34 research outputs found

    Animal pigment bilirubin discovered in plants

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    The bile pigment bilirubin-IXα is the degradative product of heme, distributed among mammals and some other vertebrates. It can be recognized as the pigment responsible for the yellow color of jaundice and healing bruises. In this paper we present the first example of the isolation of bilirubin in plants. The compound was isolated from the brilliant orange-colored arils of Strelitzia nicolai, the white bird of paradise tree, and characterized by HPLC−ESMS, UV−visible, 1H NMR, and 13C NMR spectroscopy, as well as comparison with an authentic standard. This discovery indicates that plant cyclic tetrapyrroles may undergo degradation by a previously unknown pathway. Preliminary analyses of related plants, including S. reginae, the bird of paradise, also revealed bilirubin in the arils and flowers, indicating that the occurrence of bilirubin is not limited to a single species or tissue type

    Bilirubin Present in Diverse Angiosperms

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    Background and aims: Bilirubin is an orange-yellow tetrapyrrole produced from the breakdown of heme by mammals and some other vertebrates. Plants, algae, and cyanobacteria synthesize molecules similar to bilirubin, including the protein-bound bilins and phytochromobilin which harvest or sense light. Recently, we discovered bilirubin in the arils of Strelitzia nicolai, the White Bird of Paradise Tree, which was the first example of this molecule in a higher plant. Subsequently, we identified bilirubin in both the arils and flowers of Strelitzia reginae, the Bird of Paradise Flower. In the arils of both species, bilirubin is present as the primary pigment, and thus functions to produce color. Previously, no tetrapyrroles were known to generate display color in plants. We were therefore interested in determining whether bilirubin is broadly distributed in the plant kingdom, and whether it contributes to color in other species

    Insights from the pollination drop proteome and the ovule transcriptome of Cephalotaxus at the time of pollination drop production

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    © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. Background and Aims Many gymnosperms produce an ovular secretion, the pollination drop, during reproduction. The drops serve as a landing site for pollen, but also contain a suite of ions and organic compounds, including proteins, that suggests diverse roles for the drop during pollination. Proteins in the drops of species of Chamaecyparis, Juniperus, Taxus, Pseudotsuga, Ephedra and Welwitschia are thought to function in the conversion of sugars, defence against pathogens, and pollen growth and development. To better understand gymnosperm pollination biology, the pollination drop proteomes of pollination drops from two species of Cephalotaxus have been characterized and an ovular transcriptome for C. sinensis has been assembled. Methods Mass spectrometry was used to identify proteins in the pollination drops of Cephalotaxus sinensis and C. koreana. RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq) was employed to assemble a transcriptome and identify transcripts present in the ovules of C. sinensis at the time of pollination drop production. Key Results About 30 proteins were detected in the pollination drops of both species. Many of these have been detected in the drops of other gymnosperms and probably function in defence, polysaccharide metabolism and pollen tube growth. Other proteins appear to be unique to Cephalotaxus, and their putative functions include starch and callose degradation, among others. Together, the proteins appear either to have been secreted into the drop or to occur there due to breakdown of ovular cells during drop production. Ovular transcripts represent a wide range of gene ontology categories, and some may be involved in drop formation, ovule development and pollen-ovule interactions. Conclusions The proteome of Cephalotaxus pollination drops shares a number of components with those of other conifers and gnetophytes, including proteins for defence such as chitinases and for carbohydrate modification such as β-galactosidase. Proteins likely to be of intracellular origin, however, form a larger component of drops from Cephalotaxus than expected from studies of other conifers. This is consistent with the observation of nucellar breakdown during drop formation in Cephalotaxus. The transcriptome data provide a framework for understanding multiple metabolic processes that occur within the ovule and the pollination drop just before fertilization. They reveal the deep conservation of WUSCHEL expression in ovules and raise questions about whether any of the S-locus transcripts in Cephalotaxus ovules might be involved in pollen-ovule recognition

