160 research outputs found

    The window approach for extraction of tooth root fragments: a different soft tissue management

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    Different techniques have been proposed for the removal of the apical portion of fractured teeth. The window approach was proposed in the past to remove a tooth root fragment through a buccal bone opening at the level of fragment. In the classical approach, a marginal triangular flap is elevated, only the bone overlying the fractured apex is removed and then the apex is pushed out by an elevator toward the alveolar crest. In this technique, the bone removal is minimal, and it does not involve the marginal bone so that patient’s post-surgical discomfort is reduced, and bone resorption is less. A different kind of soft tissue management for bone exposure is proposed here with a simple linear incision at the level of the root apex without any vertical incision. This kind of incision is simple and versatile, leads to a lesser discomfort to the patient and avoids un-aesthetic scar

    Post-surgical clinical monitoring of soft tissue wound healing in periodontal and implant surgery

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    Clinical features of surgical soft tissue wound healing in dentistry have been rarely discussed in the international literature. The aim of the present paper is to highlight both the main clinical findings of surgical wound healing, especially in periodontal and implant dentistry, and the wound healing monitoring procedures which should be followed. Wound inspection after careful food and plaque debridement is the essential part of wound healing monitoring. Periodontal and peri-implant probing should be performed only after tissue healing has been completed and not on a weekly basis in peri-implant tissue monitoring. Telephone follow-up and patient self-assessment scales can also be used the days following surgery to monitor the most common surgical complications such as pain, swelling, bleeding, and bruising. Wound healing monitoring is an important concern in all surgical procedures since it allows to identify signs or/and symptoms possibly related to surgical complications

    Minor salivary gland sialolithiasis: a clinical diagnostic challenge

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    Sialolithiasis is a non-neoplastic salivary gland disease that rarely affects the minor salivary glands. There are no guidelines in the literature which can suggest which is the best surgical approach to treat Minor Salivary Glands Sialolithiasis (MSGL). The present case was of a 48-year-old male patient complaining of painful swelling localized in the left back-commissural zone which was 0.5 mm in diameter, for which surgical enucleation approach was done and in that some small calcific masses ranging from 0.2 to 4 mm in diameter were found. They were surrounded by granulation tissue and associated with small pus oozing. Histopathological examination was carried out leading to a final diagnosis of MSGL

    Mandibular canine transmigration: Aethio-pathogenetic aspects and six newreported cases

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    Mandibular canine transmigration is a rare dental ectopia that creates surgical, orthodontic, restorative and interceptive problems. Aethiologic and pathogenetic aspects of mandibular canine transmigration are examined through an international literature review. Six new cases are then presented. All of them involve the left canine in women aged between 7 and 32 years. Finally, a pathogenetic theory is elaborated to explain such long and lasting tooth migration. Two main factors contribute to this movement: a pericoronal osteolitic area and a strong and lasting 'vis a tergo' because of the root formation. An early interceptive treatment of mandibular canine migration can avoid tooth extraction as well as complex orthodontic and restorative therapies. © 2008 The Authors Journal compilation. 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard

    Oral proliferative verrucous leukoplakia: Progression to malignancy and clinical implications. systematic review and meta‐analysis

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    Aim: The aim of the present systematic review was to investigate the risk of malignant transformation of proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL). Materials and Methods: the search was carried out using a combination of terms (leukoplakia OR leucoplakia) AND (multifocal OR proliferative) on the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science (WOS Core Collection), Cochrane Library, selecting only articles published since 1985 and in the English language. Demographic, disease‐related, and follow‐up data extracted from the studies included in the qualitative synthesis were combined. Weighted means ± standard deviations were calculated for continuous variables, while categorical variables were reported as frequencies and percentages. Dichotomous outcomes were expressed as odd ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Odd ratios for individual studies were combined using a random‐effects meta‐analysis, conducted using Review Manager 5.4 Software (Cochrane Community, Oxford, England). Results: twenty‐two articles were included, with a total of 699 PVL patients, undergoing a mean follow‐up of 7.2 years. Sixty‐six percent of patients were females, with a mean age of 70.2 years, and 33.3% were males, with a mean age of 59.6 years. Most patients were non‐smokers and non‐alcohol users, and the gingiva/alveolar ridge mucosa was the most involved anatomical site by both PVL appearance and malignant transformation. A total of 320 PVL patients developed oral verrucous carcinoma (OVC) or conventional oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) because of malignant transformation of PVL lesions (45.8%). A statistically significant 3.8‐fold higher risk of progression to conventional OSCC was found compared to OVC in PVL patients, with women being 1.7 times more likely to develop oral cancer than men, as a consequence of PVL progression. Moreover, a statistically significant higher likelihood of developing conventional OSCC in female PVL patients than in males was found. In 46.5% of patients with PVL malignant transformation, multiple carcinomas, in different oral sites, occurred during follow‐up. Conclusions: PVL is an aggressive lesion, which, in a high percentage of cases (almost 50%), undergoes malignant transformation, mainly toward OSCC. The female gender is most affected, especially in the elderly, with a negative history for alcohol and tobacco consumption

    Is telephone follow-up useful in preventing post-extraction bleeding in patients on antithrombotic treatment?

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    Background: The aim of the study was to investigate the usefulness of telephone follow-up in preventing post-extraction bleeding and improving wound healing in patients on chronic antithrombotic treatment. Material and Methods: A prospective randomized clinical trial was carried out on 256 patients (test group = 128; control group = 128). The exact two-tailed Fisher test and the two-tailed non-parametric Mann-Whitney test were used for statistical analysis. Results: The incidence of post-extraction bleeding was 15.6% and there was no difference between test and control groups. However, the study group was significantly, though weakly, associated with the severity of bleeding. Patient satisfaction with post-operative follow-up differed significantly between patients who had and those who did not have post-extraction bleeding. Conclusions: Telephone follow-up after tooth extraction may play a role in the prevention of severe post-operative bleeding as well as in monitoring and managing the surgical wound

    The impact of physical activity on psychological health during Covid-19 pandemic in Italy

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    The worldwide spread of COVID-19 has upset the normality of Italian daily life, forcing population to social distancing and self-isolation. Since the containment precautions also concern sport-related activities, home workout remained the only possibility to play sports and stay active during the pandemic. The present study aimed to examine changes in the physical activity levels during self-quarantine in Italy, and the impact of exercise on psychological health. A total of 2974 Italian subjects has completed an online survey, but only 2524 subjects resulted eligible for this study. The questionnaire measured the total weekly physical activity energy expenditure before and during quarantine (i.e. the sum of walking, moderate-intensity physical activities, and vigorous-intensity physical activities) in Metabolic Equivalent Task minutes per week (MET–min/wk) using an adapted version of International Physical Activity Questionnaire and their psychological well-being using the Psychological General Well Being Index. Of the 2524 Italian subjects included in the study, 1426 were females (56.4%) and 1098 males (43.6%). Total physical activity significantly decreased between before and during COVID-19 pandemic (Mean: 2429 vs. 1577 MET–min/wk, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001), in all age groups and especially in men (Female, mean: 1994 vs. 1443 MET–min/wk, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001; Male, mean: 2998 vs. 1754 MET–min/wk, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001). Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was found between the variation of physical activity and mental well-being (r = 0.07541, ∗∗∗p = 0.0002), suggesting that the reduction of total physical activity had a profoundly negative impact on psychological health and well-being of population. Based on this scientific evidence, maintaining a regular exercise routine is a key strategy for physical and mental health during a forced rest period like the current coronavirus emergency


