41 research outputs found

    The extrinsic apoptotic pathway in aged skeletal muscle: Roles of tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-15

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    Apoptosis is implicated in the loss of skeletal muscle mass following periods of reduced activity (i.e.-disuse) as well as during the normal aging process (i.e.-sarcopenia). Aging is also characterized by elevations in circulating cytokines, specifically TNF-alpha, which has been associated with the sarcopenic process. The specific signaling components that participate in the pro-apoptotic pathway downstream of the type I TNF receptor (i.e.-extrinsic apoptotic pathway) within skeletal muscle have not been clarified. Additionally, few studies have been performed with the aim of disrupting this apoptotic pathway, and thereby sparing muscle mass in the aged. Therefore, the purposes of this dissertation were to characterize the extrinsic apoptotic pathway within aged skeletal muscles and to test the effectiveness of another cytokine, IL-15, at disrupting this apoptotic pathway. Apoptotic signaling markers involved in the extrinsic pathway, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), TNF receptor (TNFR), fas-associated death domain protein (FADD), TNFR-associated death domain protein (TRADD), caspase-8, caspase-3, BCL-3 interacting domain protein (Bid), and FLICE-inhibiting protein (FLIP), as well as the cytokine interleukin-15 (IL-15), were accessed in skeletal muscles from aged rodents and compared to muscles from young adult rodents. Muscles from aged animals were smaller and the incidence of apoptosis was greater when compared to muscles from young adult rodents. Additionally, aged muscles expressed greater mRNA and protein contents for the apoptotic markers involved in the extrinsic pathway, thereby suggesting the extrinsic pathway is active in skeletal muscles. Furthermore, IL-15 mRNA concentrations were, in general, greater in aged muscles and following periods of muscle unloading. However, over-expression of IL-15 was unable to disrupt this apoptotic pathway in either aged rodents or in myoblast cultures stimulated with TNF-alpha. These data suggest that while the extrinsic apoptotic pathway is active within aged skeletal muscles, and that TNF-alpha is able to promote these apoptotic changes in myoblast cultures, IL-15 is not an effective agent at disrupting this pathway and preserving muscle mass

    Dysregulation of metabolic-associated pathways in muscle of breast cancer patients: preclinical evaluation of interleukin-15 targeting fatigue

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    Background Breast cancer patients report a perception of increased muscle fatigue, which can persist following surgery and standardized therapies. In a clinical experiment, we tested the hypothesis that pathways regulating skeletal muscle fatigue are down-regulated in skeletal muscle of breast cancer patients and that different muscle gene expression patterns exist between breast tumour subtypes. In a preclinical study, we tested the hypothesis that mammary tumour growth in mice induces skeletal muscle fatigue and that overexpression of the cytokine interleukin-15 (IL-15) can attenuate mammary tumourinduced muscle fatigue. Methods Early stage non-metastatic female breast cancer patients (n = 14) and female non-cancer patients (n = 6) provided a muscle biopsy of the pectoralis major muscle during mastectomy, lumpectomy, or breast reconstruction surgeries. The breast cancer patients were diagnosed with either luminal (ER+ /PR+ , n = 6), triple positive (ER+ /PR+ /Her2/neu+ , n = 5), or triple negative (ER/PR/Her2/neu, n = 3) breast tumours and were being treated with curative intent either with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery or surgery followed by standard post-operative therapy. Biopsies were used for RNA-sequencing to compare the skeletal muscle gene expression patterns between breast cancer patients and non-cancer patients. The C57BL/6 mouse syngeneic mammary tumour cell line, E0771, was used to induce mammary tumours in immunocompetent mice, and isometric muscle contractile properties and fatigue properties were analysed following 4 weeks of tumour growth. Results RNA-sequencing and subsequent bioinformatics analyses revealed a dysregulation of canonical pathways involved in oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondrial dysfunction, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor signalling and activation, and IL-15 signalling and production. In a preclinical mouse model of breast cancer, the rate of muscle fatigue was greater in mice exposed to mammary tumour growth for 4 weeks, and this greater muscle fatigue was attenuated in transgenic mice that overexpressed the cytokine IL-15. Conclusions Our data identify novel genes and pathways dysregulated in the muscles of breast cancer patients with early stage non-metastatic disease, with particularly aberrant expression among genes that would predispose these patients to greater muscle fatigue. Furthermore, we demonstrate that IL-15 overexpression can attenuate muscle fatigue associated with mammary tumour growth in a preclinical mouse model of breast cancer. Therefore, we propose that skeletal muscle fatigue is an inherent consequence of breast tumour growth, and this greater fatigue can be targeted therapeutically