    Bilirubin: An animal pigment in the Zingiberales and diverse angiosperm orders

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    Strelitziaceae is a tropical monocot family comprising three genera and seven species: Ravenala Adans and Phenkospermum Endl., which are monotypic, and five species of Strelitzia Aiton. All species produce woody capsular fruits that contain vibrantly colored arillate seeds. Arils of the Strelitzia species are orange, those of Phenakospermum are red, and those of Ravenala are blue. Unlike most plant pigments, which degrade after cell death, aril pigments in the family persist for decades. Chemical properties of the compounds are unusual, and do not match those of known pigment classes (carotenoids, flavonoids, betalains, and the chlorophylls). I isolated the orange pigment from the arils of Strelitzia nicolai, and performed HPLC-ESMS, UV-visible, 1H NMR and 13C NMR analyses to determine its chemical structure. These data indicated the pigment was bilirubin-IX, an orange-yellow tetrapyrrole previously known only in mammals and some other vertebrates as the breakdown product of heme. Although related tetrapyrroles are ubiquitous throughout the plant kingdom and include vital biosynthetic products such as chlorophyll and phytochromobilin, this is the first report of bilirubin in a plant, and evidence of an additional biosynthetic pathway producing orange coloration in flowers and fruits. Given the unexpected presence of bilirubin, Iexamined the fruits and flowers of twelve additional angiosperm species in diverse orders for the presence of bilirubin using HPLC and LC-MS. Bilirubin was present in ten species from the orders Zingiberales, Arecales, and Myrtales, indicating its wide distribution in the plant kingdom. Bilirubin was present in low concentrations in all species except those within Strelitziaceae. It was present in particularly high concentrations in S. nicolai, S. reginae and P. guyannense, and is thus responsible for producing color in these species. No studies have examined the evolutionary relationship among all species in the family. Thus, I also constructed a molecular phylogeny of the family. This information, combined with further studies on the distribution and synthesis of bilirubin in plants, will provide a basis for understanding the evolutionary history of this pigment in the plant kingdom

    Genes significantly associated with lineage II food isolates of Listeria monocytogenes

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    Abstract Background Listeria monocytogenes is a widespread foodborne pathogen that can cause listeriosis, a potentially fatal infection. L. monocytogenes is subdivided into four phylogenetic lineages, with the highest incidence of listeriosis occurring within lineage I followed by lineage II. Strains of L. monocytogenes differ in their phenotypic characteristics, including virulence. However, the genetic bases for these observed differences are not well understood, and current efforts to monitor L. monocytogenes in food consider all strains to be equally virulent. We use a comparative genomics approach to identify genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 174 clinical and food isolates of L. monocytogenes that potentially contribute to virulence or the capacity to adapt to food environments. Results No SNPs are significantly associated with food or clinical isolates. No genes are significantly associated with food or clinical isolates from lineage I, but eight genes consisting of multiple homologues are associated with lineage II food isolates. These include three genes which encode hypothetical proteins, the cadmium resistance genes cadA and cadC, the multi-drug resistance gene ebrB, a quaternary ammonium compound resistance gene qac, and a regulatory gene. All eight genes are plasmid-borne, and most closed L. monocytogenes plasmids carry at least five of the genes (24/27). In addition, plasmids are more frequently associated with lineage II food isolates than with lineage II clinical isolates. Conclusions We identify eight genes that are significantly associated with food isolates in lineage II. Interestingly, the eight genes are virtually absent in lineage II outbreak isolates, are composed of homologues which show a nonrandom distribution among lineage I serotypes, and the sequences are highly conserved across 27 closed Listeria plasmids. The functions of these genes should be explored further and will contribute to our understanding of how L. monocytogenes adapts to the host and food environments. Moreover, these genes may also be useful as markers for risk assessment models of either pathogenicity or the ability to proliferate in food and the food processing environment

    Phylogenetic and functional signals in gymnosperm ovular secretions

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    Gymnosperm are either wind-pollinated (anemophilous) or wind-insect-pollinated (ambophilous). Regardless of pollination mode, ovular secretions play a key role in pollen capture, germination, and growth; they are likely also involved in pollinator reward. Little is known about the broadscale diversity of ovular secretions across gymnosperms, and how these may relate to various reproductive functions. This study analyses the sugar and amino acid profiles of ovular secretions across a range of ambophilous (cycads and Gnetales) and anemophilous gymnosperms (conifers) to place them in an evolutionary context of their possible functions during reproduction. Ovular secretions from 13 species representing all five main lineages of extant gymnosperms were sampled. HPLC techniques were used to measure sugar and amino acid content. Multivariate statistics were applied to assess whether there are significant differences in the chemical profiles of anemophilous and ambophilous species. Data were compared with published chemical profiles of angiosperm nectar. Chemical profiles were placed in the context of phylogenetic relationships. Total sugar concentrations are significantly higher in ovular secretions of ambophilous species than wind-pollinated taxa such as Pinaceae and Cupressophyta. Ambophilous species have lower amounts of total amino acids, and a higher proportion of non-protein amino acids compared to anemophilous lineages, and are also comparable to angiosperm nectar. Results suggest that early gymnosperms likely had ovular secretion profiles that are a mosaic of those associated with modern anemophilous and ambophilous species. Ginkgo, thought to be anemophilous, has a profile typical of ambophilous taxa, suggesting that insect pollination either exists in Gingko, but is undocumented, or that its ancestral populations were insect pollinated. Chemical profiles of ovular secretions of ambophilous gymnosperms show a clear signal of pollinator-driven selection, including higher levels of carbohydrates than anemophilous taxa, lower levels of amino acids, and the presence of specific amino acids, such as β-alanine, that are known to influence insect feeding behaviour and physiology