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    Fourteen adult mongrel dogs were used, 8 males and 6 females, weighting 10 to 20 kg,proceeding from the Federal University of Santa Maria, aiming to study a technique to correct patent arteriousductus (PDA) by video-assisted thoracic surgery. It was concluded that three work ports and the optics wereenough and adequately located for the correction of the PDA; surgical materials for vascular surgery can be usedfor the accomplishment of this technique; the positioning of the surgical team, the patient, the equipments andthe instruments were adequate; the Roeder knot was effective; this corrective technique is viable up to five daysafter the induction of the PDA; this technique is effective and can be used for training surgeons on the occlusionof the congenital PDA. The Ethic Commission from UFSM approved this study (012/2005). All animals wereadopted.Foram utilizados 14 cães adultos sem raça definida, sendo 8 machos e 6 fêmeas, cujos pesosvariaram de 10 a 20 kg, provenientes do Biotério Central da UFSM, objetivando-se estudar técnica de correçãode ducto arterioso patente (DAP) por cirurgia torácica vídeo-assistida (CTVA). Concluiu-se que: os três portaisde trabalho e a ótica foram suficientes e se localizaram adequadamente para a correção do DAP; materiais decirurgia vascular podem ser empregados para a realização desta técnica; o posicionamento da equipe cirúrgica,do paciente, dos equipamentos e dos instrumentais foi adequado; o nó de Roeder mostrou-se efetivo; oprocedimento proposto é viável no período de até cinco dias de pós-operatório; esta técnica se mostrou-seefetiva e pode ser empregada na correção de DAP e para o treinamento de cirurgiões na correção do DAPcongênito. Este estudo foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética da UFSM sob número 012/2005. Todos os animaisforam encaminhados para adoção

    Liquid biopsy in the assessment of microRNAs in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review

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    Background: The identification of non-invasive biomarkers from biological fluids collected by liquid biopsy provides new horizons for individualized therapeutic strategies and improves clinical decision-making in OSCC patients. Circulating microRNAs have emerged as biomarkers that may reflect not only the existence of cancer, but also the dynamic, malignant potential, and drug resistance of tumors. The aim of the systematic review is to evaluate and summarize the results of the published studies regarding the use of microRNAs as biomarkers for OSCC. Material and methods: A literature search was conducted on PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane databases till November 2020. A total of 34 studies met the inclusion criteria and were therefore subjected to quality assessment. Each study was subjected to data extraction including; patient characteristics, type of fluid sample (whole blood, plasma, serum, or saliva), molecular analysis method, specific dysregulated microRNA, and microRNA expression pattern. Results: The analysis showed that 57 microRNAs of liquid biopsy samples of four different fluids (whole blood, serum, plasma, and saliva) were analyzed. The prognostic and therapeutic significance of these microRNAs were suggested by several studies; where 41 microRNAs were upregulated while 16 were downregulated. Conclusions: Scientific evidence supports the interest in the use of microRNAs in the diagnosis and prognosis in OSCC patients; however, further studies in a larger cohort of patients are mandatory to introduce liquid biopsy in the routine clinical practice for the OSCC management. Key words:Biomarkers, liquid biopsy, microRNA, oral squamous cell carcinoma, systematic review.Background: The identification of non-invasive biomarkers from biological fluids collected by liquid biopsy provides new horizons for individualized therapeutic strategies and improves clinical decision-making in OSCC patients. Circulating microRNAs have emerged as biomarkers that may reflect not only the existence of cancer, but also the dynamic, malignant potential, and drug resistance of tumors. The aim of the systematic review is to evaluate and summarize the results of the published studies regarding the use of microRNAs as biomarkers for OSCC. Material and methods: A literature search was conducted on PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane databases till November 2020. A total of 34 studies met the inclusion criteria and were therefore subjected to quality assessment. Each study was subjected to data extraction including; patient characteristics, type of fluid sample (whole blood, plasma, serum, or saliva), molecular analysis method, specific dysregulated microRNA, and microRNA expression pattern. Results: The analysis showed that 57 microRNAs of liquid biopsy samples of four different fluids (whole blood, serum, plasma, and saliva) were analyzed. The prognostic and therapeutic significance of these microRNAs were suggested by several studies; where 41 microRNAs were upregulated while 16 were downregulated. Conclusions: Scientific evidence supports the interest in the use of microRNAs in the diagnosis and prognosis in OSCC patients; however, further studies in a larger cohort of patients are mandatory to introduce liquid biopsy in the routine clinical practice for the OSCC management. Key words:Biomarkers, liquid biopsy, microRNA, oral squamous cell carcinoma, systematic review