1,434 research outputs found

    Influence of up-flow velocity on the performance of an anaerobic filter under oleic acid overloads

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    An upflow velocity of 0.21 m h−1 was optimal to minimize the effect of organic shocks (from 6 to 30 kg COD m−3 d−1) when operating an upflow anaerobic filter for the treatment of an oleic acid-based effluent (50% w/v COD). This value represented the transition between a mass transfer controlled regime and a kinetic regime. Under hydraulic shock loads, an increase in upflow velocity from 0.3 to 0.4 m h−1 decreased the removal efficiency from 68 to 51%

    The Suitability for Organic Cattle Beef Production of Mixed Farming Systems in the Highlands of North East Portugal

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    The EC Reg. 1804/99 takes account of animal production in organic farming. However, these specifications may limit implementation and expansion of organic animal production, due to environmental and system constraints. Mixed farming, as defined by Spedding (1988) and Grigg (1996), is commonly practiced in the NE highlands of Portugal. Two farms were studied in this region in order to evaluate their suitability for organic cattle beef production, taking account of the technical specifications of the EC regulation

    Adsorção e lixiviação de trifluralin e imazaquin em diferentes solos.

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    Com o objetivo de avaliar a adsorcao e lixiviacao de trifluralin e de imazaquin em materiais de solo com diferentes texturas, foram montados varios ensaios em laboratorio em casa de vegetacao. A adsorcao e lixiviacao de trifluralin, formulacao 600 g/l foram estudadas em laboratorio utilizando como planta-teste o sorgo, onde foi estudadas em laboratorio utilizando como planta-teste o sorgo, onde foi avaliado o efeito do produto sobre a inibicao do crescimento da radicula em sementes pre-germinadas e incubadas em um germinador com temperatura de 25 +/- 1oC por 48 horas. O imazaquin foi avaliado em casa de vegetacao com temperatura variando de 25 a 30oC, empregando como planta-teste o milho, que foi cortado rente ao solo e determinado o peso frescas da parte aerea das plantas 20 dias apos o plantio. Foram avaliadas seis doses de cada herbicida nos diferentes substratos com o objetivo de determinar a dose que provoca 50% de inibicao do crescimento da radicula do sorgo ou da parte aerea do milho em cada um dos substratos (I50). A quantidade adsorvida foi calculada pela diferenca obtida entre o I50 dos diferentes solos e o I50 obtido para areia lavada. Pra estudo da lixiviacao, foram avaliados cinco aliquotas do lixiviado das colunas de 5 e 10 cm de altura e diametro de 7 cm, montadas com materiais dos diferentes substratos, que, apos tratados no topo da coluna com uma dose de 1,8 ou 0,15 kg i.a./ha dis produtos trifluralin ou imazaquin, respectivamente, foram lixiviados com 200 ml de agua. Essas aliquotas foram aplicadas em areia lavada, onde foram colocadas sementes das plantas-teste, conforme descrito no ensaio de adsorcao. Determinou-se a aliquotas que inibiu 50% do crescimento da radicula e, ou, parte aerea da planta-teste, para cada um dos herbicidas. Tanto o trifluralin quanto o imazaquin foram mais absorvido nos solos argilosos, ricos em materia organica, do que nos arenosos. Para o imazaquin, a adsorcao foi maior no solo com elevado teor de materia organica e pH mais baixo. Os herbicidas mostraram reduzida mobilidade em todos os solos analisados

    Mitochondrial DNA variability in populations from East Timor (Timor Leste)

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    In this study we continue the genetic characterization of human populations from East Timor, as previously started for autosomal STRs and Y STRs, with a preliminary report on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity. Individual samples (n = 133) collected from all the districts of East Timor and representing different linguistic groups were studied for the hypervariable region 1 (HVS1) sequence and the 9-bp deletion (intergenic region COII-tRNA lys).http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B7581-4JSBXBX-1J/1/f4cc71eebbd2186e586bae7a77c79cc

    Latest results from the EU project AVATAR: aerodynamic modelling of 10 MW wind turbines