    Skeletal muscle gene expression in response to resistance exercise: sex specific regulation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The molecular mechanisms underlying the sex differences in human muscle morphology and function remain to be elucidated. The sex differences in the skeletal muscle transcriptome in both the resting state and following anabolic stimuli, such as resistance exercise (RE), might provide insight to the contributors of sexual dimorphism of muscle phenotypes. We used microarrays to profile the transcriptome of the biceps brachii of young men and women who underwent an acute unilateral RE session following 12 weeks of progressive training. Bilateral muscle biopsies were obtained either at an early (4 h post-exercise) or late recovery (24 h post-exercise) time point. Muscle transcription profiles were compared in the resting state between men (n = 6) and women (n = 8), and in response to acute RE in trained exercised vs. untrained non-exercised control muscle for each sex and time point separately (4 h post-exercise, n = 3 males, n = 4 females; 24 h post-exercise, n = 3 males, n = 4 females). A logistic regression-based method (LRpath), following Bayesian moderated t-statistic (IMBT), was used to test gene functional groups and biological pathways enriched with differentially expressed genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This investigation identified extensive sex differences present in the muscle transcriptome at baseline and following acute RE. In the resting state, female muscle had a greater transcript abundance of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation and gene transcription/translation processes. After strenuous RE at the same relative intensity, the time course of the transcriptional modulation was sex-dependent. Males experienced prolonged changes while females exhibited a rapid restoration. Most of the biological processes involved in the RE-induced transcriptional regulation were observed in both males and females, but sex specificity was suggested for several signaling pathways including activation of notch signaling and TGF-beta signaling in females. Sex differences in skeletal muscle transcriptional regulation might implicate a mechanism behind disproportional muscle growth in males as compared with female counterparts after RE training at the same relative intensity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Sex differences exist in skeletal muscle gene transcription both at rest and following acute RE, suggesting that sex is a significant modifier of the transcriptional regulation in skeletal muscle. The findings from the present study provide insight into the molecular mechanisms for sex differences in muscle phenotypes and for muscle transcriptional regulation associated with training adaptations to resistance exercise.</p

    Interleukin-15 responses to aging and unloading-induced skeletal muscle atrophy

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    Interleukin-15 (IL-15) mRNA is constitutively expressed in skeletal muscle. Although IL-15 has proposed hypertrophic and anti-apoptotic roles in vitro, its role in skeletal muscle cells in vivo is less clear. The purpose of this study was to determine if skeletal muscle aging and unloading, two conditions known to promote muscle atrophy, would alter basal IL-15 expression in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that IL-15 mRNA expression would increase as a result of both aging and muscle unloading and that muscle would express the mRNA for a functional trimeric IL-15 receptor (IL-15R). Two models of unloading were used in this study: hindlimb suspension (HS) in rats and wing unloading in quail. The absolute muscle wet weight of plantaris and soleus muscles from aged rats was significantly less when compared with muscles from young adult rats. Although 14 days of HS resulted in reduced muscle mass of plantaris and soleus muscles from young adult animals, this effect was not observed in muscles from aged animals. A significant aging times unloading interaction was observed for IL-15 mRNA in both rat soleus and plantaris muscles. Patagialis (PAT) muscles from aged quail retained a significant 12 and 6% of stretch-induced hypertrophy after 7 and 14 days of unloading, respectively. PAT muscles from young quail retained 15% hypertrophy at 7 days of unloading but regressed to control levels following 14 days of unloading. A main effect of age was observed on IL-15 mRNA expression in PAT muscles at 14 days of overload, 7 days of unloading, and 14 days of unloading. Skeletal muscle also expressed the mRNAs for a functional IL-15R composed of IL-15Rα, IL-2/15R-β, and -γc. Based on these data, we speculate that increases in IL-15 mRNA in response to atrophic stimuli may be an attempt to counteract muscle mass loss in skeletal muscles of old animals. Additional research is warranted to determine the importance of the IL-15/IL-15R system to counter muscle wasting. Copyright © 2007 the American Physiological Society.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Molecular regulation of apoptosis in fast plantaris muscles of aged rats

