33 research outputs found

    Nobile solitudine

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    La Cattedrale di Solomon, un\u2019architettura commuovente ma anche molto critica. Sommersa e silenziosa, invisibile come le moltitudini umane che si muovono nel Mediterraneo per raggiungere l\u2019Europa attraverso Lampedusa, salvagente roccioso al limite tra realt\ue0 e illusione sulla rotta verso la \u201cterra promessa\u201d. Ma, allo stesso tempo, la Cattedrale \ue8 anche pubblica accusa contro tutte quelle idee apparentemente naturali che invece nascondono e proteggono una rigidit\ue0 ideologica: la volont\ue0 di potenza della tecnica, alla quale l\u2019Occidente ha affidato i propri ideali di progresso

    Architettura : i pregiudicati

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    Se non si comprende la struttura fondamentale dei significati che si generano tra sapere e apparire non si pu\uf2 realmente avere cognizione di ci\uf2 che si vede e si produce. In questo orizzonte emerge il tema dei \u201cpregiudicati\u201d, quegli ambiti del sapere che sono stati espulsi e rifiutati dalla cultura contemporanea, pur essendo a fondamento del sapere e dell\u2019apparire; in una parola del \u201cprogetto\u201d

    Political Power through Architectural Wonder

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    In 1617 there were rumours in the Farnese Dukedom of Parma about the passage of Cosimo II de Medici, on the way along his pilgrimage to San Carlo Borromeo\u2019s tomb in Milan. This became a valuable opportunity for Ranuccio I Farnese to regenerate the innocence and serenity of his dukedom which had been seriously stained five years before by the torture and beheading he had applied to seven of his feudal lords, believing there was a conspiracy against him with the indirect support by the Gonzaga, Medici and Malaspina dukedoms. In and around the Dukedom of Parma the atmosphere was one of suspicion; forging new alliances became essential in order to restore and strengthen the affected power of Farnese. Cosimo II de Medici\u2019s passage through Parma was the great occasion to arrange a marriage between Odoardo Farnese and Margherita de Medici. There were just a few months available to prepare \u2018the most beautiful feast (*vision) ever seen in whole Europe\u2019 to impress and gain the consent of Cosimo II. The city was transformed into a huge theatre perspective, a procession of wonder from outside the city in the morning and culminating inside its very core in the evening, on the stage of Teatro Farnese, with a wooden, light and suspended structure inside the bricks and massive first floor (L87 m x W32 m x H22 m) of Palazzo Farnese della Pilotta. Realized by Aleotti on the model of the Palladian Olympic, it was designed for the opening opera \u201cIn Defense of Beauty\u201d meant to transpose Parma and the Farnese fictionally such that Discord is overcame through Beauty. Everything was ready but Cosimo II never arrived. This extraordinary project opened onto the era of Baroque wonder

    Renato Rizzi : la cattedrale di Solomon a Lampedusa = the cathedral of Solomon in Lampedusa

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    Lampedusa \ue8 oggi il punto di soglia cruciale lungo la traiettoria delle migrazioni tra il continente africano e il sogno europeo. L\u2019isola, un\u2019immensa arca della speranza in silenziosa attesa nel Mediterraneo, un\u2019enorme balena di Giona. La sua scogliera assolata, la schiena del Nuovo Mondo. I suoi fondali, immensi cimiteri marini senza ritorno. . La cattedrale di Solomon si costruisce come un\u2019ombra, il negativo di ci\uf2 che sarebbe ovvio e spontaneo per la cultura tecnico-scientifica contemporanea. Non sceglie per s\ue9 il punto pi\uf9 panoramico dell\u2019isola sul quale imporre il suo volume per legittimarlo con la vista offerta dal paesaggio, ma sceglie l\u2019antro pi\uf9 recondito e costruisce al proprio interno un grandioso paesaggio interiore da offrire all\u2019isola. La cattedrale di Solomon non \ue8 una maestosa massa architettonica, ma una maestosa cavit\ue0

    Restituzione dell'incanto : Venezia. Heritage-Turismo: riconciliare l\u2019inconciliabile

