441 research outputs found

    L'affaire de la viande bovine irlandaise

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    Intervention dans le cadre des 1res Journées Louis Lorvellec. 8 pages.International audienceLe 20 novembre 2008, la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne rendait un arrêt relatif à la restructuration du marché irlandais de la transformation de viande bovine. L'arrêt a été abondamment commenté. Il reste intéressant d'y revenir pour les besoins d'une réflexion sur le droit du marché et le commerce des produits agricoles

    Rhombohedral calcite precipitation from CO2-H2O-Ca(OH)2 slurry under supercritical and gas CO2 media

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    The formation of solid calcium carbonate (CaCO3) from aqueous solutions or slurries containing calcium and carbon dioxide (CO2) is a complex process of considerable importance in the ecological, geochemical and biological areas. Moreover, the demand for powdered CaCO3 has increased considerably recently in various fields of industry. The aim of this study was therefore to synthesize fine particles of calcite with controlled morphology by hydrothermal carbonation of calcium hydroxide at high CO2 pressure (initial PCO2=55 bar) and at moderate and high temperature (30 and 90 degrees C). The morphology of precipitated particles was identified by transmission electron microscopy (TEM/EDS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM/EDS). In addition, an X-ray diffraction analysis was performed to investigate the carbonation efficiency and purity of the solid product. Carbonation of dispersed calcium hydroxide in the presence of supercritical (PT=90 bar, T=90 degrees C) or gaseous (PT=55 bar, T=30 degrees C) CO2 led to the precipitation of sub-micrometric isolated particles (<1μ\mum) and micrometric agglomerates (<5μ\mum) of calcite. For this study, the carbonation efficiency (Ca(OH)2-CaCO3 conversion) was not significantly affected by PT conditions after 24 h of reaction. In contrast, the initial rate of calcium carbonate precipitation increased from 4.3 mol/h in the "90bar-90 degrees C" system to 15.9 mol/h in the "55bar-30 degrees C" system. The use of high CO2 pressure may therefore be desirable for increasing the production rate of CaCO3, carbonation efficiency and purity, to approximately 48 kg/m3h, 95% and 96.3%, respectively in this study. The dissipated heat for this exothermic reaction was estimated by calorimetry to be -32 kJ/mol in the "90bar-90 degrees C" system and -42 kJ/mol in the "55bar-30 degrees C" system

    Molecular and evolutionary characteristics of the fraction of human alpha satellite DNA associated with CENP-A at the centromeres of chromosomes 1, 5, 19, and 21

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mode of evolution of the highly homogeneous Higher-Order-Repeat-containing alpha satellite arrays is still subject to discussion. This is also true of the CENP-A associated repeats where the centromere is formed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we show that the molecular mechanisms by which these arrays evolve are identical in multiple chromosomes: i) accumulation of crossovers that homogenise and expand the arrays into different domains and subdomains that are mostly unshared between homologues and ii) sporadic mutations and conversion events that simultaneously differentiate them from one another. Individual arrays are affected by these mechanisms to different extents that presumably increase with time. Repeats associated with CENP-A, where the centromere is formed, are subjected to the same evolutionary mechanisms, but constitute minor subsets that exhibit subtle sequence differences from those of the bulk repeats. While the DNA sequence <it>per se </it>is not essential for centromere localisation along an array, it appears that certain sequences can be selected against. On chromosomes 1 and 19, which are more affected by the above evolutionary mechanisms than are chromosomes 21 and 5, CENP-A associated repeats were also recovered from a second homogeneous array present on each chromosome. This could be a way for chromosomes to sustain mitosis and meiosis when the normal centromere locus is ineluctably undermined by the above mechanisms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We discuss, in light of these observations, possible scenarios for the normal evolutionary fates of human centromeric regions.</p

    Both experimental study and numerical modelling of the effect of temperature gradient on CO2 injection

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    CO2 injection and underground storage obviously requires dealing with temperature differences between the injection well and the reservoir. Temperature enhances both species transport and reactions kinetics, while CO2 solubility also greatly decreases with temperature. This point could be of great importance especially in wellbore surroundings, although it has not been the subject of devoted studies up to now. To assess this issue, an experimental set up, COTAGES, has been designed (Fig.1). It consists in a 0.72m-long cylindrical autoclave (the diameter is 2.1cm) that can be filled with 12 fiberglass/teflon packets containing 12.5 grams of mineral grains and a pre-equilibrated saline aqueous solution. When loaded, one end of the autoclave is heaten up and maintained at 100°C. After having reached a steady-state, the other end is around 30°C. Finally, CO2 is injected in the cold zone (100 bars) and, from this moment, the experiment lasts 1 month while both pressure and temperatures (3 zones) are being monitored. The first results show the same general trend for both a reservoir rock such as oolitic limestone (Lavoux, France) and clay minerals such as COx argillite (Lundin, France). In these two experiments, a global mass loss is observed for all the packets except for those comprised between 75 and 95°C. There, a mass gain is noted and is remarkably important in the case of clay (greater than 11.5%). The greater losses are recorded around 65-70°C and are also of greater importance for COx clay (up to 10.0%). During the whole experiments, quite important variations of the total pressure are observed. Even if they are partly related to CO2 dissolution into water and to temperature variations (due to regulation), they shall also depend on involved chemical reactions. Indeed, after injection, pressure drastically decreases (up to 50 bar less). Since CO2 solubility is higher in the cold zone (more than 4 times), the aqueous solution gets more acidic there. It leads to a more important carbonates dissolution, thus to increases of CO2 fugacity and consequently of the global pressure. Furthermore, the calcium content tends to be greater in this cold-dissolution zone then Ca diffuses towards the hotter zone locally and it implies calcite precipitation. As evidence of this phenomenon, plugs, related to massive calcite precipitation, are observed in these regions and newly crystallized calcite can be seen on SEM images. In order to clearly understand the reasons of the observed behaviour, numerical computations performed with the reaction-transport code HYTEC have to be run. Several scenarios can thus be simulated to check various assumptions. Firstly, different initial repartitions of the CO2 can be tested: in some kind of reservoir in the cold/injection zone or everywhere in the autoclave (due to high initial pressure gradient). Secondly, the competition between the implied processes, their respective kinetics and their temperature dependance can be assessed too: thermodynamics and/or kinetics of chemical reactions and transport kinetics (diffusion). Modeling becomes then of great help to interpret the experimental results and even to better design the evolution of the experimental set-up

    Mutualistic interactions reshuffle the effects of climate change on plants across the tree of life

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    Climatically induced local species extinctions may trigger coextinction cascades, thus driving many more species to extinction than originally predicted by species distribution models. Using seven pollination networks across Europe that include the phylogeny and life history traits of plants, we show a substantial variability across networks in climatically predicted plant extinction—and particularly the subsequent coextinction—rates, with much higher values in Mediterranean than Eurosiberian networks. While geographic location best predicts the probability of a plant species to be driven to extinction by climate change, subsequent coextinctions are best predicted by the local network of interactions. These coextinctions not only increase the total number of plant species being driven to extinction but also add a bias in the way the major taxonomic and functional groups are pruned

    A new malaria vector in Africa: Predicting the expansion range of Anopheles stephensi and identifying the urban populations at risk

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    In 2012, an unusual outbreak of urban malaria was reported from Djibouti City in the Horn of Africa and increasingly severe outbreaks have been reported annually ever since. Subsequent investigations discovered the presence of an Asian mosquito species; Anopheles stephensi, a species known to thrive in urban environments. Since that first report, An. stephensi has been identified in Ethiopia and Sudan, and this worrying development has prompted the World Health Organization (WHO) to publish a vector alert calling for active mosquito surveillance in the region. Using an up-to-date database of published locational records for An. stephensi across its full range (Asia, Arabian Peninsula, Horn of Africa) and a set of spatial models that identify the environmental conditions that characterize a species’ preferred habitat, we provide evidence-based maps predicting the possible locations across Africa where An. stephensi could establish if allowed to spread unchecked. Unsurprisingly, due to this species’ close association with man-made habitats, our maps predict a high probability of presence within many urban cities across Africa where our estimates suggest that over 126 million people reside. Our results strongly support the WHO’s call for surveillance and targeted vector control and provide a basis for the prioritization of surveillance

    CO2 Injectivity in geological storages: an overview of program and results of the GeoCarbone-Injectivity Project

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    International audienceThe objective of the GeoCarbone-Injectivity project was to develop a methodology to study the complex phenomena involved in the near wellbore region during CO2 injection. This paper presents an overview of the program and results of the project, and some further necessary developments. The proposed methodology is based on experiments and simulations at the core scale, in order to understand (physical modelling and definition of constitutive laws) and quantify (calibration of simulation tools) the mechanisms involved in injectivity variations: fluid/rock interactions, transport mechanisms, geomechanical effects. These mechanisms and the associated parameters have then to be integrated in the models at the wellbore scale. The methodology has been applied for the study of a potential injection of CO2 in the Dogger geological formation of the Paris Basin, in collaboration with the other ANR GeoCarbone projects