269 research outputs found

    A Survey of Ethics Training in Undergraduate Psychology Programs at Jesuit Universities

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    Training in ethics is fundamental in higher education among both faith-based and secular colleges and universities, regardless of one’s academic major or field of study. Catholic colleges and universities have included moral philosophy, theology, and applied ethics in their undergraduate curricula for generations. The purpose of this investigation was to determine what, if anything, Jesuit college psychology departments are doing to educate psychology majors regarding ethical issues. A survey method was used to assess the psychology departments of all 28 Jesuits colleges and universities in the United States. A total of 21 of the 28 schools responded and completed the survey. Five schools (23%) reported that they offered a course specifically on ethics in psychology, and three (14%) additional schools offered related courses. Of the eight (38%) that offered ethics-related courses, only one required its majors to take it, and only if they were enrolled in the mental health or forensic psychology tracks. For two (10%) of the schools, the ethics in psychology course counted as a university core ethics requirement; for two others (10%), the class met an elective university ethics requirement for psychology majors


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    In this paper we investigate the relationship between finance and regional economic growth. The dataset consists of a panel of 53 regions belonging to three countries, Germany, Italy and Spain, for the period 1995-2008. To avoid a problem of endogeneity, we estimate a dynamic panel using the generalised method of moments (GMM). The results underline the important role played by bank lending in regional economic growth. The distinction between mutual and commercial credit suggests that both types of bank are important for regional growth but the role of mutual banks is greater in economically deprived areas [EDAs]. Similar results are obtained for the venture capital variableregional economic growth, relationship lending, venture capital, economically deprived areas, dynamic panel techniques

    Emigrants and immigrants networks in FDI

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    This article studies the relationship between emigration, immigration and the bilateral foreign direct investments (FDI), inward and outward, between Italy and 51 foreign countries. The results suggest that the networks of Italian emigrants abroad significantly promote both inward and outward bilateral FDI. The overall influence of immigrants is weaker. Their role is positively dependent on distance for FDI inward, only. classification-JEL : F21, F23Foreign direct investments, migrations, transnational networks

    Exports and Italy’s economic development: a long-run perspective (1863-2004)

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    This paper investigates the relationship between real export and real GDP in Italy from 1863 to 2004 by using cointegration analysis and causality tests. The outcome suggests that these variables comove in the long run but the direction of causality depends on the level of economic development: in the period prior to WW1 the growth of the Italian economy led that of exports, while in the post-WW2 period the causal relationship was reversed with the expansion of exports that determined the growth of the Italian economyExport led growth hypothesis, unit root tests, cointegration analysis, Granger – causality

    Exports and Italy’s economic development: a long-run perspective (1863-2004)

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    This paper investigates the relationship between real export and real GDP in Italy from 1863 to 2004 by using cointegration analysis and causality tests. The outcome suggests that these variables comove in the long run but the direction of causality depends on the level of economic development: in the period prior to WW1 the growth of the Italian economy led that of exports, while in the post-WW2 period the causal relationship was reversed with the expansion of exports that determined the growth of the Italian economyExport led growth hypothesis, unit root tests, cointegration analysis, Granger – causality

    Exports,growth and causality. New evidence on Italy: 1863-2004

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    This paper investigates the causal relationship between real export and real GDP in Italy from 1863 to 2004 by using cointegration analysis and causality tests. The outcome suggests that in the period prior to WW1 the growth of the Italian economy led that of exports, while in the post-WW2 period the causal relationship was reversed with the expansion of exports that determined the growth of the Italian economy.Export led growth hypothesis; unit root tests; cointegration analysis; Granger – causality

    Migrant networks: Empirical Implications for the Italian Bilateral Trade

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    A significant number of empirical studies, focusing on different countries, have found a positive link between migration and trade. This paper studies the relationship between emigration, immigration and trade using Italian data. The sample regards 51 foreign trading partners and spans from 1990 to 2005. The results suggest that: networks of Italian emigrants in foreign countries boost bilateral trade. The effects of immigrants are weak, on exports, or negative, on imports. Results do not change when the cultural and institutional dissimilarities between countries are considered.International Migration, Italian Bilateral Trade

    Exports, imports and growth. New evidence on Italy: 1863-2004

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    The nexus between trade and economic growth in Italy has been widely debated by historiography. However, there are not long run analysis on this topic that cover the whole span from Unification to present days. This paper contributes to fill this gap by investigating the relationship between real exports, imports and GDP in Italy from 1863 to 2004 by using cointegration analysis and causality tests. The outcome suggests that these variables comove in the long run but the direction of causality varies across time. In the period prior to the First World War import growth led GDP growth that in turn led export growth. Conversely, in the post-Second World War period we have a strong bidirectionality between imports and exports consequent on the increase in intra-industry trade. We also find a weak support for export-led growth and growth-led imports. This suggests that exports were not the only or the main driver of economic growth. There was probably a multiplicity of factors at work, among which high rates of capital formation and the expansion of internal demand probably stood outTrade; economic growth; Italy; unit root tests; cointegration analysis; Granger-causality;
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