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    This study tested the hypothesis that aging exacerbates apoptotic signaling in rat fast plantaris muscle during muscle unloading. Plantaris muscle mass was 22% lower in aged animals and the apoptotic index was 600% higher, when compared to those in young adult animals. Following 14 days of hind-limb unloading, absolute plantaris muscle mass was 20% lower in young adult animals with a corresponding 200% higher elevation of the apoptotic index. Unloading had no affect on muscle weight or apoptotic index of aged plantaris muscles. The changes in proapoptotic messenger RNA (mRNA) for apoptotic protease activating factor-1 (Apaf-1), Bax, and inhibitor of differentiation protein-2 (Id2) were exacerbated with aging. Bax and Bcl-2 protein levels were also altered differently in aged muscle, compared to young. Significant positive correlations were observed between the changes in Id2 and Bax mRNA, and Id2 and caspase-9 mRNA. These data suggest that a pro-apoptotic environment may contribute to aging-associated atrophy in fast skeletal muscle, but apoptotic signaling differs by age. Copyright 2006 by The Gerontological Society of America.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Age-dependent increase in oxidative stress in gastrocnemius muscle with unloading

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    Oxidative stress increases during unloading in muscle from young adult rats. The present study examined the markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme gene and protein expressions in medial gastrocnemius muscles of aged and young adult (30 and 6 mo of age) Fischer 344 × Brown Norway rats after 14 days of hindlimb suspension. Medial gastrocnemius muscle weight was decreased by ∼30% in young adult and aged rats following suspension. When muscle weight was normalized to animal body weight, it was reduced by 12% and 22% in young adult and aged rats, respectively, after suspension. Comparisons between young adult and aged control animals demonstrated a 25% and 51% decline in muscle mass when expressed as absolute muscle weight and muscle weight normalized to the animal body weight, respectively. H2O2 content was elevated by 43% while Mn superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) protein content was reduced by 28% in suspended muscles compared with control muscles exclusively in the aged animals. Suspended muscles had greater content of malondialdehyde (MDA)/4-hydroxyalkenals (4-HAE) (29% and 58% increase in young adult and aged rats, respectively), nitrotyrosine (76% and 65% increase in young adult and aged rats, respectively), and catalase activity (69% and 43% increase in young adult and aged rats, respectively) relative to control muscles. Changes in oxidative stress markers MDA/4-HAE, H2O2, and MnSOD protein contents in response to hindlimb unloading occurred in an age-dependent manner. These findings are consistent with the hypotheses that oxidative stress has a role in mediating disuse-induced and sarcopenia-associated muscle losses. Our data suggest that aging may predispose skeletal muscle to increased levels of oxidative stress both at rest and during unloading

    Apoptotic responses to hindlimb suspension in gastrocnemius muscles from young adult and aged rats

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    Although apoptosis has been demonstrated in soleus during hindlimb suspension (HS), it is not known whether apoptosis is also involved in the loss of muscles dominated by mixed fibers. Therefore, we examined the apoptotic. responses in gastrocnemius muscles of young adult and aged Fischer 344 X Brown Norway rats after 14 days of HS. The medial gastrocnemius muscle wet weight significantly decreased by 30 and 32%, and muscle wet weight normalized to the animal body weight decreased by 11 and 15% in young adult and aged animals, respectively, after HS. The extent of apoptotic DNA fragmentation increased by 119 and 61% in suspended muscles from young and aged rats, respectively. Bax mRNA increased by 73% in young muscles after HS. Bax and Bcl-2 protein levels were greater in suspended muscles relative to control muscles in both age groups. The level of cytosolic mitochondria-housed apoptotic factor cytochrome c was significantly increased in the mitochondria-free cytosol of suspended muscles from young and aged rats. In contrast, the release/accumulation of AIF, a caspase-independent apoptogenic factor, was exclusively expressed in the suspended muscles from aged rats. Our data also show that aging favors the proapoptotic signaling in skeletal muscle by altering the contents of Bax, Bcl-2, Apaf-1, AIF, caspases, XIAP, Smac/DIABLO, and cytochrome c. Furthermore, these results indicate that apoptosis occurs not only in slow-twitch soleus muscle but also in the mixed-fiber (predominately fast fibered) gastrocnemius muscle. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that apoptotic signaling differs in young adult and aged gastrocnemius muscles during HS. Copyright © 2005 the American Physiological Society.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex