244 research outputs found

    Perfil sanitário apícola na zona controlada da Terra Quente Transmontana

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    O presente estudo teve como objectivo principal avaliar a prevalência de agentes patogénicos que acometem colónias de abelhas melíferas (Apis mellifera iberiensis) instaladas na Zona Controlada da Terra Quente (ZCTQ) do Nordeste Transmontano. A colheita de amostras foi efectuada no ano civil de 2011, em apiários instalados nos Concelhos de Vila Flor, Mirandela, Macedo de Cavaleiros, Alfândega de Fé e Torre de Moncorvo, seguindo as normas para rastreio epidemiológico de doenças das abelhas. No Laboratório de Patologia Apícola da ESAB/AAPNM, foram executadas um total de 162 análises anatomo-patológicas utilizando técnicas de diagnóstico baseadas no exame microscópico e macroscópico do material biológico. O material biológico analisado correspondeu a amostras de abelhas adultas (cerca de 60 abelhas/amostra) e criação (secções de favo com cerca de 12x12cm), seguindo os procedimentos laboratoriais utilizados pelo Laboratório Nacional de Investigação Veterinária (LN IV)

    Performance, carcass characteristics and ingestive behavior of feedlot lambs fed fresh or ensiled sugar cane

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    Trinta cordeiros da raça Santa Inês, 26,2±0,6kg e 151±1,7 dias de idade, foram confinados para avaliar os efeitos da utilização de silagens de cana-de-açúcar sobre o desempenho, as características da carcaça e o comportamento ingestivo. As rações experimentais foram compostas de 50% de volumoso e 50% de concentrado, diferindo quanto ao tipo do volumoso utilizado: cana-de-açúcar in natura, silagem de cana-de-açúcar sem aditivo e silagem de cana-de-açúcar aditivada com Lactobacillus buchneri (5x10(4) UFC/g de MV). Não houve diferença (P>0,05) para o consumo de MS, ganho de peso vivo, conversão alimentar e parâmetros de carcaça entre os tratamentos. O tempo de ingestão (min/g FDN) e a eficiência de ruminação (g MS/h) foram menores (P<0,05) para os tratamentos contendo silagem de cana-de-açúcar. Silagens de cana-de-açúcar não alteraram o desempenho e as características da carcaça dos cordeiros em relação à cana de açúcar in natura. A utilização do aditivo microbiano contendo o L. buchneri na ensilagem da cana-de-açúcar não alterou as variáveis avaliadas.Thirty Santa Ines ram lambs, 26.2±0.6kg and 151±1.7 day-old, were penned to evaluate the effects of feeding sugar cane silages on performance, carcass characteristics and ingestive behavior. Lambs were fed a 50:50 (concentrate:roughage ratio) TMR. Experimental treatments were: fresh sugar cane, sugar cane silage without additive and sugar cane silage treated with Lactobacillus buchneri (5x10(4) cfu/g wet basis). No differences (P>0.05) on dry matter intake, average daily gain, feed conversion and carcass characteristics were observed among treatments. Eating time (min/g NDF) and rumination efficiency (g DM/h) were lower (P<0.05) for silage diets. Sugar cane silage had no detrimental effect on lamb performance and carcass characteristics compared to fresh sugar cane. Adding L. buchneri to sugar cane silage did not change the evaluated characteristics

    Nitrogen source on performance of feedlot young bulls fed hydrolyzed sugarcane bagasse diets

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    Oitenta e um machos não castrados das raças Nelore (27), Canchim (27) e Holandesa (27), com peso médio inicial de 360kg e idade média de 18 meses, foram utilizados para avaliar os efeitos da substituição de fonte de proteína verdadeira (farelo de soja), por nitrogênio não protéico (NNP), uréia ou amiréia (fonte de nitrogênio não protéico de suposta liberação gradativa) sobre o desempenho de bovinos confinados. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos inteiramente ao acaso com três animais por baia e nove baias por tratamento. Os blocos foram delineados de acordo com o peso inicial e na raça. As rações experimentais continham BTPV (45% MS da dieta) e BIN (5% MS da dieta) como fontes de volumosos e 50% de concentrado. Os tratamentos consistiam de: 1) concentrado contendo farelo de soja (FS); 2) concentrado contendo uréia e 3) concentrado contendo amiréia (A-150S). O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foi de 8,99; 7,43 e 7,69kg/dia, o ganho de peso diário (GPD) foi de 0,983; 0,368 e 0,404kg/dia e a conversão alimentar (CA) 9,56; 20,14 e 19,54kg MS/kg de ganho para os tratamentos FS, uréia e A-150S, respectivamente. As rações com FS apresentaram proporcionalmente maior (P<0,01) CMS e maior GPD e melhor CA em relação aos tratamentos uréia e A-150S. As rações com uréia e A-150S não diferiram (P>0,05) entre si. A substituição do FS por fontes de NNP reduziu o desempenho de bovino de corte em terminação.Eighty-one young bulls (27 Nellore, 27 Canchim, and 27 Holstein), averaging 18-month-old and weighting 360kg of initial body weight (BW), were used to evaluate the effects of nitrogen sources on feedlot performance. Treatments were assigned in a completely randomized block design using three steers per stall and nine per treatment. Blocks were defined by initial BW and breed. Experimental treatments were: 1) soybean meal, 2) urea, and 3) starea. Diets were isonitrogenous and isoenergetic composed by 50% concentrate and 50% forage (45% hydrolyzed sugarcane bagasse + 5% in natura sugarcane bagasse). Dry matter intakes (DMI) were 8.99, 7.43, and 7.69kg/day, average daily gains (ADG) were 0.983, 0.368, and 0.404kg/day and feed efficiencies were 9.56, 20.14, and 19.54kg DM/kg of gain for soybean meal, urea and starea treatments, respectively for steers fed. Diets with soybean meal showed proportionally higher (P<0.01) DMI, higher average daily gain and better feed efficiency compared to urea and starea diets. No differences (P>0.05) between urea and starea treatments were observed. Replacement of soybean meal by nonprotein nitrogen sources decreased the finishing beef steers performance

