243 research outputs found

    Protein markers for insulin-producing beta cells with higher glucose sensitivity

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    Background and Methodology: Pancreatic beta cells show intercellular differences in their metabolic glucose sensitivity and associated activation of insulin production. To identify protein markers for these variations in functional glucose sensitivity, rat beta cell subpopulations were flow-sorted for their level of glucose-induced NAD(P) H and their proteomes were quantified by label-free data independent alternate scanning LC-MS. Beta cell-selective proteins were also identified through comparison with rat brain and liver tissue and with purified islet alpha cells, after geometrical normalization using 6 stably expressed reference proteins. Principal Findings: All tissues combined, 943 proteins were reliably quantified. In beta cells, 93 out of 467 quantifiable proteins were uniquely detected in this cell type; several other proteins presented a high molar abundance in beta cells. The proteome of the beta cell subpopulation with high metabolic and biosynthetic responsiveness to 7.5 mM glucose was characterized by (i) an on average 50% higher expression of protein biosynthesis regulators such as 40S and 60S ribosomal constituents, NADPH-dependent protein folding factors and translation elongation factors; (ii) 50% higher levels of enzymes involved in glycolysis and in the cytosolic arm of the malate/aspartate-NADH-shuttle. No differences were noticed in mitochondrial enzymes of the Krebs cycle, beta-oxidation or respiratory chain. Conclusions: Quantification of subtle variations in the proteome using alternate scanning LC-MS shows that beta cell metabolic glucose responsiveness is mostly associated with higher levels of glycolytic but not of mitochondrial enzymes

    Pancreatic Duct Cells in Human Islet Cell Preparations Are a Source of Angiogenic Cytokines Interleukin-8 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor

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    OBJECTIVE—Engraftment and function of human islet cell implants is considered to be dependent on their rapid and adequate revascularization. Studies with rodent islet grafts have shown that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression by β-cells can promote this process. The present work examines whether human islet preparations produce VEGF as well as interleukin (IL)-8, another angiogenic protein, and assesses the role of contaminating duct cells in VEGF and IL-8–mediated angiogenesis

    Graves Hyperthyroidism After Stopping Immunosuppressive Therapy in Type 1 Diabetic Islet Cell Recipients With Pretransplant TPO Autoantibodies

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    OBJECTIVE — After an initially successful islet cell transplantation, a number of patients return to C-peptide negativity, and therefore immunosuppressive therapy is discontinued. Some are then found to have developed Graves disease. We examined the risk of Graves disease after immunosuppression. RESEARCHDESIGNANDMETHODS — Immunosuppressive therapy was stopped in 13 type 1 diabetic islet cell recipients who had received one course of antithymocyte globulin and maintenance doses of mycophenolate mofetil and a calcineurin inhibitor. None had a history of thyroid disease. RESULTS — In four patients, clinical Graves hyperthyroidism was observed within 21 months after discontinuation and 30–71 months after the start of immunosuppressive therapy. All four patients exhibited a pretransplant positivity for thyroid peroxidase (TPO) autoantibod-ies, while the nine others were TPO negative pre- and posttransplantation. CONCLUSIONS — Type 1 diabetic recipients of islet cell grafts with pretransplant TPO autoantibody positivity exhibit a high risk for developing Graves hyperthyroidism after immu-nosuppressive therapy is discontinued for a failing graft. Diabetes Care 32:1817–1819, 2009 I slet cell transplantation has beenshown to reproducibly achieve meta-bolic correction in nonuremic type 1 diabetic patients (1,2). However, in the years following transplantation, several of them return to C-peptide negativity and thus to a discontinuation of their immu-nosuppressive therapy (2)

    Emergent global oscillations in heterogeneous excitable media: The example of pancreatic beta cells

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    Using the standard van der Pol-FitzHugh-Nagumo excitable medium model I demonstrate a novel generic mechanism, diversity, that provokes the emergence of global oscillations from individually quiescent elements in heterogeneous excitable media. This mechanism may be operating in the mammalian pancreas, where excitable beta cells, quiescent when isolated, are found to oscillate when coupled despite the absence of a pacemaker region.Comment: See home page http://lec.ugr.es/~julya

    Quantitative analysis of cell composition and purity of human pancreatic islet preparations

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    Author Manuscript 2011 May 1.Despite improvements in outcomes for human islet transplantation, characterization of islet preparations remains poorly defined. This study used both light microscopy (LM) and electron microscopy (EM) to characterize 33 islet preparations used for clinical transplants. EM allowed an accurate identification and quantification of cell types with measured cell number fractions (mean±s.e.m.) of 35.6±2.1% β-cells, 12.6±1.0% non-β-islet cells (48.3±2.6% total islet cells), 22.7±1.5% duct cells, and 25.3±1.8% acinar cells. Of the islet cells, 73.6±1.7% were β-cells. For comparison with the literature, estimates of cell number fraction, cell volume, and extracellular volume were combined to convert number fraction data to volume fractions applicable to cells, islets, and the entire preparation. The mathematical framework for this conversion was developed. By volume, β-cells were 86.5±1.1% of the total islet cell volume and 61.2±0.8% of intact islets (including the extracellular volume), which is similar to that of islets in the pancreas. Our estimates produced 1560±20 cells in an islet equivalent (volume of 150-μm diameter sphere), of which 1140±15 were β-cells. To test whether LM analysis of the same tissue samples could provide reasonable estimates of purity of the islet preparations, volume fraction of the islet tissue was measured on thin sections available from 27 of the clinical preparations by point counting morphometrics. Islet purity (islet volume fraction) of individual preparations determined by LM and EM analyses correlated linearly with excellent agreement (R[superscript 2]=0.95). However, islet purity by conventional dithizone staining was substantially higher with a 20–30% overestimation. Thus, both EM and LM provide accurate methods to determine the cell composition of human islet preparations and can help us understand many of the discrepancies of islet composition in the literature.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant RO1-DK063108)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NCRR ICR U4Z RR 16606)Joslin Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center (Grant DK36836)Diabetes Research & Wellness FoundationJuvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (Islet Transplantation, Harvard Medical School

    Enumeration of islets by nuclei counting and light microscopic analysis

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    Author Manuscript 2011 May 1.Islet enumeration in impure preparations by conventional dithizone staining and visual counting is inaccurate and operator dependent. We examined nuclei counting for measuring the total number of cells in islet preparations, and we combined it with morphological analysis by light microscopy (LM) for estimating the volume fraction of islets in impure preparations. Cells and islets were disrupted with lysis solution and shear, and accuracy of counting successively diluted nuclei suspensions was verified with (1) visual counting in a hemocytometer after staining with crystal violet, and automatic counting by (2) aperture electrical resistance measurement and (3) flow cytometer measurement after staining with 7-aminoactinomycin-D. DNA content averaged 6.5 and 6.9 pg of DNA per cell for rat and human islets, respectively, in agreement with literature estimates. With pure rat islet preparations, precision improved with increasing counts, and samples with about greater than or equal to 160 islets provided a coefficient of variation of about 6%. Aliquots of human islet preparations were processed for LM analysis by stereological point counting. Total nuclei counts and islet volume fraction from LM analysis were combined to obtain the number of islet equivalents (IEs). Total number of IE by the standard method of dithizone staining/manual counting was overestimated by about 90% compared with LM/nuclei counting for 12 freshly isolated human islet research preparations. Nuclei counting combined with islet volume fraction measurements from LM is a novel method for achieving accurate islet enumeration.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NCRR ICR U4Z 16606)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01-DK063108-01A1)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant NCRR ICR U42 RR0023244-01)Joslin Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center (Grant DK36836)Diabetes Research & Wellness FoundationJuvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (Islet Transplantation, Harvard Medical School

    Clusters of Conserved Beta Cell Marker Genes for Assessment of Beta Cell Phenotype

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    The aim of this study was to establish a gene expression blueprint of pancreatic beta cells conserved from rodents to humans and to evaluate its applicability to assess shifts in the beta cell differentiated state. Genome-wide mRNA expression profiles of isolated beta cells were compared to those of a large panel of other tissue and cell types, and transcripts with beta cell-abundant and -selective expression were identified. Iteration of this analysis in mouse, rat and human tissues generated a panel of conserved beta cell biomarkers. This panel was then used to compare isolated versus laser capture microdissected beta cells, monitor adaptations of the beta cell phenotype to fasting, and retrieve possible conserved transcriptional regulators.Journal ArticleSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe