosis hepatis

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    A term male fetus with meconium-stained liquor was delivered at a peripheral hospital. He developed abdominal distension and bile-stained vomiting shortly after birth. Meconium ingestion was suspected. Gastric lavage was attempted using inappropriately high volumes and concentrations of sodium bicarbonate in this newborn with undiagnosed jejunal atresia. Subsequent abdominal radiographs documented the presence of the jejunal atresia and pneumatosis intestinalis (PI), together with air in both the porta hepatis and liver parenchyma (Figs 1 - 3). The latter features were interpreted as representing necrotising enterocolitis. The child was transferred to Red Cross Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, for corrective surgery

    A new family of iron pnictides: BaFeAs2 and BaFeSb2

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    We investigate the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the hypothetical compound BaFePn2 (Pn = As and Sb), which is isostructural to the parent compound of the high temperature superconductor LaFeAsO1-xFx. Using density functional theory, we show that the Fermi surface, electronic structure and the spin density wave instability of BaFePn2 are very similar to the Fe based superconductors. Additionally, there are very dispersive metallic bands of a spacer Pn layer, which are almost decoupled from FePn layer. Our results show that experimental study of BaFePn2 can test the role of charge and polarization fluctuation, importance of two dimensionality in mechanism of superconductivity.Comment: 4.2 pages, 4 figure

    Spinal NKCC1 blockade inhibits TRPV1-dependent referred allodynia

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    Background The Na+, K+, 2Cl- type I cotransporter (NKCC1) and TRPV1 receptors, at the level of the dorsal horn, have been implicated in mediating allodynia in response to an inflammatory insult. The NKCC1 cotransporter regulates intracellular [Cl-] and thus the magnitude and polarity of GABAA receptor responses in neurons. TRPV1 receptors transduce diverse chemical and natural stimuli in nociceptors and are critical for inflammatory hyperalgesia.Results Here we have tested the role of spinal NKCC1 cotransporters and TRPV1 receptors in referred allodynia in a model of visceral hyperalgesia in mice. Intrathecal (IT) injection of the NKCC1 inhibitor bumetanide (BUM, 1 nmol) inhibited referred, abdominal allodynia evoked by an intracolonic capsaicin injection. BUM was effective when injected IT either before or up to 4 hrs after the establishment of referred allodynia. The TRPV1 antagonist AMG 9810 (1 nmol) also inhibited referred allodynia in this model suggesting the involvement of an endogenous TRPV1 agonist in the dorsal horn in referred allodynia. In support of this suggestion, the endovanilloid TRPV1 agonist, narachidonoyl- dopamine (NADA, 1 or 10 nmol, IT) evoked stroking allodynia in the hindpaw that was blocked by co-treatment with AMG 9810 (1 nmol). The TRPV1-dependent stroking allodynia caused by NADA appeared to be functionally linked to NKCC1 because BUM (1 nmol) also inhibited NADA-evoked stroking allodynia.Conclusion Our findings indicate that spinal NKCC1 and TRPV1 are critical for referred allodynia mediated by a painful visceral stimulus. Moreover, they suggest that endogenous TRPV1 agonists, released in the CNS in painful conditions, might stimulate TRPV1 receptors on primary afferents that, in turn, play a role in increasing NKCC1 activity leading to allodynia.This work was supported by the National Institutes for Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS, DA19959, to TJP), the American Pain Society (to TJP), the Spanish Secretaria de Estado de Educacion y Universidades: Formacion de Profesorado Universitario Grant (to JME), the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI, to FC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR, to FC) and the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ, to FC)

    An introduction to genetic quality in the context of sexual selection

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    This special issue of Genetica brings together empirical researchers and theoreticians to present the latest on the evolutionary ecology of genetic quality in the context of sexual selection. The work comes from different fields of study including behavioral ecology, quantitative genetics and molecular genetics on a diversity of organisms using different approaches from comparative studies, mathematical modeling, field studies and laboratory experiments. The papers presented in this special issue primarily focus on genetic quality in relation to ( 1) sources of genetic variation, ( 2) polyandry, ( 3) new theoretical developments and ( 4) comprehensive reviews