35 research outputs found

    Early growth of Scots pine, European larch and common oak at the young age on post-fire area located in the Sława Śląska Forest District (SW Poland)

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    The long-term forecasts predict that global warming will increase frequency and area of forest fires. Apart from economic losses resulting from a reduction of wood volume and annual increments of trees, the post-fire areas requiring the reforestation are enlarging considerably.            The present study aimed at the comparison of growth parameters of Scots pine, European larch and common oak seedlings growing on post-fire forest area with those growing in the control forest site established after clear cutting which was not enveloped by fire. We hypothesized that differences in growth traits of seedlings growing on post-fire area or in the control would depend on the species-specific ecological requirements. Among three study species Scots pine was selected to be the most suitable for planting on burnt area taking into account its growth traits and reforestation success.            Scots pine and European larch seedlings showed a greater thickness at root collar and pine had also a greater height on burnt area than in the control. Common oak responded inversely, it grew better in the control conditions compared with the burnt area. The pine grade of slenderness was similar in both treatments. Larch and oak reduced their grade of slenderness growing on post-fire area.Our results supported the hypothesis that the responses of the study trees to the burnt area conditions were determined by the species-dependent traits. The post-fire environment was the most favourable for light-demanding, pioneer pine and larch, but it was disadvantageous for late-successional, more conservative oak. Scots pine together with European larch are recommended to be planted on the burnt area to restore relatively fast the forest ecosystem. At the beginning of reforestation these species can play a role of pioneer crop and later will be able to become the dominant species together with less flammable broadleaved trees in the converted stands

    Adaptation of seedling growth to the altitude: a case of the Norway spruce from the polish Sudety mountains

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    Seedlings of five Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] populations originating from different altitudes in the massif of Snieznik Klodzki in the Sudety Mountains (Poland) were grown in the greenhouse. Height, root length, and weight of root, shoot, needles and bud, as well as biomass allocation were studied. A good correlation of seedling traits and the altitude of mother stands was found. This indicates a rather good ecological adaptation of these, probably introduced populations. Some ecological and silvicultural aspects of the results are discussed.[fr] Les plantes de cinq populations de l'épicéa commun [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] provenant des différentes altitudes du massif de Snieznik Klodzki dans les Sudètes (une chaîne des montagnes en Pologne) ont été cultivées dans la serre. Leurs paramètres suivants ont été analysés: la hauteur, la longueur des racines, le poids frais et le poids sec des racines, des tiges, des aiguilles, des bourgeons et l'allocation de la biomasse. La haute corrélation a été notée entre les paramètres des plantes et l'altitude des stations des arbres ayant été les semenciers des graines. Ce résultat montre une plutôt bonne adaptation écologique de ces populations, probablement introduites dans le massif de Snieznik Klodzki. Les aspects écologiques et les conséquences de l'adaptation de l'épicéa commun aux conditions montagneuses pour la sylviculture sont discutés. [es] Plántulas de cinco poblaciones de abeto rojo [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] procedentes de diferente altitud en el macizo de Snieznik Klodzki, en los Montes Sudetes, (Polonia) se cultivaron en invernadero. Se han analizado los parámetros siguientes: altura y longitud de las raíces, pesos fresco y seco de raíces, tallos, hojas y yemas, así como la distribución de la biomasa. Como resultado se obtuvo una correlación alta entre los parámetros de las plántidas y la altitud de las estaciones donde se colectaron las semillas. Esto indica una adaptación relativamente buena de esas poblaciones, probablemente introducidas. Finalmente se discuten algunos aspectos ecológicos y de silvicultura

    The use of drones during mass events

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    The concept of a mass event has been defined by the law on mass event security. The use of drones to monitor events involves numerous benefits. Surveillance provided by means of drones is particularly beneficial as far as large open areas are concerned. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) alert one to any issues in the crowd

    Role and Tasks of Public Hospital Networks in the Process of Shaping Health Security

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    System Podstawowego Szpitalnego Zabezpieczenia Świadczeń Opieki Zdrowotnej powstał w 2017 r. jako odpowiedź na potrzebę zwiększenia poziomu bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego w Polsce. Założenia projektu obejmowały zagwarantowanie kompleksowości i ciągłości udzielanych świadczeń zdrowotnych oraz zaopiekowanie się pacjentem na każdym etapie diagnostyki i leczenia, przez co obejmowały większość celów i priorytetów polityki zdrowotnej kraju. Przeprowadzone badania i kontrole wykazały, że sieć szpitali nie spełnia swoich funkcji na satysfakcjonującym poziomie. W związku z powyższym przedmiotem badania niniejszego artykułu stała się sieć szpitali jako kluczowy element polskiego bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego. Celem pracy jest zbadanie roli i zadań sieci szpitali publicznych w kształtowaniu procesu bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego, jak również stopień spełnienia jej funkcji zapewniania bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego obywatelom. Zastosowane metody badawcze obejmowały analizę literatury przedmiotu, obowiązujących aktów prawnych, dostępnych opracowań i artykułów naukowych oraz branżowych. Autorzy zadali następujące pytanie badawcze: czy sieć szpitali wywiązuje się z obowiązku zapewniania bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego społeczeństwu? Postawiono również tezę mówiącą, że obecny stan sieci szpitali nie jest satysfakcjonujący. Zawarte wnioski mogą być inspiracją do poprawy organizacji systemu ochrony zdrowia w Polsce. Zawierają one rekomendacje dotyczące usprawnienia systemu oraz poprawy poziomu bezpieczeństwa zdrowotnego poprzez m.in. wprowadzenie systemowego rozwiązania dla lepszego zarządzania bazą łóżek szpitalnych czy efektywniejsze wykorzystanie map potrzeb zdrowotnych.The Primary Hospital Health Care Services Security System was established in 2017 as a response to the need to increase the level of health security in Poland. The assumptions of the project included ensuring the comprehensiveness and continuity of the provided health services and taking care of the patient at every stage of diagnosis and treatment, thus covering most of the objectives and priorities of the national health policy. The conducted research and inspections showed that hospitals’ network does not perform its functions at a satisfactory level. Therefore, this article’s subject has become the network of hospitals as a key element of Polish health security. The study aims to examine the role and tasks of the network of public hospitals in shaping the process of health security, as well as the extent to which it fulfills its function of providing health security to citizens. The research methods used included an analysis of the literature on the subject, legal acts in force, available studies, and scientific and industry articles. The authors asked the following research question: does a network of hospitals fulfill the obligation of providing health safety to society? There was also a thesis that the current state of the hospital network is not satisfactory. The conclusions may be an inspiration for improving the organization of the health care system in Poland. They contain recommendations on how to improve the system and improve the level of health security by, among other things, introducing a system solution for better management of the hospital bed base or more effective use of maps of health needs.

