105 research outputs found

    Ramón Menéndez Pidal, Giuliano Bonfante y el nacimiento de la Sección de Estudios Clásicos del CEH

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    El presente artículo aborda el estudio de la creación y el desarrollo de la Sección de Estudios clásicos del CEH a partir del examen de documentación inédita custodiada tanto en la Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal como en el archivo de la JAE. El trabajo pone de manifiesto la importancia de las figuras de Pidal y Giuliano Bonfante para sacar adelante un importante proyecto que supuso el avance definitivo de la filología clásica en España, con intervenciones tan decisivas como la creación de una biblioteca especializada, la internacionalización de los investigadores o la creación de la revista Emerita, entre otras cuestiones

    El léxico del griego micénico (LGM): "Index graecitatis", estudio y actualización bibliográfica

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    La razón de ser de este trabajo puede buscarse en los propios orígenes de la disciplina puesto que, desde la época del desciframiento, se ha planteado la cuestión de confrontar el léxico que contienen las inscripciones en lineal B con sus posibles correlatos del primer milenio. Es sabido que la información que aporta el léxico micénico para esclarecer la etimología de los términos del griego alfabético con los que se puede establecer una comparación es muy relevante, pues el testimonio del micénico es cronológicamente anterior y conserva rasgos arcaicos perdidos en el periodo alfabético. Ejemplos de estos arcaísmos son la conservación de las labiovelares, de la wau (w) en todas las posiciones (lo que invalida, por ejemplo, etimologías antiguas como *enweka, propuesta para ἕνεκα), o del tema originario -m de la raíz indoeuropea *sem en e-me (*ἑμεί), ‘uno’, frente a la nivelación analógica que se ha producido en el primer milenio como tema en -n a partir del las formas del neutro. En esta línea, la atestiguación de la forma o-te puso de manifiesto que la etimología de ὅτε, ‘cuando’, debía reconstruirse sobre -te y no sobre –qe, ya que, de ser así, en micénico se esperaría una forma †o-qe. 2. Objetivos El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un análisis exhaustivo del léxico micénico en el actual estado de la investigación y establecer una comparación de los términos micénicos atestiguados con los correspondientes del primer milenio. El propósito es determinar qué léxico se ha conservado y en qué medida, y cuál se ha perdido. Pretende completar una carencia en los estudios de lexicografía griega ya que, dado el carácter silábico del sistema de escritura del micénico, el silabario Lineal B, y sus inherentes problemas de interpretación, el léxico micénico conservado en griego alfabético no ha sido analizado con suficiente atención en los diccionarios generales de griego. La lematización alfabética de este estudio responde a la necesidad de crear un instrumento de trabajo con el que dar a conocer el léxico micénico a través del griego alfabético. Así, mediante un código conocido, se intenta facilitar el acceso a este vocabulario a aquellas personas que no tienen posibilidad de profundizar en su estudio debido a que no existe una obra actualizada, sistemática y crítica que lo aborde..

    Mueller Matrix Polarimetry by Means of Azimuthally Polarized Beams and Adapted Commercial Polarimeter

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    A simple method for Mueller matrix polarimetry is proposed. The experimental set up is based on using an azimuthally polarized input beam, which presents all possible linearly polarized states across its transverse section, and an adapted commercial light polarimeter for analyzing the polarization state of the output beam. It will be shown that by measuring the Stokes parameters at only three different positions across the output beam section, the complete Mueller matrix of linear deterministic samples can be easily determined

    Polarization changes at Lyot depolarizer output for different types of input beams

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    Lyot depolarizers are optical devices made of birefringent materials used for producing unpolarized beams from totally polarized incident light. The depolarization is produced for polychromatic input beams due to the different phase introduced by the Lyot depolarizer for each wavelength. The effect of this device on other types of incident fields is investigated. In particular two cases are analyzed: (i) monochromatic and nonuniformly polarized incident beams and (ii) incident light synthesized by superposition of two monochromatic orthogonally polarized beams with different wavelengths. In the last case, it is theoretically and experimentally shown that the Lyot depolarizer increases the degree of polarization instead of depolarizes

    Polarimetry with azimuthally polarized light

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    Nonuniformly polarized light can be used for Mueller polarimetry of homogeneous linear samples. In this work, a set up based on using azimuthally polarized input light and a modified commercial light polarimeter is proposed and developed. With this set up, a Mueller submatrix of a sample can be obtained by measuring the Stokes parameters at only three different positions across the output beam section. Symmetry constraints for linear deterministic samples allow the complete Mueller matrix to be deduced for this kind of specimens. The experimental results obtained for phase plates and for a linear polarizer confirm the validity of the proposed method

    Vortex pseudo Schell-model source: a proposal

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    In this work a physically realizable pseudo Schell-model planar light source with optical vortex is proposed. The characteristics of irradiance and coherence of the beam radiated by this type of source are analysed at the source plane and upon free paraxial propagation

    Partially Coherent Linearly Polarized Sources with Inhomogeneous Azimuth

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    A new model of physically realizable electromagnetic source is proposed. The source is partially coherent and non-uniformly totally polarized. The coherence and polarization characteristics of this new source are analyzed. The spatial coherence area of the source can be easily modified at will. The state of polarization is linear across the transverse plane of the source with an azimuth that varies from point to point in a different way depending on the selected values of the parameters that define the source

