30 research outputs found


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    Il testo Tappe d’integrazione prodotto nell’ambito di un progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea e dal Ministero dell’Interno italiano, presenta una serie di materiali semplici e operativi elaborati dal Centro Come e dai docenti impegnati nei corsi di italiano per stranieri della rete della Cooperativa “Farsi prossimo” - Caritas regionali per accompagnare i primi passi dell’integrazione in Italia attraverso la conoscenza della città e dei servizi per tutti; le informazioni sull’uso dei servizi e delle opportunità; il sostegno per l’assunzione di ruoli sociali comuni, quali quello di lavoratore, genitore, paziente, consumatore...; l’esplicitazione dei diritti e dei doveri comuni.Il testo adotta il punto di vista dell’immigrato di recente arrivo e cerca di mettersi nei suoi panni per rispondere alle domande d’informazione più immediate e alle necessità proprie della prima fase di inserimento.Può essere utilizzato in classe, nell’ambito dei percorsi di formazione linguistica, proponendo quindi l’italiano per vivere e per fare, il lessico e le strutture linguistiche legate alla prima comunicazione e al livello cosiddetto di “sopravvivenza”. Può essere utilizzato anche nelle sessioni di “formazione civica e informazione sulla vita civile”, rivolte agli immigrati di recente arrivo che sottoscrivono l’accordo di integrazione o che devono acquisire i crediti necessari per il permesso di soggiorno.I materiali informativi sono stati costruiti dai docenti – sulla base di un’idea progettuale e di un format condivisi – proprio grazie alla disponibilità dei corsisti, i quali hanno vi hanno messo la loro faccia, ma hanno anche contribuito a definire meglio la storia, a precisare le domande, le situazioni e i bisogni, a indicare le urgenze e le mosse da intraprendere.La particolarità del testo Tappe d’integrazione sta quindi anche nel processo che ha portato alla sua realizzazione e che ha visto gli immigrati coinvolti in prima persona nel loro cammino d’integrazione.Stages of integrationCivic education and information on civil lifeThe text “Stages of integration”, written as part of a project co-financed by the European Union and the Italian Ministry of the Interior, presents a number of simple easy-to-use materials designed by the CENTRO COME and by the teachers engaged in the Italian language courses for foreigners within the Cooperative network “FARSI PROSSIMO” - CARITAS REGIONALI to facilitate the first steps in integration in Italy through knowledge of the city and the services available; information on the use of these services and opportunities; support for assuming common social roles, such as that of worker, parent, patient, consumer...; the explanation of common rights and duties.The text adopts the point of view of a newly arrived immigrant and tries to respond from this viewpoint to requests for necessary information and to needs specific to the first phase of integration.It can be used in the classroom as part of language training, presenting the Italian needed in everyday life, the vocabulary and linguistic structures related to basic communication at the so-called “survival” level. It can also be used during “civic education and information on civil life” presentations, for newly arrived immigrants who sign an integration agreement or who need to acquire the credits necessary for a residence permit.The information materials were designed by teachers – who worked together on this project and created a shared format - thanks to the willingness of the participants, who helped to better define the story, clarify the questions, situations and needs, indicating what was urgent and needed to be addressed.The peculiarity of “Stages of integration” is therefore also in the process that led to its creation, featuring immigrants personally involved in their journey of integration

    Characterization Of The Neurochemical And Behavioral Effects Of The Phenethylamine 2-Cl-4,5-Mdma In Adolescent And Adult Male Rats

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    Background: The proliferation of novel psychoactive substances (NPS) in the drug market raises concerns about uncertainty on their pharmacological profile and the health hazard linked to their use. Within the category of synthetic stimulant NPS, the phenethylamine 2-Cl-4,5-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (2-Cl-4,5-MDMA) has been linked to severe intoxication requiring hospitalization. Thereby, the characterization of its pharmacological profile is urgently warranted. Methods: By in vivo brain microdialysis in adolescent and adult male rats we investigated the effects of 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA on dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) neurotransmission in two brain areas critical for the motivational and rewarding properties of drugs, the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). Moreover, we evaluated the locomotor and stereotyped activity induced by 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA and the emission of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) to characterize its affective properties. Results: 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA increased dialysate DA and 5-HT in a dose-, brain area-, and age-dependent manner. Notably, 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA more markedly increased dialysate DA in the NAc shell and mPFC of adult than adolescent rats, while the opposite was observed on dialysate 5-HT in the NAc shell, with adolescent rats being more responsive. Furthermore, 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA stimulated locomotion and stereotyped activity in both adolescent and adult rats, although to a greater extent in adolescents. Finally, 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA did not stimulate the emission of 50-kHz USVs. Conclusions: This is the first pharmacological characterization of 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA demonstrating that its neurochemical and behavioral effects may differ between adolescence and adulthood. These preclinical data could help understanding the central effects of 2-Cl-4,5-MDMA by increasing awareness on possible health damage in users

    Hospital admissions for hypertensive crisis in the Emergency Departments: a large multicenter Italian study

