31 research outputs found

    New aphid (Aphidoidea) records for the Netherlands (1984-2005)

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    Presented are 18 species.of aphids in combination with their food-plants found in The Netherlands from 1984 to 2005 not earlier described here. Among these are well-known species that are caught with the high suction trap andlor MOERICKE yellow water traps and aphids new for The Netherlands. The taxa new for The Netherlands are: Aphis nerii, Appendiseta robiniae, Myzocallis walshii, Myzus persicae nicotianae, Takecallis arundicolens and Takecallis arundinariae. The aphid-host plant association Aphis nasturtii + Aesculus hippocastanum is the first observation at all as far as I know (BLACKMAN & EASTOP 1994). Some of these species are restricted to warmer regions but are able now to survive in Western Europe. This could be related to higher temperatures andlor milder winters in Western Europe in the last decade. Key words: Sternorrhyncha, Aphidoidea, food-plant, global warming, virus transmission, new records, aphid-host plant association Introduction The aphid observations mentioned in this paper were done by V AN F'RANKENHUYZEN (Wageningen), PONSEN (Wageningen) and the author himself. Most observations by vAN FRANKENHUYZEN were made on his trips through the surroundings of Wageningen to make photographs for his books on insects (VAN F'RANKENHUYZEN 1992, 1996). However, not all the species they found I did see, in that case the description is from literature

    Appearance of Neotoxoptera formosana (Homoptera: Aphididae) in The Netherlands

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    Neotoxoptera formosana (Takahashi) is a pest of wild and cultivated Allium species, but never iwht disastrous consequences. In 1984, N. formosana was found in France. This was the first finding in Europe. Since then, N. formosana has been observed also in other European countries. The first record for The Netherlands dates from 1993. Hoever, this finding is very doubful, because the aphids found were not properly identified; rather the names of three species known to occur on the food plant were suggested, including N. formosana. To my knowledge the present report documents the first occurrence of N. formosana in The Netherland

    The control of PVY in Dutch seed potato culture

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    Over the recent years Potato virus Y presents a growing problem in Dutch seed potato culture. In recent years a significant % of seed potato lots was de-classified due to PVY infections. This apparent increase in PVY infections was unexpected since no increase in field symptoms were observed and the numbers of aphids caught in the yellow water traps and high suction traps showed a clear decline over the last 10 years http://www.aab.org.uk/images/VIRO_CONF_PROG.pd

    Bronnen van Aardappelvirus Y

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    Mogelijke bronnen van besmettingen met het aardappelvirus Y (PVY) in aardappelen. In dit onderzoek is met name gekeken naar de rol van bladluizen als belangrijkste overbrengers (‘vectoren’) van PVY. Daarnaast is gekeken naar het mogelijk voorkomen van het virus in andere planten (m.n. onkruiden)

    Bladluizen, waar zitten ze? Luizen zitten overal

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    Als het om voorkeur gaat zijn de luizen die de aardappelplant kunnen bevolken net mensen. De een houdt zich liever verborgen, een ander zoekt bescheiden het midden op en je hebt natuurlijk individuen die zich graag aan de top bevinden. Onderzoeker Paul Piron van het Plant Research International (PRI) uit Wageningen legt uit op welk niveau de verschillende luizensoorten zich het liefst ophoude

    Aphis frangulae, een nieuwe bladluisplaag in de Nederlandse aardappelteelt?

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    Biologie, herkenning, verspreiding en bestrijding van de bladluis, Aphis frangula