16 research outputs found

    The potential role of G-CSF in stroke

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    O fator estimulador de colônias granulocitárias (G-CSF) é uma glicoproteína descrita há mais de vinte anos, e é largamente utilizada para tratamento de estados neutropênicos e no transplante de medula óssea. O G-CSF estimula células-tronco hematopoéticas e regula crucialmente a sobrevivência de neutrófilos maduros, pós-mitóticos, através da inibição da apoptose. Além do efeito sistêmico, mais recentemente tem-se demonstrado uma surpreendente atividade do G-CSF no sistema nervoso central. A administração de G-CSF mobiliza células-tronco e progenitoras da medula óssea para o sangue periférico, que, por sua vez, atravessa a barreira hemato-encefálica (BHE) e se dirige à área acometida do cérebro. A atividade do G-CSF no sistema nervoso central tem sido caracterizada como multimodal, pois, além do efeito mobilizador de células da medula óssea, demonstrou uma ação direta neuroprotetora através de diferentes mecanismos, tais como a atividade antiapoptótica em neurônios, regeneração da vascularização, efeito anti-inflamatório e estimulação da neurogênese endógena. Este relato sumariza a ação do G-CSF no sistema nervoso central e aborda seu potencial para o emprego no acidente vascular cerebral.The granulocyte colony-stimulating-factor (G-CSF) is a glycoproteina which has been described for decades, and it is commonly utilized in the treatment of neutropenic states and bone marrow transplants. G-CSF stimulates hematopoietic stem-cels e crucially regulates the survival of mature neutrophils through a mechanism of apoptosis inhibition. Beyond its systemic effect, recently it has been shown its surprising activity in the central nervous system (CNS). G-CSF administration mobilizes bone marrow stem cells para systemic blood, and those cells cross the blood-brain-barrier e target brain's damaged area. G-CSF's activity in the CNS has been defined as multimodal, because additionally it has been demonstrated a direct neuroprotective action through different mechanisms such as antiapoptotic activity, angiogenesis, anti-inflamatory effect, and stimulation of endogenous neurogenesis. This paper sumarizes G-CSF action in the CNS and approaches its potential para use in stroke

    Células-Tronco Hemopoéticas: Uma Nova Era na Terapia das Cardiopatias

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    O transplante de células-tronco hemopoéticas (CTH) tem sido utilizado no tratamento de doenças hematológicas adquiridas, como a anemia aplástica, e nas doenças onco-hematológicas, como leucemias e linfomas, com o objetivo principal de reconstituir a celularidade e as funçoes imunológicas e hematológicas do receptor após erradicaçao prévia completa do tecido medular (mieloablaçao e imunoablaçao). Mais recentemente, o transplante de CT direcionou-se para doenças auto-imunes, alguns tipos de tumores, recuperaçao de tecidos (muscular, nervoso) e, mais recentemente, lesoes isquêmicas e nao-isquêmicas do miocárdio que evoluem para insuficiência cardíaca terminal. As CT sao caracterizadas por sua alta plasticidade, podendo gerar células de diversas linhagens (hematológicas, imunológicas, teciduais). O conceito inicial de que as CT poderiam ser obtidas apenas de tecidos embrionários, cordao umbilical e medula óssea foi abandonado, já que células do cérebro, músculo, fibroblastos, entre outras, podem participar ou contribuir para a reparaçao de tecidos diferentes daqueles de origem. Tais evidências, associadas à possibilidade de expansao das CT ex vivo, apontam para uma profunda revoluçao na Medicina reparadora. Para os portadores de cardiopatias, os resultados experimentais e clínicos sao alvissareiros, existindo, no entanto, inúmeras e novas questoes a serem respondidas em relaçao ao procedimento, o que abre perspectivas para uma nova era na terapia desses pacientes

