814 research outputs found

    Caregiving and elderly health in Mexico

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    Using the National Mexican Health and Aging Study panel dataset, the authors estimate the effect of having informal care on the probability of dying and on the change in elderly health over a two-year period. Three measures of functional health were used: self-reported health, activities of daily living, and instrumental activities of daily living. We develop an empirical strategy that relies on the panel structure of the dataset to sort out the possible correlation between unobservable characteristics that affect both elderly health and an individual’s decision to provide informal care. Our findings suggest that informal care provided by daughters reduces the probability of dying. In addition, informal care provided by daughters reduces the probability of having a decline in activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living, while it has no effect on the observed changes in self-reported health status. The protective effect of informal care provided by sons is not statistically significant for any health outcomes. A discussion of the policy options to increase elderly health and to improve the role of caregivers is included


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    Introduction: Breathomics (Breath-based metabolomics) is a new biotechnology approach that allow us to diagnose some human diseases by the oral breath analysis.The method is based on the identi#cation and quanti#cation of volatile organic compound (VOC) in breath, by a new portable gas chromatography’s tools such as Oral Chroma®. This instrument is able to detect and quantify three different volatile sulfur compounds, VSC ( H2S, CH3S ,(CH3)2S) in 5 ml of oral breath, in fast time and with good analytical accuracy. In addition, different authors recently have been described as a comparative analysis of VSC could be useful in the diagnosis of different oral or systemic diseases such as: (i) oral tongue halitosis or/and gastric affection such as Helicobacter pylori infectio


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    Abstract. The advent of new mobile mapping systems that integrate different sensors has made it easier to acquire multiple 3D information with high speed. Today, technological development has allowed the creation of portable systems particularly suitable for indoor surveys, which mainly integrating LiDAR devices, chambers and inertial platforms, make it possible to create in a fast and easy way, full 3D model of the environment. However, the performance of these instruments differs depending on the acquisition context (indoor and outdoor), the characteristics of the scene (for example lighting, the presence of objects and people, reflecting surfaces, textures) and, above all, the mapping and localization algorithms implemented in devices. The purpose of this study is to analyse the results, and their accuracy, deriving from a survey conducted with the KAARTA Stencil 2 handheld system. This instrument, composed of a 3D LiDAR Velodyne VLP-16, a MEMS inertial platform and a feature tracker camera, it is able to realize the temporal 3D map of the environment. Specifically, the acquisition tests were carried out in a context of metrical documentation of an architectural heritage, in order extract architectural detail for the future reconstruction of virtual and augmented reality environments and for Historical Building Information Modeling purposes. The achieved results were analysed and the discrepancies from some reference LiDAR data are computed for a final evaluation. The system was tested in the church and cloister of the Sanctuary of the Beata Vergine del Trompone in Moncrivello (VC) (Italy).</p


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    The advent of new mobile mapping systems that integrate different sensors has made it easier to acquire multiple 3D information with high speed. Today, technological development has allowed the creation of portable systems particularly suitable for indoor surveys, which mainly integrating LiDAR devices, chambers and inertial platforms, make it possible to create in a fast and easy way, full 3D model of the environment. However, the performance of these instruments differs depending on the acquisition context (indoor and outdoor), the characteristics of the scene (for example lighting, the presence of objects and people, reflecting surfaces, textures) and, above all, the mapping and localization algorithms implemented in devices. The purpose of this study is to analyse the results, and their accuracy, deriving from a survey conducted with the KAARTA Stencil 2 handheld system. This instrument, composed of a 3D LiDAR Velodyne VLP-16, a MEMS inertial platform and a feature tracker camera, it is able to realize the temporal 3D map of the environment. Specifically, the acquisition tests were carried out in a context of metrical documentation of an architectural heritage, in order extract architectural detail for the future reconstruction of virtual and augmented reality environments and for Historical Building Information Modeling purposes. The achieved results were analysed and the discrepancies from some reference LiDAR data are computed for a final evaluation. The system was tested in the church and cloister of the Sanctuary of the Beata Vergine del Trompone in Moncrivello (VC) (Italy)

    Correlated electron-hole plasma in organometal perovskites

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    Organic-inorganic perovskites are a class of solution-processed semiconductors holding promise for the realization of low-cost efficient solar cells and on-chip lasers. Despite the recent attention they have attracted, fundamental aspects of the photophysics underlying device operation still remain elusive. Here we use photoluminescence and transmission spectroscopy to show that photoexcitations give rise to a conducting plasma of unbound but Coulomb-correlated electron-hole pairs at all excitations of interest for light-energy conversion and stimulated optical amplification. The conductive nature of the photoexcited plasma has crucial consequences for perovskite-based devices: in solar cells, it ensures efficient charge separation and ambipolar transport while, concerning lasing, it provides a low threshold for light amplification and justifies a favourable outlook for the demonstration of an electrically driven laser. We find a significant trap density, whose cross-section for carrier capture is however low, yielding a minor impact on device performance

