151 research outputs found

    Implementation of Geoportal in open environment for the community of the Human Sciences and Society

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    The Center for Digital Geospatial Resources “Methodologies of Modelling for the Spatial Information Applied to Human Sciences and Society” (M2SIA– M2ISA) was created in March 2006 by the CNRS. The purpose is to facilitate the pooling, exchange, access, transmission, broadcasting, and mutualization of spatial data as well as respect the international geographical standards of the ISO/TC211 from a portal and from a geoportal. The CSDR M²SIA (CRN M²ISA) is constituted by ten partners who belong to the network of the MSH. This structure depends on multi-third party architecture in an open environment. One of the third parties of this architecture is formed by the suppliers of data who correspond to the various MSH sites. These sites give cartographic services created under the ArcIMS software with the AXL language. These services are automatically joined into the architecture and directly consumable by the simple user via an interface developed in Javascript, HTML. The AJAX and Web 2.0 technologies are implemented

    The Role of IRE1α in the Degradation of Insulin mRNA in Pancreatic β-Cells

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    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a cellular compartment for the biosynthesis and folding of newly synthesized secretory proteins such as insulin. Perturbations to ER homeostasis cause ER stress and subsequently activate cell signaling pathways, collectively known as the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR). IRE1α is a central component of the UPR. In pancreatic β-cells, IRE1α also functions in the regulation of insulin biosynthesis.Here we report that hyperactivation of IRE1α caused by chronic high glucose treatment or IRE1α overexpression leads to insulin mRNA degradation in pancreatic β-cells. Inhibition of IRE1α signaling using its dominant negative form prevents insulin mRNA degradation. Islets from mice heterozygous for IRE1α retain expression of more insulin mRNA after chronic high glucose treatment than do their wild-type littermates.These results reveal a role of IRE1α in insulin mRNA expression under ER stress conditions caused by chronic high glucose. The rapid degradation of insulin mRNA could provide immediate relief for the ER and free up the translocation machinery. Thus, this mechanism would preserve ER homeostasis and help ensure that the insulin already inside the ER can be properly folded and secreted. This adaptation may be crucial for the maintenance of β-cell homeostasis and may explain why the β-cells of type 2 diabetic patients with chronic hyperglycemia stop producing insulin in the absence of apoptosis. This mechanism may also be involved in suppression of the autoimmune type 1 diabetes by reducing the amount of misfolded insulin, which could be a source of “neo-autoantigens.

    Human skin penetration of a copper tripeptide in vitro as a function of skin layer

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    We study a set of 28 GRB light-curves detected between 15 December 2002 and 9 June 2003 by the anti-coincidence shield of the spectrometer (SPI) of INTEGRAL. During this period it has detected 50 bursts, that have been confirmed by other instruments, with a time resolution of 50 ms. First, we derive the basic characteristics of the bursts: various duration measures, the count peak flux and the count fluence. Second, a sub-sample of 11 bursts with 12 individual, well-separated pulses is studied. We fit the pulse shape with a model by Kocevski et al. (2003) and find that the pulses are quite self-similar in shape. There is also a weak tendency for the pulses with steep power-law decays to be more asymmetric. Third, the variability of the complex light-curves is studied by analyzing their power-density-spectra (PDS) and their RMS variability.
The averaged PDS, of the whole sample, is a power-law with index of 1.60±0.051.60\pm0.05 and a break between 1–2 Hz. Fourth, we also discuss the background and noise levels. We found that the background noise has a Gaussian distribution and its power is independent of frequency, i.e., it is white noise. However, it does not follow a Poisson statistic since on average the variance is ~1.6 larger than the mean. We discuss our results in context of the current theoretical picture in which GRBs are created in an anisotropic, highly relativistic outflow from collapsing massive stars. Finally, we note that the exact behaviour of the instrument is not yet known and therefore the above results should be treated as preliminary.

    JunB Inhibits ER Stress and Apoptosis in Pancreatic Beta Cells

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    Cytokines contribute to pancreatic β-cell apoptosis in type 1 diabetes (T1D) by modulation of β-cell gene expression networks. The transcription factor Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) is a key regulator of inflammation and apoptosis. We presently evaluated the function of the AP-1 subunit JunB in cytokine-mediated β-cell dysfunction and death. The cytokines IL-1β+IFN-γ induced an early and transitory upregulation of JunB by NF-κB activation. Knockdown of JunB by RNA interference increased cytokine-mediated expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress markers, leading to increased apoptosis in an insulin-producing cell line (INS-1E) and in purified rat primary β-cells. JunB knockdown β-cells and junB−/− fibroblasts were also more sensitive to the chemical ER stressor cyclopiazonic acid (CPA). Conversely, adenoviral-mediated overexpression of JunB diminished iNOS and ER markers expression and protected β-cells from cytokine-induced cell death. These findings demonstrate a novel and unexpected role for JunB as a regulator of defense mechanisms against cytokine- and ER stress-mediated apoptosis

    Human skin penetration of a copper tripeptide in vitro as a function of skin layer

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    Objective and designSkin retention and penetration by copper applied as glycyl-L-histidyl-L-lysine cuprate diacetate was evaluated in vitro in order to assess its potential for its transdermal delivery as an anti-inflammatory agent.Materials and methodsFlow-through diffusion cells with 1 cm(2) exposure area were used under infinite dose conditions. 0.68% aq. copper tripeptide as permeant was applied on isolated stratum corneum, heat-separated epidermis and dermatomed skin and receptor fluid collected over 48 h in 4 h intervals using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to analyze for copper in tissues and receptor fluid.ResultsThe permeability coefficient of the compound through dermatomed skin was 2.43 ± 0.51 × 10(-4) cm/h; 136.2 ± 17.5 μg/cm(2) copper permeated 1 cm(2) of that tissue over 48 h, while 97 ± 6.6 μg/cm(2) were retained as depot.ConclusionsCopper as tripeptide was delivered in potentially therapeutically effective amounts for inflammatory disease

    FDA Critical Path Initiatives: Opportunities for Generic Drug Development

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    FDA’s critical path initiative documents have focused on the challenges involved in the development of new drugs. Some of the focus areas identified apply equally to the production of generic drugs. However, there are scientific challenges unique to the development of generic drugs as well. In May 2007, FDA released a document “Critical Path Opportunities for Generic Drugs” that identified some of the specific challenges in the development of generic drugs. The key steps in generic product development are usually characterization of the reference product, design of a pharmaceutically equivalent and bioequivalent product, design of a consistent manufacturing process and conduct of the pivotal bioequivalence study. There are several areas of opportunity where scientific progress could accelerate the development and approval of generic products and expand the range of products for which generic versions are available, while maintaining high standards for quality, safety, and efficacy. These areas include the use of quality by design to develop bioequivalent products, more efficient bioequivalence methods for systemically acting drugs (expansion of BCS waivers, highly variable drugs), and development of new bioequivalence methods for locally acting drugs