549 research outputs found

    Unusual products of the aqueous chlorination of atenolol

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    The reaction of the drug atenolol with hypochlorite under conditions that simulate wastewater disinfection was investigated. The pharmaceutical reacted in 1 h yielding three products that were separated by chromatographic techniques and characterized by spectroscopic features. Two unusual products 2-(4-(3-(chloro(2-chloropropan- 2-yl)amino)-2-hydroxypropoxy) phenyl) acetamide and 2-(4- (3-formamido- 2-hydroxypropoxy) phenyl) acetamide were obtained along with 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide. When the reaction was stopped at shorter times only 2-(4-(3-amino-2-hydroxypropoxy) phenyl) acetamide and the dichlorinated product were detected. Tests performed on the seeds of Lactuca sativa show that chlorinated products have phytotoxic activity

    The role of ephemeris and GPSs distribution in high resolution satellite images modeling.

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    The geometric resolution of the images coming from the new generation satellites is almost competitive with that found in the traditional aerial photograms. The aim of this work is to define the role of satellite ephemerides and to optimise the number andvdistribution of Ground Control Points (GCPs) for the image registration. A zone of the Campania region in Italy has been used as a test area: it is characterized by a mountainous area without constructions and by flat land areas densely inhabited. The images that have been used relate to different epochs and different satellites such as Spot5, Ikonos2 and QuickBird. Spot5 images have also been used to generate automatic Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). The assessment of DEM precision has been carried out by comparison with raster DEMs from cartography. The GCPs coordinates have been obtained from a GPS network made up of almost hundred and some of them are used as Check Points (CPs). Different tests have been performed, either varying the number of GCPs or hypothesizing the presence or absence of satellite ephemeris. Some numerical evaluations confirm that the use of the satellite ephemeris greatly reduces the amount of residuals on the CPs; in the case of Spot5 images this improvement becomes even more evident

    Using the Data Fusion tecnique for producing tematic maps.

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    The University of Salerno (Italy) has recently been equipped with a pair of aerials that are able to receive data transmitted from various satellite platforms such as the NOAA and the Terra-1 and Aqua-1 EOS. These satellites are fitted with sensors that pick up information regarding soil and cloud temperature, the humidity level of the atmosphere, the presence of extraneous water, the presence of certain substances such as chlorophyll, the surface colour of the ocean and the presence of plankton with a spatial resolution that at its greatest reaches 250 m. Great use is therefore made of a vast amount of data that concerns our geographical area which allows for a fairly approximate assessment of the state of health (desertification, deforestation, abundance of surface water) and the potential risks (landslides, fires, plant and crop infections or diseases) to which the territory is prone. Nevertheless, the data is supplied with differing precision to the ground and with different pixel dimensions, therefore it is not possible to generate, taking as a starting point the data alone, (thematic map) which, besides furnishing qualitative information, also supplies correct and precise metric information. By using the Data Fusion technique it is possible to project the data supplied by various sensors onto a higher resolution image in order to obtain a representation that allows for a synthesis of all available information

    Nuclear emulsions for the detection of micrometric-scale fringe patterns: an application to positron interferometry

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    Nuclear emulsions are capable of very high position resolution in the detection of ionizing particles. This feature can be exploited to directly resolve the micrometric-scale fringe pattern produced by a matter-wave interferometer for low energy positrons (in the 10-20 keV range). We have tested the performance of emulsion films in this specific scenario. Exploiting silicon nitride diffraction gratings as absorption masks, we produced periodic patterns with features comparable to the expected interferometer signal. Test samples with periodicities of 6, 7 and 20 {\mu}m were exposed to the positron beam, and the patterns clearly reconstructed. Our results support the feasibility of matter-wave interferometry experiments with positrons.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    A new application of emulsions to measure the gravitational force on antihydrogen

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    We propose to build and operate a detector based on the emulsion film technology for the measurement of the gravitational acceleration on antimatter, to be performed by the AEgIS experiment (AD6) at CERN. The goal of AEgIS is to test the weak equivalence principle with a precision of 1% on the gravitational acceleration g by measuring the vertical position of the anni- hilation vertex of antihydrogen atoms after their free fall in a horizontal vacuum pipe. With the emulsion technology developed at the University of Bern we propose to improve the performance of AEgIS by exploiting the superior position resolution of emulsion films over other particle de- tectors. The idea is to use a new type of emulsion films, especially developed for applications in vacuum, to yield a spatial resolution of the order of one micron in the measurement of the sag of the antihydrogen atoms in the gravitational field. This is an order of magnitude better than what was planned in the original AEgIS proposal.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Electroantennographic responses of Aromia bungii (Faldermann, 1835) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) to a range of volatile compounds