    Image5_Temporal dynamics of the chicken mycobiome.pdf

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    The microbiome is an integral part of chicken health and can affect immunity, nutrient utilization, and performance. The role of bacterial microbiota members in host health is relatively well established, but less attention has been paid to fungal members of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) community. However, human studies indicate that fungi play a critical role in health. Here, we described fungal communities, or mycobiomes, in both the lumen and mucosa of the chicken ileum and cecum from hatch through 14 days of age. We also assessed the effects of delayed access to feed immediately post-hatch (PH) on mycobiome composition, as PH feed delay is commonly associated with poor health performance. Chicken mycobiomes in each of the populations were distinct and changed over time. All mycobiomes were dominated by Gibberella, but Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Sarocladium, Meyerozyma, and Penicillium were also abundant. Relative abundances of some taxa differed significantly over time. In the cecal and ileal lumens, Penicillium was present in extremely low quantities or absent during days one and two and then increased over time. Meyerozyma and Wickerhamomyces also increased over time in luminal sites. In contrast, several highly abundant unclassified fungi decreased after days one and two, highlighting the need for improved understanding of fungal gut biology. Mycobiomes from chicks fed during the first 2 days PH versus those not fed during the first 2 days did not significantly differ, except during days one and two. Similarities observed among mycobiomes of fed and unfed chicks at later timepoints suggest that delays in PH feeding do not have long lasting effects on mycobiome composition. Together, these results provide a foundation for future mycobiome studies, and suggest that negative health and production impacts of delayed feeding are not likely related to the development of fungal populations in the GIT.</p

    Image6_Temporal dynamics of the chicken mycobiome.pdf

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    The microbiome is an integral part of chicken health and can affect immunity, nutrient utilization, and performance. The role of bacterial microbiota members in host health is relatively well established, but less attention has been paid to fungal members of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) community. However, human studies indicate that fungi play a critical role in health. Here, we described fungal communities, or mycobiomes, in both the lumen and mucosa of the chicken ileum and cecum from hatch through 14 days of age. We also assessed the effects of delayed access to feed immediately post-hatch (PH) on mycobiome composition, as PH feed delay is commonly associated with poor health performance. Chicken mycobiomes in each of the populations were distinct and changed over time. All mycobiomes were dominated by Gibberella, but Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Sarocladium, Meyerozyma, and Penicillium were also abundant. Relative abundances of some taxa differed significantly over time. In the cecal and ileal lumens, Penicillium was present in extremely low quantities or absent during days one and two and then increased over time. Meyerozyma and Wickerhamomyces also increased over time in luminal sites. In contrast, several highly abundant unclassified fungi decreased after days one and two, highlighting the need for improved understanding of fungal gut biology. Mycobiomes from chicks fed during the first 2 days PH versus those not fed during the first 2 days did not significantly differ, except during days one and two. Similarities observed among mycobiomes of fed and unfed chicks at later timepoints suggest that delays in PH feeding do not have long lasting effects on mycobiome composition. Together, these results provide a foundation for future mycobiome studies, and suggest that negative health and production impacts of delayed feeding are not likely related to the development of fungal populations in the GIT.</p

    Image10_Temporal dynamics of the chicken mycobiome.pdf

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    The microbiome is an integral part of chicken health and can affect immunity, nutrient utilization, and performance. The role of bacterial microbiota members in host health is relatively well established, but less attention has been paid to fungal members of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) community. However, human studies indicate that fungi play a critical role in health. Here, we described fungal communities, or mycobiomes, in both the lumen and mucosa of the chicken ileum and cecum from hatch through 14 days of age. We also assessed the effects of delayed access to feed immediately post-hatch (PH) on mycobiome composition, as PH feed delay is commonly associated with poor health performance. Chicken mycobiomes in each of the populations were distinct and changed over time. All mycobiomes were dominated by Gibberella, but Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Sarocladium, Meyerozyma, and Penicillium were also abundant. Relative abundances of some taxa differed significantly over time. In the cecal and ileal lumens, Penicillium was present in extremely low quantities or absent during days one and two and then increased over time. Meyerozyma and Wickerhamomyces also increased over time in luminal sites. In contrast, several highly abundant unclassified fungi decreased after days one and two, highlighting the need for improved understanding of fungal gut biology. Mycobiomes from chicks fed during the first 2 days PH versus those not fed during the first 2 days did not significantly differ, except during days one and two. Similarities observed among mycobiomes of fed and unfed chicks at later timepoints suggest that delays in PH feeding do not have long lasting effects on mycobiome composition. Together, these results provide a foundation for future mycobiome studies, and suggest that negative health and production impacts of delayed feeding are not likely related to the development of fungal populations in the GIT.</p