    PRO-VISION: un sistema prototipale per l'analisi di visibilità in campo stradale

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    La messa in sicurezza delle infrastrutture stradali è indispensabile per la riduzione dell???incidentalità e della mortalità ad essa associata. In ambito urbano, dove avviene il 75% degli incidenti totali, le molteplici categorie di utenti vulnerabili (es. guidatori, ciclisti, pedoni) interagiscono in modo conflittuale per l???elevato numero di punti d???intersezione tra correnti di traffico tra loro diverse per velocità, prestazioni e occupazione. Un deciso miglioramento delle condizioni di sicurezza è attuabile attraverso il soddisfacimento di minime condizioni di visibilità reciproca tra i diversi utenti nei potenziali punti di conflitto. Lo spazio di visibilità disponibile (SVD) dal punto di osservazione dell???utente, ossia lo spazio che separa l???utente dal punto visibile più lontano lungo la sua traiettoria, dovrebbe essere superiore a quello necessario all???esecuzione delle più rilevanti manovre di guida, su tutte l???arresto di emergenza. In questo lavoro si presenta l???approccio che si sta realizzando all???interno del progetto PROVISION, finanziato dalla Regione Piemonte in cui viene eseguita una analisi che si basa sull???utilizzo di uno strumento prototipale tipo ???mobile mapping??? , in cui è installata sensoristica basso costo (webcam e sistemi di posizionamento integrato (GNSS/IMU)). L???obiettivo è quello di stimare in tempo reale, basandosi sulle reali condizioni di in cui il guidatore viaggi, eventuali condizioni di ???insicurezza???, dovute alla mancanza dello spazio necessario per l???arresto del veicolo. A partire dai dati acquisiti dal sistema a bordo del veicolo e dal database tridimensionale dell???ambiente circostante, si derivano i valori di SVD. Nel presente lavoro si descriverà la metodologia dello studio, il sistema prototipale per l???analisi dell???SVD e i primi risultati ottenuti

    Pulmonary function and CT scan imaging at low-level occupational exposureto asbestos

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    Background: In spite of the reduced exposure level, and its ban in numerous countries, compensation claims for asbestos-related diseases are far from decreasing. Methods: We used retrospective exposure assessment techniques to explore respiratory function and a computerized tomography (CT) scan in relation to past asbestos exposure in 115 male workers retired from an acrylic and polyester fiber plant. Based, on detailed information on exposure circumstances, we reconstructed a cumulative exposure estimate for each patient. Results: Time-weighted average exposure in our study population was 0.24 fibers/ml (95% confidence inteval (CI) 0.19–0.29), and the average cumulative exposure was 4.51 fibers/mL-years (95% CI 3.95–5.07). Exposure was elevated among maintenance workers, compared to other jobs (p = 0.00001). Respiratory function parameters did not vary in relation to the exposure estimates, nor to CT scan results. Risk of interstitial fibrosis showed a significant upward trend (Wald test for trend = 2.62, p = 0.009) with cumulative exposure to asbestos; risk associated with 5.26 fibers/mL-years or more, was 8-fold (95% CI 1.18–54.5). Conclusions: Our results suggest that a CT scan can detect pleuro-parenchymal lung alterations at asbestos exposure levels lower than previously thought, in absence of respiratory impairment. Further studies are required to validate our techniques of retrospective assessment of asbestos exposure

    Chronic spontaneous urticaria: a low-grade disseminated intravascular coagulation only partially reversed by Omalizumab

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    Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is a disorder characterized by wheals and/or angioedema. The coagulation cascade and inflammation pathways are closely linked together. The aim of our study was first to investigate the dynamics of clot formation in plasma (Clot Waveform Analysis, CWA) in a group of 47 patients with CSU along with other coagulative parameters dedicated to the study of hypercoagulability, such as D-Dimer, F 1 + 2 peptide, Fibrinogen, Platelet count and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV). Secondly, 23 out of 47 patients were treated with Omalizumab at four administration intervals from T0 to T4. A statistically significant increase in Activated Partial Thromboplastin (aPTT) ratio, D-Dimer, F1 + 2, Platelet count and MPV was found when compared with 53 healthy controls (HC). In contrast, the 2nd Derivative of aPTT showed lower values than those of the HC. No differences were found between 1st derivative of aPTT and Fibrinogen. D-Dimer only showed a significant difference between T0 and T3. An activation of both coagulation and fibrinolysis along with a weaker clot acceleration may be in agreement with a low-grade DIC. The accelerated turnover of platelets expressed by both an increase in platelet count and MPV further supports this pathway in CSU. Omalizumab does not affect the relationship between the immune and the hemostatic systems

    Clozapine once- versus multiple-daily dosing: a two-center cross-sectional study, systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Evidence regarding effectiveness and safety of clozapine once- vs. multiple-daily dosing is limited. We compared demographic and clinical parameters between patients with once- vs. multiple-daily dosing in the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Regensburg, Germany (AGATE dataset), and the Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, using non-parametric tests. Effectiveness and safety outcomes were available in the AGATE dataset. We performed a systematic review in PubMed/Embase until February 2022, meta-analyzing studies comparing clozapine once- vs. multiple-daily-dosing. We estimated a pooled odds ratio for adverse drug-induced reactions (ADRs) and meta-analyzed differences regarding clinical symptom severity, age, percentage males, smokers, clozapine dose, and co-medications between patients receiving once- vs. multiple-daily dosing. Study quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa-Scale. Of 1494 and 174 patients included in AGATE and Lausanne datasets, clozapine was prescribed multiple-daily in 74.8% and 67.8%, respectively. In the AGATE cohort, no differences were reported for the clinical symptoms severity or ADR rate (p &gt; 0.05). Meta-analyzing eight cohorts with a total of 2810 clozapine-treated individuals, we found more severe clinical symptoms (p = 0.036), increased ADR risk (p = 0.01), higher clozapine doses (p &lt; 0.001), more frequent co-medication with other antipsychotics (p &lt; 0.001), benzodiazepines (p &lt; 0.001), anticholinergics (p = 0.039), and laxatives (p &lt; 0.001) in patients on multiple- vs. once-daily dosing. Of six studies, five were rated as good, and one as poor quality. Patients responding less well to clozapine may be prescribed higher doses multiple-daily, also treated with polypharmacy, potentially underlying worse safety outcomes. Patient preferences and adherence should be considered during regimen selection