    Células-Tronco Hemopoéticas: Uma Nova Era na Terapia das Cardiopatias

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    O transplante de células-tronco hemopoéticas (CTH) tem sido utilizado no tratamento de doenças hematológicas adquiridas, como a anemia aplástica, e nas doenças onco-hematológicas, como leucemias e linfomas, com o objetivo principal de reconstituir a celularidade e as funçoes imunológicas e hematológicas do receptor após erradicaçao prévia completa do tecido medular (mieloablaçao e imunoablaçao). Mais recentemente, o transplante de CT direcionou-se para doenças auto-imunes, alguns tipos de tumores, recuperaçao de tecidos (muscular, nervoso) e, mais recentemente, lesoes isquêmicas e nao-isquêmicas do miocárdio que evoluem para insuficiência cardíaca terminal. As CT sao caracterizadas por sua alta plasticidade, podendo gerar células de diversas linhagens (hematológicas, imunológicas, teciduais). O conceito inicial de que as CT poderiam ser obtidas apenas de tecidos embrionários, cordao umbilical e medula óssea foi abandonado, já que células do cérebro, músculo, fibroblastos, entre outras, podem participar ou contribuir para a reparaçao de tecidos diferentes daqueles de origem. Tais evidências, associadas à possibilidade de expansao das CT ex vivo, apontam para uma profunda revoluçao na Medicina reparadora. Para os portadores de cardiopatias, os resultados experimentais e clínicos sao alvissareiros, existindo, no entanto, inúmeras e novas questoes a serem respondidas em relaçao ao procedimento, o que abre perspectivas para uma nova era na terapia desses pacientes

    Validation Of The Ebmt Risk Score In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia In Brazil And Allogeneic Transplant Outcome.

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    The management of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) has changed radically since the introduction of imatinib therapy. The decision of whether to offer a patient a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) must be based on the probability of success of the procedure. The aim of this retrospective analysis of 1,084 CML patients who received an allogeneic HSCT in 10 Brazilian Centers between February 1983 and March 2003 was to validate the EBMT risk score. The study population comprised 647 (60%) males and 437 (40%) females, with a median age of 32 years old (range 1 - 59); 898 (83%) were in chronic phase, 146 (13%) were in accelerated phase and 40 (4%) were in blast crisis; 151 (14%) were younger than 20 years old, 620 (57%) were between 20 and 40 and 313 (29%) were older than 40; 1,025 (94%) received an HLA fully matched sibling transplant and only 59 (6%) received an unrelated transplant. In 283 cases (26%) a male recipient received a graft from a female donor. The interval from diagnosis to transplantation was less than 12 months in 223 (21%) cases and greater in 861 (79%). The overall survival, disease-free survival, transplant-related mortality and relapse incidence were 49%, 50%, 45% and 25%, respectively. Of the 1084 patients, 179 (17%) had a risk score of 0 or 1, 397 (37%) had a score of 2, 345 (32%) had a score of 3, 135 (12%) had a score of 4 and 28 (2%) a score of 5 or 6. The overall survival (OS) rate in patients with risk scores 0-1 and 2 was similar (58% and 55%, respectively) but significantly better than that in patients with scores 3 or more (score 3 - 44%, 4 - 36 % and 5-6 - 27%, respectively) pp<0.001). Disease-free survival (DFS) and transplant related mortality (TRM) in a patients with a score of 3 or more were 46% and 49%, respectively and the relapse rate beyond score 5-6 was 77%. Disease status had a negative impact on all outcomes (OS, DFS, TRM, and relapse). The OS rate for male recipients of a graft from a female donor was 40% compared to 52% among the other donor-recipient pairs (p=0.004). DFS and TRM were significant for disease phase and female donor-male recipient (p<0.001 and p<0.003, respectively). In our experience, age and interval between diagnosis and transplant did influence OS, DFS, TRM, and relapse rate. Our results validate the EBMT risk score in the context of a developing country and confirm its usefulness for making point decisions in the imatinib era.90232-

    Hematopoietic stem cell transplant: a therapeutic option for non-hematologic diseases