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    This paper presents the most recent results from the EU project AVATAR in which aerodynamic models are improved and validated for wind turbines on a scale of 10 MW and more. Measurements on a DU 00-W-212 airfoil are presented which have been taken in the pressurized DNW-HDG wind tunnel up to a Reynolds number of 15 Million. These measurements are compared with measurements in the LM wind tunnel for Reynolds numbers of 3 and 6 Million and with calculational results. In the analysis of results special attention is paid to high Reynolds numbers effects. CFD calculations on airfoil performance showed an unexpected large scatter which eventually was reduced by paying even more attention to grid independency and domain size in relation to grid topology. Moreover calculations are presented on flow devices (leading and trailing edge flaps and vortex generators). Finally results are shown between results from 3D rotor models where a comparison is made between results from vortex wake methods and BEM methods at yawed conditions

    Application of fractional algorithms in the control of a twin rotor multiple input-multiple output system

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    This paper presents the modelling and control of a laboratory helicopter twin rotor MIMO system using the MatLab package. Firstly, we provide an overview of the system model, secondly, we compare the behaviour of fractional and integer order controllers used a PSO algorithm for the controller optimization in order to obtain the minimum error. Finally, we analyse the system performance and the results obtained with the real helicopter show that fractional algorithms are smoother than conventional PID. Both controllers reveal good output responses but the PID needs more energy to perform the same task.N/

    Aplication of fractional algoritms in the control of an helicopter system

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    This paper compares the application of fractional and integer order controllers for a laboratory helicopter twin rotor MIMO system using the MatLab package.N/

    Bioaccumulation of amylose-like glycans by Helicobacter pylori

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    Background: Helicobacter pylori cell surface is composed of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) yielding structures homologous to mammalian Lewis O-chains blood group antigens. These structures are key mediators in the definition of host-microbial interactions and known to change their expression pattern in response to environmental pressure. Aims:  The present work is focused on the identification of new H. pylori cell-surface glycosides. Special attention is further devoted to provide insights on the impact of in vitro subcultivation on H. pylori cell-surface phenotypes. Methods:  Cell-surface glycans from H. pylori NCTC 11637 and two clinical isolates were recovered from the aqueous phase resulting from phenol:water extraction of intact bacteria. They were evaluated in relation to their sugars and glycosidic-linkages composition by CG-MS, size-exclusion chromatography, NMR, and Mass Spectrometry. H. pylori glycan profile was also monitored during subcultivation in vitro in agar and F12 liquid medium. Results:  All three studied strains produce LPS expressing Lewis epitopes and express bioaccumulate amylose-like glycans. Bioaccumulation of amylose was found to be enhanced with the subcultivation of the bacterium on agar medium and accompanied by a decrease in the expression of LPS O-chains. In contrast, during exponential growth in F12 liquid medium, an opposite behavior is observed, that is, there is an increase in the overall amount of LPS and decrease in amylose content. Conclusions:  This work shows that under specific environmental conditions, H. pylori expresses a phase-variable cell-surface α-(1→4)-glucose moiety

    Helicopter system modelling and control with matlab

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    This paper presents the modelling and control of a laboratory helicopter system with MatLab. In this perspective, students are motivated to investigate the dynamics, trajectory planning and control. Based on this experience, further studies on helicopter system, using more sophisticated concepts, are, then, more attractive from the students point of view.N/

    Single-Objective Front Optimization: Application to RF Circuit Design

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    This paper proposes a new algorithm which promotes well distributed non-dominated fronts in the parameters space when a single- objective function is optimized. This algorithm is based on ǫ-dominance concept and maxmin sorting scheme. Besides that, the paper also presents the results of the algorithm when it is used in the automated synthesis of optimum performance CMOS radiofrequency and microwave binary-weighted differential switched capacitor arrays (RFDSCAs). The genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function which is based on the performance parameter of the RFDSCAs. To validate the proposed design methodology, a CMOS RFDSCA is synthesized, using a 0.25 μm BiCMOS technology.N/
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