18 research outputs found

    Single Perceptron Model for Smart Beam forming in Array Antennas

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    In this paper, a single neuron neural network beamformer is proposed. A perceptron model is designed to optimize the complex weights of a dipole array antenna to steer the beam to desired directions. The objective is to reduce the complexity by using a single neuron neural network and utilize it for adaptive beamforming in array antennas. The selection of nonlinear activation function plays the pivotal role in optimization depends on whether the weights are real or complex. We have appropriately proposed two types of activation functions for respective real and complex weight values.   The optimized radiation patterns obtained from the single neuron neural network are compared with the respective optimized radiation patterns from the traditional Least Mean Square (LMS) method. Matlab is used to optimize the weights in neural network and LMS method as well as display the radiation patterns

    A single beam smart antenna for wireless communication in a highly reflective and narrow environment

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    Multipath reflections are prevalent in underground mine wireless communication systems and are less constructive when an omnidirectional antenna is used. This phenomenon can be significantly controlled by eliminating the source of all multipaths with a single beam. The single beam must be rotatable towards the desired user to be of any use. The single directed beam will avoid generating multipath reflections and efficiently consume the valuable stored energy. In this paper we present an analysis of an array antenna using dipoles that forms a single beam without the need for reflectors or any complex arrangement of the array elements. It can be shown that dipole elements placed in a straight line are not effective in minimizing energy consumption and a minimum of three elements are sufficient for forming a single directed beam that is electronically rotatable to all directions. We have compared three, four and six elements for the accuracy. It is also shown that the elements of the array antenna should b placed on the circumference of a circle to avoid re-computation of weights to rotate the beam on to any desired direction, thus significantly reducing the computational burden of the single beam, steerable smart antenna

    Accuracy of Perceptron based beamforming for embedded smart and MIMO antennas

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    Array antennas have a nonlinear, complex relationship between the antenna beams generated and the array input functions that generate the steerable beams. In this paper we demonstrate the use of a simple, computationally less intensive Perceptron Neural Network with non-linear sigmoid activation function to do the synthesis of the desired antenna beam. The single neuron is used, where its optimized weights will yield the beam shape required. This paper presents a successfully implemented Perceptron and discusses the error between the desired and Perceptron generated beams The successful beam control gives high accuracy in the maximum radiation direction of the desired beam, as well as optimization in the direction of null points. Moreover, a comparison between the array antenna beams obtained using the Perceptron Single Neuron Weight Optimization method (SNWOM) and the optimized beams obtained using the Least Mean Square (LMS) method, further demonstrates the reliability and accuracy of the Perceptron based beamformer. The tests were performed for two different desired antenna beams: one braod side beam and the other with the antenna radiating in four different desired directions. The Perceptron based antenna may be embedded in the Arduino microcontroller used. It is also shown why it is not possible to get a single beam, linear array antenna with the Perceptron based array reported herein

    A Robust, 3-Element Triangular, Reflector-less, Single Beam Adaptive Array Antenna for Cognitive Radio Network: Inter-element Distance Dependent Beam

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    Cognitive Radio is a promising technique that allows the use of underused television spectrum to reach to remote, rural communication network users. In order to develop non-interfering, broad band communication link scattered users, there is a need for robust, narrow beam antennas with minimum of side lobes. In this paper we report the flexibility of a three element array antenna that produces single main beam with minimum negligibly small side lobes, without the use of any additional structures such as reflectors. The paper explores the geometrical arrangement and inter-element distances of such an antenna where single, rotatable beams are electronically produced towards pre-determined user clusters. The paper demonstrates the single beam, as opposed to multiple beams, that the antenna generates in different directions in the 360o of the horizontal plane, as well as the flexibility in changing the antenna size (that is the inter element distance), to successfully achieve the single beam antenna without resorting to the conventional reflectors that are used to flip the mirror beam that appears in linear array antennas. The analytical solution, as opposed to iteratively calculated solution using such techniques as least mean square (LMS) method, makes the digital beam steered reported herein light on memory and fast in solution to give the desired beam

