791 research outputs found

    Damping Rate of a Yukawa Fermion at Finite Temperature

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    The damping of a massless fermion coupled to a massless scalar particle at finite temperature is considered using the Braaten-Pisarski resummation technique. First the hard thermal loop diagrams of this theory are extracted and effective Green's functions are constructed. Using these effective Green's functions the damping rate of a soft Yukawa fermion is calculated. This rate provides the most simple example for the damping of a soft particle. To leading order it is proportional to g2Tg^2T, whereas the one of a hard fermion is of higher order.Comment: 5 pages, REVTEX, postscript figures appended, UGI-94-0

    Aspects of parity, CP, and time reversal violation in hot QCD

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    We discuss various aspects of parity, CP, and time reversal invariances in QCD. In particular, we focus attention on the previously proposed possibility that these experimentally established symmetries of strong interactions may be broken at finite temperature and/or density. This would have dramatic signatures in relativistic heavy ion collisions; we describe some of the most promising signals.Comment: Latex; 14 pages + 3 figs. Talk given at SEWM2000, Marseille, June 14-17 2000 and ISMD2000, Tihany, October 9-15 200

    Soft Photon Production Rate in Resummed Perturbation Theory of High Temperature QCD

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    We calculate the production rate of soft real photons from a hot quark -- gluon plasma using Braaten -- Pisarski's perturbative resummation method. To leading order in the QCD coupling constant gg we find a logarithmically divergent result for photon energies of order gTgT, where TT is the plasma temperature. This divergent behaviour is due to unscreened mass singularities in the effective hard thermal loop vertices in the case of a massless external photon.Comment: 13 pages (2 figures not included), PLAINTEX, LPTHE-Orsay 93/46, BI-TP 93/5

    On the Perturbative Nature of Color Superconductivity

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    Color superconductivity is a possible phase of high density QCD. We present a systematic derivation of the transition temperature, T_C, from the QCD Lagrangian through study of the di-quark proper vertex. With this approach, we confirm the dependence of T_C on the coupling g, namely TCμg5eκ/gT_C \sim \mu g^{-5} e^{-\kappa/g}, previously obtained from the one-gluon exchange approximation in the superconducting phase. The diagrammatic approach we employ allows us to examine the perturbative expansion of the vertex and the propagators. We find an additional O(1) contribution to the prefactor of the exponential from the one-loop quark self energy and that the other one-loop radiative contributions and the two gluon exchange vertex contribution are subleading.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, revtex, details and discussion expande

    Thermodynamics of two-colour QCD

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    We discuss the thermodynamics of two-colour QCD with four flavours of staggered quarks on 8^3x4 and 16^3x4 lattices. In our simulations we use the Naik action for the fermions and a (1,2) tree-level improved gauge action. We analyze the deconfinement and chiral phase transitions for four different quark masses (m=0.1,0.05,0.025,0.015). Contrary to three-colour QCD the peak in the Polyakov loop susceptibility decreases with decreasing quark mass. This reflects an early breaking of the string in the heavy quark potential, which we verify explicitly by calculating the heavy quark potential at finite temperature using Polyakov loop correlations.Comment: LATTICE98(hightemp), 3 pages, LaTeX2e File, 5 EPS-figures, espcrc2.st

    Possibility of spontaneous parity violation in hot QCD

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    We suggest that for QCD in the limit of a large number of colors, N, the axial U(1) symmetry of massless quarks is effectively restored at the deconfining=chiral phase transition. If the deconfining transition is of second order, then the chiral transition is weakly first order. In this case, metastable states in which parity is spontaneously broken appear at temperatures below the phase transition. The production of these metastable states would have dramatic signatures, including enhanced production of eta and eta' mesons, which can decay through parity violating decay processes such as eta -> pi^0 pi^0, and global parity odd asymmetries for charged pions. Using a nonlinear sigma model, in QCD these metastable states only appear rather near the phase transition.Comment: 4 pages, REVTe

    Dynamical Gauge Symmetry Breaking and Superconductivity in three-dimensional systems

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    We discuss dynamical breaking of non-abelian gauge groups in three dimensional (lattice) gauge systems via the formation of fermion condensates. A physically relevant example, motivated by condensed-matter physics, is that of a fermionic gauge theory with group SU(2)US(1)UE(1)SU(2)\otimes U_S(1) \otimes U_{E}(1). In the strong U_S(1) region, the SU(2) symmetry breaks down to a U(1), due to the formation of a parity-invariant fermion condensate. We conjecture a phase diagram for the theory involving a critical line, which separates the regions of broken SU(2) symmetry from those where the symmetry is restored. In the broken phase, the effective Abelian gauge theory is closely related to an earlier model of two-dimensional parity-invariant superconductivity in doped antiferromagnets. The superconductivity in the model occurs in the Kosterlitz-Thouless mode, since strong phase fluctuations prevent the existence of a local order parameter. Some physical consequences of the SU(2)×US(1)SU(2) \times U_S(1) phase diagram for the (doping-dependent) parameter space of this condensed-matter model are briefly discussed.Comment: 17 pages Latex, 1 macro, three figures (included) (minor typo on page 14 concerning the critical coupling of SU(2) corrected