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    The red-necked longhorn beetle, Aromia bungii, is one of the most damaging pests of stone fruit trees. Native to the south-eastern Palearctic and Oriental regions, it invaded and is established to some extent in the Campania Region (Southern Italy). In several cerambycid species, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been shown to play a role in mate and host plant location. Increasing EAG amplitudes from the basal to the distal antennal segments were recorded in response to six selected plant volatiles. From the distal flagellomeres, the largest EAG responses (>0.8 mV) were elicited by 2-hexanol, octanal, sulcatone, guaiacol, sulcatol, 2,4-dimethyl-3-hexanol, 2,4-dimethyl-2-hexanone, heptanal, nonanal, (Z)-3-hexenol, and 1-heptanol in both sexes, and by linalool, (E)-2-heptenal, 1-octen-3-ol, (E)-2-octenal, 3-octanol, (E)-2-octen-1-ol, alfa-phellandrene, and alfa-terpinene in males. The olfactory system of both sexes proved to be sensitive to changes in stimulus concentration and compound structure. This study demonstrates the capability of A. bungii males and females to detect and discriminate among a wide range of VOCs and provides a basis for further olfactometer and field trapping experiments aimed at identifying behaviorally-active compounds useful for the implementation of semiochemical-based control strategies for this pest

    First results on proton radiography with nuclear emulsion detectors

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    We propose an innovative method for proton radiography based on nuclear emulsion film detectors, a technique in which images are obtained by measuring the position and the residual range of protons passing through the patient's body. For this purpose, nuclear emulsion films interleaved with tissue equivalent absorbers can be used to reconstruct proton tracks with very high accuracy. This is performed through a fully automated scanning procedure employing optical microscopy, routinely used in neutrino physics experiments. Proton radiography can be used in proton therapy to obtain direct information on the average tissue density for treatment planning optimization and to perform imaging with very low dose to the patient. The first prototype of a nuclear emulsion based detector has been conceived, constructed and tested with a therapeutic proton beam. The first promising experimental results have been obtained by imaging simple phantoms.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Instrumentation (JINST

    A predictive decision support system for coronavirus disease 2019 response management and medical logistic planning

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    Objective: Coronavirus disease 2019 demonstrated the inconsistencies in adequately responding to biological threats on a global scale due to a lack of powerful tools for assessing various factors in the formation of the epidemic situation and its forecasting. Decision support systems have a role in overcoming the challenges in health monitoring systems in light of current or future epidemic outbreaks. This paper focuses on some applied examples of logistic planning, a key service of the Earth Cognitive System for Coronavirus Disease 2019 project, here presented, evidencing the added value of artificial intelligence algorithms towards predictive hypotheses in tackling health emergencies. Methods: Earth Cognitive System for Coronavirus Disease 2019 is a decision support system designed to support healthcare institutions in monitoring, management and forecasting activities through artificial intelligence, social media analytics, geo- spatial analysis and satellite imaging. The monitoring, management and prediction of medical equipment logistic needs rely on machine learning to predict the regional risk classification colour codes, the emergency rooms attendances, and the fore- cast of regional medical supplies, synergically enhancing geospatial and temporal dimensions. Results: The overall performance of the regional risk colour code classifier yielded a high value of the macro-average F1-score (0.82) and an accuracy of 85%. The prediction of the emergency rooms attendances for the Lazio region yielded a very low root mean square error (<11 patients) and a high positive correlation with the actual values for the major hos- pitals of the Lazio region which admit about 90% of the region’s patients. The prediction of the medicinal purchases for the regions of Lazio and Piemonte has yielded a low root mean squared percentage error of 16%. Conclusions: Accurate forecasting of the evolution of new cases and drug utilisation enables the resulting excess demand throughout the supply chain to be managed more effectively. Forecasting during a pandemic becomes essential for effective government decision-making, managing supply chain resources, and for informing tough policy decisions
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