    A Review of Sarawak Off-Grid Renewable Energy Potential and Challenges

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    Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia, in spite of this, the population of Sarawak is relatively small and 42 percent of that population residing in the rural areas. Consequently, the Sarawak government is facing immense challenges in providing basic need such as electricity to the entire state due to the remoteness and small sizes of these settlements. Although the state produces sufficient amount of power, the cost of connecting these rural and non-rural small settlements to the grid is just impractical. The current energy scenario in Sarawak will be reviewed with a focus on the two reliable renewable energy resources currently being pursued by the Local Electrical Authority (LEA) for rural electrification projects which are the Hydro Power and Solar Energy. The paper will address the technical and localized challenges facing the micro-hydro and solar electric energy generation in Sarawak. The micro hydropower potential in Sarawak is estimated at 10.2MW but is not being fully developed due to difficulty in distinctive design and implementation which requires full participation and support from the local community to make it more economically viable and functionality in long run. In addition, Sarawak also receives a daily solar irradiation of more than 5 KWh/m2 throughout the year and that means huge potential for it to thrive. But design and implementation must be done carefully due to the tropical climate and operating temperature of the components. Ultimately, both renewable energy systems require trained personnel to attend to and involvement of LEA or any appointed agency to provide assistance and coordination are necessary to ensure greater success in rural electrification projects

    Observations on the Electrostatic Discharge Threats to Aircraft Body and to Aerospace Electronics

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    Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) is a well-known threat to aerospace vehicles and microelectronic systems. This is especially so with the increased use of non-metallic, composite material for the aircraft body. Moreover, the severe lightning flashes to aircraft also commence with ESD on the aircraft body. The ESD results in the initiation of positive leaders that grow towards the thundercloud from one part of the aircraft. Moreover, a negative leader is launched towards the ground or another cloud. In this paper, we discuss the induced electric charges due to the vertical electric field component of the thundercloud charge center. Further, the electric currents induced on the surface of the aircraft body or equipment by the horizontal component of the thundercloud generated electric field is examined. From the electrostatic fields computed prior to the initiation of corona or the initial leader, we show that in addition to the most commonly identified part of the aircraft from which leaders are initiated, namely the radome, the main wing tips, the curved surface of the mid-wing and the stabilizer tips experience highly enhanced electric fields. These electric field enhancements may also lead to the generation of electric breakdown

    Polygonal Dipole Placements for Efficient, Rotatable, Single Beam Smart Antennas in 5G Aerospace and Ground Wireless Systems

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    In telecommunication systems and radars, the common practice in using array antennas is to place a reflector behind the array so as to reflect the backward signal also in the forward direction. Moreover, in the 5G wireless systems, smart antennas, especially those with a single beam, are expected to play a critical role in its successful launching in 2020. We show in this paper that a linear array antenna necessarily ends up with symmetrical beamforming on both sides of the array axis. Thus, single direction (forward direction) beamforming cannot be achieved by placing the electromagnetic radiators (e.g. dipole elements) in a straight line. We propose that in situations where a smart array structure demands single rotatable beams, that single rotatable beamforming can be achieved by changing the geometrical shape of the array. However, the computational intensity involved in finding optimized weight coefficients for beamforming over the entire 360o space turns into the major challenge. In order to minimize the computational repetition of optimizing weights for every direction, a regular polygon array antenna is proposed. We show that an array antenna placed in a regular polygon yields a smart antenna with a highly effective and computationally fast, reduced memory and electronically rotatable single beam

    Lightning Protection of Aircraft, Power Systems and Houses Containing IT Network Electronics

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    Over the past decade, there has been an increasing interest in lightning and lightning protection for several reasons, including the proliferation of microelectronic equipment and IT systems in mission-critical systems as well as in everyday use in banks to homes. Lightning strikes to power lines produce large fast transient voltage and current surges which trickle down to IT systems, military command and control systems as well as to several other microelectronic equipment and control systems. Moreover, aircraft are struck by lightning when it is parked on ground, landing and taking off or in military operations where the aircraft has to keep close to the ground even when the atmosphere is electrified by thunderclouds. In this paper, we explore the protection of electronic equipment, structures and in-house systems from lightning. The paper will also explore lightning related Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) threat to aerospace vehicles and microelectronic systems. This is especially so with the increased use of non-metallic, composite material for the aircraft body. Moreover, the paper will report on the important lightning techniques used in the protection of electric power systems and houses