98 research outputs found

    Spin conservation in high-order-harmonic generation using bicircular fields

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    We present an alternative theoretical model for a recent experiment [A.Fleischer et al., Nature Photon. 8, 543 (2014)] which used bichromatic, counter-rotating high intensity laser pulses to probe the conservation of spin angular momentum in high harmonic generation. We separate elliptical polarizations into independent circular fields with definite angular momentum, instead of using the expectation value of spin for each photon in the conservation equation, and we find good agreement with the experimental results. In our description the generation of each individual harmonic conserves spin angular momentum, in contrast to the model proposed by Fleischer et al. Our model also correctly describes analogous processes in standard perturbative optics.Comment: Final changes from published version. Updated license to CC-BY-NC-S

    High-harmonic generation: taking control of polarization

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    The ability to control the polarization of short-wavelength radiation generated by high-harmonic generation is useful not only for applications but also for testing conservation laws in physics

    On the Spectrum of Field Quadratures for a Finite Number of Photons

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    The spectrum and eigenstates of any field quadrature operator restricted to a finite number NN of photons are studied, in terms of the Hermite polynomials. By (naturally) defining \textit{approximate} eigenstates, which represent highly localized wavefunctions with up to NN photons, one can arrive at an appropriate notion of limit for the spectrum of the quadrature as NN goes to infinity, in the sense that the limit coincides with the spectrum of the infinite-dimensional quadrature operator. In particular, this notion allows the spectra of truncated phase operators to tend to the complete unit circle, as one would expect. A regular structure for the zeros of the Christoffel-Darboux kernel is also shown.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Principal frequency of an ultrashort laser pulse

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    We introduce an alternative definition of the main frequency of an ultrashort laser pulse, the principal frequency ωP\omega_P. This parameter is complementary to the most accepted and widely used carrier frequency ω0\omega_0. Given the fact that these ultrashort pulses, also known as transients, have a temporal width comprising only few cycles of the carrier wave, corresponding to a spectral bandwidth Δω\Delta\omega covering several octaves, ωP\omega_P describes, in a more precise way, the dynamics driven by these sources. We present examples where, for instance, ωP\omega_P is able to correctly predict the high-order harmonic cutoff independently of the carrier envelope phase. This is confirmed by solving the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation in reduced dimensions, supplemented with the time-analysis of the quantum spectra, where it is possible to observe how the sub-cycle electron dynamics is better described using ωP\omega_P. The concept of ωP\omega_P, however, can be applied to a large variety of scenarios, not only within the strong field physics domain.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted in PR

    Quantum optical analysis of high-order harmonic generation in H2+_2^+ molecular ions

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    We present a comprehensive theoretical investigation of high-order harmonic generation in H2+_2^+ molecular ions within a quantum optical framework. Our study focuses on characterizing various quantum optical and quantum information measures, highlighting the versatility of HHG in two-center molecules towards quantum technology applications. We demonstrate the emergence of entanglement between electron and light states after the laser-matter interaction. We also identify the possibility of obtaining non-classical states of light in targeted frequency modes by conditioning on specific electronic quantum states, which turn out to be crucial in the generation of highly non-classical entangled states between distinct sets of harmonic modes. Our findings open up avenues for studying strong-laser field-driven interactions in molecular systems, and suggest their applicability to quantum technology applications.Comment: 21 pages (14 main text + 7 appendix), 9 figures (8 main text + 1 appendix

    Entanglement and non-classical states of light in a strong-laser driven solid-state system

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    The development of sources delivering non-classical states of light is one of the main needs for applications of optical quantum information science. Here, we demonstrate the generation of non-classical states of light using strong-laser fields driving a solid-state system, by using the process of high-order harmonic generation, where an electron tunnels out of the parent site and, later on, recombines on it emitting high-order harmonic radiation, at the expense of affecting the driving laser field. Since in solid-state systems the recombination of the electron can be delocalized along the material, the final state of the electron determines how the electromagnetic field gets affected because of the laser-matter interaction, leading to the generation of entanglement between the electron and the field. These features can be enhanced by applying conditioning operations, i.e., quantum operations based on the measurement of high-harmonic radiation. We study non-classical features present in the final quantum optical state, and characterize the amount of entanglement between the light and the electrons in the solid. The work sets the foundation for the development of compact solid-state-based non-classical light sources using strong-field physics.Comment: We present a different formulation to that of the previous version, more in line with the approach followed in our previous works. 12 pages (8 main text + 4 Methods), 4 figures. Comments are welcom

    Strong laser physics, non-classical light states and quantum information science

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    Strong laser physics is a research direction that relies on the use of high-power lasers and has led to fascinating achievements ranging from relativistic particle acceleration to attosecond science. On the other hand, quantum optics has been built on the use of low photon number sources and has opened the way for groundbreaking discoveries in quantum technology, advancing investigations ranging from fundamental tests of quantum theory to quantum information processing. Despite the tremendous progress, until recently these directions have remained disconnected. This is because, the majority of the interactions in the strong-field limit have been successfully described by semi-classical approximations treating the electromagnetic field classically, as there was no need to include the quantum properties of the field to explain the observations. The link between strong laser physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science has been developed in the recent past. Studies based on fully quantized and conditioning approaches have shown that intense laser--matter interactions can be used for the generation of controllable entangled and non-classical light states. This achievement opens the way for a vast number of investigations stemming from the symbiosis of strong laser physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science. Here, after an introduction to the fundamentals of these research directions, we report on the recent progress in the fully quantized description of intense laser--matter interaction and the methods that have been developed for the generation of non-classical light states and entangled states. Also, we discuss the future directions of non-classical light engineering using strong laser fields, and the potential applications in ultrafast and quantum information science.Comment: 60 pages, 20 figures. Comments are welcom
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