426 research outputs found

    Reversibility and Non-reversibility in Stochastic Chemical Kinetics

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    Mathematical problems with mean field and local type interaction related to stochastic chemical kinetics,are considered. Our main concern various definitions of reversibility, their corollaries (Boltzmann type equations, fluctuations, Onsager relations, etc.) and emergence of irreversibility

    The methods of functional coatings application onto flat sealing surfaces of the stop valves parts

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    The actuality and effectiveness of the stop valves worn-part reclamation are presented. The results of the comparative analysis of the known techniques of protective finishing onto the sealing surface for valves service properties restoration are given. The classification of anti-abrasion coating application methods are given depending on their properties and characteristics. Factors and conditions influencing the abrasion resistance of the coating material and its adhesion with the detail base material are defined. The usage of the freezing out coating process onto the flat sealing surfaces of the stop valves parts are shown

    Monoclinic form I of clopidogrel hydrogen sulfate from powder diffraction data

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, C16H17ClNO2S+·HSO4 −, (I) [systematic name: (+)-(S)-5-[(2-chloro­phen­yl)(meth­oxy­carbon­yl)meth­yl]-4,5,6,7-tetra­hydro­thieno[3,2-c]pyridin-5-ium hydrogen sulfate], contains two independent cations of clopidogrel and two independent hydrogensulfate anions. The two independent cations are of similar conformation; however, this differs from that observed in ortho­rhom­bic form (II) [Bousquet et al. (2003 ▶). US Patent No. 6 504 030]. The H—N—Cchiral—H fragment shows a trans conformation in both independent cations in (I) and a gauche conformation in (II). In (I), classical inter­molecular N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link two independent cations and two independent anions into an isolated cluster, in which two cations inter­act with one anion only via N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Weak inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds further consolidate the crystal packing

    Антропология А. А. Зиновьева: гомо советикус

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    The article discusses the anthropology of Alexander Zinoviev. The concept of homo soveticus introduced by the thinker is analyzed. Zinoviev's pamphlet "Homo soveticus" is being investigated. The interrelation of the anthropological type with the modern philosophical world is noted, as well as the relevance of the problem, especially in the context of geopolitical reality. The philosophical, cultural, social and historical phenomenon of homo soveticus, its relationship with the collective, reality, and democratic society are considered. The article concludes that Zinoviev's philosophy carries scientific insight, although the concept of man is not fully considered by the thinker. The authors claim that for the Russian person, the issues of being have never been secondary and alien to his consciousness.В статье рассматривается антропология Александра Зиновьева. Анализируется введённое мыслителем понятие гомо советикус. Исследуется памфлет Зиновьева ««Гомо советикус». Рассматривается философский, культурный, социальный и исторический феномен гомо советикуса, его взаимоотношения с коллективом, реальностью, демократическим обществом. Отмечается взаимосвязь антропологического типа с современным философу миром, а также актуальность проблематики, особенно в контексте геополитической реальности. В статье делается вывод, что философия Зиновьева не лишена научной прозорливости, хотя понятие человек не в полной мере рассматривается мыслителем. Авторы утверждают, что для русского человека вопросы бытийности никогда не были второстепенными и чуждыми его сознанию

    Hyperspectral images neural network analysis of unstained micropreparations

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    The article presents the results of a study of hyperspectral imaging in microscopy to assess pathological changes in unstained medical micropreparations.Hyperspectral imaging was carried out using a system of synchronous shooting and movement of a movable table combined with a stepper motor. To improve the quality of theobtained images, software correction of the illumination of the spectral channels was used. The classification was carried out by a convolutional neural network. This method may be promising for assessing pathological changes in clinical practice. Experimental studies were carried out on histological preparations with different types of tissues without staining with contrasting medical dyes. To assess the reliability of the classification method, a comparison was made with thestandard method using staining of the studied samples

    Sodium-23 Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    23Na MRI provides additional biochemical information to 1H MRI in terms of cell integrity and tissue viability. We aimed at determining the sensitivity of 23Na MRS, MRI and MR relaxometry methods available on 7T MR scanner Bruker Biospec 70/30 USR and developing of an optimal MRI protocol for small animal 23Na in vivo visualization. The outcomes include 23Na MR spectra, 23Na MR images with SNRs, and T1 and T2 values of 23Na. It is shown that single-pulse 23Na MR spectroscopy can discriminate different 23Na concentrations, and 3D FLASH pulse sequence adapted for 23Na data acquisition may provide the acceptable quality images. Keywords: Sodium MRI, Sodium MRS, 3D FLASH, MR relaxometr