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    Over a billion tourists are traveling around the world every year, driven by the desire to achieve those images seen multiplied on the screens, Rialto bridge, Colosseum, Brandenburger Tor, etc. With the impressive volume of photos they take back home and the inability to relate the experience of the trip, they witness the impermeability of the places they have visited, which can be touched, consumed, even destroyed, but not crossed. Big tourism is no longer interested in knowing and experiencing works of art and landscapes, because what really counts is possessing them. In this article I will focus in particular on the effects of big tourism on the destination Venezia, as it represents an extreme case even just considering the numerical data. If in New York the ratio between residents and tourists is 1 to 7 and in Milan 1 to 6, in Venice it is almost 1 to 600, with a population less than 50000 inhabitants, compared to the 200,000 inhabitants of half century ago. Today a twofold reflection is imposed by big tourism. On the one hand, how to defend the residents and the destinations by tourist assaults. But on the other, how to make sure that the assaulted places are not taming to tourism to the point that they loose themselves and, therefore, also the tourism. No tourist destination has any guarantee of lasting forever, because big tourism is fickle and is affected by the projection of the media, its icons. The strange phenomenon we witness in Venice in recent years is a sort of "precession of the simulacrum" where it is no longer the tourist experiencing Venice but, on the contrary, it is Venice who tries to penetrate the consumerist, ephemeral dimension of big tourism. Venice simulation is becoming reality itself

    La cattedrale di Solomon, Lampedusa

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    La cattedrale di Solomon \ue8 il negativo dell\u2019idea consueta di cattedrale. Non una maestosa massa architettonica, ma una maestosa cavit\ue0. L\u2019isola di Lampedusa diviene essa stessa architettura. La sua interiorit\ue0 si svuota e il suo corpo roccioso si apre ad accogliere i barconi provenienti dall\u2019Africa. Un\u2019immensa arca della salvezza, in solitaria attesa, nel Mediterraneo. Attraverso un sistema di collegamenti interni il progetto conduce sulla sommit\ue0 dell\u2019isola, all\u2019asciutto. Alla nuova vita. Al passaggio verticale di risalita corrisponde infatti simbolicamente uno spostamento continentale. Se per la geografia sottomarina Lampedusa appartiene al plateau delle coste africane, la geografia politica fa della sua superficie fuori acqua un territorio invece europeo. Un paradossale conflitto tra realt\ue0 visibile e realt\ue0 invisibile

    Peter Eisenman. House 11a

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    L’opera di Peter Eisenman si offre quale strumento preferenziale per una riflessione, oggi fondamentale, sulle radici culturali delle forme che usiamo nel progetto di architettura. La sua opera conduce a una doppia nascita, quella dell’architettura nella cultura ebraica, che non ne ha mai codificata una dall’epoca del Tempio. Nascita della simbologia nomadica-midrashica ebraica nell’architettura occidentale, simbolo per eccellenza dell’abitare come stare. Come episteme. La sovrapposizione di tutti gli scritti eisenmaniani rivela questa sostituzione che è costantemente dissimulata e che si configura come la dislocazione della metafisica occidentale attraverso la dimostrazione dell’inadeguatezza della metafisica greco-cristiana nei confronti della contemporaneità

    Analogical Images: Aldo Rossi's Scientific Autobiography

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    The chapter investigates the combination of two implicit visual worlds entwined in Aldo Rossi\u2019s Autobiografia Scientifica, A Scientific Autobiography (1981): the Enlightenment tradition, and the Christian. The title recalls both Max Planck\u2019s Scientific Autobiography (1956) and Dante Alighieri\u2019s Divine Comedy (1472). The \u2018Scientific\u2019 tradition orients the way imagery underlying architectural thinking may be ordered through observable categorisation. The \u2018Christian\u2019 world carries a specific modality of image-based language, using the sensuality of visible bodies to visualise the interior human condition. Typology is the specific device adopted to carry the dream of a logical and verifiable practice into architecture, against the solely self-referential or technical authority of the discipline. This chapter explores how Rossi combines these, introducing the scientific and metaphysical device of analogy to underpin the supporting tales of his projects, to generate a new ratio between individuality and community, the predictable and the unpredictable. A metamorphic circularity results in an innovative architectural treatise for improving the civilisation of the city. The use Rossi makes of imagery in the text demonstrates his awareness that designing - encompassing thinking, drawing, loving - is essentially an exchange of images \u2013 traversing chronology, memory and dream