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    Epidemiological data on the impact of hypertensive crises (emergencies and urgencies) on referral to the Emergency Departments (EDs) are lacking, in spite of the evidence that they may be life-threatening conditions. We performed a multicenter study to identify all patients aged 18 years and over who were admitted to 10 Italian EDs during 2009 for hypertensive crises (systolic blood pressure ≥220 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥120 mmHg). We classified patients as affected by either hypertensive emergencies or hypertensive urgencies depending on the presence or the absence of progressive target organ damage, respectively. Logistic regression analysis was then performed to assess variables independently associated with hypertensive emergencies with respect to hypertensive urgencies. Of 333,407 patients admitted to the EDs over the one-year period, 1,546 had hypertensive crises (4.6/1,000, 95% CI 4.4-4.9), and 23% of them had unknown hypertension. Hypertensive emergencies (n = 391, 25.3% of hypertensive crises) were acute pulmonary edema (30.9%), stroke (22.0%,), myocardial infarction (17.9%), acute aortic dissection (7.9%), acute renal failure (5.9%) and hypertensive encephalopathy (4.9%). Men had higher frequency than women of unknown hypertension (27.9% vs 18.5%, p<0.001). Even among known hypertensive patients, a larger proportion of men than women reported not taking anti-hypertensive drug (12.6% among men and 9.4% among women (p<0.001). Compared to women of similar age, men had higher likelihood of having hypertensive emergencies than urgencies (OR = 1.34, 95% CI 1.06-1.70), independently of presenting symptoms, creatinine, smoking habit and known hypertension. This study shows that hypertensive crises involved almost 5 out of 1,000 patients-year admitted to EDs. Sex differences in frequencies of unknown hypertension, compliance to treatment and risk of hypertensive emergencies might have implications for public health programs

    Acyltransferase activities of the high-molecular-mass essential penicillin-binding proteins

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    The high-molecular-mass penicillin-binding proteins (HMM-PBPs), present in the cytoplasmic membranes of all eubacteria, are involved in important physiological events such as cell elongation, septation or shape determination. Up to now it has, however, been very difficult or impossible to study the catalytic properties of the HMM-PBPs in vitro. With simple substrates, we could demonstrate that several of these proteins could catalyse the hydrolysis of some thioesters or the transfer of their acyl moiety on the amino group of a suitable acceptor nucleophile. Many of the acyl-donor substrates were hippuric acid or benzoyl-D-alanine derivatives, and their spectroscopic properties enabled a direct monitoring of the enzymic reaction. In their presence, the binding of radioactive penicillin to the PBPs was also inhibited

    The Stability of the Adjusted and Unadjusted Environmental Kuznets Curve

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    Asymmetric Error Correction Models for the Oil-Gasoline Price Relationship

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    Coordination in Networks Formation: Experimental Evidence on Learning and Salience

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    Il testo Tappe d’integrazione prodotto nell’ambito di un progetto cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea e dal Ministero dell’Interno italiano, presenta una serie di materiali semplici e operativi elaborati dal Centro Come e dai docenti impegnati nei corsi di italiano per stranieri della rete della Cooperativa “Farsi prossimo” - Caritas regionali per accompagnare i primi passi dell’integrazione in Italia attraverso la conoscenza della città e dei servizi per tutti; le informazioni sull’uso dei servizi e delle opportunità; il sostegno per l’assunzione di ruoli sociali comuni, quali quello di lavoratore, genitore, paziente, consumatore...; l’esplicitazione dei diritti e dei doveri comuni.Il testo adotta il punto di vista dell’immigrato di recente arrivo e cerca di mettersi nei suoi panni per rispondere alle domande d’informazione più immediate e alle necessità proprie della prima fase di inserimento.Può essere utilizzato in classe, nell’ambito dei percorsi di formazione linguistica, proponendo quindi l’italiano per vivere e per fare, il lessico e le strutture linguistiche legate alla prima comunicazione e al livello cosiddetto di “sopravvivenza”. Può essere utilizzato anche nelle sessioni di “formazione civica e informazione sulla vita civile”, rivolte agli immigrati di recente arrivo che sottoscrivono l’accordo di integrazione o che devono acquisire i crediti necessari per il permesso di soggiorno.I materiali informativi sono stati costruiti dai docenti – sulla base di un’idea progettuale e di un format condivisi – proprio grazie alla disponibilità dei corsisti, i quali hanno vi hanno messo la loro faccia, ma hanno anche contribuito a definire meglio la storia, a precisare le domande, le situazioni e i bisogni, a indicare le urgenze e le mosse da intraprendere.La particolarità del testo Tappe d’integrazione sta quindi anche nel processo che ha portato alla sua realizzazione e che ha visto gli immigrati coinvolti in prima persona nel loro cammino d’integrazione.Stages of integrationCivic education and information on civil lifeThe text “Stages of integration”, written as part of a project co-financed by the European Union and the Italian Ministry of the Interior, presents a number of simple easy-to-use materials designed by the CENTRO COME and by the teachers engaged in the Italian language courses for foreigners within the Cooperative network “FARSI PROSSIMO” - CARITAS REGIONALI to facilitate the first steps in integration in Italy through knowledge of the city and the services available; information on the use of these services and opportunities; support for assuming common social roles, such as that of worker, parent, patient, consumer...; the explanation of common rights and duties.The text adopts the point of view of a newly arrived immigrant and tries to respond from this viewpoint to requests for necessary information and to needs specific to the first phase of integration.It can be used in the classroom as part of language training, presenting the Italian needed in everyday life, the vocabulary and linguistic structures related to basic communication at the so-called “survival” level. It can also be used during “civic education and information on civil life” presentations, for newly arrived immigrants who sign an integration agreement or who need to acquire the credits necessary for a residence permit.The information materials were designed by teachers – who worked together on this project and created a shared format - thanks to the willingness of the participants, who helped to better define the story, clarify the questions, situations and needs, indicating what was urgent and needed to be addressed.The peculiarity of “Stages of integration” is therefore also in the process that led to its creation, featuring immigrants personally involved in their journey of integration.</p