37 research outputs found

    Speed of Ultrasound and Internal Pressure of Propanediol and Butanediol Isomers under Elevated Pressures

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    Speed of ultrasound and internal pressure of 1,2-propanediol, 1,3-propanediol, 1,2-butanediol, and 1,3-butanediol at the temperatures ranging from 293.15 to 318.15 K and pressures up to 101 MPa are analyzed and discussed in terms of molecular structure and ability to form inter- and intramolecular hydrogen bonds

    Few-Layered Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Functionalization, Nanocomposites, and Physicochemical and Biological Properties

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    Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is an analogue of graphite called “white graphene.” In the structure of h-BN, B and N atoms substitute C atoms. The boron and nitrogen atoms are linked via strong B-N covalent bonds and form interlocking hexagonal rings. h-BN is used in different areas due to its interesting physical and chemical properties, e.g., in electronics as an insulator and in ceramics, resins, plastics, and paints. Therefore, boron nitride (BN) is also a popular inorganic compound in cosmetic industry (the highest BN concentration up to 25% can be found in eye shadow formulation). It is also widely used in dental cement production (for dental and orthodontic applications). Boron nitride seems to be suitable for biomedical applications; therefore, the cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo observations of h-BN nanoplates and novel few-layered h-BN-based nanocomposites are still needed. The short-time studies confirm their low cytotoxicity and suggest that BN can be used as a novel drug delivery system; however, medical application needs additional verification in long-term studies

    The Impact of Gut Microbiota on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Diseases: A Review of Medical Literature.

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    Introduction Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease (PD) and Alzheimer's disease (AD), pose a major public health challenge due to their progressive nature and profound impact on patients and healthcare systems. Emerging evidence underscores the key role of the gut microbiota in the pathogenesis and progression of these diseases. This paper examines the current state of knowledge on the impact of the gut microbiota on PD and AD, focusing on mechanisms such as modulation of inflammation, blood-brain barrier integrity, neurotransmitter production and amyloid pathology. Future research should target the potential hidden in the gut to fully exploit the therapeutic potential of the gut microbiota in neurodegenerative diseases. Aim of the study This review aims to summarize the current state of knowledge on the impact of the gut microbiota on neurodegenerative diseases, mainly Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Materials and methods The PubMed database and articles from the last 10 years were reviewed. Keywords used in the search included “gut microbiota,” “Parkinson’s disease,” “Alzheimer’s disease,” and “gut-brain axis.” Selected studies were then analyzed to obtain information on the mechanisms of action. Conclusions Intestinal microflora plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Modulating it through dietary interventions, probiotics and prebiotics holds promise for new therapeutic strategies. Research on the gut-brain axis and its impact on neurodegeneration will enable the creation of new therapies

    SIBO in pediatric population: literature review on pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

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    Introduction: SIBO is a condition characterized by bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine which is caused by various factors. The excessively proliferated bacteria can lead to digestive disturbances- manifesting as gastrointestinal symptoms and malabsorption. In pediatric patients, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can also result in growth retardation. Due to many challenges related to the diagnosis and treatment of children- this condition should be well known by pediatric healthcare providers. Aim of the study: This study aims to summarizes the recent knowledge about the pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis and the treatment of small intestine bacterial overgrowth in pediatric population, providing an overview for healthcare professionals. Material and methods: The literature available in the PubMed database was reviewed using the following keywords: „SIBO”, „Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth”, ,, „SIBO in pediatric population”, „Endoscopy in children”, „SIBO treatment” Conclusion: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is a complex disorder that can have a significant influence on the quality of life of pediatric patients. The variety of symptoms of this syndrome can lead to confusing clinical findings. The diagnostic pathway consists of a clinical evaluation and specific tests, to verify the presence of bacterial overgrowth. Effective treatment involves modifying the intestinal microbiota - mostly through antibiotic therapy - and supplementing nutritional deficiencies. Probiotics and dietary modifications, such as low-FODMAP diets, are often used as adjunctive therapies

    Vitamin D Deficiency. The place of calcifediol in the treatment of vitamin D deficiency - literature review