    Temperature response of photosynthesis of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) seedlings

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    Temperature responses of photosynthesis were assessed in a shade tolerant tree species (silver fir, Abies alba Mill.) using leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll aa fluorescence measurements. Four-year-old seedlings grown in a greenhouse in N-E France were transferred into a climate chamber and kept during 24 hours at six temperature levels: 10, 18, 26, 32, 36 and 40 °C. Response curves of net CO2_2 assimilation to substomatal CO2_2 partial pressure were obtained on small twigs bearing a single row of needles under saturating irradiance. Maximal carboxylation rate (VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}}) and maximal light driven electron flow (JmaxJ_{{\rm max}}) were estimated by fitting Farquhar's model to the response curves at each temperature. “Dark” respiration (RdR_{\rm d}) was estimated at the end of each response curve by measuring gas exchange after 5 min darkness in the chamber. The temperature responses of the three parameters were fitted to a thermodynamic model. Mean values at a reference temperature of 25 °C were 37, 91 and 2.6 μ\mumol m2^{-2} s1^{-1} for VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}}, JmaxJ_{{\rm max}} and RdR_{\rm d}, respectively. Optimal temperature was higher for VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}} (36.6 °C) than for JmaxJ_{{\rm max}} (33.3 °C), and no optimum was detected for RdR_{\rm d}. Such values are very close to those of broadleaved tree species. The JmaxJ_{{\rm max}}/VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}} ratio decreased with temperature. Activation energies were estimated at 56, 50 and 23 kJ mol1^{-1} for VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}}, JmaxJ_{{\rm max}} and RdR_{\rm d}, respectively. The maximal quantum efficiency of PS II estimated from chlorophyll aa fluorescence declined significantly above 36 °C. It nevertheless fully recovered after 1 day at 25 °C even after 24 h heat stress at 40 °C. Irreversible injuries to PS II revealed by severe increases of ground fluorescence occurred at about 47 °C. This critical temperature for PS II increased with the air temperature imposed during the night preceding the measurements.Réponse thermique de la photosynthèse de jeunes semis de sapin (Abies alba Mill.). La réponse à la température de la photosynthèse du sapin pectiné (Abies alba, conifère particulièrement tolérant à l'ombre) a été caractérisée en utilisant des mesures d'échanges gazeux foliaires et de fluorescence de la chlorophylle aa. Des semis de quatre ans élevés dans des conteneurs et en serre dans le N-E de la France (INRA Nancy, Champenoux) ont été transportés dans une chambre climatisée et maintenus à 6 températures (10, 18, 26, 32, 36 et 40 °C) pendant 24 h. Des courbes de réponse de l'assimilation nette de CO2_2 à la concentration intercellulaire de CO2_2 ont été établies sous éclairement saturant sur des rameaux de l'année portant une seule couche d'aiguilles. La vitesse maximale de carboxylation (VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}}) et le flux maximal d'électrons (JmaxJ_{{\rm max}}) ont été estimés pour chacune de ces courbes en ajustant les résultats expérimentaux au modèle de photosynthèse de Farquhar. La respiration des aiguilles (RdR_{\rm d}) a été estimée après chaque courbe de réponse en mesurant les échanges gazeux après 5 min d'obscurité dans la chambre. Les valeurs moyennes des paramètres du modèle à 25 °C ont été estimées à 37, 91 et 2,6 μ\mumol m2^{-2} s1^{-1} pour VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}}, JmaxJ_{{\rm max}} et RdR_{\rm d}, respectivement. L'optimum thermique était plus élevé pour VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}} (36,6 °C) que pour JmaxJ_{{\rm max}} (33,3 °C), et aucun optimum n'a pu être estimé pour Rd. L'augmentation de la température conduisait à une diminution du rapport Jmax/VcmaxJ_{{\rm max}}/V_{{\rm cmax}}. Les énergies d'activation ont été estimées à 56, 50 et 23 kJ mol1^{-1} pour VcmaxV_{{\rm cmax}}, JmaxJ_{{\rm max}} et RdR_{\rm d}, respectivement. Le rendement quantique maximal de la photochimie, estimé à l'aide de la fluorescence de la chlorophylle aa, diminuait significativement au dessus de 36 °C. Ce rendement quantique a néanmoins récupéré pleinement après une journée à 25 °C, même après un stress thermique de 24 h à 40 °C. Des dommages irréversibles au photosystème II ont été détectés sous la forme d'une augmentation de la fluorescence de base au dessus de 47 °C. Cette température critique pour le PS II a fortement augmenté avec la température imposée la nuit précédente