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    Nesta revisão são abordadas as doenças em que existem dados e perspectivas do uso de transplante de células-tronco hematopoéticas em suas diversas modalidades. São apresentados também os aspectos referentes aos regimes de condicionamento empregados, e sua relação com toxicidade e taxa de mortalidade ligadas ao transplante. São apresentadas as doenças autoimunes e particularizados dados específicos do lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, esclerose sistêmica e esclerose múltipla e diabetes mellitus tipo 1. A base do procedimento nas doenças autoimunes é a reprogramação imunológica. Aparentemente o procedimento tem sua indicação nas doenças em que os tratamentos convencionais de imunossupressão tenham falhado, e o dano orgânico não tenha sido definitivo, mas tenha chance de ocorrer caso não seja realizado o transplante. A modalidade aparentemente indicada no momento deve ser o transplante de células-tronco autogênico com regimes de condicionamento não mieloablativo para se obter sobrevivência estimada em mais de 50% em todas as doenças, com baixa toxicidade e com mortalidade nula ligada ao transplante. São apresentados também os resultados nos tumores sólidos, que são discutíveis, e particularidades no câncer de mama. A aparente indicação para os tumores sólidos é transplante de células-tronco alogênico e se baseia no tratamento intensivo com doses mieloablativas com a finalidade de se induzir o efeito enxerto contra o tumor. Os regimes não mieloablativos são preconizados com a finalidade de redução da toxicidade e indução de imunossupressão, sendo os dados insuficientes e discutíveis, o que obriga a introdução de novas estratégias terapêuticas baseadas na terapia imune e celular.In this report we discuss data and perspectives of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in non-hematologic diseases. Aspects related to the conditioning regimen and its relationship with toxicity and mortality are also presented. Specific autoimmune diseases are discussed, in particular systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic sclerosis, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes mellitus. The aim of the procedure in autoimmune diseases is immune reprogramming. Apparently this procedure has indications for diseases in which conventional treatments have failed when organ damage is not definitive, but likely to occur if transplantation is not performed. The most promising method appears to be autologous stem cell transplantation with non-myeloablative conditioning regimens to obtain survival that is estimated at more than 50% for all autoimmune diseases, with low toxicity and no mortality related to transplantation. The controversial results of solid tumor treatment and particularities of breast cancer are also presented. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is the apparent indication for solid tumors based on intensive treatment with myeloablative doses in order to induce the graft versus tumor effect. The myeloablative conditioning regimens are introduced with the purpose of reducing the toxicity and inducing immunosuppression but the data are insufficient and questionable requiring the introduction of new therapeutic strategies based on cellular and immune therapy

    Analysis of the feasibility of early hospital discharge after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and the implications to nursing care

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    INTRODUCTION: Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is a conduct used to treat some hematologic diseases and to consolidate the treatment of others. In the field of nursing, the few published scientific studies on nursing care and early hospital discharge of transplant patients are deficient. Knowledge about the diseases treated using hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, providing guidance to patients and caregivers and patient monitoring are important nursing activities in this process. Guidance may contribute to long-term goals through patients' short-term needs. AIM: To analyze the results of early hospital discharge on the treatment of patients submitted to autologous transplantation and the influence of nursing care on this conduct. METHODS: A retrospective, quantitative, descriptive and transversal study was conducted. The hospital records of 112 consecutive patients submitted to autologous transplantation in the period from January to December 2009 were revisited. Of these, 12 patients, who remained in hospital for more than ten days after transplantation, were excluded from the study. RESULTS: The medical records of 100 patients with a median age of 48.5 years (19-69 years) were analyzed. All patients were mobilized and hematopoietic stem cells were collected by leukapheresis. The most common conditioning regimes were BU12Mel100 and BEAM 400. Toxicity during conditioning was easily managed in the outpatient clinic. Gastrointestinal toxicity, mostly Grades I and II, was seen in 69% of the patients, 62% of patients had diarrhea, 61% of the patients had nausea and vomiting and 58% had Grade I and II mucositis. Ten patients required hospitalization due to the conditioning regimen. Febrile neutropenia was seen in 58% of patients. Two patients died before Day +60 due to infections, one with aplasia. The median times to granulocyte and platelet engraftment were 12 days and 15 days, respectively, with median red blood cell and platelet transfusions until discharge of three and four units, respectively. Twenty-three patients required rehospitalization before being discharged from the outpatient clinic. CONCLUSION: The median time to granulocyte engraftment was 12 days and during the aplasia phase few patients were hospitalized or suffered infections. The toxicity of the conditioning was the leading cause of rehospitalization. The nursing staff participated by providing guidance to patients and during the mobilization, transplant and outpatient follow-up phases, thus helping to successfully manage toxicity


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    ABSTRACT Crohn’s disease (CD) is a relapse-remitting inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive system. This heterogeneous disease has multiple factors that contribute to an abnormal immune response to intestinal microorganisms. Treatment is based on the use of anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and biologic biologic agents either alone or in combination. Surgical treatment is usual and, ten years after diagnosis, more than 80% of patients report having undergone surgical procedures related to the disease. Unfortunately, none of the treatments described offer a cure, and many cases become refractory or without therapeutic options. In this scenario, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has been suggested because clinical remission was obtained in patients who had CD associated with malignant hematological diseases and an alternative since the first reports in 2010. In this report, the Transplantation Committee of the Brazilian Group for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases reviews the history and results of the procedure in patients with CD, detailing and discussing the various relevant points that permeate hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cell therapy in this disease