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    Introduction: Vitamin D plays a very important role in the human body. It affects bone health, immune system function, and is responsible for overall well-being. Vitamin D deficiency is a common worldwide. It contributes to the development of osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, and autoimmune disorders and many others. This article reviews the current state of knowledge about vitamin D deficiency, its causes, health consequences, diagnostic methods, and treatment options, with a particular focus on the effectiveness of calcifediol in treating this deficiency. Aim of the Study: The aim of this study was to summarize the current state of knowledge about vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, its causes of health consequences, diagnostic methods, and treatment options, with a particular focus on the efficacy of calcifediol. Materials and Methods: The literature available in the PubMed database was reviewed using the following keywords: "vitamin D deficiency", "calcifediol treatment", "vitamin D metabolism", "epidemiology of vitamin D deficiency", "vitamin D diagnostic criteria", "calcifediol". Conclusions: Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining bone health, supporting the immune system and regulating various physiological processes. However, despite its importance, vitamin D deficiency is widespread, affecting populations around the world due to factors such as limited sun exposure, dietary habits and certain health conditions. Calcifediol has become particularly effective treatment of vitamin D deficiency due to its higher bioavailability and faster performance compared to other forms, such as cholecalciferol

    Thirzepatide. A novelty in the treatment of obesity - literature review

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    Introduction Obesity results from a complex interplay of environmental, genetic, and behavioral factors, making it challenging to treat. Globally, the prevalence of obesity has tripled over the past fifty years. The WHO reports that 60% of Europeans are overweight or obese mainly due to sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary habits. Effective treatment of obesity requires a combination of lifestyle modifications, including diet and physical activity, and pharmacological interventions. In 2023 a new drug - tirzepatide was registered. The purpose of this study is to discuss the mechanisms of action of tirzepatide, its safety and its effectiveness in body mass reduction, as well as its comparison with other available drug. Aim of the Study The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive review of current treatments for obesity, with particular emphasis on the role of recent development in pharmacotherapy - the introduction of tirzeptide. The study aims to discuss the mechanisms of action of tirzepatide, its safety and its effectiveness in body mass reduction, as well as its comparison with semaglutide. Materials and methods A review of the literature collected in the PubMed database was performed to gather information found under the keywords: tirzepatide, obesity, obesity treatment Conclusions Studies have shown that tirzepatide is more effective in weight loss than placebo and semaglutide, and reduces cardiovascular and metabolic risks. Furthermore, it does not increase the risk of serious adverse events or mortality compared to placebo, and its main side effects manifested by gastrointestinal symptoms are described as mild to moderate

    Beyond FOXP3:a 20-year journey unravelling human regulatory T-cell heterogeneity

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    The initial idea of a distinct group of T-cells responsible for suppressing immune responses was first postulated half a century ago. However, it is only in the last three decades that we have identified what we now term regulatory T-cells (Tregs), and subsequently elucidated and crystallized our understanding of them. Human Tregs have emerged as essential to immune tolerance and the prevention of autoimmune diseases and are typically contemporaneously characterized by their CD3+CD4+CD25high CD127lowFOXP3+ phenotype. It is important to note that FOXP3+ Tregs exhibit substantial diversity in their origin, phenotypic characteristics, and function. Identifying reliable markers is crucial to the accurate identification, quantification, and assessment of Tregs in health and disease, as well as the enrichment and expansion of viable cells for adoptive cell therapy. In our comprehensive review, we address the contributions of various markers identified in the last two decades since the master transcriptional factor FOXP3 was identified in establishing and enriching purity, lineage stability, tissue homing and suppressive proficiency in CD4+ Tregs. Additionally, our review delves into recent breakthroughs in innovative Treg-based therapies, underscoring the significance of distinct markers in their therapeutic utilization. Understanding Treg subsets holds the key to effectively harnessing human Tregs for immunotherapeutic approaches

    Activity of selected aroxyalkyl derivatives of 2-methoxyphenylpiperazine after chronic administration in hypertension model induced by deoxycorticosterone acetate and sodium overloading.