    Effect of raw sugar cane bagasse on performance and ingestive behavior of beef cattle

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    Avaliou-se o efeito da utilização do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar in natura (BIN), obtido por dois métodos de extração do açúcar, moagem convencional ou difusão, como fonte de fibra em dietas que continham bagaço tratado sob pressão e vapor (BTPV), como principal fonte de volumoso sobre o desempenho e o comportamento ingestivo de bovinos confinados. Para avaliação do desempenho, foram utilizados 84 machos não castrados das raças Nelore, Canchim e Holandesa, com média de peso inicial de 270kg, distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso. Para a avaliação do comportamento ingestivo, foram utilizados quatro garrotes da raça Nelore, em delineamento de quadrado latino 4 x 4. Os tratamentos consistiram na substituição do BTPV pelo BIN na matéria seca, constituindo as dietas experimentais: 5% BIN moagem convencional; 5% BIN difusão, 10% BIN difusão e 15% BIN difusão. O consumo de MS foi menor no tratamento com 15% de BIN obtido por difusão (BINdif), em relação ao teor de inclusão de 10%. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos para ganho diário de peso, conversão alimentar e peso vivo final entre os tratamentos. Os tempos despendidos com as atividades de ruminação (minutos/kg de MS) e mastigação (minutos/kg de MS ou de FDN) foram maiores (P<0,05) no tratamento com 15% de BINdif na dieta. O BINdif pode ser utilizado como fonte de fibra íntegra em até 15% da MS da dieta sem prejudicar o desempenho dos animais.This study was conducted to evaluate effects of replacing steam pressure treated sugar cane bagasse by two types of raw sugar cane bagasse extracted through grinding or diffusion, on performance and ingestive behavior of beef cattle. Eighty four young bulls (Nelore, Canchim and Holstein) with 270kg of body weight at the beginning of the experiment were used in a randomized block design. Ingestive behavior was evaluated using four Nelore young bulls in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. Treatments were the direct substitution of steam pressure treated sugarcane bagasse by raw bagasse (RB), corresponding to the experimental treatments: 5% RB from grinding; 5% RB from diffusion; 10% RB from diffusion and 15% RB from diffusion. Dry matter intake was lower in treatment with 15% of bagasse obtained by diffusion (BINdif) in comparison to 10% BINdif. There were no differences (P>0.05) among treatments for average daily gain, feed conversion and final live weight. Ruminating time (minutes/kg of DM) and chewing time (minutes/kg of DM or NDF) was greater (P>0.05) when BINdif was added at 15% level to diets. BINdif can be added up to 15% of the dietary DM with no detrimental effect on beef cattle performance

    Effects of starch sources and processing on nutrient digestibility and ruminal parameters of lactating cows

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    Cinco vacas holandesas pluríparas, com cânulas no rúmen e no duodeno, foram distribuídas em delineamento de quadrado latino 5 x 5. As vacas foram submetidas a cinco rações experimentais contendo 40% de cana-de-açúcar, 60% de concentrado e cerca de 30% de amido. As rações diferiram quanto ao processamento ou à fonte principal do amido utilizado: milho grosseiramente moído, milho finamente moído, milho floculado a 310g/l, milho floculado a 360g/l ou raspa de mandioca. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) no consumo de matéria seca entre os tratamentos. A digestibilidade ruminal do amido foi maior na ração que continha raspa de mandioca. As digestibilidades ruminal da fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido não diferiram entre os tratamentos. Os dados médios de pH ruminal se mantiveram acima de 6,0, exceto às 2 e às 4h após a alimentação com a dieta que continha raspa de mandioca. Não houve efeito significativo dos tratamentos sobre a concentração de ácidos graxos voláteis totais. O processo de floculação promoveu aumento da digestibilidade do amido do milho, em relação à moagem de forma grosseira. A digestibilidade ruminal do amido presente na raspa de mandioca foi maior do que a do milho, independentemente da forma de processamento utilizada.Five multiparous lactating Holsteins cows, cannulated in the rumen and proximal duodenum, were used in a 5 x 5 latin square. Cows were fed a 40:60 forage: concentrate diet (40% fresh sugar cane and 60% concentrate). Diets were formulated to have 30% of starch and treatments were starch sources and ration processing forms: cracked corn, finely ground corn, flaked corn at 310g/l, flaked corn at 360g/l, or cassava scrapings. No difference (P>0.05) was observed among treatments for dry matter intake. Starch ruminal digestibility was higher for cassava scrapings treatment. NDF and ADF digestibility were similar among treatments. Average values of ruminal pH were above 6, except at 2 and 4h after feeding the cassava diet. There was no effect of treatment on concentrations of total volatile fatty acids. The flocculation process increased corn starch digestibility. Ruminal degradability of the cassava scrapings starch was higher than corn, without effect of processing form

    Right circumcaval ureter and double right renal vein in the Brazilian shorthair cat (Felis catus): two case reports

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    Variations of the renal veins are well described in the literature, although variations concerning the ureter are considered a rare finding in cats. The circumcaval ureter is one of the rarest variations of the ureter and is characterised by a loop of the ureter posterior to the caudal vena cava. This variant is also known as preureteral vena cava and retrocaval ureter. It is thought to be caused by a deviation during embryonic development of the aforementioned vein. Due to its rarity, there are scarce reports of the circumcaval ureter in cats, and its association with two renal veins makes it less common as well. These variations should be preoperatively identified in order to avoid complications in kidney transplants, ureteral surgeries and cystoscopies, for instance. The present work aims to report two cases of a circumcaval ureter with two renal veins in two different Brazilian shorthair cats (Felis catus)

    Growth, feed intake, carcass characteristics, and meat fatty acid profile of lambs fed soybean oil partially replaced by fish oil blend

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    AbstractThe objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of partial replacement of soybean oil by fish oil on dry matter intake (DMI), growth, carcass characteristics, and meat fatty acid profile of feedlot lambs. Fifty Santa Ines male lambs with 17.1±2.8 of initial body weight (BW) were individually penned and used in a randomized complete block design with 10 blocks and 5 treatments. Dietary treatments, dry matter (DM) basis, consisted of: (1) control diet (CONT) with a 10:90 of forage to concentrate ratio, (2) control diet supplemented with 40g/kg of soybean oil (0FO), (3) control diet supplemented with 2.5g/kg of fish oil blend+37.5g/kg of soybean oil (25FO), (4) control diet supplemented with 5g/kg of fish oil blend+35g/kg of soybean oil (50FO), and (5) control diet supplemented with 7.5g/kg of fish oil blend+32.5g/kg of soybean oil (75FO). Diets were mixed once daily and fed ad libitum. At the end of the 84-day feeding trial, all animals were slaughtered for carcass characteristics evaluations and meat fat acid profile determination. Animals fed soybean oil had reduced DMI compared to control; however, the average daily gain (ADG), feed efficiency (FE) and final BW were not affected. The animals fed fish oil had similar DMI, ADG, FE and final BW to those receiving the control treatment. The DMI, ADG, FE and final BW were not affected by the increasing substitution of soybean oil for fish oil. Most carcass characteristics were not affected by treatments. The shrink after chilling was lower for the 50FO diet. Short, medium, and long-chain fatty acids were similar for all diets. Stearic acid concentration was higher for lambs fed the fat diets vs. control. However, stearic acid concentration decreased linearly when fish oil replaced soybean oil. Vaccenic acid concentration was higher for lambs fed fat diets vs. control. In addition, vaccenic acid increased linearly with fish oil inclusion. The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 showed higher concentration in meat of animals fed diets containing fish oil compared to control, but it was not affected by soybean oil inclusion. Feeding small amounts of fish oil blend plus soybean oil does not exert an additional effect on the concentration of CLA C18:2 cis-9, trans-11 in relation to the exclusive use of soybean oil. However, the mixture of 7.5g/kg DM of fish oil blend with 32.5g/kg DM of soybean oil is recommended, because it improves the lipid profile of the meat by increasing the concentration of vaccenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Additionally, supplementing 7.5g/kg DM of fish oil blend mixed with 32.5g/kg DM of soybean had no negative effect on the feed intake, ADG, FE and carcass characteristics of the lambs fed high concentrate diet