    Electrochemical analysis of gold embroidery threads from archeological textiles

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    [EN] A methodology for characterizing archeological gold embroidery threads based on two analytical techniques is described: Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM-EDX) and voltammetry of immobilized microparticle (VIMP) methodologies. After the analysis of the chemical composition of the metallic foil, we analyze specific voltammetric features associated with the oxidation of gold in contact with aqueous H2SO4 and HCl electrolytes. Cyclic and square wave voltammetries (VMP) have been used to get information about the elemental composition and the corrosion products of the samples. AFM, FESEM-EDX, and FESEM-FIB-EDX methodologies complete the study and bring us closer to the composition of the alloys and the embroidery manufacture techniques. This technique actualizes the VIMP data and evidences the morphological and elemental differences between them; in particular, it is confirmed that Au-Ag-Cu alloys, with notably differences in Ag content depending on the provenance, were used.Projects CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2P, which are supported with Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF) funds, as well as project CTQ2017-85317-C2-1-P supported with funds from MINECO, ERDF, and Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI), are gratefully acknowledged.Martínez, B.; Piquero-Cilla, J.; Domenech Carbo, MT.; Montoya, N.; Doménech Carbó, A. (2018). Electrochemical analysis of gold embroidery threads from archeological textiles. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 22(7):2205-2215. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10008-018-3927-xS22052215227Járó M (2003). Metal threads in historical textiles, in Molecular and structural archaeology: Cosmetic and therapeutic chemicals, Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France, Paris, pp 163−178Gleba M (2008) Auratae vestes: Gold textiles in the ancient Mediterranean, in Vestidos, Textiles y Tintes: Estudios sobre la produccion de bienes de consumo en la antigüedad, Proceedings of I Symposium Internacional sobre textiles y tintes del Mediterráneo en época romana, 2002. Consell Insular d‘Eivissa i Formentera and Universitat de Valencia,pp 63−80Járó M (1990) Gold embroidery and fabrics in europe: XI–XIV centuries. Gold Bull 23(2):40–57Karatzani A (2007) The evolution of a craft: the use of metal threads in the decoration of late and post Byzantine ecclesiastical textiles. University of London, LondonJáró M (1995) Manufacturing technique of gold threads and their imitations on museum textiles-chronology of the preparation of metal threads. Results of the scientific investigations in Endrei W, Ed. Yearbook of the Textile Museum, Budapest, pp 31−51Nord AG, Tronner K (2000) A note on the analysis of gilded metal embroidery threads. Stud Conservat 45:274–279Tronner K, Nord AG, Sjöstedt J, Hydman H (2002) Extremely thin gold layers on gilded silver threads. Stud Conservat 47:109–116Hoke E, Petrascheck-Heim I (1977) Microprobe analysis of gilded silver threads from mediaeval textiles. Stud in Conservat 22:49–62Indictor N, Koestler RJ, Blair C, Wardwell A (1988) The evaluation of metal warppings from medieval textiles using scanning electron microscoopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry. Text Hist 19(1):3–22Indictor N, Koestler RJ, Wypyski M, Wardwell AE (1989) Metal threads made of proteinaceous substrates examined by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry. Stud Conservat 34:171–182Karatzani A (2006). Metal threads: the historical development. Proceedings ISA: 444.09−444.19Járó M, Toth A, Gondar E (1990) Determination of the manufacturing technique of a 10th century metal thread. ICOM Committee for Conservation, 9th triennial meeting, Dresden, German Democratic Republic. ICOM Committee for Conservation, pp 299−301Enguita O, Climent-Font A, García G, Montero I, Fedi ME, Chiari M, Lucarelli F (2002) Characterization of metal threads using differential PIXE analysis. Nucl Inst Methods Phys Res B 189(1-4):328–333Balta ZI, Csedreki L, Furu E, Cretu I, Huszank R, Lupu M, Torok Z, Kertesz Z, Szikszai Z (2015) Ion beam analysis of golden threads from Romanian medieval textiles. Nucl Inst Methods Phys Res B 348:285–290Pascual-Pacheco J (1992) La necrópolis islámica de l’Almoina (Valencia). Primeros resultados. III CAME, Actas 2:406−412Pascual-Pacheco J, Serrano-Marcos ML (1996) Necrópolis islámicas en la ciudad de Valencia. Saitabi 46:231–252Ferragud-Adam X, Piquero-Cilla J, Doménech-Carbó MT, Guerola Blay V, Company X, Doménech-Carbó A (2017) Electrochemical analysis of gildings in Valencia altarpieces: a cross-age study since 15th until 20th century. J Solid State Electrochem 21:1477–1487Constantinescu B, Vasilescu A, Radtke M, Reinholz U (2010) Micro-SR-XRF studies for archaeological gold identification—the case of Carpathian gold and Romanian museal objects. Appl Phys A Mater Sci Process 99(2):383–389Antonelli F, Lazzarini L, Cancellere S, Tesser E (2016) Study of the deteriortion products, gilding, and polychromy of the stones of the Scuola Grande Di San Marco’s façade in Venice. Stud Conserv 61(2):74–85Gulotta D, Goidanich S, Bertoldi M, Bortolotto S, Toniolo L (2012) Gildings and false gildings of the baroque age: characterization and conservation problems. Archaeometry 54(5):940–954Scholz F, Meyer B (1998) Voltammetry of solid microparticles immobilized on electrode surfaces, Electroanalytical chemistry, a series of advances. Bard AJ, Rubinstein I, Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, vol. 20, pp 1−86Scholz F, Schröder U, Gulaboski R, Doménech-Carbó A (2014) Electrochemistry of immobilized particles and droplets, 2nd edn. Springer, Berlin-HeidelbergDoménech-Carbó A, Labuda J, Scholz F (2013) Electroanalytical chemistry for the analysis of solids: characterization and classification (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure Appl Chem 85:609–631Doménech-Carbó A, Doménech-Carbó MT, Costa V (2009) Electrochemical methods in archaeometry, conservation and restoration. Monographs in electrochemistry series, Scholz F, Ed. Springer, Berlin-HeidelbergDoménech-Carbó A (2010) Voltammetric methods applied to identification, speciation and quantification of analytes from works of art: an overview. 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