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    Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena aktywności hipotensyjnej dwóch selektywnych ɑ1-adrenolityków z grupy pochodnych arylopiperazyny, oznaczonych symbolami MH76 i MH79, po ich wielokrotnym podaniu szczurom z rozwiniętym nadciśnieniem wywołanym podaniem DOCA przy równoczesnym obciążeniu sodem. Badane pochodne arylopiperazyny we wcześniejszych badaniach wykazały znaczną aktywność hipotensyjną u normotensyjnego szczura po jednorazowym podaniu zarówno dożylnym jak i dożołądkowym. Dodatkowo w pracy zbadano wpływ przewlekłego podawania związków MH76 i MH79 na częstotliwość pracy serca, przyrost masy ciała, indeks masa serca/masa ciała i indeks masa nerki/masa ciała oraz funkcje śródbłonka aorty szczura. Jako związku odniesienia użyto prazosyny.W badaniach wykazano, że badane związki obniżały podwyższone ciśnienie tętnicze krwi wywołane u szczurów podawaniem DOCA, przy obciążeniu sodem. Jednak obserwowany efekt hipotensyjny – w porównaniu do prazosyny był słabszy i występował z tygodniowym okresem latencji. W przeciwieństwie do prazosyny, badane związki wykazały korzystniejszy wpływ na wielkość indeksu masa serca/masa ciała oraz masa nerki/masa ciała, co sugeruje, że zapobiegają przerostowi mięśnia sercowego oraz działają ochronnie na nerki. Wykazano również iż związki MH-76 i MH-79 zmniejszają wywołaną nadciśnieniem dysfunkcję śródbłonka. Zapobieganie remodelingowi serca i ochronny wpływ na śródbłonek może wynikać z ich potencjalnego działania na układ renina-angiotensyna- aldosteron, ale potwierdzenie tej hipotezy wymaga dalszych badań farmakologicznych.The aim of this study was to evaluate the antihypertensive activity of two selective ɑ1-adrenolytics identified by the symbols MH76 and MH79 after chronic administration to DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. The investigated arylpiperazine derivatives in previous studies showed significant hypotensive activity in normotensive rat at both intravenous and oral administration. In addition, the effects of chronic administration of MH76 and MH79 on heart rate, weight gain, heart mass / body mass index, kidney mass / body mass index and rat aortic endothelial function were analyzed. Prazosin was used as the reference compound.Studies have shown that the test compounds lowered the elevated blood pressure induced in rats by DOCA and salt administration. However, the observed antihypertensive effect - compared to prazosin – was weaker and occur with a weekly period of latency. In contrast to prazosin, test compounds have shown a better effect on heart mass / body mass and kidney / body mass index, suggesting that they prevent cardiac hypertrophy, protect kidneys and endothelium of the rat aorta. Prevention of cardiac remodeling and endothelial dysfunction may be due to their potential effects on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, but confirmation of this hypothesis requires further pharmacological research

    The influence of employer branding on building the image of the organization among the representatives of “Z generation”

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    Przedmiotem pracy jest wpływ działań firm z zakresu employer brandingu na budowanie ich wizerunku wśród przedstawicieli pokolenia Z. Celem jest skonfrontowanie założeń teoretycznych prezentowanych w literaturze przedmiotu, z ich faktycznym zastosowaniem oraz wpływem na opinie przedstawicieli generacji Z. Analizując opinie przedstawicieli wymienionej grupy, wzięto pod uwagę takie czynniki jak: znajomość pojęcia, opinia o firmie przed i po zatrudnieniu, procesy onboardingu i off-boardingu, realizacja i waga pozapłacowych świadczeń, motywacja, rozwój oraz atmosfera i warunki pracy. W pierwszym etapie przeprowadzonych badań posłużono się metodą analizy i krytyki piśmiennictwa, dokonując systematycznego przeglądu literatury publikowanej od roku 1996, kiedy to po raz pierwszy zostało użyte sformułowanie „employer brand”, celem opracowania teoretycznego wpływu działań employer brandingowych. Następnie rezultat analizy porównano z wynikami badań ankietowych oraz wywiadem. Badania ilościowe zostały przeprowadzone na grupie badawczej, którą stanowili licealiści oraz studenci, czyli przedstawiciele pokolenia Z. Wywiad został przeprowadzony z headhunterem, nie należącym do generacji Z. W rezultacie sformułowano wnioski dotyczące wiedzy i opinii na temat employer brandingu, najskuteczniejszych jego działań, wagi pozapłacowych świadczeń oraz kierunku, w którym może się rozwijać, aby zaspokoić potrzeby obecnie najmłodszego pokolenia na rynku pracy.The subject of the work is the influence of the employer branding activities of companies on building their image among the representatives of generation Z. The aim is to confront the theoretical assumptions presented in the literature on the subject with their actual application and influence on the opinions of the representatives of generation Z. Analyzing the opinions of the representatives of this group, the following factors were taken into account: knowledge of the concept, opinion about the company before and after employment, onboarding and off-boarding processes, realization and weighting of non-wage benefits, motivation, development and working atmosphere and conditions. In the first stage of the research, the method of analysis and criticism of the literature was used to systematically review the literature published since 1996, when the term “employer brand” was used for the first time, in order to develop the theoretical impact of employer branding activities. Then the result of the analysis was compared with the results of the survey and the interview. Quantitative research was carried out on the group of high school students and university students belonging to generation Z. Interview was conducted with a headhunter not belonging to generation Z. As a result, conclusions were formulated concerning knowledge and opinions about the employer branding, its most effective activities, the importance of non-wage benefits and the direction in which the employer branding can develop to meet the needs of the currently youngest generation in the labor market